Hackers amenazan con poseer informacion sensible del 11S


lo he visto en forocoches hace un rato, por lo visto estan pidiendo 2millones de euros en bitcoins, la info tiene mas de diez horas y como imaginareis el twitter original ya se ha suspendido y la info va por cuentagotas, habra desinformacion, informacion repetida, etcetc.
Vamos con la pasta y los gorros de papel albal xD
Chronological Breakdown of The 9/11 Documents Leaked By The Dark Overlord



Law firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin has a meeting scheduled for its clients on 11/8/2001 regarding WTC subrogation issues and a presentation of potential services from consultants and creating a New York aviation counsel. They want to make sure it remains confidential.



Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin announces their preliminary subrogation analysis team.



Legal document by the United States District Court Southern District of New York

Plaintiffs are seeking damages related to 9/11 due to negligence of the defendants.



Statement by the law firm Warden Triplett Grier to Underwriters ( a law firm that was damaged in the 9/11 attacks) that they may have filed their claims too late to receive maximum payout but have minimized the risk.



Representatives for United Air Lines are asking US District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein to the throw out charges stating they can't be held responsible for “fanatical suicide terrorists” and also that that United is bankrupt.



Legal document submitted by airport operators that want their charges for negligence dropped on the basis that federal law explicitly states that air carriers are solely responsible to conduct or oversee the passenger screening process.



Law office Clyde & Co want to confirm the Reinsures' position as regards the claim filed and to “explain the principal coverage issues.”



Representatives for Argenbright Security, Inc (along with the other plaintiffs) want the judge to dismiss charges regarding Ground Damage Claims from Flight 77.



Law office Kreindler & Kreindler wants the liability insurance policies of the defendants in the Master Complaints in the 9/11 litigation. This is his 3rd request to Condon & Forsyth Moller.



Internal financial document likely from Lloyd's of London .

This document shows what these companies submitted in insurance claims and how much they received. I've also included their locations and claim descriptions. Note the huge discrepancies in payout...

Allianz of America

2 WTC and 1 Liberty Plaza. The insured, Allianz of America, is in the insurance business. Its office for McGee Marine Underwriters was located on the 47th and 48th floors of WTC 2 and was totally destroyed by the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Its Fireman’s Fund office was located on the 20th and 21st floors of One Liberty Plaza. This office suffered extensive damage to real property and personal property.

Submitted: $9,652,683

Paid: $448,983.91

Bank of America

1 WTC North Tower. The insured, Bank of America, is in the banking business. Bank of America was located in WTC 1. The claim paid arose out of the terrorist attack which destroyed the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Submitted: $128,000,000

Paid: $883,329.80

Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc

WTC1 and WTC2. The insured, Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc., is in the business of investment banking. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, destroyed instrument bonds, stocks and other valuable documents stored in the vaults.

Submitted: $360,374.25

Paid: $16,257.56

Port Authority of New York

The insured, Port Authority of New York, is in the business of managing bridges, tunnels, airports and transit in New York City. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, caused damage to buildings and property, including leasehold interests, for which the Port Authority was responsible to insure including furniture, fixtures and supplies, currency, vehicles, PATH railcars, etc. In addition, extra expense was incurred for temporary locations and lost income.

Submitted: claim is listed as open

Paid: $8,087,319.90

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

You'll have to look at the document yourself for this breakdown.

Submitted: $4,626,508,320 (that's not a typo)

Paid: $950,000,000

Silverstein Properties

WTC1, WTC2, WTC4, and WTC5. The insured, Silverstein Properties, Inc., is in the business of real property acquisition and/or management. The claim paid arose out of the terrorist attack that destroyed the World Trade Center September 11, 2001.

Submitted: $3,546,800,000 (that's not a typo)

Paid: $22,500,180



This is a list of companies that received insurance payouts. Dollar amounts are not listed. Note that my date is from the original file. No date is listed on the document.



World Trade Center Properties want the judge to unseal the amount of settlement they received from American Airlines and to publicly file their opposition to the settlement agreement.



The New York Times wants the court to unseal all records detailing settlement amounts plaintiffs paid to defendants and their identities. They also want to allow the public to attend the oral argument on the motion to approve the settlement. “The Aviation Defendants claim to be deeply concerned about the false light in which the disclosure of the settlement amount and allocations could place them.”

wallet de ellos segun su comunicado

movimiento de 600 bcs que podrian ser los 2 m, es de hace 16 horas o sea que encaja en el plano temporal pero no estan en la wallet dada

hilo directamente por si teneis cuenta xD


ojala salga todo a la luz


No hay nada mejor qe un buen power point !! jajajajajaa



Ya sabremos quién mato a Kennedy

2 respuestas

No será nada, pero bué


La patata no se puede poseer, la patata es un fruto de la madre naturaleza.


por lo visto estan pidiendo 2millones de euros en bitcoins

Pero no está en caída el bc?

3 respuestas

#8 Pero la gracia es su irrastreabilidad no?

1 respuesta

#8 Creo que lo hacen más por ser indetectable quien recibe la pasta.

1 respuesta

Madre mia el bitcoin, de esperanza de la economia a moneda de cambio de magufos.


#8 it is, quizas luego vuelve a revalorizarse y ya no son dos millones de euros
Aunque estaria gracioso que soltaran la info, el bc siguiera para abajo y los 2m se convirtieran en 2m de jajas


Esperanza de la economia? Más bien esquema ponzi de manual.

1 respuesta

#9 #10 de siempre hay que pedir billetes pequeños, usados y sin marcar.

Que poco cine dosmilero xD


#13 bueno, no centremos esto en para que sirve o cuanto vale

A hacker group known as Dark Overlord threatened on Monday to publicly release internal files regarding the 9/11 attacks unless their ransom demands are met. Overlord said it had breached a law firm handling cases related to the attacks and seemed to play up 9/11 conspiracy theories in its threat, saying in a tweet that the group will “be providing many answers about 9.11 conspiracies through our 18.000 secret documents.” “You're welcome to... make a request to formally have your documents... withdrawn from any eventual public release of the materials. However, you'll be paying us,” the group warned. Overlord claims to have hacked several different insurers and legal firms involved in insuring the World Trade Center and the legal battle that commenced after the towers fell. A spokesperson for one of the insurance companies confirmed to Motherboard that the hackers had breached a law firm that advised the company, and had likely stolen files related to litigation surrounding 9/11. This public extortion is only the latest by the group; they have already targeted a production studio working for Netflix, as well as medical centers and private businesses.
estan de craufundin tb, piden pasta para soltar la info xD


A ver si sale de una vez a la luz este gran timo.



#5 me interesa mas todo lo del area 51, el accidente de roswell y los circulos de las cosechas.


#5 Hoover?


Los Magufos de MV estarán frotándose las manos :-)

Ya están preparándose cuentas nuevas para venir a postear :-)


habria que hacer una contraoferta entre todo interne y ofrecer XXX Bitcoins + 1 para liberar los documentos, seria la risa xD

1 respuesta

Pero esto quiere decir que fueron los reptilianos no?

Sabia James que era una trampa de asuntos internos?


Pues vaya soberana mierda, como dicen por ahí, tal vez sea una pequeña muestra para que el "susodicho" vea que han llegado a donde tenían que llegar y que pueden tener las cosas "gordas" como una prueba del pirateo, porque los documentos en si solo prueban pagos de aseguradoras...vamos shit

Pagos que por cierto ya fueron listados por unos y otros a lo largo del tiempo...


Solo falta que estos tipos y Trump suelten la información, uno del 9/11 y el otro lo de Kennedy.


A ver qué sale


En esa cuenta no hay 600 btcs hay una minucia


Y qué más da? Como si no supiéramos todos ya las injerencias de EEUU, otro 9/11 derrocó un gobierno democrático, la CIA y sus pequeñas ayudas.

Es que da igual lo que pasó,o lo que la gente diga, nadie les tose, muchas cosas se han filtrado, se han hecho públicas y ahí los tienes.

Los magufos son la peor clase de persona que pueda haber, gente que solo se dedica a teorizar, cuando se demuestra que hacen luego? Nada, buscar otro motivo para flipar un poco


#21 si estan pidiendo eso a la gente

1 respuesta

#28 bonita estafa

Como sacarse una buena pasta a costa de los que se creen cualquier cosa

Veo que las estafas sobre este tipo de cosas salen de la deep web


Pero si lo que están diciendo es que según se vaya donando van posteando info, no al revés. Nos estamos haciendo la picha un lío de manera bárbara, vaya.

Que no es un ransom al uso (quieren ganar pasta de lo que donen, hasta que los que tienen que pagar paguen y entonces cierra el grifo, es una contrarreloj)