Hoy, en Alemania, se celebraba el llamado "Loveparade", una fiesta de música electrónica que se desarrolla en las calles de la ciudad alemana de turno, este año le tocaba a Duisburgo....
La fiesta puede llegar a reunir más de un millon y medio de personas, pero hoy, durante dicha fiesta, ha habido una especie de estampida en un tunel por causas todavía bajo investigación, pero parece ser que las autoridades habian decidido cortar el flujo de asistencia, ya que se veian literalmente desbordados y había peligro de masificación peligrosa (Que ironía que hayan provocado algo mucho peor de lo que intentaban evitar)
De momento son 15 los fallecidos, y más de cien los heridos...aunque no se descarta que dichas cifras aumenten con el paso de las horas.
Aquí os dejo la noticia según el DailyMail...ya que las fuentes que hasta ahora he visto en español llegan a dar vergüenza....(Atentos a los comentarios en 20minutos)
Fifteen people have been killed and at least 100 injured after a stampede broke out in a tunnel at the Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany.
Witnesses described piles of bodies stacked on top of each other and revellers climbing walls to escape the crush.
Many were pinned shoulder to shoulder in the tunnel and unable to move. People standing on the motorway bridge above the scene could only watch helpless as at least 15 were crushed to death.
Revellers fought a desperate battle to to save the wounded. The scene in the city of Duisburg was so chaotic that it was difficult for rescue workers to reach the critically ill.
Of the dead, nine were women and six were men.
Witnesses claimed the crush had been prompted by police attempts to restrict access to the area after it became overcrowded.
'It was hell,' Karl Lowenstein, 21, told the Daily Telegraph.'The tunnel was dark, it was full.
'Something happened - whether someone tripped or someone fell, I don't know
'But there was a stampede to get to the other end and those who fell... well, many of them never got up again.'
El resto de la noticia, lo podeis encontrar aquí, y distintas fuentes desde google news