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I came across an interesting post while sifting through the mess that is the swtor forums. All credit goes to the people who noticed/found these problems and posted in this thread
Basically what they're saying is abilities for classes and their mirrors aren't exactly the same a lot of the time. I've noticed this from playing an operative in beta, and playing a scoundrel after release.
Some of these are a blatant numbers issue such as CD's or how long an effect lasts, while others aren't as apparent such as an animation causing the damage from an ability to come out later than its mirror.
I'll keep a list of differences I've found in the OP from the thread linked above and posts scattered throughout.
Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior:
JG's Freezing Force slows for 6 seconds, SJ's Chilling Scream (equivalent) slows for 9.
Freezing Force : Chilling Scream
JK Blade Storm has a wind up time (the jedi visibly pulls his hand back) and a travel time (both moves are 10m), SW Force Scream deals damage immediately regardless of range
Jedi Consular / Sith Inquisitor:
Project (Cons) doesn't damage until projectile hits, SI Shock does damage instantly.
Trooper / Bounty Hunter:
Mortar Volley (Trooper) takes about 2 seconds for any damage to be registered in the area, while Death From Above (BH) damages instantly. (Not Confirmed)
Smuggler / Imperial Agent:
The talent Accomplished Sawbones (Scoundrel) provides a 5%/10%/15% crit healing bonus opposed to Accomplished Doctor (Op) 10%/20%/30%.
Accomplished Sawbones / Ingame : Accomplished Doctor
Flash Bang (IA) has a 60 sec CD, Flash Grenade (Smuggler) has a 90 sec CD.
Flash Bang : Flash Grenade / Ingame
Debilitate can be used while moving, Dirty kick forces the player to stop.
Smuggler Sab Charge takes time to get to the target, IA Explosive Probe hits target instantly
That's all I have so far. I will be adding more to the list as I find them posted or find them ingame. I just wanted to get the word out because these are game changing problems (especially under smuggler/IA)
Also, any constructive feedback would be great. I'm usually lurking but felt this needed to be posted, and probably made many mistakes. Thanks!
Edit: I should note I've only confirmed the JK/SW and Smuggler/IA as I have played those classes personally and experienced the differences. Any confirmation for the other classes would be appreciated.