El nuevo hilo del K-pop



La canción en sí no llama la atención, ni las voces etc (Sólo me gusta el coro, bueno me encanta el coro, y lo corto que se puede ver del baile)

Para alguien que ha seguido Nizi Project, y de vez en cuando lo vuelve a ver... La letra y MV, te llena de emoción, tiene un significado grandísimo

Un analisis que copio de reddit, en inglés:

Overanalysing the MV:

Rio's scene is about her feeling worried about being left behind when everyone is running ahead. Calls back to her struggles during Nizi Project season 2 ep 8 ("ICY" preparations), where she was worried she hadn't grown and had only stayed at that level. But she picked herself up and went on anyway.

Riku's scene starts with her taking a break and resting on the clouds, while climbing what seems to be an endless ladder. Calls back to how she's the member that grew the most during the Nizi Project, but hit a stall in her growth during the "Heartbeat" performance. It's okay to take a break and rest for a bit, before continuing her meteoric climb to the top. And she eventually reached the top, only to find there was a whole new world for her to explore.

Mayuka's song lines are about it's okay to take your time when you've lost your way. Calls back to her perseverance throughout both seasons of the Nizi Project, where it was hard for her to find something distinctive about herself until the last moment. But she was patient, and waited, and kept on going until she blossomed in the final performance of season 1, and found her talent in rap in the second-last month of season 2.

Ayaka's scenes are about clocks racing forward, while she's moving relatively slowly through the corridor. It's about feeling the time pressure to try and catch up to others, especially when she started off later. But she kept on smiling and going on.

Mako's scenes are about getting lost in a corridor of identical black and white doors - her earrings are keys, so she knows she can enter through any door and make her debut. But she didn't know which door to go through - what was her own distinctive color and "concept". She was worried about being bland and boring. But in the Nizi Project, she learned she didn't need a concept - she just had to be true to herself. And the doors and corridor changed color to suit her.

Nina's scenes are about being alone and taking a step of faith. If you're too young to recognise the reference, the hidden painted platform that she steps on is a visual callback to the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). Similar to Nina, Indiana Jones had to take a step of faith to cross what seemed to be a gaping chasm, by simply closing his eyes and choosing to trust it would turn out all right after taking that step. Similarly, Nina took a step of faith in flying to a different town to audition during the first season, because she had heard about the regional auditions too late.

Rima's scenes are about her building her own doorway to enter into the world of the debut, rather than just using a door that had already been created by someone else. Calls back to her choosing to rely on her own strength instead of the privileges granted to her by her parents in order to debut in the world of showbiz.

Miihi's and Maya's scenes are obvious and the main message of the MV, so I don't have to put too much effort into overanalysing them. Just want to point out that Miihi was surrounded by comforting things on the raft, indicating she was in desperate need of comfort until Maya came. Also that everything on that raft was purple, which is Miihi's favorite colour. There was a door to the debut world right behind Miihi on the raft, but she couldn't step through it until Maya held her hand and led her through it, indicating that they needed to rely on each other to move forward.

Finally, the debut world is literally a trail covered in roses.[/quote]
1 1 respuesta

#4441 a mi la cancion me ha molado, pero tampoco m parece un temon, en cuanto a voces, a ayaka se le nota q le falta aun, pero lo del rap es de locos

1 respuesta

#4444 algo bueno para acabar el año, un video entero de Kai, estoy suuuper IN


Temazo. Va a ser difícil que alguien eche a Swings.


Así sí


Shiiquito temaso lo de Kai.

PD1: Mushvenom team


Esta mujer me puede.


se sabe si esto es un nuevo tema¿? me ha generado demasiado hype

1 respuesta

#4457 Concierto online

4 2 respuestas

#4459 La época buena de Haon, justo después de ganar HSR2.


#4459 me puede haber gustado más esta canción?

1 respuesta

#4461 no soy muy fan de la faceta "pop" de Jay Park, pero todo lo que toca se convierte en oro independientemente del genero musical.


Vaya puto mago JUSTHIS

1 1 respuesta

#4463 Venía a poner lo de Miranni. Vaya temazo.


Alguien viendo? https://www.twitch.tv/izblooming

mamamoo >>

1 respuesta

#4465 los gritos son de pega?

EDIT: han cerrado el canal


con esa sonrisa me cura todas las penas


Tema inédito que estreno TWICE en los MAMA

4 1 respuesta