Drogas Sonoras ¿ Fake o Realidad?


A mi esto lo que me da es un dolor de cabeza que flipas.



  1. What is I-Doser?

I-Doser is a free application that administrates doses obtained through the I-Doser Web Store. It
scientifically synchs your brainwaves to achieve a specific mood or experience, as outlined by the
dose you are taking. It does this though the use of binaural beats. I-Doser will work with any Windows
based PC, and requires headphones to deliver the doses.

  1. Does I-Doser really work?

This is the most common question we get. The simple answer is simply YES. However, it gets a bit
more complicated. All I-Doser doses are tested by a panel of users who consider themselves
experienced in binaural beat modification. A dose is not passed on to the I-Doser Store until it is
proven working by a good majority of the tester staff. We find that users of I-Doser fall into one of 3
categories: Susceptible to Binaural Beats, Originally Unsusceptible to Binuaral Beats, and Immune to
Binaural Beats. This is why we include several free doses with the application, so you can see for
yourself if the process works for you. Some users have also reported that it may take several uses
over a period of time before they see results. We can only tell you to try for yourself. Some other things
that could effect your dose are: not taking your dose in a quiet serene environment, damaged or poor
quality headphones, or the volume you are playing the dose at. These issues will be addressed

  1. Is I-Doser safe?

Absolutely! I-Doser has been tested on many people of many different age ranges and there has never
been an issue with the safety of the I-Doser doses. However, for doses marked "strong or long
program doses, it is highly advisable you do not operate heavy machinery or drive under the influence
of a strong I-Doser dose. Use it with the same respects you would a doctor prescribed or recreational

  1. How does administrating a dose work?
    A dose is purchased through the I-Doser store and emailed to you within 24 hours after order approval.
    The dose is opened through the I-Doser application and played as binaural beats through high quality
    headphones to achieve the mood specified by the dose description. After the dose is administrated,
    the file can no longer be used through the I-Doser application and can be deleted from your system. A
    new dose will then have to be purchased.

  2. Can I use an I-Doser dose to replace doctor prescribed medication?

Absolutely NOT! I-Doser and the purchased doses are intended for entertainment purposes only.
While we fully stand behind the fact that the process works, it is NOT intended to replace doctor
prescribed medication.

  1. Can I use an I-Doser dose to replace a recreational drug?

Yes (and no.) We have received many emails from users who have used I-Doser doses to help them
kick the habit of recreational drugs. I-Doser makes no claims to the effectiveness of using I-Doser
doses to help treat a drug addiction, and we highly recommend professional help for people wishing to
break a harmful drug habit. But, if I-Doser helps in conjunction with professional help, we are always
happy to hear of such results.

  1. Can I mix prescribed or recreational drugs and I-Doser doses?

Yes. For doctor prescribed medication, I-Doser will not interfere with any form of this medication. For
recreational drugs, I-Doser has received many emails from users who have had great experiences
enhancing their recreational drug taking with doses supplied with I-Doser. We can, however, not
recommend the mixing of illegal drugs with doses supplied by I-Doser. Any illegal drug can be
dangerous, so we make no claims or recommendations for users wanting to experiment with I-Doser
and recreational drugs.

  1. How long will the effects of a dose last?

We have done much research into this to try and give our users a solid answer. The truth it, this varies
quite a bit. It seems to be dependent on how quickly you return to normal brain activity. See "how to
maximize the duration of a dose."

  1. What steps can be taken to maximize a dose?

Several steps can be taken to maximize the potential of an I-Doser dose. We at I-Doser actually
consider this essential to the dosing experience. First, set a serene mood. It is recommended that you
administrate the dose while lying down in a dim-lit room in solitude without any noisy distractions. No
interruptions, no phone ringing, nothing! It should be you and the dose. It is advisable that you use a
Doser store. Play the dose at a
pair of high quality headphones, and several are recommended in the I-
comfortable soft level, not too loud, and just lay back and clear your mind. Let the dose do the work.
Let the entire dose play out without removing the headphones, and remove them only when the dose
is finished playing.

  1. How can I maximize the duration of the effects?

We have done many tests with I-Doser to get the most out of each dose. The duration of the effects
seems dependent on how quickly your brain returns to its prior state. We recommend that you carefully
read the description of the dose and stick to activity related to the dose you just took.

  1. All I hear is hisses and beeps?

I-Doser works by playing two separate binaural beats through the headphones and into each ear. The
hertz level is mixed with the beats and sent on a carrier tone of white noise. The hiss or static is the
white noise, and is completely normal and essential to the dose. For a further explanation see further
questions in the FAQ explaining usage.

  1. Do I need headphones? Can't I just play it through my speakers?

Headphones are REQUIRED. Simply playing your dose through your computer or laptop speakers will
have no effect. Binaural beats need to travel in separate tones through each isolated ear at the same
time. This is not possible through speakers.

  1. My headphones won't stretch to a comfortable place, like my bed?

You have 3 choices when it comes to headphones and your location. First, you can just use a pair of
regular headphones and sit at your computer with your eyes closed. Or, you can order a headphone
cable extension cable and run the cable somewhere comfortable. Finally, and this is what I-Doser
techs do, you can order a wireless headphone unit and take your dose anywhere in your house. Check
the I-Doser store for wireless headphone products and cables.

  1. What headphones do you recommend?

Please check out I-Doser Store. We have several hardware recommendations to help maximize the I-
Doser Experience.

  1. Can I get a refund on a dose that does not work?

No. I-Doser doses are sold as-is. It is recommended you try the test doses included free with the
download of I-Doser before you commit to a dose purchase. Also, try purchasing single doses to see if
you like the dose before purchasing multi-dose packs.

  1. The I-Doser application, dose, purchased dose, or web page does not work?

I-Doser is currently handling a very large order volume for doses. Because of the high rate of happy I-
Doser users, and to keep the cost of doses down, everything (application, doses, web) is considered
as-is. The I-Doser application is offered free for download and includes free doses for your own testing
purposes. If you are not happy with the application, included free doses, or the web experience -
please, submit an experience report and uninstall the application. We find that most users are very
happy with the I-Doser experience.

  1. How does the order process work?

Doses are purchased through the I-Doser store using the PayPal shopping system. This is currently all
we support. After your order is processed and approved, I-Doser technicians compile your dose order
and send it as an attachment to your email. From the point you order your dose from the I-
Doser store,
to the point you get it in your email, is no longer than 24 hours - usually even faster. Once you place
your order through the I-Doser store, keep an eye out for an email from orders(at)i-doser.com. Your
doses are attached!

  1. How do multi-pack orders ship?

Multi-pack orders, or orders of more than a single dose, are sent to your email in a self-extracting
winzip image. Simply run the attachment and you will be prompted to extract the files. They can then
be opened and used in the I-Doser application.

  1. How many times can I take a purchased dose?

Each dose will only be played through the I-Doser application once. It will then have to be re-
purchased. Make sure before you take the dose that you are fully ready, and are committed to the full
length of the dose. Once it starts, you will not be able to stop it, and it will not be able to be played
again until you re-purchase it.

  1. How loud should I play my dose?

Generally, our lab tests have shown that the overall volume of the dose will not alter the effect.
Because of this, we recommend you play the dose at a soft, pleasing, level. Playing the dose too
loudly can distort the beats or cause brain distraction. Keep that in mind. You want to hear it, but you
don't want it blasting.

  1. Who are you?

The I-Doser group consists of several teams of underground music and tonal experts, programmers,
testers, researchers and admins. We all take the I-Doser project very serious and with a professional
attitude. We are very interested in communicating with the users, and ask that you use the "Submit
Experiences" sections of the application and web page to let us hear your thoughts on the project.

  1. A question I have wasn't answered here?

Please use the "Submit Experiences" buttons on the I-Doser Web Page and in the I-Doser Application.
Ask your question there, and we will do our best to answer it and put it in the FAQ.


pero nazgul de dnd sakas las drogas en .drg xD
llevo un empane wapo, vamos nose si es de star ai escuchando la mierda esaa no se ni cuant olo eeskuchao, por lo q pone dura 45 min jajaxd pero vamos q empane, e priobao el de maria y no sta nada mal xdddddddd


Joder lo he dicho 3 veces ya

En el eMule teneis todo

Y como dice ahí arriba, se tiene que escuchar con auriculares decentes, a solas y en un ambiente relajado


si weno yo me e tirao en la cama y ai e estao, una ora o asi xddddddddddddd


waaa , en el ares hay MILES! :S:S:S

Si lo meto al ipod, no me hace efecto, es k del ordena a la cama, hay un espacio que auriculares va a ser k no...


No es imprescindible tirarse en la cama a menos que lo especifique, por ejemplo con la Salvia Divinorum


#1 siii,te ponen una cancion,y en verdad es un mensaje sublimado diciendo:
aloñapes aniram la en etatsila


pura sugestión...

no lo hay en descarga directa? es que en el emule parece que todos ocupan muy poco.


no noto nada :/


Cuales son para tirarse en la cama, m da pereza estar 35 minutos sentao escuxando ruido...kiero un ciego en cama...me e bajao el de anestesia.

Voy a momi


#129 Ocupan muy poco porque son sonidos sintetizados.

Por cierto he estado leyendo por ahí y al parecer la más fuerte es una que se llama Hand of God, la probaré cuando termine con Trip 1.


Lo probaré con más tiempo otro día, porque la verdad que no es enchufar y ya, hay que escucharlo con atención y relajado.


creo haber encontrado el hand of god...pero ta bajandose y m va lento por k m toy bajando otros sonidos, cuando lo abra y lo vea, lo digo aki.


xd putos yonkees


Llevo 10 minutos con el de cocaina, tirado en la cama, a todo volumen con el 2.1 y me esta estallando la cabeza, oigo aspas de helicopteros y los oidos se me taponan.

voy a ver con 10 min mas


#136 necesitas cascos y si son un poco "buenos" mejor >_<

con altavoces ya dicen q no funciona, solo conseguiras un dolor de cabeza de la ostia



si eso fuese cierto todos conseguiriamos musculo con esa mierda,puede que te alegre o algo asi,pero los mismos efectos de la droga es imposible


Me voy a meter la divinorum muchachos.

Luego comento resultados xD

edit: #140 ok bajando ..


Dios mi sueño... drogas gratis...

#139 No lo pongas muy alto, ponlo a un volumen normal, no hace más efecto por estar a mas volumen

#138 Que yo sepa los esteroides no generan masa muscular de por si.


de donde puedo bajar rapidamente el de la Salvia? me he bajado un par de veces el programa pero no funciona.


Ah bo
YA SE,menuda tonteria,cuando estas acostado en el sofa,en posicion horizontal,te sube la sangrue a la cabeza,y te dan ganas de no levantarse,cuando te levantas estas como atontado,pero se pasa,yo creo qe es eso,vaya tonteria,eso le pasa a todo el mundo.
De drogado nada,mas bien perezoso


Soy el unico k le desconcentra x completo el puto anuncio k hay en el msn de el seat leon k pega un derrape joder! xDD estoy aki fumandome un audio porro y suena el puto derrape xD


#142 Que pesados con que es fake, mirad la web y leed el foro si no os lo creéis

#143 Joder ayer estuve tres horas rayado buscando de donde salia el puto ruidito...

Quita el MSN, yo lo hice


soy el unico al que le lloran los ojos? xd


luego me paso un par de canciones al mp4..



el de la mariguana y el de el tripi son =les... k timo es este?¿


Totalmente psicologico aqui la peña se pone el de la farlopa y si te das cuenta tan solo les afeecta a gente que ya lo habia probado. La cabeza hace que creais los sintomas. PUNTO PELOTA


Se llama lote psicologico...


yo solo tengo 1 aurikular..se me va a kaer la orja?

Tema cerrado