World of Darkness


tio el hype!


Este MMO huele a gloria.


#235 xddddddddddddddddd

epic game incoming


El planteamiento mola demasiado..., tal vez el permadeath sea exesivo con un full loot estaria bien, pero aun asi mola mucho...


si es permanente la muerte seguire el juego muuuuuuy de cerca, aunque espero que de alguna forma no lo hagan tan solo para jugadores hardcore, que hay gente que trabajamos y esas cosas...

1 respuesta

#245 ¿En España? Pics or didn't happen.


Pintazaaaa, pense que este juego habia muerto ya, porque hacia mucho tiempo que no sabia nada de el, Si ponen permadeath entonces....


Como sea juego de un solo pago, esto puede ser la hostia. O es muy pedir mucho?

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#248 sera de cuotas, pero amos un sandbox de esto puede ser algo grande.


Que se vaya a la mierda este juego y se hunda a los 2 meses de haber salido, a ver si asi vuelven a meter dinero en el EVE.


Pensaba en hacerme arpía pero con la noche perpetua le van a dal pol culo. Yo no voy a andar 24/7 cotilleando si los vampiros no van a dormir la moña.



Que ganas de saber mas cosas.


Sólo por ser "diferente", voy a intentar ser humano forever. XDDD


odio las filtraciones, prefiero enterarme cuando el juego este mas avanzado ._.

1 respuesta

#254 por eso entras a leer el hilo de un foro?



De meristation en # 256:

"Todo el juego transcurrirá siempre de noche, en un solo servidor. Y CCP ya ha dejado claro que tanto la ambientación como lo visto en pantalla será fiel a un concepto vampírico más cercano a lo visto en films como Blade o Vampiros de John Carpenter que a la saga Crepúsculo, con sangre, gore, desnudos y "efectos de locura" por doquier."

Mira que hay cien mil millones de películas de chupasangres y ponen dos chustas como castillos. Si por decir pelis malas hay a cientos, como Jóvenes Ocultos. Me pregunto cuando van a explicar el combate, porque no hay nada más random que el sistema de reservas de dados.

Lo de la humanidad va a fallar mucho, lo veo venir. Aunque halla mucho roleplayer veo que la degeneración va a ser común y todo el mundo va a andar con 3 o 2. Y joder, las taras a la hora de tener una humanidad baja como las van a hacer?

Pd: os voy a viviseccionar a todos para hacerme un corsé de hueso mientras charlo animadamente de fruslerías como los comealmas.


Mira que sueltan las cosas en cuenta gotas... pero cada vez que dicen algo me encanta :P

A ver si esta gente se lo curra y saca algo realmente bueno y diferente, que va haciendo falta renovar un poco el género con cosas nuevas (la ambientación es una de ellas, que lo medieval y fantástico está muy bien, pero rollo vampírico... puede ser impresionante).


Ninjaedit: Fai, he posteado en el thread equivocado

  • The producers stated their philosophy in making this MMO was "human interaction". They feel that is limited in the current crop of MMO's and their biggest weakness.
  • They are trying to emulate the feel of LARPing more then EVE or any other game system with this MMO.
  • There will be a general CCP run metaplot that develops over time but the main metaplots will be left for the players to drive forward.
  • Next year is when more specific info and details will come out.
  • Incarna is actually considered a prototype, the rendering engine that will ship with the MMO will be much more advanced.
  • Everyone starts as a mortal, becoming kindred in optional and can not be forced on you. You can play he entire game as a mortal only.
  • There will be final death for both mortals and kindred.
  • PvP will be more limited in some ways, yet more open in others then any other current MMO.
  • There will be cities (plural) and communication between them (the various kindred and clans) will be encouraged/possible.
  • Caitiff will NOT be in on release. They discussed it internally and couldn't find a way to make them work in a way they liked.
  • Casual players will find the game accessible but hard core players will have a much deeper experience and more rewards/benefits.
  • Considering some kind of web site access interface for the MMO
  • NO day/night cycle, only night.
  • Humanity is a stat is game and one use is to address griefers. The more you cause issues for other players, break the masq, etc the more you can loose humanity and once it gets too low other players (and NPCs?) can attack you (implied even if you flag yourself non-pvp).
  • Griefers will suffer both in game and if serious enough out of game penalties (ie account banning)
  • Helps to make friends and not enemies in game as you can not get to the top of the food chain without networking and having friends to assist you.
  • Players will have havens.
  • Players can climb the ladder and get to Prince levels of power and run a city.
  • Can get to Prince level power without killing a single thing, all done via networking, politics and friendships.
  • ONLY kindred on release of game, no were's, mages, etc. However those other supernaturals may be used in a NPC fashion or/and their lore appear in game.
  • MMO character sheet very similar to the V:tM PnP character sheet.
  • Character names over the avatars head by default turned off, but can turn them on.
  • Game world/environment will change over time; real in game consequences for player actions.
  • Diablerie and related game mechanics from the PnP game is "under heavy discussion" no decision as of now.
  • Dynamic NPC missions/World events
  • One world server, no shards/instancing.
  • Torpor in game but not used as in PnP game, used as a mechanic to explain why a kindred did not die/final death
  • They are aware the WoD is a adult setting and the devs are going to not shy away from gore, blood and nudity. However such will have a reason and not adult content for the sake of adult content.
  • Seemed to imply your personal haven is where its open season, as gratuitous as you wish, full nudity for example.
  • Public nudity (by players) will be limited to prevent griefers and non-RPers from breaking immersion.
  • Hinted consensual PvP fight to the (final) death will be a feature between players.
    - CCP Chris said in his opinion SW:ToR isn't a MMO, it is a SP game that has a MP element as the game isn't player driven.
  • To go up the food chain you NEED support from other players, impossible to do it alone.
  • The different cities will be different sizes (and I assume looks as well)
  • Using software called Cerberus for real time translation in game via text chatting. CCP Chris said 5 languages (didn't state which however) on release.


Menudo pepino.


Pinta raro eso de banear a los grieffers.


este juego puede ser muy grande.


Ni puta idea de lo que va el juego, solo leí permadeath y 1 server...



Veremos en lo que queda, porque la gente es espcialista en hypear. Esperemos que este guapo.


bloooooddd faps¡¡ fap¡ fap


La putada es que este juego va para muy muy largo.

Edito: me quedo con esto - CCP Chris said in his opinion SW:ToR isn't a MMO, it is a SP game that has a MP element as the game isn't player driven.

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Espero que todo este humo se solidifique en un gran juego.


Si fuese otra compañía lo cogería con unas pinzas de tamaño grúa, pero viniendo de quien viene el juego...


1 respuesta

#269 Que juegos ha hecho White Wolf antes?

Wikipedia delivers, no sabia que los juegos de vampiro eran de esta gente, pensaba que habian cogido la idea xD

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Usuarios habituales

  • Misantropia
  • Manorothh
  • Dieter
  • NueveColas
  • Vegon
  • Soltrac
  • pR0gR4m3R
