Path of Exile: Delirium


#930 Llevas golem? No lo saques en el HO antes de entrar.

1 respuesta

#931 Cierto q lo saco en el HO, pero q muero en 0.1 sec xd. También es cierto q de varios deliriums solo me ha pasado en este.

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#932 Quizas se reifera a que si entras sin golem, no te pegan del tiron si no que tienes la invul hasta que te mueves y con el golem no.

Igual van por ahi los tiros.

Yo muero (por lag casi siempre) y entro sin problema. Pego un flame dash y ya me pongo a pegar.

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Bueno, por primera vez desde que juego a esto, he subido un personaje al 90.

Gracias @Hipnos por la build troll que compartiste, las arañas me están haciendo el carrito.


#933 aahhhh! Pues ya hemos dado con el problema. Gracias.


Acabo de vender el objeto más caro que he vendido nunca: 3 exalted :dancer:

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#936 Y que era?

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#936 Yo también lo máximo ha sido eso, un carcass Jack q compre por 70 chaos y en menos de 100 de currency lo puse 6 sockets con los colores necesarios y 6L. Tons of luck.

Luego un par de Crusader exalted orb q no se ni para q valen xd.



Pues era un cinturón Ryslatha's

Me cayó en un encuentro abysal y pensaba que era una mierda. Y oye, ni tan mal :joy:


Hoy he aprendido que no es necesario identificar un mapa para poder usarlo.

Tengo una build que más o menos puede con cualquier modificador (desde T1 hasta T10 aprox), así que me ha dado por probar a no identificar el mapa que me había caído anteriormente y usarlo directamente y funcionó.

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#940 De hecho suele ser un logro recurrente de liga el hacer los mapas sin identificar.

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Y dan +30% de quantity al hacerlos unids.

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Coño, pues no sabía yo eso (no me saltó ningún logro, será que habré hecho alguno con anterioridad de esos que haces corrupted y se te quedan sin identificar).


Ooootra cosa que no sabía :grin:

1 respuesta

no me saltó ningún logro

El logro suele ser completar un mapa de cada tier, con la condición de que sea raro y sin identificar.


chicos, para jugar ARC que es lo más op? minas? totems?

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#945 Selfcast stackeando heralds

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#946 de cuantos ex estamos hablando para que se funda un simulacrum para empezar??

3 respuestas

#947 Tres cifras xD


#947 de cuantos mirrors, con s. solo con los voices aunque los pilles de 3-5 se te va la cabeza


seguire con mi impale y mi vortex xd


#947 con 30-40 ex se puede empezar y ya haces muchisima pupa.

Con 80-100 ex, que te los farmeas en nada con la build, podras llegar a 40-60m+ de dps y explotas las cosas.

Es mucho mas barata de lo que se cree la gente.

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#951 Seria guardian arc entonces no? por mirar en poe ninja para buildearlo, a no ser que tengáis alguna guia a mano :)

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Bated Breath en lugar del HH.

Sin trek en lugar de las botas.

PoB Fork:

Usa Smite en lugar de hatred hasta que puedas usarla.


como es la scion para el herald stacking?

he pensado en lvearme una ya que tengo 60 ex sin usar y ya me aburri la liga (se que es poco para lo de los heralds, pero bueno, en modo low cost por probar)

1 respuesta

#954 Yo también estoy más interesado en la variante de la Ascendant que en el Guardian. ¿Algún experto que pueda decir un poco las diferencias entre ambos y si el Guardian es mucho mejor? DirtyDan79 está usando una Ascendant y no parece que le vaya mal, y eso que no lleva la mayoría de únicos que se usan.


Algun alma caritativa me deja un par de items de leveo para mi Duelist en softcore? Acabo de ripear mi ultimo pj HC y quiero exprimir esta Liga en SC estos dias de cuarentena xD.

Los devolveria cuando ya no los necesitase ofc.

1 respuesta

#956 yo justo acabo de empezar en hc. Por un par de alchemis te doy una buena propina en softcore.


Later this week (possibly as early as tomorrow) we're planning to deploy Patch 3.10.1d! It's not large in scope but it contains some bug fixes and small performance improvements. In the meantime, we've prepared its patch notes for you to preview. Please note these are subject to change prior to the deployment of the patch.

Delirium Improvements

  • Pure Guile and Pure Aptitude can now be rolled on Aura Cluster Jewels.

  • Fixed a bug preventing the Bloodscent Cluster Jewel passive from working if you were using it in combination with Rage Support.

  • Fixed a bug where Immortal Call didn't count as a Non-Vaal Guard Skill for the sake of the Veteran's Awareness Cluster Jewel keystone passive.

  • Fixed a bug where The Mayor, The Endless Darkness, The Price of Loyalty and The Chosen divination cards did not correctly give credit towards the "Turn in Divination Cards" challenge when turned in.

  • Fixed a bug where Omniphobia, Fear Manifest could sometimes get stuck in terrain after using its Leap Slam skill.

  • Fixed a bug where Kosis, The Revelation's beam skill could stop rendering temporarily if you ran too far away from it while it was using the skill.

  • Fixed a bug where Betrayal Intervention targets could sometimes become untargetable if encountered during a Delirium encounter.

  • Fixed a bug where Legion monsters with the Vengeful Stalker modifier could not be killed.

  • Fixed a bug where Fury Hounds in Delirium encounters could sometimes become untargetable.

  • Fixed a bug where the monsters that appear on top of Delirium monsters when they split were inheriting attack and cast speed bonuses from Delirium mist.

  • Fixed a bug where various effects from Delirium monsters could sometimes linger indefinitely.\
    Performance Improvements

  • Added more preloading for various commonly-encountered assets.

  • Improved performance of several ground effects.

  • Improved performance in cases where players or monsters had stat values change.

  • Improved performance by removing reflected damage calculations from monsters that would not reflect damage.\
    Skill Improvements

  • Updated the gem descriptions of Animate Weapon and Animate Guardian to clarify that they cannot be used by Traps or Mines.

  • Fixed a bug where Shock Nova and Blade Blast's skill effects were not the correct visual size when cast with 9 or more stacks of Intensity.

  • Fixed a bug where Mirage Archer could visually persist after its duration had expired.

  • Fixed a bug where the damage penalty applied by Unleash Support to skills that reoccur could sometimes be applied to the initial cast of some skills.

  • Fixed a bug where Zealotry didn't provide the Life Regeneration it should have if a Guardian with the Unwavering Faith passive had cast it.

  • Fixed a bug where Spectres' skill cooldowns were reset when weapon swapping if it would cause your Spectres to change levels.

  • Fixed a bug where the Withering Step visuals could persist after the skill had expired.

  • Fixed a bug where the Dash skill effects were sometimes not visible when using the Predictive networking mode.

  • Fixed a bug where you would namelock onto a monster if, while holding down Move, you had used a movement skill which then resulted in you hovering over a monster.\
    Sirus Improvements

  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds will now be more aware of where Deatomisation Storms are and will no longer cast his Meteor or Corridor skills if he is near one.

  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds will now only teleport players into the Meteor Maze if there is at least one player in range of him.\
    Metamorph Improvements

  • Reduced the damage of the Bolt, Monkey Toss, Rock Toss, Ghostly Barrage, Leaper Barrage, Maw Barrage, Necrotic Barrage, Spider Barrage, Snake Spikes, Squid Ink and Primal Throw skills used by Metamorphs.

  • Fixed a bug where the Bolt Metamorph skill used by The High Templar was repeated many times, rather than being cast a single time.

  • Fixed a bug where the Bolt Metamorph skill used by The High Templar was dealing attack damage, rather than spell damage.\
    Item Filters

  • Added an EnableDropSound parameter that can be used in Item Filters.

  • Added a chat output upon logging into a character which contains information about the currently loaded item filter if that filter is one that you are subscribed to through your account page.\
    Microtransaction Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where the flame patches created by Scientist Flame Dash Effect were smaller than intended.\
    General Improvements

  • Using an Orb of Horizons on a Shaper Guardian Map will now always result in it turning into a different Shaper Guardian Map.

  • Fixed a bug with the Favourite Maps system where the third unlock slot assumed that it required all Awakening Objectives to be completed, but could have actually required all Bonus Objectives (as it is possible to have all Awakening Objectives completed but not all Bonus Objectives). This was a visual issue only.

  • Fixed a bug where some vendor recipes could be completed with corrupted Rare items if the art matched the Unique item required by the recipe.

  • Fixed a bug where items could sometimes drop in inaccessible locations in the Domain of Timeless Conflict.

  • Fixed a bug where the "25% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride" Watcher's Eye modifier didn't apply to off-hand attacks.

  • Fixed a bug where the Call of the Brotherhood unique ring didn't have a level requirement if it had a corrupted implicit modifier.

  • Fixed a bug where the "10% increased Effect of Auras on your Minions" modifier applied by the Matua Tupuna unique shield persisted on Minions after the shield was unequipped.

  • Fixed a bug where Brand Attachment Range modifiers from the crafting bench appeared to be craftable on Rings. This has now been updated to correctly reflect that these modifiers can only be crafted on Gloves and Amulets.\
    Crash Fixes

  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when entering areas with an Animated Guardian.

  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when monsters used an Expanding Nova skill.

  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when the Delirium Icicle Wreath skill was used by monsters.

  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when using Blade Vortex.

1 respuesta

Pure Guile and Pure Aptitude can now be rolled on Aura Cluster Jewels

A buenas horas.


Y siguen sin meter el dedo en el puto sonido, que lleva toda la liga roto (ya no hablo del performance, hablo de las voces y sonidos que se cortan)

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