Atlanta - 1ª Temporada



Malas noticias. No tendremos 2ª temporada hasta 2018.

El señor Donald Glover va a estar liado con Star Wars interpretando el papel de Lando Calrissian en la película sobre Han Solo: “Lando’s a big deal to me,” he said at the Golden Globes on Sunday. “It was literally the first toy I ever got.”


8 meses después

Donald Glover ganador del Emmy a mejor actor de comedia.


Me dieron ganas de volver a verla después del éxito que ha tenido. Grande Donald Glover.

2 meses después
N (no sé insertar esto)

21 días después

Estreno de la segunda temporada el 2 de marzo 2018.


Donald Glover sobre la 2ª temporada:

We talked a lot about ‘How I Spent My Vacation’, the Tiny Toons, which was a show we all really liked. That was the inspiration for season 2.”

The episodes were broken up in eight or nine episodes, but you watched them all together and they were a movie and they would play them during the summer together or in installments. We took that idea of a whole story, but being told in a bunch of little parts that will be shown that maybe seem like they’re their own thing, but they all are one thing. You enjoy them more when they’re together, but you can also enjoy them in little bits.

La temporada se llamará 'Atlanta Robbin’ Season' y Donald explica la razón:

Basically a bunch of crime happens in the city during that time. People just have more stuff and money, so it’s just the time where robberies go up. It’s a very tense and desperate time, so we wanted to make that a backdrop to the season, and our characters are going through the same desperate transition from their old lives to where they are now.


Hilo 2ª Temporada