#779 Que sutil forma de llamarme garrulo. Córtate un poco, ¿va?
Y volviendo al tema, yo no he indagado nada a cerca de la imposibilidad de reproducir una obra arquitectónica tan precisa como las pirámides, tan solo he opinado con respecto a lo que he podido leer por aquí.
Además, en un vistazo rápido por Internet veo que es un "rumor" bastante difundido:
"To get an idea of the precision that went into the construction of the Great Pyramid and the delicacy of the parameters mentioned above, consider its alignment to the 4 cardinal points. The meridian running through the Great Pyramid deviates from the perfect North-South meridian by 3 arc minutes (3/60 part of a degree). With all our modern technology this precision couldn't even be achieved in the construction of the Greenwich Observatory in London that marks the Prime Meridian of the world with an inaccuracy of 9 arc minutes and is therefore three times less accurate than the Great Pyramid!"
"The Great Pyramid is the most remarkable building in existence on the face of our planet today. It was built with such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it. This pyramid is so precisely constructed that until recently (with the advent of laser measuring equipment) scientists were not able to discover some of its subtle symmetries. Among other aspects, there are also very between all the structures in the pyramid complex at Giza. It is facts such as these that should raise questions as to the commonly accepted (and mostly mistaken) interpretations of its purpose, history and construction, as well as the history of our society (and especially the so-called 'pre-history' of mankind). There are many answers out there, all you have to do is look."
De cualquier forma, dudo que pudieran alcanzar ese nivel de precisión con los medios que tenía el ser humano hace 500 años, por decir algo. Vamos, que lo que es sorprendente es que NO SEPAMOS como pudieron alcanzar ese nivel de precisión antaño, a pesar de tener las pirámides delante de nuestras narices.