Thread to practise English (Part Two)


The last saturday i was talking in english for 1 hour with a girl, was amazing. Talk with her was the only thing that i finnally did

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#871 Oh shit! try again, you will get her pussy.


Did you invite her to a Fanta?


doogie, keep it up and your arrogance will turn against you...

Your English skills are good enough, unlike your manners.

I won't hesitate to punish you if I find your behaviour disrepectful once again. I swear I won't.


I want to practice my english here... its not good, but i always can learn a bit more...

Help me with one thing.

I was training in a soccer team for about 3 months, waiting an answer about if im in or not. Im really tired with that club because they dont give an answer, i always get the same words... "we need more time". 3 months is not enough?? WTF!!!

I was always calling the coach to see when is the next training, he never called me...

Then yesterday i decide dont go to train again with them, if they really want me in theyr team the next season, i think they should call me.

What do you think?? I need to do the same than the last 3 months? Or im doing the correct things with that situation??


Hi, I don't know why I'm really writing here, I'm new and I know that I'll be Pwn3d in less than 5 min.

I hope to write soon


P.D: #878 +1


#876 I think they donŽt want you in the team xdd

If I were you, I would search another club.


#876 lol, do you play football?? in a female team?

#881 OK, they don't want you coz (no offense) you didn't born as a girl... hard to say, but I think thats the problem :( and they are giving to you excuses...


he/she is cheating! xd



The coach told me about to join the team this season, because he's happy with my work and my quality, but, the club wants to promote another girls of the same club with less age. Then, the coach can't do anything for me...


In a female team for more than 2 years now... xDDD. And they dont know nothing about my past. I think you dont understand me, thats not the problem, im playing in another team now, but i want to play in a team with more quality, they dont say nothing about my past.

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So, youŽre answering yourself


Give up and search for another team to play both in and for. I think three months are enough to test players' worth, so if they didn't call you anymore they have likely dispensed of your services already.


#881 if they don't know nothing about your past, then they don't want you as a player =D try another team.

#886 Btw, I'm asking from the ingorance... if you play in a female team, isn't that a 'cheat', coz ok, you are women, but you are powerful than the others, right?



Yeah, i think i will search another team. The coach are happy with my work, but the club have another philosophy, and im to old...


A friend of mine has found a really good podcast. The website is, they have 2 type of podcasts, 1 is the regular podcast in what you can hear a slow dialogue between 2 guys about 1 random theme, and later John McQuillan (or something like that) explain all expresions used, forms, sentences, that podcasts have a duration of 15 minutes approximately. The other podcast is called English Cafe, that podcasts have a duration of 25 minutes approximately and John McQuillan talk about 3 random themes. You can improve your english and you can learn something about the american way of life. Its perfect for the work, travels, etc.


This thread is ridiculous, very ridiculous. I'm the fucking master speaker in the world and if someone wants to fuck me, he should know that it's impossible because in my blood i bring Chuck Norri's DNA, and it's for this than i'm invencibble like a Mc Leood in the film "Contris" hahahaha, just kidding in Inglish baby, but you probably don't understand this paragraff, because it's awesome like Barney in How i meet your mother, u know what i'm saying nigga?, sure not.

#889 you are very clever, i recognise that, that's meaning that you are a very good follower of this masterpiece of the world series, i dont know if you understand me, but i give you the "enorabuena" and i want to kill this conclusion with a big phrase that you need:


#888 you are a master but you type How i meet your mother? big fail dude

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3 años después

yo momma so fat dat i die


What's up, ppl?

This is the first time that i write smth and participate in this thread!

So, about the topic, i'd like to say that probably i will go to Thailand for three weeks, but i don't have the tickets yet cause i have to wait for a job interview next week. If they accept me there, i will postpone the trip 'til september or october. But the point is that if i postpone the trip for autumn, i prefer to go in November because of one of their national parties called Loy Krathong, but the thing is that if a wait 'til that month i will step three weeks without classes at college and i can't do that. So, what i have to do? Decline the job offer or wait until the end of my degree studies for travelling there? Any opinion? Thanks dudes!


There's another thread to practise english, it's more active.