Anunciada la nueva liga: Incursion


¡Nos enorgullece anunciar la Liga Incursion! Esta liga permitirá a los jugadores viajar en el tiempo para descubrir la ubicación de Atzoatl, el antiguo templo Vaal del Tesoro, y cambiar la historia de su construcción para crear el templo perfecto para recorrer. Esta actualización contiene un nuevo NPC, un templo gigante con más de 75 salas modulares, muchos jefes nuevos, docenas de cartas de adivinación e ítems únicos nuevos, 12 gemas nuevas, el gran relanzamiento de más de 20 habilidades icónicas, ¡y más! ¡Ingresa a la página de anuncio, ve el tráiler y echa un vistazo a los paquetes de colaborador nuevos!



Ahora si


Bastante interesante.




Tala Moana warrior!!!





Las nuevas trampas pintan de lujo.


GGG lo ha vuelto a hacer.


Tranquilidad que luego es un Bestiary y nos ponemos a llorar xD


HAHA, you are captured, STUPID VAAL!


A ver.. no he creado el thread de la liga porq tendría q traducirlo y estoy teniendo dudas del funcionamiento de to esto. Se supone q segun jugamos nos encontramos al maromo ese que sale con el portal, nos abre uno temporal en plan "mata mata mata" (a lo breach) y en funcion de lo q has hecho se completa una sala para la incursion al pasado, y luego cuando se haga la incursión... lo q haces es recorrer las salas que has "construido" en plan raid / lab una detras de otra con sus conexiones entre ellas como elijas, y al acabar hay un reward ?

O me acabo de inventar to esto que he dicho?

1 respuesta

#11 ¿Traducirlo? Si está el enlace en #1 en español xD

1 respuesta

#12 Soy retrasao


Veo diferentes los graficos o es paranoia mia?

2 respuestas

#14 Son los mismos.


Me gustaría probar el nuevo incinerate, tiene una pinta brutal pero luego veo las trampas nuevas y me parecen una pasada y rain of arrows... fuck GGG.

¿Qué opináis de los supporter packs? El high council es bastante probable que caiga.

1 respuesta

#14 Lo que veras diferente son las nuevas skills y los los revamps de skills como el incinerate.
Tiene pintaca.


I've gone through all the recent posts from GGG and consolidated and simplified the information.

Disclaimer: All of this is subject to change by GGG blah blah blah.



  • deals more damage for each remaining chain


  • base of 5 projectiles per barrage (from 4)

  • reducing damage per projectile

  • Each additional projectile is now effectively 20% more overall damage (down from 25%)

Bear Trap

  • applies a debuff on enemies that increases the damage they take from traps and mines

  • apply a significant movement speed reduction for a short time after the immobilisation phase has ended

Blast Rain

  • convert 100% of Physical Damage to Fire

  • penetrate 25% Fire Resistance by gem level 20

looking at more extreme mechanical changes to Blast Rain

Burning Arrow

  • more ignite damage / level

  • gain chance to ignite / level

  • At gem level 20: 49% chance to ignite and 68% more damage with ignite

Chance to Ignite

  • renamed to Combustion

  • Enemies ignited by supported skills lose up to 19% fire resistance

  • At gem level 20: 29% more fire damage, 49% chance to ignite, and -19% fire resistance on ignited enemies

Charged Dash

  • areas of damage don't overlap

  • Increase damage

  • pulse damage repeatedly when fully charged

This will come with major changes to how the damage output is modified by attack speed and movement speed.

Cold Snap

  • Increased damage

  • releasing a larger pulse that chills and applies a cold damage-over-time effect to nearby enemies

Deadly Ailments

  • increased damage boost to Ailments

  • reduced penalty to hits

  • At gem level 20: 64% more damage with ailments and 10% less damage with hits

Double Strike

  • deal additional damage against Bleeding enemies

Elemental Proliferation

  • radius increased to 12 at level 1, scaling up to 15 at level 20

Fire Trap

  • Removed cooldown

  • deals additional fire damage to burning enemies

  • burning ground from Fire Trap is much more intense but lasts a short time

  • slightly increase to damage

  • slightly increase to area

  • Level 12 Skill - first available from "The Siren's Cadence" quest


  • more ignite damage / level

  • gain chance to ignite / level

  • At level 20: 39% chance to ignite and 88% more damage with ignite

  • 20% more damage by level 20

  • +1 radius at level 20


  • gains 5% chance to ignite per stage

  • 110% more damage with ailments per stage, up from 55%.

Freezing Pulse

  • less-extreme damage falloff

  • only drops to half damage at the end of its flight

  • increased damage

Ground Slam

  • larger area and a wider angle

  • improved damage

  • deals more damage to closer targets

  • The Threshold Jewel now is limited to 2, but with the same combined effect.

  • usable with Axes

Ignite Proliferation

  • more substantial boost to ignite damage

  • radius is 20 at gem level 20 (from 16)

  • deals 39% more damage with ignite


  • complete overhaul - replacing projectiles with a repeating damage cone


  • the front of the cone gets longer, and the sides of the cone get wider, creating a curved T shape

  • happens quickly

  • builds in damage

On release

  • unleashes a powerful wave of damage, dealing six times the damage

  • always ignites

  • deals significantly modified Ignite damage

Infernal Blow

  • maintain existing mechanic

  • main target now get an extra debuff when hit that can stack up to 6 times

  • Applies on Ancestral Call hits too
  • Explosion: target with this debuff dies / the debuff's duration expires / 6 stacks are reached
  • deals a large portion of weapon damage in an area

Lightning Trap

  • Removed cooldown

  • increased base crit chance

  • large increased critical strike chance against Shocked enemies

Rain of Arrows

  • Each arrow deals area damage where they land

  • much larger area

  • Half of the arrows will drop randomly, while the other half will drop on targets over the area

  • target spread very even

  • "Additional Arrows" - increasing the total spread of damage without impacting damage to individual targets

Vaal Arc

  • reduced chain count to match regular Arc

  • splits every time it chains

  • with four chains, it can hit more targets, more rapidly

  • applies a long-duration, high-effect Shock

  • Increased damage

  • Increased minimum damage

  • deals more damage for each remaining chain

Vaal Detonate Dead

  • creates a locus on the ground that regularly pulses

  • Each pulse detonates up to 8 nearby corpses

  • After each pulse, it repeats again after a reduced delay, repeating until no corpses - remain or the delay reaches 0

  • uses the new Detonate Dead mechanic, resulting in more reliable damage over a larger area of effect and a better-looking series of explosions

Vaal Double Strike

  • doubled the number of Doubles spawned

  • doubled the Duration

  • doubled the number of uses that can be stored

  • The Doubles' base movement speed has been almost doubled and further increases as the skill levels, growing to 100% more Double movement speed.

  • Removed Active Doubles limit

  • deal additional damage against Bleeding enemies

Vaal Ground Slam

  • additional effects

  • deal more damage closer to the impact point

Vaal Lightning Strike

  • strikes the ground in front of you / hits an enemy - creates a sticky orb (attached to ground / enemy)

  • orb repeatedly unleashes cones of projectiles, aimed at nearby foes

  • if the enemy is killed, the orb continues to fire projectiles

Vaal Rain of Arrows

  • same changes as Rain of Arrows

  • fire more arrows

  • repeat its rain multiple times

  • Replaced ‘Pin in Place’ with 75% Maim

Having a slow effect rather than preventing movement makes monsters more likely to keep trying to run at you, rather than just stopping and using any ranged attacks immediately. This makes the skill much more practical as crowd control.

Vaal Righteous Fire

  • applies a short duration burning effect based on a portion of Life & Energy Shield consumed

  • Removed the large damage hit

  • Modifiers apply similar to Righteous Fire's burning damage

Vaal Storm Call

  • now deal damage in an area of effect

  • strikes a fixed number of times over its duration

Other Vaal Skills are receiving significant reworks and numerical adjustments


Unnamed Trap

  • chance to generate both Power & Frenzy charges when your traps are triggered

  • Critical Strike Multiplier for each Power Charge

  • increased Throw speed for each Frenzy Charge

Unnamed Traps

  • number of new Trap skills

  • make Trappers a lot more powerful this league

  • new trap skill as a level 1 "Enemy at the Gate" reward

Unnamed Vaals

  • number of entirely new Vaal skills


  • increase the active trap limit significantly

  • Ignite now deals 25% more damage per second

Vaal Skill Gems

  • grant the regular and the Vaal version

  • Unique/Rare enemies grant souls as they lose life

  • Longer fights will generate more Vaal souls

  • prevent gaining Vaal souls for a short duration when used

  • we can increase the power and reduce the soul cost
  • no longer have higher soul costs after your encounters with Kitava.

  • Souls stored per skill (previously per gem)

  • The Ancestral Call Support can no longer support Vaal skills. The same is still true of Multistrike Support and Spell Echo Support

Passive Tree


  • starting area and other trap clusters

  • offered passives that increase all trap damage right away (previously between using elemental or physical damage)


  • Beacon of Ruin
  • 20% more Damage with Ignite

  • Proliferation radius is now 18 (from 12)

Breath of Flames

  • 20% increased Fire Damage

  • 20% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies

  • 20% increased Burning Damage

  • 20% Chance to Ignite

Breath of Flames cluster

  • 10% increased Fire Damage and Burning Damage

  • 10% increased Fire Damage and 5% Chance to Ignite

  • 10% increased Fire Damage and Burning Damage

Holy Fire

  • 20% increased Fire Damage

  • 40% increased Burning Damage

  • 15% Chance to Ignite

Celestial Judgement

  • damage penetration increased to 5% (from 2%)

Ignite clusters

  • +20-25% chance to ignite per cluster

Heart of Flame

  • penetrates 6% fire resistance (from 3%)

Heart of Flame cluster

  • 15% increased fire damage (from 12%)

  • entry node is 12% (from 10%)

Propagated onto Heart of Ice and Heart of Thunder

Future Intentions

Over time we will be trying to breathe new life into underused older skills with additional mechanics or significant mechanical reworks to make them feel like brand new skills.

Skill themes that can give players a flavourful character style by picking skills that fit the theme. A good example of this is the new set of Corpse-based skills. Full complement of Volcanic attack skills that deal fire damage.

Enabling new styles of gameplay. This will include taking existing skills that don't see much use and giving them unique twists or mechanics that separate them from the rest.

  • Elemental Equilibrium nerf

  • Curse buff

New League

Is 3.3.0 an Expansion or League?

Our March release blurred the line between an expansion and a league (with a league alongside a significant Ascendancy revamp, introduction of the Uber Elder fight and new skills). We are pitching 3.3.0 in a similar way. It is branded as a league, but is certainly a large release compared to leagues of the past.

What's 3.3.0's League like?

  • When designing 3.3.0's league, we wanted to reinforce the core of what makes Path of Exile fun to play: killing monsters, gaining experience and earning items in every area you enter.

  • If you enjoyed leagues that involved a lot of monster-killing like Ambush and Breach, you'll certainly enjoy this one.

Disclaimer: All of this is subject to change by GGG blah blah blah.

Edit: phrasing.

Edit2: I'll add the new info when I get home in a few hours.


#16 A mi el efecto me mola, pero los armour set me parecen muy sin más, yo seguramente también piye ese pero porque quiero coger alguna cosa de tienda.


Joder, QUE PUTO HYPE, que supporter pack os mola mas? A mi el 1 aunque los 2 están bien

1 respuesta

#21 Yo me he comprado los dos


high council por aquí también


Pero asi


Buah que pintaza hulio


Brutal la nueva liga, estos de GGG se la sacan cada vez más y mejor, las ligas ahora son expansiones completas, a ver si otras compañías aprenden, ejem....:joy:

Una cosa que me ha preocupado es que esta mecánica deja muy de lado las partidas en grupo, es decir, si os metéis 5 o 6 personas allí en la máquina del tiempo y es tu Vaal Temple, quien me dice que van a seguir lo que tu quieras hacer? O que la llave le salga a otro de la party y abra la puerta que no quieres abrir, o que en vez de dejar 1 arquitecto vivo, la party se los carga a los 2.

Está claro que si te metes en party con colegas no pasa nada porque lo habláis en discord, pero party random va a ser una locura y poca gente lo hará (yo no juego con randoms pero siempre hay que ver todos los puntos de vista posibles)


A priori parece que te vas a tener que salir del mapa para hacer otro de cuestionable loot. Si la recompensa por hacer estas salas no es muy tocha,en principio no me gusta nada :S

1 respuesta

#27 Pero te sales a hacer "mini breachlords", que digamos tiene los beneficios de encontrarse una Zana en un mapa, osea... más bichos y más drop de mapas (previsiblemente)... si es el caso y no hay que estar esperando a Zana 8 para poder mapear bien, a mi ya me vale.

1 respuesta

#28 Ya,pero no me quedo sin el loot específico del mapa que esté haciendo :S

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¿Se sabe cuándo sale más o menos?

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