Be a Pointer


/* Gag solo apto para informaticos xD

Empty your memory,
with a free()…
like a pointer!

If you cast a pointer to a integer,
it becomes the integer,
If you cast a pointer to a struct,
it becomes the struct…

The pointer can Overflow,
and the pointer can crash.

Be a pointer my friend…


Empty your mind, keep blogging…
You put words into a post, it becames words.
You put a podcast into a post, it becames a podcast.
Shapeless like blogs…
A blog can flow, it can be read or listen to.
Be blogger, my friend…

hay muchos, no hay por qué abrir un thread para cada uno...


lol, está muy majo el de be pointer my friend xD

Usuarios habituales

  • Thanat0s
  • Khendel