You Americans live full of prejudices! Bulls in Spain are the most respected animals ever. You must see how this unique animals live in the countryside and how respected and well treated they live during six years. If bullfights are banned this animals would disappear for ever, in the same way that you make dissapear buffalos in the West, because they are not useful for any other thing. And, of course, all the natural environment related with the bulls will dissapear as well. You say that Spanish people is cruel. At least we kill bulls, not civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, in the the border with Mexico, in Palestina, in Guantanamo??? At least we dont execute prisioners in our jails... Get rid of your stupid prejudices...
Posted by Javier July 16, 2010 05:14 AM
El colega Javier lo dice mejor que yo. Todo depende siempre del modo en que lo quieras ver.
No se si sabeis como se fabrica el Foie en Francia, o como se ceban las gallinas, pero si le vas dando vueltas, al final acabariamos todos cultivando tomatitos en casa y sin atrevernos a pisar las hormigas de la calle.