Starbase, nuevo MMO de ciencia-ficción


#240 Pronto ™

1 respuesta

#241 xq

1 respuesta

#242 callese

1 respuesta

#243 :(


Nueva ración de misiles

2 1 respuesta

#245 Chiquita fabrica que se van a montar la peña para hacer misiles a chorro


p per pero

Espero que tengamos diferentes tipos de blindajes xD veo a todas las armas muy op, haciendo mucho daño. Siguo opinando que las naves pequeñas van a estar ultra chetas. Algo minimo, barato y maniobrable con un lanzador y misiles de contacto te llevas media flota.

1 respuesta

#247 Por lo que veo, los misiles tienen un tamaño. A no ser que lleves almacén, solo puedes llevar 9 por lanzador. Luego tienes lo la inestabilidad esa, lo mismo no puedes acoplarle un bicho de esos por que desestabiliza.

Pero bueno... todos conocemos a los players que lo van a hacer y les sudara la polla xDDD

1 respuesta

#248 ya veremos, si das con uno de esos haces la amargura xD.

Yo iré a lo minimal y a lo zorra.

1 comentario moderado
20 días después

Starbase Progress Notes: Week 43
Hello everyone! Progress notes from the week 43 are here!



Collision damage design: players take damage depending on the amount of impulse they receive when colliding with other players or objects
Asteroid Mining Job tested for any known issues
Building Tool UI worked on
Locale, resource and economy configurations and fixes
Locales added for Starbase Spaceship Creator devices and broken locales fixed
Storage system and universal tool UI; Iterating on universal tool storage mode UI design, updating general universal tool UI design and unifying interaction logic between modes
Gas canister reactions and explosions; testing an "explosion track" with canisters placed next to each other
Company Overview page: modular elements added, Company advertisements and applications designed
Company Stations, designs for inventory management and station access and rights


Connector design: walkways updated, walkways + attachments added
Support beams modified in connector module to fit lower grid slot's support beams
Slot connector module is now called a pillarway
Stacking lots test build done in Mega Station Creator
Pillarway module build finished
Beam structures modified in walkway intersections of lower grid slots
Walkway intersections updated in multiple grid slots

Ship and Station Creators

New design for rotate tool in Ship Creator: addition of a rotation indicator and wider axle representation
New possible design for better collision checks in Mega Station Creator: system that automatically generates an accurate collision box of the actual model, then cast that collision box over the lod and use it for collision checks
Information gathered for the universal Spaceship Creator guide
Large modules named and new ones added in Spaceship Creator



Object Pose extrapolation: final tests and commits made
Grabbing related issues fixed
Parenting for replaced objects fixed
UI improvements: scroll bar fixed
Jobs section fixed: used to remove the first job no matter which job was clicked, job list loading fixed
Ship despawn areas added to lots
Some rework on slot & yolol chips autoconnect-to-slot logic
Mining job tests underway
Asteroid spawning fixes: now prevents asteroid from spawning if an asteroid is already being spawned
Lot inventory: inventory headers and slots working now
Lot inventory: item moving code refactored, items can now be properly moved between bank, station inventory and backpack
Tools: Fixed an infinite loop caused by refactored lowering system
Animation: Unified animation context setting and context behavior in one place. This fixed some animation issues that used separate logic
Pushing: Added more accurate way of detecting if an object tried to be pushed is a ship. Old one caused problems with parts originated from ships
Weapons: Fixed reloading with primary button to work properly
The mining job collector refactored including loading settings from type

User interface

3D GUI culling changed so that in no longer fails while moving in high speeds
Work on setting up Steam friends in social tab underway
Created new item for bolt magazine, with ammo type Bolt
Fixed chat related input issue in SSC
Small fixes on SocialTabContextMenu to handle input leaks properly
Tabs added to quick access area and rendering added for quick access table
Social Tab visual rework underway
Friend name and status now shows in the table
Sorting function added for Steam friends and special rendering functions which doesn't use filters
Filter scaling changed to scale everywhere on the screen and to stop scaling when mouse button is lifted
Fixed a bug where Steam players that were away weren't shown online

Starbase Spaceship Creator

Low detail background added and customizable build area restrictions to the ship creator when entered from a station's terminal
A dev feature added to the ship creator to preview ship's automatically generated LOD model
Bugs fixed where the device component connections would break the multi-user undo
More spawning related issues with the blueprint terminals fixed
Economy core tech refactored, price servers changed, editor changes made
Work on basic economy tech continues


More volumetric fog tests, splitting passes for generating density
Blue noise atlas replaced with uniform one; Adding mergebot config for util texture dir
MaterialResources created for managing material textures
MeshMaterialProcesserModule texture processing refactored to use renderer/processing/util/TextureProcessing
Macro texture parameters updated to work with blue noise masking
Tiling using blue noise masking reduced



Ship showroom decoration polishes and parenting, some positions of ships changed
A color fix made in empire ship repair hall
LODs updated for shops
Farlod made for megastation's upper intersection, all the collision errors fixed with metro grid
Command center decorations underway
mining_shop module updated and the fixed module to grid slots
Missing railings and other interior objects added for maintenance hall
Trading market log updated and details added


Fixed mounts' visual update finished
Ship assets: A set of window assets edited and their default alpha values and default roughness values so that reflecting light sources aren't as blinding
Ship assets: 5 new window plates created, 3 new non-window plates created as a counter parts for window plates
Ship assets: LODs created for 9 window plates


Plasma rifle's hit and projectile effects have been modified
Reload effect for battle rifle added and projectile edited
Arclighter projectile was updated with a better lightning effect
Plasma rifle projectile was updated
Gauss rifle textures and paint-jobs updated
Arclighter and Reaper cannon rigs updated with new magazine models, slight rig optimizations
New animations for first-person Arclighter and Reaper cannon reloads
New Reaper cannon third-person stand idle and stand relaxed idle animations


Details around "the rail" ad sign added
Some sub modules replaced, collisions checked and faction colors configured
Tests made on different sized asteroid and with object placing[/quote]

pd: a ver si sale ya EA :psyduck:

1 respuesta

este juego hasta 2021 lo menos no vemos nada ;/

1 respuesta

#252 Buf que pintaza.

De dónde sacais la info? Yo es que no veo nada. Solo aquí.

El tema de las naves y las distancias me recuerda mucho a ED. De una forma más simple.

1 respuesta

#253 Ya han dicho que sale en 2019 el early.

1 respuesta

#254 del foro y discord loco

1 1 respuesta

#256 Encontré ayer el foro, me puedes pasar el discord? :)

1 respuesta

#257 esta todo en las desc de los videos :psyduck: :clown: :bomb:


estás tol dia ahi full con hype en el starbase eeeeee

2 respuestas

#259 El hype nos come

1 respuesta

#260 yo sigo el juego desde las sombras, si me pilla star citizen mirando otro juego esta noche duermo en el sofá


#255 Pues no van muy bien de tiempo xD



2 1 respuesta

#264 si llevo 550 horas al space enginners, como claven las fisicas esto va a ser un pepinazo para los que nos gusta este tipo de juegos.

2 2 respuestas

#265 van a explotar los servers

17 días después

Se retrasa la EA a 2020.

2 respuestas

Es estilo eve?

1 respuesta

#267 Me he metido corriendo a steam para ver que estabas troleando... pero ciertamente tienes razón :(


#268 No