[SWTOR] Star Wars: The Old Republic

Nueva información

  • Preorder: (información y tiendas donde se puede reservar el juego): http://www.swtor.com/preorder/

  • Release: 20 de Diciembre para EEUU y 22 de Diciembre para Europa Más información sobre subscripciones http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20110924

  • Requisitos:

  • Sistema Operativo: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

  • CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4000 o mejor/ Intel Core2 Duo Procesador 2.0 Ghz o mejor

  • RAM: Mínimo 1.5 GB o mejor para XP / 2 GB o mejor para Windows Vista/7

  • Vídeo: ATI XT800 / NVIDIA 7800 o mejor / Intel 4100 o mejor. 256 MB RAM mínimo, shader 3.0 mejor


¿Que pasa no hay noticias nuevas o que? Mal vamos a este paso...

1 respuesta

#3031 Estamos en pre-E3

Pero han invitado a un montón de fansite a ver las oficinas de austin, jugar al juego y dar paseos en barca por el lago.


Nueva novela de Star Wars: The Old Republic tratará sobre Revan.

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cuando saldra la novela?


#3033 MUST!!!!!!

Ya tocaba saber más acerca de Revan, por dió!


¿La novela saldrá en castellano?


yo no se cuando ni en que idioma pero sí se que hay un apartado en el foro de libros/comicŽs :P


Me extraña que no se haya comentado esto por aquí:


Article Summary

  • Bioware manages to differentiate the Jedi starting area from the Agent starting area.
  • Bioware has done an impressive job of replicating the lifestyle of a secret agent.
  • There are still a lot of kill-and-deliver quests, but there was usually a more in-depth class quest which added more meaning to the area.
    -Example: "When I was sent to sabotage the power factory..., I ran into a small outpost of downtrodden locals. If I was headed into the facility anyways, why not earn a few extra credits by stealing some power generators and stomping a few bad-guy faces for 'em"
    -"Tales of TOR's focus on story have not been exaggerated: it's immediately apparent that this is a BioWare game. "
    -Kaliyo reminds the reviewer of Morrigan: "dark, sexy and disapproving of everything I did"
    -Cover activated by holding Shift. This highlights cover locations; you can tap R to roll into the one you're looking at.
    -Cover is NOT a flat percent-damage reduction. If you're behind it when someone shoots at you, it misses completely. If you're shooting, you're going to get hit. Cover degrades as it gets shot, and some abilities are designed specifically to shoot over cover or knock you out of it.
    -Cover-exclusive abilities (like Snipe- "a high damage ability with a long cast time", Suppressive Fire- "a channeled spray-and-pray technique that hits all targets in front of you randomly", and Explosive Probe- "Sends a small probe to the target that explodes the next time they're hit").
    -"Fighting is all about rhythm"
    -"Solo Conversation" mode, which allows players to enter conversations alone, even when grouped.
    -Kaas City is interesting- "it takes a very interesting twist that involves rival Sith Lords, terrorist cells plotting to destroy the city and a cult of Revanites"
    -Crew Skills- Archeology (Gathering skill, able to mine crystal nodes and three rotating missions that the writer could send their companion on- example is a dead Sarlacc), Underworld Trading (spices), and Treasure Hunters (previously announced).


-Overall, very positive experience- "I'm thrilled. My enthusiasm for TOR is completely renewed"
-"Companions are the key to enhancing TOR's roleplaying experience"
-"The RPG side of TOR reminds me of Dragon Age: Origins... and the game's PvP system feels like an upgraded version of Warhammer Onlines"
-"I'm starting to believe that BioWare can pull off this massive undertaking- the most hyped and biggest-budget MMO of all time- and if they do, just about everyone will have a compelling reason to play it"

Agent Skill Trees

-Marksmanship- cover-based, "take out your enemies from a safe distance"
-Ability- Snap shot- Rolling into cover makes your next snipe instant cast.
-Engineering- "This one's all about controlling pet probes"
-Ability- Detonate probes- Blows up all probes.


-Concealment- "Stealth and daggers"
-Ability- Waylay- Detonates flash bomb and charge at a distant enemy, attacking them instantly and boosting next attack by 20%.
-Medic- "favorite playstyle", heals allies with probes and bact-syringe guns.
-Ability- Kolto Probe- Sends healing droid to target and stacks up to three times, like the Lifebloom spell for WoW's Druid.


-Lethality- Adds venoms to melee and blaster attacks.
-Ability- Seeker Probes- Sends out probes to target, poisoning everyone around them.


-Tanks guard allies and taunt enemies to reduce their damage output on anyone other than the tank
-No player collision
-Deflected damage, taunted enemies, and other effects will be shown visually
-When players are crowd-controlled, their resolve bar fills up. Once it maxes out, player is immune to CC.
-Pace of combat is manageable- no instant kills or burst damage.
-Cover mechanic combined with medic agent is very fun and unique.
-No companions in PvP.

-Valor identical to Warhammer's Renown, an alternate PvP levelling system.
-Badge system similar to Halo: Reach rewards for streaks of success.
-Healing and damage absorption is tracked in the match stats to promote and reward tanks and healers.
-Players can "commend" favorite teamates to give them bonus rewards.
-Seperate PvP gear sets while leveling and at max level.


-Main Room- Contains central computer and Holocom for both players and NPCs.
-Medical Bay- Bacta tank and bed.
-Escape Hatch- Unkown use in space combat.
-Captain's Quarters- No fish tank.
-Cockpit- contains galactic map.
-Engine Room- Shiny equipment, but no interaction so far.
-Mission Terminal- Contains quests that encourage you to do activities taht you haven't tried in a while, such as PvP.
-Companions- each have their own section of the shipArticle Summary

Información varia:

'There will be zones on pvp servers belonging to a certain faction and others that are contested all the time'

-You built “diminishing return” into pvp to prevent the overuse of cc. how does that work?

Different than other MMOs you don’t just get a debuff but a dedicated bar which shows to what degree one can cc other players. The bar is at 0 at first and the more the other player is ccd the more it fills. Until the point is reached where that player is immune to cc for a certain amount of time. This bar is below the health bar and can be seen by other players. They then have the option to choose who to cc.

'Tanks have the ability to protect a target with their “Guard” ability intercepting 50%of the damage'

'Basically if it’s not a Class Quest or a Flashpoint, it’s a World Quest'

  • How much of the 200 hours of story is our class story? Does that 200 hours for each class story include our world arcs, heroic quests, and companion quests as well?

We’ve never put numbers on how many hours of story there are. It’s almost impossible to define. Was the combat to get to Darth Malak in Knights of the Old Republic story? Just the talking bits? Regardless, your class content is approximately 60-70% of your quest content in the origin worlds and slowly ramps down to 10% or so. The goal is to establish time, place, setting and individual identity then get you playing with your friends and out in the world.

-Will there be any tangible benefits for playing/accumulating Dark side points if I’m a Galactic Republic player, or Light side points if I’m a Sith Empire player?

Absolutely. Content paths, gear paths and some surprises we’re holding back. There are also rewards for the disciplined grey players who can hold to the middle.

-Exactly how big of an impact do players have on the outcome of a Flashpoint? Are there one or two endings? Possibly more? Depending on our choices will we fight different end bosses?

Depending on the flashpoint there are often two or more endings or wrinkles that terribly complicate those endings. You will absolutely see different bosses on different paths.

'Each of the Class Stories is a trilogy. Chapter 1 itself is far bigger than the entirety of Knights of the Old Republic. When we said it was akin to KOTOR 3-10 and beyond it wasn’t a facetious claim.'

'Each class's story arc is huge. They're divided into three stories, each as long as the entirety of the original Knighs of the Old Republic RPG. That makes The Old Republic 24 times as big, for anyone who's not keeping count. And since every class and gender combination has a different voice actor, it features 16 lead performances. The scale is mind-blowing.'

So, contested zones on PvP servers, CC immunity and 50% dmg guarding by tanks in PvP, and different quest paths, rewards and bosses in story questing.

Sorry el popurri final pero bueno, hay una poca información por ahi suelta.

P.D: Al final Mythic ha hecho más de lo que se esperaba? A mi me soprende todo esto.

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Once it maxes out, player is immune to CC.


Echo de menos el DAOC :(


#3038 gracias, un montón de info y mucho sobre la clase que voy a jugar, fantástico.

Sí, se ve la mano de Mythic más de lo que se esperaba, algo en mi opinión positivo, el sistema pvp de Warhammer me parecía bastante bueno (otra cosa es que los asedios fuesen una mierda, o que estuviese algo descompensado, al fin y al cabo eso se habría arreglado con el tiempo), si lo han pulido y mejorado será genial. Cosas como el Guard o el control de CC en condiciones me parecen básicas y demasiado ausentes en otros juegos, donde por ejemplo la forma de hacer viable a los tanques en pvp es básicamente convertirlos en dps.

Hay una cosa que no me ha molado, eso sí, que no haya colisión entre players, bien hecho es un sistema fantástico, supongo que habrán prescindido de él por su complejidad, parece una chorrada, pero hacer que funcione bien en pvp algo a priori tan sencillo es un curro impresionante.

Por cierto: "No companions in PvP" MOLA


Yo soy de la opinion de que la colisión de personajes en un mmorpg aporta mas cosas negativas que positivas, asique me alegro que no esté añadido. Todo lo demás correcto.
Aquí salvo cagada monumental de la beta tienen un comprador.


PvP lol, de repente me e vuelto un seguidor de este juego.


Hubo un artículo en Marca Player. Los fansites que viajaron a Austin y probaron durante 7horas el juego hablaron mal de lo de pcgamer :/

1 respuesta

#3043 Pues he leido opiniones de 5 fansites famosos (askajedi, etc) donde comentan muy buenas opiniones y se parecen bastante a las de PCGamer, sobre el pvp y tal, así que no se de que hablaron mal.

P.D: En el Twitter, #SWTOUR.


Igual me he equivocado de revista o se referían a otro artículo que tengo un buen cacao con artículos (es lo que pasa moderando juegos) xD

1 respuesta

#3045 Lo positivo de todo esto es que todos los fansites que he estado siguiendo comentan que el PVP ahora del Swtor es bastante bueno, y en todo lo demás esta en la linea de Bioware.

@MosEisleyRadio: Unbiasedly, unarguably, unequivocally the best PvP experience EVER! #SWTOUR

@TORWars: Hot imperial on republic action - it's PVP day at BioWare. Very intense, very cool, innovative and balanced. #SWTOUR

@askajedi: This is not one-shot kill bunny hop PvP folks... Strategy and tactics rule the day! #SWTOUR #Swtor

@GuildUMBRA: I love the PVP in #swtor - you all are going to be so happy #SWtour


Son noticias cojonudas incluso para un pvero como yo xD

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Al fin un juego que parece que hace bien las cosas, ahora toca esperar. :)


#3047 Perdona que te spame, pero es que me has dejado todo intrigado, por que tengo la marcaplayer y lo que dicen precisamente es que el juego tiene toda la pinta de ser un bombazo inesperado xD.

Amen de Mass Effect 3 :D

P.D: Se comenta que la fecha para el E3, o eso han dejado "caer" en Austin xD.


Una duda, que es eso de E3?

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#3050 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Entertainment_Expo

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#3051 Te has adelantado xD


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Eres pvero? El poco respeto que te tenía se ha evaporado como una cosa frikie del Star Wars que se evapora en el mundo Star Wars

Yo no me fío nada de esta panda de vendidos que se hacen llamar periodistas consoleros, pero ahora sí hay una excusa para probarlo más allá de que es Star Wars hecho por Bioware con Mythic.

Ah, las cosas de los tankes y los CC no lo remitais al Warhammer por favor, que no se olvide que hubo un juego que revolucionó el pvp llamado DAOC.


Ya es tarde, la nave intergaláctica que partía a Alderaan sólo se encontrará con un mar de asteroides ( me apetecía hacerme el frikie).

1 respuesta

#3053 Principalmente.

Pero si juego a un mmo quiero que tenga pvp, que también me gusta de vez en cuando.


#3051 #3052 Gracias! Y que se supone que pueden dar una fecha de lanzamiento en esa convención?


Que siga la fiesta!:

http://www.askajedi.com/ (mejor mirar el index)


que bien que bien , pero ya hay videos??? :f5:

1 respuesta


Van actualizando xD.


Menudo bombardeo de info xDD

Empire and Republic will mingle from an early start. They meet face to face on Nar Shaddaa, but cannot fight. By the next world, it’s everyone in everyone else’s face.


Cross-faction communication is still being tested.

Espero por dios que abandonen el maldito sistema de bloquear la comunicación entre facciones.

1 respuesta

#3059 +1, lo malo esque si te esta rayando 5horas un niñato por matarlo mientras el farmea..... bueno siempre queda el ignore xddd

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