ChatGPT AI conversacional te hace los deberes


Alguien pasó un chatbot que era para consultas legales pero ahora no lo encuentro.

Sabeis cual digo? Lo he visto por mv varias veces.

1 respuesta

#1526 me ha pasado, pero es tan sencillo como crear nuevo chat.

1 respuesta

#1532 Gracias Sara.

1 respuesta

#1533 ya, sólo hacía hincapié en que no es ningún drama.



2 1 respuesta

#1535 gracias no me acordaba xD

1 respuesta

#1536 han sacado la v2 que te permite cambiar un par de inputs, el país y la jerga (profesional, ciudadadano...)

10 días después

Me ha salido hoy esto en chatGPT, no creo que lo active porque no me parece tan buena idea, pero ahí está.

2 1 respuesta

#1538 parece dudoso. Al menos a mí me parece que Chatgpt va desvariando más y más cuanto más información tiene. Al punto de que tengo que matar conversaciones y resumirlas en una nueva para sacarlo del bucle.

1 respuesta

#1539 me pasa lo mismo. No lleva bien lo de tener un historial largo de un chat. Y hay veces que decide olvidarse de lo que le he dicho previamente.

Falta por pulir cuando una conversación avanza más allá de una segunda respuesta.


Por curiosidad

Kids who use ChatGPT as a study assistant do worse on tests

oes AI actually help students learn? A recent experiment in a high school provides a cautionary tale.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that Turkish high school students who had access to ChatGPT while doing practice math problems did worse on a math test compared with students who didn’t have access to ChatGPT. Those with ChatGPT solved 48 percent more of the practice problems correctly, but they ultimately scored 17 percent worse on a test of the topic that the students were learning.

A third group of students had access to a revised version of ChatGPT that functioned more like a tutor. This chatbot was programmed to provide hints without directly divulging the answer. The students who used it did spectacularly better on the practice problems, solving 127 percent more of them correctly compared with students who did their practice work without any high-tech aids. But on a test afterwards, these AI-tutored students did no better. Students who just did their practice problems the old fashioned way — on their own — matched their test scores.

The researchers titled their paper, “Generative AI Can Harm Learning,” to make clear to parents and educators that the current crop of freely available AI chatbots can “substantially inhibit learning.” Even a fine-tuned version of ChatGPT designed to mimic a tutor doesn’t necessarily help.

The researchers believe the problem is that students are using the chatbot as a “crutch.” When they analyzed the questions that students typed into ChatGPT, students often simply asked for the answer. Students were not building the skills that come from solving the problems themselves.

ChatGPT’s errors also may have been a contributing factor. The chatbot only answered the math problems correctly half of the time. Its arithmetic computations were wrong 8 percent of the time, but the bigger problem was that its step-by-step approach for how to solve a problem was wrong 42 percent of the time. The tutoring version of ChatGPT was directly fed the correct solutions and these errors were minimized.

A draft paper about the experiment was posted on the website of SSRN, formerly known as the Social Science Research Network, in July 2024. The paper has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal and could still be revised.

This is just one experiment in another country, and more studies will be needed to confirm its findings. But this experiment was a large one, involving nearly a thousand students in grades nine through 11 during the fall of 2023. Teachers first reviewed a previously taught lesson with the whole classroom, and then their classrooms were randomly assigned to practice the math in one of three ways: with access to ChatGPT, with access to an AI tutor powered by ChatGPT or with no high-tech aids at all. Students in each grade were assigned the same practice problems with or without AI. Afterwards, they took a test to see how well they learned the concept. Researchers conducted four cycles of this, giving students four 90-minute sessions of practice time in four different math topics to understand whether AI tends to help, harm or do nothing.

ChatGPT also seems to produce overconfidence. In surveys that accompanied the experiment, students said they did not think that ChatGPT caused them to learn less even though they had. Students with the AI tutor thought they had done significantly better on the test even though they did not. (It’s also another good reminder to all of us that our perceptions of how much we’ve learned are often wrong.)

The authors likened the problem of learning with ChatGPT to autopilot. They recounted how an overreliance on autopilot led the Federal Aviation Administration to recommend that pilots minimize their use of this technology. Regulators wanted to make sure that pilots still know how to fly when autopilot fails to function correctly.

ChatGPT is not the first technology to present a tradeoff in education. Typewriters and computers reduce the need for handwriting. Calculators reduce the need for arithmetic. When students have access to ChatGPT, they might answer more problems correctly, but learn less. Getting the right result to one problem won’t help them with the next one.

Los chavales están accediendo directamente a soluciones con chatgpt en vez de pensarlas, creyendo que aprenden mirando la solución y los pasos haciendo el proceso inverso habitual de pensar y tratar de llegar a la solución, y el nivel de aprendizaje se está estampando entre quienes lo usan

Algo palo a copilot de visual studio y los coders que comentan que luego se sienten cojos y perdidos si les falta, es extrapolable a todo. Usado en aprendizaje con metodología errónea, GPT daña al usuario

2 1 respuesta

los tontos serán más tontos y los listos serán más listos, se veía venir.


El tema es el de siempre. Yo he llegado a usarlo en dev hasta tal punto, que me olvido de como se hace algo muy concreto. Lo bueno? Años de lo tuyo hacen que cuando te da una solución digas "ni de coña". Rehazlo todo, pero ASI.
Cuando sabes que tienes que hacer "ese cacho de cógido" absurdo, que no aporta nada, dejas que te saque el esqueleto y eso es gloria. Pero ese boost, si ya no lo tienes, volver al clasico "stack" & Goog de ayer mismo, cuesta...


#1541 está pasando lo mismo en empresas con desarrolladores, en Reddit tienes bastantes ejemplos de gente que dice que desde que empezaron a usar ChatGPT y otros agentes el porcentaje de código erróneo que producen sus equipos es mayor porque la gente nos e para a pensar lo que el agente provee

10 días después

Algo que me tiene muy mosca, es precisamente la incapacidad que tiene de actuar como LLM una vez entra en modo Analyzer.

Tu le pasas el mazaco de XLSX, para que por ejemplo, en conjuntos de rows, te homogenice descripciones y, si lo haces en chat, es crack. Pero en Python, puta mierda. Usa regex y sustituciones básicas pero pierde "toda inteligencia".

Para 4 rows, le puedes decir que lo haga en pantalla y si no olvida que cojones estaba haciendo, tiras millas. Pero como tengas que trabajar con 100 líneas (que NO ES NADA!), despídete.

No he conseguido de ninguna forma que una vez en Python (Analyzer), actue como en chat.