#2279 lo que se decia y pedían muchos biólogos es obtener muestras del virus puro y aplicar los postulados de Koch. El postulado consta de 4 fases. P.ej. aquí tienes un paper donde llega a dos fases. Aunque en el paper argumenta que habría que infectar a un humano, eso no es así del todo hasta donde he leído, los postulados se hacen con animales principalmente.
The available data currently fulfil two of the four Koch postulates, the first being that SARS-CoV-2 was identified in the pancreas of infected patients, and second that SARS-CoV-2 can infect exocrine and endocrine cells ex vivo and in vivo. However, the remaining two of Koch’s postulates, including the inoculation of samples of SARS-CoV-2 obtained from pure culture into animal or human subjects to reproduce the disease, and isolation of virus from those inoculated subjects, may not be fulfilled for ethical reasons. There is not yet absolute proof of a causal it is important to remember that many bacteria and viruses fail to fulfil Koch’s postulates, yet the agents are widely accepted as the cause of disease (such as Dengue virus) with which they are associated.
The COVID PAN study and laboratory investigations have increased understanding of acute pancreatitis associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Koch’s postulates would need to be fulfilled to provide definitive proof that SARS-CoV-2 causes acute pancreatitis, but the accumulating data appear to support this.
Un paper de referencia, también lo indica:
Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak. Additional evidence to confirm the etiologic significance of 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak include identification of a 2019-nCoV antigen in the lung tissue of patients by immunohistochemical analysis, detection of IgM and IgG antiviral antibodies in the serum samples from a patient at two time points to demonstrate seroconversion, and animal (monkey) experiments to provide evidence of pathogenicity.