Thread to practise English (Part Two)


I was wondering if this thread was useful.


#428 I did pass the IELTS and its not easy, but I think that the Advance is a bit harder

#480 I have the defect of correcting people either I want it or not, but there are too many things to correct every thread-page so I guess It would be to tiring to start doing it.

#481 And what do you eventually think?


No way. IELTS oral examination and word formation exercises (I still suffer from nightmares because of words like 'upbringing' or 'upstart' that drove me onto nerves) have been the worst I have gone through in English learning, included a English-related degree (Translation and Interpreting), PhD in locating, dubbing and subtitling and different grades at language schools.


O_O AG change his avatar

The best to learn english is travel to some english country (like USA or UK) 3 months or more. You will come thinking in english


#483 It wasnt that hard for me...


A few years ago i developed a small study over Ireland. One freaking data is that the ewe popuilation is far big as human population :D


Out of curiosity, thanks to the poster above I've just realised 'ewe' is 'oveja'. 'Sheep' is what I've always used and heard. Interesting.


I was having a shower, when the telephone rang


Hi friends.

I'm bored and I'm gonna make a joint. It's all I need at this moment.


Smoking is bad for health man, you should practice sport and keep your body and your mind in harmony




sup guys, didnt realize that this thread was going on


#483 Which exam did you take ? Academic or General Training ? IELTS looks awesome!!

I passed the Proficiency in December 2006 and since then I haven't practiced nothing at all and I'm sure that if I take the exam now I wouldn't pass it. It's a pitty. I think I will read again the CPE book and re-do all the exercises.

BTW, I also understand a little bit (or "ein bisschen") of German, because I lived 2 years in Vienna (Austria) when I was 9. :P


#488 OMFG thats tah most epic phrase ever said hahahaha


interesting topic, I'm doing uni in england and am from Bilbao :) Bilingual!!


If you are from Bilbao you must be Trilingual


lol no, I was given the option to choose between French and Euskera, no point in learning Euskera :P


#493 The academic one


Hello everyone. Today there is a wonderful day in Cadiz, in two days comes my girlfriend with me to spend time the two together and am very happy.


#493 Did you pass the CPE when you were 17? How is that possible? Are your parents from an English speaking country or what?


Never noticed this thread before LOL

I don't have any english title and never lived in an english speaking country but I'm relocating to Amsterdam next week and I'm supposed to work/live there speaking english (I don't have any intention to learn dutch). My pronunciation sucks a bit yet and I lack quite a lot of vocabulary but well... I'll let you know how it goes :D


#499 You won't be too happy if I'm still sick by then. Its not THAT bad though.


You don't need any English certifications to ask for weed, Pitagoras


Hi guys, I've been in Ingland working recently and there was an expresion "tho" (Im not sure how to spell it) pronounced dou, that they used a lot and I dont know what exactly means.

In sentences like "It's very funny tho", mb one of u can give me a clue.


#504 With "weed" do you refer to the plant whose active ingredient is the Tetrahidrocannabinol (THC) xD?


I think you mean 'tho' as 'though'. As well as 'although', it's commonly translated into Spanish as "aunque" though (:D) it also means "sin embargo" or even "pero". It all depends on the context of the sentence itself.


#501 YES! As I said in #493 I lived 2 years in Vienna (Austria) and there I was in the AIS (American International School) where I spoke English for 8 hours a day and back then I was pretty much bilingual. I spoke in English, thought in English, and I even had dreams in English most of the nights, because all my friends/teachers/etc spoke English. And that's everything I'm allowed to tell you :P


#508 haha, ok I see..


excuse me, does anybody know the difference between upgrade and improve?