<Dakar 2021>


Hay un vídeo por ahí de Nasser hoy pasando a todo lo que da la Toyota impresionante. Si lo encontráis alguien ponedlo aquí, porfa

Edit.: Lo encontré


Lo de los camiones a gas, es otro nivel.


No sé muy bien qué pensar de que permitan seguir a pilotos que han perdido el conocimiento, o que puedas correr con la rueda sujeta con bridas. Sobre todo pensando en las motos, ya es bastante peligrosa la carrera como para encima ir así.

1 respuesta

#33 pues para los de las ruedas, es un problema que ha creado la organización al dejar sólo 6 juegos.

Así que o tragan con los McGiver de turno, o dan mas ruedas


Yo creo que la idea que tenian es que los pilotos fueran mas despacio guardando neumatico, pero se ha visto que han ido a tope todos los días y no ha servido de nada la medida.

Bastante descafeinado este dakar en coches, mucho mas interesante en motos.

1 1 respuesta

#35 si esa era la idea de la organización era una mierda de idea.


Barreda iba haciendo buenos tiempos y metiendo bastante tiempo, pero se salta un ponto de repostaje y abandono.

No se por qu eme esperaba que liara alguna, es muy irrregular y despues tiene este tipo de cosas.... asi imposible ganar o hace rpodio en el dakar.


Pierre Cherpin (Biker #111- FRA) passed away

During his transfer by medical plane from Jeddah to France, Pierre Cherpin died from the injuries caused by his fall during the 7th stage from Ha’il to Sakaka on January 10th .
The driver crashed at km 178, around 1:00 p.m. Doctors found him unconscious when they reached him by helicopter. Taken to Sakaka’s hospital, the medical report revealed a severe head trauma with loss of consciousness. Urgently operated in neurosurgery, he had since then been kept in an induced coma, his condition having remained stable over the past few days. He was airlifted from Sakaka to Jeddah’s hospital from where he was going to be transferred to Lille’s hospital.

Passionate about wide open spaces, Pierre Cherpin was participating in his fourth Dakar. His first participation was back in 2009, when the Dakar took place for the first time in South America. He signed up in the “malle moto” category and came back in 2012 still in the same category. He completed the race both times. He came back for a third time in 2015 but he had to give up after an engine failure.

Six years later, in 2021, he joined the same category, known now as the "Original by Motul". He was driven by the curiosity of discovering a new continent. On the evening of the 6th stage, he was standing on the 77th position of the overall classification.

This 52-year-old entrepreneur and sailing enthusiast, had no other ambitions than to live an adventure, without really worrying about the podium: "I am an amateur, I don’t want to win but to discover landscapes that I would never have had the opportunity to see otherwise. Everything is exciting: riding the bike, living your passion, getting to know yourself”.

The entire Dakar caravan would like to extend its sincere condolences to his family, relatives and friends.



Xavi Blanco es abandonado en pleno desierto por su piloto
El copiloto del Can-Am número 438 denuncia que se bajó del vehículo ligero al temer por su vida y el piloto, Ricardo Ramilo, continuó la etapa sin él.

Vaya huevos dejarlo ahi tirado xd

2 respuestas
2 3 respuestas

#39 ?????????????????????
Es para que se les prohíba volver al Dakar.

#40 Buena se podría haber liado ahí.


#39 Encima estaban ya en Experience xddd Pa mear y no echar gota.

#40 Tremenda imprudencia del piloto del helicóptero. La que se podría haber liado.


#40 WTF menuda cagada