Wikileaks: La batalla contra la censura


Vuelve Federico J. .... Vuelve.


Yo en el curro no me entero del peliculón este xD A ver si a la noche me pongo al día.


Solo un tipo duro???

Este tio asusta xDDD

Hay fotos suyas muy buenas:


Si os interesa (y tenéis ganas de leer en inglés), aquí hay otro artículo más sobre wikileaks, yo no tengo tiempo ahora de traducirlo.


#1891 No hay que excederse tampoco, jaja.


Un articulo en alt1040 sobre Kristinn Hrafnsson


llego tarde, un resumen de los 4ultimos posts?


#1889 riete pero esto tiene muchas similitudes, hackers, periodistas, gobiernos cabreados xDDDD


Los ataques que a sufrido wikileaks:

Sunday 28 November

? TECH: DDoS attack hits WikiLeaks as first set of US diplomatic cables is published.
Wednesday 1 December

? TECH: Tableau Software, which offers free software for data visualisation, removes the public views of graphics built using information about the diplomatic cables. It is the first company to distance itself from Wikileaks, and admits that the reason was pressure from Senator Joe Lieberman, an independent senator with ties to the Democratic party.

? POLITICS: Lieberman, chairman of the Senate's committee on homeland security, calls for Wikileaks to be taken offline. "I call on any other company or organization that is hosting Wikileaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them. Wikileaks' illegal, outrageous, and reckless acts have compromised our national security and put lives at risk around the world. No responsible company - whether American or foreign - should assist Wikileaks in its efforts to disseminate these stolen materials."

? TECH Amazon removes Wikileaks's content from its EC2 cloud service, but later insists it did so because the content could cause harm to people and did not belong to Wikileaks ? and that it was not due to political pressure or the hacker attacks against the site.
Friday 3 December

? TECH: ceases to work for web users after, which had provided a free routing service translating the human-readable address into a machine-readable form, ends support.

Wikileaks shifts to a backup domain registered in Switzerland but actually hosted in Sweden, at, though the cables are hosted in part by OVH, an internet provider in the north of France.

EasyDNS claims that the DDOS attacks against Wikileaks were disrupting its service provided to thousands of other customers. It insists on its front page that it "The Company That Did NOT Take Down Wikileaks" beside a cartoon character showing a thumbs up.

? POLITICS: French industry minister Eric Besson writes to internet companies warning them there will be "consequences" for any companies or organisations helping to keep WikiLeaks online in the country.
Saturday 4 December

? MONEY: PayPal, owned by US auction site eBay, permanently restricts account used by WikiLeaks due to a "violation of the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy". A spokesman said the account was suspended because "[it] cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity."
You can still donate at Commerzbank Kassel in Germnany or Landsbanki in Iceland or by post to a post office box at the University of Melbourne or at

? TECH: Switch, the Swiss registrar for declines pressure from US and French authorities to remove the site or block access to it.
Sunday 5 December

? TECH: The Pirate Party in Sweden says that it has taken over the hosting of the Cablegate directory of Wikileaks after the server in France at OVH, which had been hosting the contents of the US diplomatic cables released so far, goes offline.
Monday 6 December

? MONEY: Credit card company Mastercard withdraws ability to make donations to Wikileaks. "MasterCard is taking action to ensure that WikiLeaks can no longer accept MasterCard-branded products," the credit card outfit says.

? TECH: Wikileaks' servers in Sweden attacked by distributed denial of service attack.

? MONEY: Postfinance, the Swiss postal system, strips WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of a key fundraising tool, accusing him of lying and immediately shutting down one of his bank accounts. The bank says that Assange had "provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process."
Assange had told Postfinance he lived in Geneva but could offer no proof that he was a Swiss resident, a requirement of opening such an account. Postfinance spokesman Alex Josty told The Associated Press the account was closed Monday afternoon and there would be "no criminal consequences" for misleading authorities. "That's his money, he will get his money back," Josty said. "We just close the account and that's it."
Tuesday 7 December

? MONEY: Credit card company Visa withdraws ability to make donations or payments to Wikileaks. "Visa Europe has taken action to suspend Visa payment acceptance on WikiLeaks' website pending further investigation into the nature of its business and whether it contravenes Visa operating rules," said a spokesman.


Más información, según The Guardian, la parte acusadora que representa a autoridades suecas, se negaron a la fianza por dos motivos: Assange se negó a entregarse y por su propia protección.


Senator Joe Lieberman, the head of the Senate's Homeland Security committee, suggests that the New York Times and other news organisations using the WikiLeaks cables may also be investigated for breaking the US's espionage laws.

Lieberman told Fox News:

To me the New York Times has committed at least an act of bad citizenship, but whether they have committed a crime is a matter of discussion for the justice department.


todas esas compañias que han dado la espalda a wikileaks tan descaradamente se ve a leguas la manipulacion de los altos mandamases.......para todos los proes todas esas paginas o empresas que le han dado la espalda no deberian de existir para ellos y no usar nunca mas ni paypal, ni amazon, ni visa,........


Yo solo uso Visa y porque la tengo gratis, que si no ni eso xD


Para los que vienen preguntando sobre lo que ha pasado, aqui hay un timeloine de todo lo ocurrido y las acometidas dadas a wikileaks:


El joe Lieberman ese o es un hipocrita o es un hijo de puta o las 2 cosas, xq sabe perfectamente que el supremo ya dijo que es legal hacer filtraciones...


No me gusta ese 'colegueo' de Assange con Rupert Murdoch, archiconocido miembro del Grupo Bilderberg. A ver si va a empezar a oler mal esto...


que Assange sea un hombre de paja o no es lo de menos, aquí lo que se esta defendiendo es la neutralidad/libertad de la red , no a esta persona, no debemos olvidar nunca eso.


Ese hombre va a morir, no importa el fichero ese con mas filtraciones que usa de seguro de vida, ya que si lo dejan vivo, esos documentos terminaran filtrandose igualmente, asi que la unica salida es darle kput, al menos asi evitan futuras filtraciones.

La unica duda es que usaran, accidente?, infarto?, enfermedad repentina?, un cocktel de cocacola+residuos radiactivos?..., la verdad es que tengo esa curiosidad...


#1907 No. WikiLeaks no es sólo Assange.


#1908 ¿Que te hace pensar que eso detendrá las filtraciones?


Sorry por el doble post, pero ¿alguien sabe algo de esto?

Hactivists respond to Julian Assange arrest by taking down sweedish government website


#1907 ten seguro que si muere se liara una gorda....los ataques a traves de la red y las manifestaciones pueden ser muy gordas hay mucha gente cabreada ya....y cuanto mas lean articulos de wikileaks mas lo estaran, mucha gente se esta dando cuenta ahora que vivimos en un pais bananero y que esta claramente dirigido por los americanos, es algo muy triste que aparte de tener un presidente con sindrome sea un pelele.


Me estaba imaginado la muerte de Assange y la apertura del archivo... ¿os imagináis que nos encontráramos con algo de este estilo ? xD


O una foto de Bush desnudo. No se que puede ser peor... Brrrrr (escalofrio).....


Vale, no sabía que web era esa xD


#1912 Descartado por ocupar el archivo 1,5 Gigas, pero sería impagable.


#1911 pero no creo que le hagan nada hasta que tenga cubiertas las espaldas. por ejemplo con las leyes contra la pirateria, los ataques ddos y la censura o cierre de servidores; hasta que no tengan bajo control esto no nos daran una excusa para atacar.

porcierto, cuanto os ocupa el serguro? a mi 2'7 gigas, lo que sobra es solamente la encriptacion?


A mi 1'5 gb si no recuerdo mal, que lo tengo en casa.


yo lo tengo compartiendo por torrent y son 1.3 gb

hay 6000 personas entre seeders y leechers, ya podria ser asi siempre


#1916 Nunca lo tendrán bajo control y su persecución lo único que provocará es que se creen nuevos ISP "piratas", encriptaremos las comunicaciones, utilizaremos redes virtuales privadas, etc...

Internet siempre va a estar por delante de la legislación y esto no lo van a poder parar a no ser que nos encarcelen a todos.


Ocupa 1,38 gb.