¿Nadie habla del comadreo que se traen Google, Ms, Apple, etc,etc con el gobierno de USA? Según parece el gobierno tiene acceso a los datos de los usuarios de las grandes compañias. Han dicho que "no hombre, solo miramos los datos de los de fuera" con el consiguiente cabreo de la UE y demás. Parece ser, tambien, que invocan cierto privilegio especial de no desvelar lo que hurgan para proteger la seguridad nacional .
Soy mu vago para currarme un hilo en condiciones pero estaba leyendo sobre el tema en reddit y me ha parecido rarisimo que no haya un hilo abierto aquí.
Aquí una explicación medianamente estructurada (en inglés) , ya que yo soy practicamente analfabeto:
Basically the Guardian in the UK broke a confirmed story that the NSA and thus by extension the U.S. government, has direct access to user data from major internet corporations. When questioned about this, the government ascertained that they are only collecting data on foreign nationals, which basically pissed off the planet, and only U.S. citizens that have a foreign link (so if you have a friend who is a non-US-citizen, into the database you go).
The Washington Post, learning that the Guardian was breaking the story, concurrently also broke the story. The WP shares the Guardians reporter in the byline.
Its as real as it gets. They have secured internal NSA training slides.
Foreign governments are in uproar. The European Union in particular has rules about data protections for civilians and privacy rights, which this appears to entirely disregard despite these companies operating in their territories, on the basis that anyone that is non-American is a suspect and can be datamined. Germany has called for the establishment of an EU-centric tech industry and the boycott of American services.
The UK government is cross-examining GCHQ involvement as it appear the UK also received some intel from PRISM.
The companies involved flatly deny all knowledges at the executive level, however the nature of FISA orders is that no person may disclose or allow another person to disclose knowledge of the orders, so they may just be following orders. Facebook and Google official statements are disturbingly similar. Business week also has a nice summary / comparison if you want an alternative source.
The Washington Post began expanding and hedging its article expecting a legal / governmental shitstorm, while the Guardian (being out of US oversight) has stuck to its guns.
Here is a Raw Story breakdown of world reaction.
Twitter appears to be the only major social media to not be a part of the program, and its employees reacted with shock - and as one can expect, Twitter users themselves were incredibly vocally opposed to PRISM.