EEUU podría tener cuerpos NO humanos


#1852 Tambien esta el hipotetico escenario donde esa raza mas avanzada sea la que nos este dando su tecnologia, asi avanzaremos en la direccion tecnologica que esa raza desee. Podria ser otra forma de control. Evolucionas segun a mi me parezca y cuando hayas madurado, os cosechamos.

(Yes, reapers)

2 respuestas

#1951 Te venden UFOs con DRM. Y pagas la suscripción.

3 1 respuesta

#1952 Me hago humanopilingui si hace falta.


#1951 quiero pensar que en el universo hay relaciones comerciales y consorcios

1 respuesta

Bailad marionetas


#1938 En un congreso de Canadá. Un ministro de defensa creo que era y miembro del viejo G8 aseguró que EEUU conocía al menos 3 razas y que sabían que mínimo tenían contacto con una. Que era un peligro para la humanidad.

Todos los videos y entrevistas posteriores... "han desaparecido"



Mega recomendada


Lo de que hay varios tipos de aliens lo dijo este pavo, Phi Schneider. Probablemente es el peor caso posible en lo que respecta a posibilidades de aliens:

Texto sacado de:

(1) Phil Schneider

Whistleblower Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer, and underground tunneling expert who claimed to have participated in the secret construction of many deep underground cities and bases in North America and abroad for the government.

Phil believed 11 of his close friends had been murdered in the last 22 years, eight of whose deaths had been officially explained as suicides. After the death of his father (Otto Oscar Schneider - see #2) in 1993, the murder of his best friend Ron Rummell (See #3) in August 1993, and the discovery that he had terminal cancer in 1995, Phil was compelled to go public with all the top-secret information he had in his possession through a series of public presentations all across the USA.

He gave one of his final presentations at the Preparedness Expo on September 22, 1955, held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Phil Schneider died on January 17, 1996, just two months after his final lecture in November 1995 in Denver, Colorado. He was discovered in his apartment, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck. The rubber catheter hose was wrapped three times around his neck and tied off in a half-knot at the front before he collapsing head first into his wheelchair - his death was declared a suicide despite its unusual circumstances. Stated by JP Robinson, an obituary published in "The Oregonian" on January 29, 1996, Philip Schneider (April 23, 1947—January 17, 1996) died of a stroke on January 17; however, his death certificate states that he "strangled himself with surgical tubing".

Shortly before his death, he had stated both publicly and privately that he was a marked man and did not expect to live long. He had repeatedly said "If I ever commit suicide, I'll have been murdered." His widow has stated that intelligence agents thoroughly searched their premises shortly after Phil's death and made off with at least a third of the family photographs.

Here are the main points Phil Schneider made in his September 22, 1995 presentation:

US Military’s Discovery of UFOs:

UFO’s were first documented in the USA in 1909.

The US Military first learned about UFO’s in 1933, as did the Nazis.

Senate called the US Military forward to explain the Roswell incident, but the US Military lied to most of the government and covered it up.

Military Bases:

Black Budget Programs cost around 1.023 trillion every 2 years, or roughly 500 billion a year.

There are 131 underground military bases in the USA alone.

There are 14,777 worldwide military bases.

A Mach 2 train connects all of the underground military bases in the USA.

Alien Technology/Materials:

Phil showed the crowd crash retrieval material from Roswell. The metals found in the retrieval could withstand temperatures up to 7,500 degree Fahrenheit and contained both Niobium and Murinite (element 123 – does not publicly exist).

The US military have charged particle beam weapons and computer enhanced imaging radars that are currently used in helicopters for public surveillance.

The US has satellites with infrared technology – these satellites can be 150,000 miles away and still see a dime on your kitchen floor; they have a resolution factor of 99.99961.

Phil shows some more metals that he claims could withstand temperatures up to 7,500 degree Fahrenheit.

Held up a sample he claimed was Corbomite (element 140 – does not publicly exist), which is the heaviest element in the world. It has 3.5 times the weight of Uranium (which is claimed to be the heaviest element).

Corbomite is completely stable and it is used in all Phoenix Class Submarines and Stealth Aircrafts.

Claims there are many more elements that exist that are not showed on the periodic table.

Area 51:

Has 18,000 employees that work in 12-hour shifts.

Has 9 military bases located 4.25 cubic miles underground.

1979 Incident Beneath Los Alamos National Laboratory:

In 1979, he was part of a large team involved in building a facility 3 cubic miles beneath Los Alamos National Laboratory (see #4).

When building the tunnels, the equipment they sent down kept coming back broken. They sent people down into the tunnels to investigate, and accidently stumbled upon Grey Aliens, who had been working side by side with American technicians for years.

Phil’s team was unaware of this fact as the Government never mentioned this, which led to a huge misunderstanding that led both sides to attack one another.

Phil said when he encountered the 7-foot Grey Aliens, the first thing he noticed was that they smelled terrible. He also noticed that they were mortal and could die, as he shot and killed two of them.

One of the Aliens did a strange hand movement after it was shot, and Phil was hit with a electrical blue beam that most of the fingers off his right hand, burnt all his toenails off, burnt his foot off, and sliced through chest. Phil Schneider was indeed missing half of one of his legs, most of the fingers on one hand, and had a large scar across his chest.

66 Secret Service, FBI, Black/Green Berets, and others were killed along with an unspecified number of Grey Aliens.

Ever since that day, ever since that day, the militaries of the world have been in constant conflict with outer space aliens, specifically the: Small Grey Aliens, Large Grey Aliens, and Reptilian Aliens.

Alien Species:

There are 11 distinct alien races.

There are only two benevolent species. One of the benevolent species, the Pleiadians/Nordics, have mostly all left because their own world came under attack.

The remaining 9 species are bad and use the glandular secretions of animals and humans as a mixture they put in their food.

Valiant Thor:

Is a Nordic alien who has been working with the Pentagon since 1937/1938.

Has a life span of 490 years and does not age.

Looks humanoid, but has some major differences when compared to humans: Has six fingers and six toes, one oversized heart, one giant lung, larger blood vessels, blood made of copper oxide just like an octopus, brain capacity is 300 cm greater than humans, has an IQ of 1,200, and speaks 100 languages fluently.

He doesn’t shake hands due to fear of passing on germs that are deadly to us. Phil fears these germs could be used as bioweapons against the world.

Alien Agenda:

Aliens want to take complete control of the world and kill off about 80% of the population by the year 2029.

The US Military has known about this for 45 years.

There are currently 100,000 missing children that have never been found, the FBI cannot trace them.

President Eisenhower signed the Greada Treaty, which gave Grey Aliens permission to experiment on humans in exchange for their technology.

This treaty was violated after 1979 shootout beneath Los Alamos National Lab.

Phil’s Personal Statements:

Admitted he was breaking federal law by speaking publicly, but he did not care because he loved his country more than his life.

Claimed an attempt was made on his life just two weeks ago, where he was shot in the shoulder. He unbuttoned his shirt to show the crowd the bullet wound.

Has had a total of 11 attempts on his life.

Said the USA is not a democracy, but both an autocracy and technocracy.

Urges the public to do their own homework and push the government for disclosure and remove any government official that refuses to release information related to UFO’s and secret military bases.

Recommends getting on talk shows, news shows, and tv shows to get the message out to as many people as possible.

In 20 years, we will have polluted much of the earth.

When reading the news, focus on the details that are missing rather than the details given.

(2) Otto Oscar Schneider

Otto Oscar Schneider was a Navy Captain who served as a medical doctor working with nuclear medicine in U.S. Naval Intelligence. When Oscar Schneider died in 1993, Phil discovered documents and photographs in his father’s basement which showed he had been involved in the Philadelphia Experiment and Operation Crossroads. He found written letters showing that Oscar helped isolate the crewmembers of the Philadelphia Experiment and later autopsied them when they died. His father also had photographs of UFO’s fleeing through mushroom clouds after the Atomic Bomb was dropped above the lagoon at Bikini Atoll. This was Operation Crossroads and Oscar was involved in medical examinations of the animals and humans exposed to radiation.

(3) Ron Rummel

Ron Rummel, an ex-Air Force intelligence agent, was working with Phillip in publishing a magazine called “The Alien Digest”. It was starting to get popular and widely circulated, when Ron was suddenly found dead in a park in Portland in September 1993. His death was declared a suicide by gun shot through the mouth. Strangely, the detective report said that there is blow-back blood on Ron’s hand, but no blow-back blood on the gun. This would only be possible if Ron had wiped the gun after he shot himself in the mouth; however, the handle of the weapon was free of fingerprints.

(4) Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory is one of the sixteen research and development laboratories of the United States Department of Energy. Los Alamos was established in 1943 as Project Y, a top-secret site for designing nuclear weapons under the Manhattan Project during World War II. While owned by the federal government, LANL is privately managed and operated by Triad National Security, LLC. Triad National Security is made up of three members:

Battelle Memorial Institute - lots of conspiracy theories behind this group that take up too much space to cover here. There is a great 4chan post on it.

The Texas A&M University System

University of California
1 3 respuestas

#1958 ¿Los alíen quieren eliminar el 80% de la población para el año 2029? A ver si al final va a ser cierta la agenda 2030…


Dobleposteo para repetirle a los alien overlords que me estén leyendo que puedo serles útil si me dejan vivo. Y si me dejan al menos 3 (tres) twinks guapos y sanos vivos para mí lucho en nombre de Zeta Retículi hasta acabar con esos putos reptilianos.

1 respuesta

#1958 muy mítico, y extremadamente fantástico.

Recuerdo leer esto hace años, cuando me tragaba cualquier cosa, incluido lo de Bob lazar. Hasta que te das cuenta de lo absurdo que suena que varias razas se estén moliendo a palos y unas hormigas como nosotros les importemos algo... Cuando podrían tirar unas esporas venenosas en el aire y borrarnos del mapa sin problema. Lo siento pero no, a mí esto me suena a sacacuartos sectario.

No obstante hay casos realistas e inexplicables a lo largo de la historia que si son interesantes y fascinantes.

1 respuesta

#1961 La verdad es que me da igual la opinión de los escépticos. A estas alturas solo me debo a mis alien overlords.

1 1 respuesta

#1962 ojalá te den un buen nórdico poderoso 24h de esclavo.

1 respuesta

#1963 Pf ya ves. Me pondría a daros latigazos a todos para construir el rayo de la muerte apuntando a un planeta que no conocemos.

Sería irónico que el final de la humanidad también lo hayan predicho los Simpsons.

PD: Yo voté a Kodos.


Lo siento, llegué hasta aquí.


The metals found in the retrieval could withstand temperatures up to 7,500 degree Fahrenheit and contained both Niobium and Murinite (element 123 – does not publicly exist).


Held up a sample he claimed was Corbomite (element 140 – does not publicly exist), which is the heaviest element in the world. It has 3.5 times the weight of Uranium (which is claimed to be the heaviest element).

Para quien quiera saber la soplapollez que significa decir eso, el 123 podría ser "estable", el 140 no parece ni por asomo.


There are currently 100,000 missing children that have never been found, the FBI cannot trace them.

Por cierto, con esto deberían haber buscado en la isla de Epstein. Lo tenían más fácil.


fail >> #2152

7 2 respuestas

El otro vídeo de regicideanon se ha demostrado fake. Tiene toda la pinta de que es fake por el tema de la velocidad.

1 1 respuesta

fail >> #2152


#1966 #1967 dónde se ha dicho algo al respecto de esto en Reddit? Podéis pasar link?

1 respuesta

#1969 ni idea



Miraros los leaks de los escritos de alto rango de la cienciología.

Da para un tremendo porro L para arriba.

1 respuesta

Miraros la peli la cuarta fase y me decís que opináis y quien la haya visto igual

1 respuesta

#1973 Yo la vi en el cine en su día y me cagué bastante con la susodicha peli xD

Es una fumada a partir de la mitad, pero sobre el tema de que en esos pueblos así abandonados ocurran cosas así, tiene bastante pinta.


#1972 que de todo? hay 109 documentos desclasificados

1 respuesta

hmm, curioso que en 2014 se supiese algo que se sugirió en 2022. El que fakeo el video era también un astrofísico reputado.


#1975 Lo del emperador galáctico xD

2 respuestas

#1966 uf, esa velocidad es muy baja, próxima a aterrizar con flaps y demás, y en el vídeo se aprecia que va por unas nubes a mayor altura. Debería entrar en pérdida lo más probable. Tal vez @contractor pueda decirnos algo al respecto. Claro, que también habría que tener en cuenta la perspectiva de la cámara del supuesto dron.

1 respuesta

#1977 la fumada sobre xenu? mañana le echo un ojo


Ya lo pongo yo.

3 1 respuesta