Canción en la cabeza (agosto 2007)


Típico post mensual, a ver si funciona como los demas


*Link a la canción (goear / youtube)
*Letra (si la tiene)
*Explicación (opcional)


Falsalarma - Para los mios

Yo sé a quien tengo y a quien no,
me faltan dedos para contártelos,
decirte quienes son, de quien dependo yo,
el Titó es funk, sobre un sampler de Millie Jackson,
trae esa sensación que mas de una ocasión de rigor nos unió,
entre Hip-Hop y vatios, sonidos del espacio,
gran theft auto hacen que la vida parezca que vaya despacio,
esta canción va dedicada a todos aquellos que sonríen cuando me ven,
aún teniendo esta cara de rancio,
somos varios, todos sabios como para llenar un estadio,
parece que vivamos en la época de "Yo Claudio",
el aprecio es máximo, aun así hace tiempo cambié el chip,
y ahora les hago striptease de gratis cuando soy feliz,
entre beats, puro marketing puedo dar más de sí,
por aquí no se habla de otra cosa que de sampling, nuestro extásis,
que te voy a decir que no sepas de amigos y colegas,
mi familia está detrás como las vertebras,
Falsalarma en mis llemas, para dejar huella, hacer mella,
antes currelas, ahora el INEM un papel nos sella,
no hay otra forma para no demorar la obra,
si ya sabes a lo que conlleva pues nada estorba en una línea recta,
vamos de frente, que haría yo sin estos tres,
sería Eduardo Manos-tijeras sin setos ni césped,
acuerdáte de quien te conviene, del que te da y no tiene,
del que sabe lo que quieres y respeta tu forma de ser.


[El Santo]
Me dejo el alma por esta familia
porque la música es la única medicina que la alivia,
el rap es nuestra biblia, mientras nadie nos subsidia,
porque a veces el loro y el discman se quedan sin pilas,
y las sillas vuelan, si ya suena fuera,
Dycache se nos queja porque se oye todo en la pecera,
y el Prome está grabando su maqueta,
mientras el Sillero escucha Ohio players en el loro que más peta,
no respeta, yo paso de petas hasta la fecha,
dibago por mi ámbito y mi camino se estrecha,
ya levanto sospechas, siembro mi cosecha,
no llego a la fecha y despego cual flecha,
nos mantenemos en la brecha, el círculo nunca se estrecha,
porque apago con los dedos humedos la mecha,
no cambio esta familia ni por una apuesta,
tengo la respuesta aunque esta cuesta,
y es estar en esta cresta,
pues mi propuesta para esta próxima fiesta,
es celebrar por todo lo alto los diez años de esta gesta,
mi gente demuestra cuando sube a la palestra,
cuando asi se muestra la puesta en escena de esta orquesta,
dejando aparte la modestia, nos une la amistad y el colegueo,
aunque esto creo que es algo más bestia,
quien tiene la habilidad de cuestionar la afinidad de mi hermandad,
si la amistad es lo que aquí se muestra.


Hace un par de días que se me ha pegado. No tiene letra, es instrumental, en la línea de "The Call of Ktulu" de Metallica.

Chimaira - Implements of Destruction (del The Imposibility of Reason de 2003)


Xhelazz - Alas rotas

-Oye mira, te acuerdas cuando...
-Shh, calla. Xhelazz, los amores que se van nunca vuelven.
-¿Sí? Pues escucha..

No expreseis emociones que no sentís en realidad,
tengo ansias por tener recuerdos con fecha de caducidad.
Enfriaré mi odio hasta convertirlo en indiferencia,
las heridas del alma sólo son experiencias.
El amor amordaza.
Prefiero una mujer que esté loca y no cuerda, porque las cuerdas atan.
No soy de nadie, no tengo pandilla de colegas.
Entonaré a Roberta Flack con una botella de ron sin etiqueta.
Recta dicen que sea tu conducta?
Levántante, vete al trabajo, mantén el pico cerrado. En el curro no quieren al que mucho pregunta.
Me cuesta callarme y no paro de exigir.
Nací sin saber hablar y no quiero morir sin saber decir: tía, paso de tí.
Y otras veces no te quito de mis pensamientos,
que tu falda corta alarga mis deseos.
¿Crees que soy un flojo por no hablar de culos y de tetas?
Si te llama la novia al móvil, ¿por qué te apartas de los colegas?
Supongo que será por avergonzarse,
de secretos que se cuentan los enamorados, secretos que todo el mundo sabe.
A tu chico o a tu chica le seducen palabras,
pero se enciende un rencor por cada beso que se apaga.
Entablar una relación me supone dificultad.
Sigo siendo po, poco social, tengo faltas ortográficas que nunca taché.
Lo único que se del amor es que se escribe con H, y por algo sera.. (Hip-hop!)
Mirando a pivas como si fuesen taxis ocupados.
Vamos, que tengo a Cúpido sin puntería a mi lado.
Sigo siendo el mismo cerdo en todas las canciones,
ya te dije que no soy perfecto, cojones.
Me lo dejaste bien claro tía, cometí errores (¿Qué?).
Y es que por teléfono no se arreglan relaciones.
Las cosas acaban, tronco, hay noviazgos que duran poco.
Pero qué coño os voy a contar, si esto nos ha pasado a todos...

Tantas emociones aquí no caben,
mañana uno nuevo si el corazón fuera desechable.
¿Quién de aqui es perfecto?, nadie.
Entre síes y noes enfrentados, la razón se la llevó el aire.
Entonces qué soy yo ni sin tí ni contigo?
Si no entiendo tu idioma, ni tú el mío
Fue jodidamente bonito mientras duró.
Pero hoy ya no, ni mañana, ni nunca, hoy sólo amor al hip-hop.

Lo siento por tí si aspiras olvidar a alguien que quisiste,
ejercer el olvido por voluntad es imposible.
El poder de seducción se define:
es un arte eso de llevarse a la cama a quien pensaba en el cine.
No me arrepiento de que escuchéis esto.
Si no lo rapeo reviento, y me ahogo en las entrañas del silencio.
Soy obsesivo, noto que algo se acerca.
Dadme dolor real a fin de que el imaginario no me venza.
Queredme en medida justa, el lujo de la lujuria y juerga junto al hip-hop es lo mejor de la juventud y vejez, me rallo.
Esa piva está buena, cruzamos miradas.
Pero yo no hago milagros, sólo hago trampas, así que me vuelvo a casa.
Da igual conocer a alguien en un concierto si me interrogan de que si vivo del rap, si me da mucho dinero..
Mira, yo vivo del aire y me quiero emborrachar enseguida.
A tus preguntas embarazosas; yo, respuestas anticonceptivas.
Me hice la idea de vivir solo, joder.
Me comeré a la soledad, bañada en chocolate en la cama de un hotel.
Un relámpago de intuiciones hace que se termine el romance,
que se quiebre la pareja si desconfianza nace.
Enamorarse sin ser correspondido desespera.
Es como vivir en una cárcel con las puertas abiertas, lo llevas dentro.
¿La pasión te ha hecho daño? por favor, no llores,
que secarse las lágrimas no suprime dolores.
Mantén la cabeza fría, somos débiles seres.
Vengarte de tu ex es demostrarle que todavía aún le quieres.
Y ni tú eres una princesa, ni yo un principito.
Mi alma es el abismo donde resbalo y me precipito.
Más vale tener cuidado, que afecto y esclavitud a veces vienen de la mano.
Te lo digo yo, que me ocurrió ya hace años.
La oscuridad de mi ser mantiene la sangría fresca.
Tengo el corazón pequeño y el amor grande, normal que me duela...

[Hate/Estribillo] (x3)
Tantas emociones aquí no caben,
mañana uno nuevo si el corazón fuera desechable.
¿Quién de aqui es perfecto?, nadie.
Entre síes y noes enfrentados, la razón se la llevó el aire.
Entonces qué soy yo ni sin tí ni contigo?
Si no entiendo tu idioma, ni tú el mío
Fue jodidamente bonito mientras duró.
Pero hoy ya no, ni mañana, ni nunca, hoy sólo amor al hip-hop.


Queda demostrado que #2 es amigo del MVTeam y puede postear lo que le venga en gana.


#4 Bien, deberias saber que ese codigo no sirven para nada en este foro, y así no se ponen los videos XD


#5 Pues no lo se, dime cómo se ponen.


#6 sólo se pueden poner vídeos de youtube o gametrailers

Por cierto: DJ Mehdi - Signatune (Thomas BANGALTER Edit)


There is a place, it has a face, and he was walking out the door

His mother said she was ashamed 'cause he had no place to go

He was afraid and I was fine he wanted piece of mind Three times done and you gone, and you're gone

You are free, you are free, it's a long way home

What have we done, was it wrong, is it wrong

Is it me? Can't you see, it's a long way home?

There is a snake he will awake and he will get you off the floor

You'll start to shake, your friends will sweat, you are high you will forget

She is afraid 'cause you are dying but you have got your piece of mind

Three times done and you're gone, and you're gone

You are free, you are free, it's a long way home

What have we done, was it was it wrong is it wrong

Is it me? Can't you see, it's a long way home?

And I won't make your dreams come true, it's all you

You've got to change your lonely ways to make it through

You found a place in outer space and it won't hurt anymore

Your lovely hand has slipped away and there is nothing left to say

And you were born of yellow sand there is no plan there is no end

Three times done and you're gone and you're gone

You are free, you are free, it's a long way home

All night long, I was wrong, I was wrong

It was me, can't you see, it's a long way home

It took a million lights to see her smile

Don't touch, it's too much to break a leg she'll send you home

Afraid of love, afraid you might get hurt

Good luck, don't get stuck, turn right before you can't go back


Do it again
She said to me
So I nailed my hand to the baseboard floor
Laughing at me
She begged the question and I begged for more
Now I water
The thorn you rammed
Deep into my side watch it fertalize
Cause you shoved your finger
Right down my throat
And you made me puke up all of my pride

Pop the Beach Balls
Burn the photos
C-4 your safe
And you'll never grow old
So get out of touch
And become a thought
Cause once you’re a thought, hopefully you're forgot

If we break up
Don’t write a song that would
Drag my name through the shit, the mud
Cause I’ve seen some solid swimmers who drowned
When you unleashed the dam and cause the flood
But with free choice
There comes freewill
And I’m so happy she decided to leave
Cause now I’m alone
Demons come home
And now my plan is rolling up it’s sleeve

Pop the Beach Balls
Burn the photos
C-4 your safe
And you'll never grow old
So get out of touch
And become a thought
Cause once you’re a thought, hopefully you're forgot

Pop the Beach Balls
Burn the photos
C-4 your safe
And you'll never grow old
So get out of touch
And become a thought
Cause once you’re a thought, hopefully you're forgot

Because my morale's begun to decay
And all my friends have the same thing to say
They say that good times have faded away
They say that their all worried about me
Cause I feed birds in the cemetery
And I rake leaves off the grass in my grave
Because my memory lane is now paved
(Nothing's wrong)
My memory lane is now paved
(There’s nothing wrong)
My memory lane is now paved
(Nothing's wrong)
My memory lane is now paved
(There’s nothing wrong)
But now my memory’s back and there’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
I said there’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong

PD: Solo he encontrado la cancion en este AMV de naruto. Al menos, se escucha bien xD


Good Charlotte - The river


Celtas cortos - La senda del tiempo

A veces llega un momento en que
te haces viejo de repente
sin arrugas en la frente,
pero con ganas de morir.
Paseando por las calles,
todo tiene igual color,
siento que algo echo en falta
no sé si será el amor.

Me despierto por las noches,
entre una gran confusión.
Esta gran melancolía
está acabando conmigo,
siento que me vuelvo loco
y me sumerjo en el alcohol.
Las estrellas por la noche
han perdido su esplendor.

He buscado en los desiertos
de la tierra del dolor,
y no he hallado mas respuesta,
que espejismos de ilusión.
He hablado con las monta as
de la desesperación
y su respuesta era sólo
el eco sordo de mi voz.


Fuckin' with my head - Beck
(me desperte con ella en la cabeza)

I ain't got no inclination
give away my sweet sensation
sleepin in an old toolshed
scumbag cryin' on his pillow

when you wanna be with me, then we will see
who's fuckin' with my head
hey hey hey hey
fuckin' with my head
hey hey hey hey

found myself in New Orleans
with a scarecrow in my jeans
beat my forehead through the ceilin'
drank my coffee with a hubcap...yeah

when you want to be with me, then we will see
who's fuckin' with my head
no no no no
fuckin' with my head
hey hey hey hey

devil's got your pantyhose on his head
oh yeah, and he's robbin' me but all I got is cornbread
well, you turn my body into a crutch
and now I'm limpin' all over when I feel your touch...oh yeah
Oooh...rode up on my check-out boots
runnin' wild on the bayou
now talkin' on a walkie-talkie
credit card glued to my hand...feels good

when you wanna be with me, then we will see
who's fuckin' with my head
hey hey hey hey
no no no no
fuckin' with my head
make me feel like an asshole
I ain't got no soul
I ain't got no soul
no no no no
no no no no
no no no no
no no no no


Fito&Fitipaldis - Acabo de llegar

Que te voy a decir,
si yo acabo de llegar
si esto es como el mar
quien conoce alguna esquina
dejadme nacer
que me tengo que inventar
para hacerme pez
empecé por las espinas

Nunca lo escribí en un papel
y nunca lo ha cantado mi voz
y tú ahora me preguntas que hacer
y yo siempre voy detras del error
y le canto a lo que nunca tendré
el beso que ella nunca me dió

Dime tú que puedes saber
alguien que ha pasado la vida
buscando la melodía
oh! que te voy a decir
si yo acabo de llegar
si esto es como el mar
quien conoce alguna esquina
dejadme nacer
que me tengo que encontrar
para hacerme pez
empecé por las espinas

la vida es algo que hay que morder
y en cada boca tiene un sabor
tus huesos no los tapa mi piel
por eso siempre digo que no que no
perdona tengo cosas que hacer
y aún me queda media vida
pa' encontrar la melodía

Que te voy a decir
si yo acabo de llegar
si esto es como el mar
quien conoce
alguna esquina
dejadme nacer
que me tengo que inventar

Aqui teneis el video-clip - karaoke


Metallica - Fade To Black

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else

I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel

Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye


Sigo sin saber el código para poner vídeos al no ser que sea este: [youtube][\youtube]


#15 antes te han tenido que conceder permisos para poder poner vídeos o imágenes.


Y como te los conceden? Hay que postear mucho o algo?

Modest Mouse - The Good Times Are Killing Me

jajaja a mi no me quiere el MV-Team :'(


Nu sé, a mí me llego un mensajito de repente. Y digo pos fale xD


Eye on the TV
'cause tragedy thrills me
Whatever flavour
It happens to be like;
Killed by the husband
Drowned by the ocean
Shot by his own son
She used the poison in his tea
And kissed him goodbye
That's my kind of story
It's no fun 'til someone dies

Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out your one face
But with the other
Stare like a junkie
Into the TV
Stare like a zombie
While the mother
Holds her child
Watches him die
Hands to the sky crying
Why, oh why?
'cause I need to watch things die
From a distance

Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don't lie

Why can't we just admit it?
Why can't we just admit it?

We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
Neither the brave nor bold
The writers of stories sold
We won't give pause until the blood is flowing

I need to watch things die
From a good safe distance

Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies
You all feel the same so
Why can't we just admit it?

Blood like rain come down
Drawn on grave and ground

Part vampire
Part warrior
Carnivore and voyeur
Stare at the transmittal
Sing to the death rattle

La, la, la, la, la, la, la-lie

Credulous at best your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men
Pull your head on out
Your head believes it give a listen
Shouldn't have to say it all again
The universe is hostile
So impersonal
Devour to survive, so it is
So it's always been

We all feed on tragedy
It's like blood to a vampire

Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies
Much better you than I


Es una de una sesion y no me se el titulo asi ke xD

Edit: Ya esta! Julian Jeweil - Air conditionne



#17 Portandote bien y colaborando en el foro XD


2Pac - Changes

Come on come on I see no changes wake
up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor and even worse
I'm black
my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a
purse to snatch
Cops give a damn about a negro pull
the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero
Give crack to the kids who the hell cares
one less ugly mouth on the welfare
First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers
give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other
It's time to fight back that's what Huey said
2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead
I got love for my brother but we can
never go nowhere
unless we share with each other
We gotta start makin' changes
learn to see me as a brother
instead of 2 distant strangers
and that's how it's supposed to be
How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me?
I'd love to go back to when we played as kids
but things changed, and that's the way it is

[Bridge w/ changing ad libs]

Come on come on That's just the way
it is Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is aww yeah

I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent We ain't ready,
to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin'
in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do bein'
real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is


We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start
makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's
change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working
so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
And still I see no changes can't
a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets & the war
in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got
a war on drugs so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime
I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the
blacks givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
crack you up and pimp slap you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
they get jealous when they see
ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush
I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say
it ain't cool my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay
strapped & I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some buck that I roughed up way
back comin' back after all these years
rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh


Sundown dazzling day
Gold through my eyes
But my eyes turned within
Only see
Starless and Bible black

Ice blue silver sky
Fades into grey
To a grey hope that oh years to be
Starless and Bible black

Old friend charity
Cruel twisted smile
And the smile signals emptiness
For me
Starless and Bible black

King Crimon - Starless


Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats

one night to be confused
one night to speed up truth
we had a promise made
four hands and then away

both under influense
we had devine scent
to know what to say
mind is a razorblade

to call for hands of above
to lean on
wouldn't be good enough
for me, no

one night of magic rush
the start a simple touch
one night to push and scream
and then releaf

ten days of perfect tunes
the colors red and blue
we had a promise made
we were in love

to call for hands of above
to lean on
wouldn't be good enough
for me, no

to call for hands of above
to lean on
wouldn't be good enough

and you, you knew the hands of the devil
and you, kept us awake with wolf teeths
sharing different heartbeats
in one night

to call for hands of above
to lean on
wouldn't be good enough
for me, no

to call for hands of above
to lean on
wouldn't be good enough
for me, no


Urge Overkill - Girl you'll be a woman soon (Neil Diamond cover)

Girl, you ll be a woman soon
I love you so much, can t count all the ways
I d die for you girl, and all they can say is
""He s not your kind""
They never get tired of puttin me down
And I never know when I come around
What I m gonna find
Don t let them make up your mind
Don t you know
Girl, you ll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you ll be a woman soon
Soon you ll need a man
I ve been misunderstood for all of my life
But what they re sayin , girl, just cuts like a knife
""The boy s no good""
Well, I finally found what I ve been looking for
But if they get the chance, they ll end it for sure
Sure they would
Baby, I ve done all I could
Now it s up to you
Girl, you ll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you ll be a woman soon
Soon you ll need a man
Girl, you ll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you ll be a woman soon
Soon, but soon you ll need a man


Send me an angel - Thrice


In My Defence-Freddie Mercury

In my defence what is there to say
All the mistakes we made must be faced today
It's not easy now knowing where to start
While the world we love tears itself apart
I'm just a singer with a song
How can I try to right the wrong
For just a singer with a melody
I'm caught in between
With a fading dream

In my defence what is there to say
We destroy the love - it's our way
We never listen enough never face the truth
Then like a passing song
Love is here and then it's gone

I'm just a singer with a song
How can I try to right the wrong
For just a singer with a melody
I'm caught in between
With a fading dream

I'm just a singer with a song
How can I try to right the wrong
I'm just a singer with a melody
I'm caught in between with a fading dream
Caught in between with a fading dream
Caught in between with a fading dream

Oh what on earth
Oh what on earth
How do I try
Do we live or die

Oh help me God
Please help me


Cuando llegué a mi casa y me puse a colocar un poco las decenas de gb que me había descargado durante el año encontré esta perla, oculta entre bastante mierda. Me tiene atrapado como hacía mucho tiempo que no me tenía atrapado ninguna canción. Es simplemente fantástica.

Johnny Cash- Hurt

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stain of time
The feeling disappears
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way


Para mí Catpeople son de lo mejorcito de la música indie española... Tengo ganas de verles en el Sonorama. Y no me puedo quitar esta cancioncilla de la cabeza xD

Sólo he encontrado un directo, no ha sido single ni nada:

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