3.1.2 PTR Patch Notes


World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.1.2

The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/test-realm-patchnotes.html


* New art textures have been added for Argent Tournament mounts. Any mounts already purchased from the Argent Tournament vendors will be updated automatically. Argent Tournament mounts with the old textures will still be available for purchase from the Argent Tournament vendors for a small Champion’s Seal and gold cost (standard faction requirements apply).
* Copied Test Realm characters will no longer be copied with their achievement history in order to better facilitate the character copy process.

Equipment Manager

* When enabled from the Interface Options menu, this feature will allow players to store sets of equipment, easily swap between saved sets using hotkeys, and pull items directly from backpacks or bank slots (must be at the bank to equip inventory from the bank).


* Vehicle health and damage output in Strand of the Ancients and Lake Wintergrasp now scale with the item level of the operator’s gear. Power scaling is now 1% damage and 1% health per average item level.
* All Lake Wintergrasp daily quests have been changed to a weekly format. The honor and Stone Keeper’s Shards rewarded for completing these quests have been increased to compensate.

Death Knight (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Improved Death Strike: This talent now also increases the healing from Death Strike by 25/50% and the tooltip has been adjusted to reflect the actual functionality after the hotfix in 3.1.0.
* Ghoul Frenzy: Now has a 10-second cooldown.

Druid (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Innervate: This ability has been redesigned to grant 450% of the casting Druid’s base mana pool to the target over 20 seconds.
* Improved Moonkin Form: Now grants 10/20/30% of spirit as spell power.

Mage (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Mirror Images: The images summoned by this spell will now target the creature that most hates the Mage, and should no longer cast Fire Blast or Frostbolt on targets that are affected by crowd control debuffs that break immediately on damage unless they are already casting these spells when crowd control is applied.

Paladin (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Blessing of Wisdom and Greater Blessing of Wisdom: Now grant 92 mana per 5 seconds to prevent being overwritten by Mana Spring Totem.
* Exorcism: Can no longer be used on player-controlled creatures.

Priest (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Divine Hymn: Healing and healing scaling reduced by 30%. Buff on affected players changed from 15% to 10%.
* Renewed Hope: Effect can no longer be dispelled.
* Soul Warding: Mana cost reduction is now 15% down from 30%.

Warlock (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Conflagrate updated: Consumes an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the enemy target to instantly deal damage equal to 12 seconds of your Immolate, or 8 seconds of your Shadowflame.
* Fire and Brimstone: Now increases the damage done by your Incinerate and Chaos Bolt by 3/6/9/12/15% on targets afflicted by Immolate, and increases the critical strike chance of your Conflagrate by 5/10/15/20/25%.
* Nether Protection reduced to 30% damage reduction, down from 60%.
* Sacrifice (Voidwalker) redesigned: Sacrifices a portion of the Voidwalker's health, giving its master a shield that will absorb X damage for 30 seconds. While the shield holds, spell casting will not be interrupted by damage. 1-minute cooldown.
* Shadow and Flame: Now also includes Shadowburn.

Warrior (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Juggernaut: Critical strike chance bonus reduced to 25%, down from 100%.


* Darkruned Battlegear 2-Piece Set Bonus: The bonus critical strike chance for Frost Strike and Death Coil has been increased from 5% to 8%.
* Furious Gladiator’s Staff and Furious Gladiator’s Greatstaff: The agility values on these two items were too high. They have been reduced by 50%.
* Guise of the Midgard Serpent: The base attack power on this item has been lowered to balance it against items of a similar quality.
* Increased the health and mana restored from Northrend food and drinks.
* Most scopes now have a level requirement and will bind the item to which they are applied.
* Nightsong Garb 4-Piece Set Bonus: Chance for Insect Swarm to trigger an instant Starfire changed to 15%.
* Scourgeborne Battlegear 4-Piece Set Bonus: The runic power gain has been reduced to 5 runic power from 10 runic power.


* Glyph of Conflagrate redesigned: When you use Conflagrate, the damage done by your next 3 Destruction spells is increased by 10% for 15 seconds if the Immolate on the target has 5 or fewer seconds remaining. (Even if this change is still in the official notes, it was reverted in an earlier PTR version and this might be a small mistake in the official note update. In the latest PTR build the glyph is: Your Conflagrate spell no longer consumes your Immolate or Shadowflame spell from the target.)
* Glyph of Innervate: Has been adjusted to grant the Druid 90% of his or her base mana pool over 20 seconds.
* Glyph of Mass Dispel: Now only decreases Mass Dispel cost by 35%.
* Glyph of Rapid Charge: Reduced to 7%, down from 20% cooldown reduction to Charge.


* Jewel of the Sewers: You can now fish in all parts of the Dalaran sewers for this quest.
* Phantom Ghostfish: Can now be caught from Nettlefish schools in Sholazar Basin.

Bug Fixes
Dungeons and Raids

* Players can no longer become saved to an instance when they aren't in the instance during a boss kill.


* Hodir should now reset in a timely manner if a group fails to kill him.
* 10-player bosses that drop Runed Orbs will also sometimes drop the recipes that use those orbs.
* The Spark of Imagination: Characters that release in part of the boss room will no longer be ported to Westfall or The Barrens. 

Death Knight

* Anti-magic Shell: Tooltip error corrected.
* Blood Boil: If no target is available for Blood Boil to hit, the spell will now cast and consume a blood rune but generate no runic power.


* Maim: Rank 2 of this ability is properly considered a stun and can be escaped by Blink.


* Go For The Throat: Explosive Shot critical strikes now trigger this talent.
* Lock and Load: The tooltip has been corrected to display its actual chance to occur.
* Rabid: This Hunter pet talent no longer lists a percentage chance to be triggered, as that chance varies by the attack speed of the pet.


* Divine Sacrifice: Damage done to the Paladin while this is active will no longer cause the effect to break early, and if it is dispelled or cancelled early, the damage counter will reset correctly the next time the spell is cast.


* Shadow Dance: Issues with action bars and ability use arising from using Stealth while Shadow Dance is active have been fixed.
* Tricks of the Trade: To prevent exploits, this ability can no longer be cast on non-player targets.


* Demonic Sacrifice: This spell will no longer appear in any Warlock’s spellbook.


* Swordguard Embroidery: Now correctly increases ranged attack power.

En las clases de momento no hay grandes cambios, lo mas destacado puede ser que las quest de wintergraps pasan a ser semanales con el fin de que acuda menos gente a winter y asi paliar un poquito el tema del lag xD




Juggernaut: Critical strike chance bonus reduced to 25%, down from 100%.

toma nerf XD


Me compro un arma y toma nerf :

  • Furious Gladiator’s Staff and Furious Gladiator’s Greatstaff: The agility values on these two items were too high. They have been reduced by 50%.



#4 Ya somos 2.

  • Exorcism: Can no longer be used on player-controlled creatures.

no entiendo esto ... ya no se podra usar en las pets?


Quote from: Crygil

In an effort to better balance the amount of players that are in Wintergrasp at any given time, we are changing the daily quests in Wintergrasp to a weekly format. This has led to an increase in the honor reward given by these quests as well as additional Stone Keeper's Shards. These quests will reset every Tuesday morning at 3:00 AM.

There are two known issues that may occur once these changes are pushed to live realms:

The quest mark will now show as gold, even though the quests are repeatable.
After the quests reset, players near the NPC quest givers may need to move out of line of sight in order for the quests to properly appear.



No me salen los calculos.. xD si esa quest daba 1200 al dia, ahora da 3200 a la semana.., es un cacho nerf a wg...
yo que me sacaba mis 6k por 30 minutos diarios :(


Si es verdad lo de winter, se lo van a cargar ya que todo el mundo hacia winter por las quest.



affly rush!


Han dividido el honor y los stone keepers a la mitad, si ahora en 1 semana, completando las 3 diarias más "comunes": Ganar, matar 10 Alis/Hordos y destruir 3 tankes, todos los días de la semana, ganabas unos 26k de honor y 63 SK's, y cuando implanten eso, pasaremos a ganar 11k de honor y 30 SK's, así a ojo.

Personalmente, prefiero hacer cada día WG con lag, a que jodan la mayor fuente de honor de este juego xD. Aunque va a seguir igual de lagado, no tanto, pero seguirá dando por culo, la gente que solo iba por diarias dejarán de ir algunos, pero muchos otros (como yo xD), seguirán yendo para ir acumulando marcas de WG, así cuando tenga 9 cambiarlas por honor, visto lo visto, a ver si así me saco el mismo honor que me sacaba antes.

#12 En la Veta molaba más.


a tomar por el culo WG ke lo instancieen i a shuparla iyo ! menudo lag da esa mierda si no recuerdo mal en la VETA podias cojer abiones aki ni estan puestos.. i en la VETA estava instanciado ke es lo ke tendrian ke hacer para kitar el lag i ke todos en general podamos jugar de puta madre


#6 salieron mil hunters en el foro llorando


Me huelo druidas a mp5 :!


alguien puede poner exactamente que significa lo del paladin?

#12 lo haces a posta? xD


por dios ke dolor de ojos xD , me parece ke la unica solucion para evitar el lag seria instanciar la zona cuando haya batalla , pero weno parece ke blizzard kiere una zona completamente libre y no caen del burro asi ke nos joden la brutalidad de honor ke se ganaba ahi para ver si asi va menos gente , gran solucion sisisisisis :S

PD. beta es con B hombreeeeeeeeeeee :P


La solucion no es hacer que la gente no vaya a winter, la solucion es o bien, optimizar mas la zona o bien crear mas zonas pvp para que la gente pueda elegir a cual de ellas ir para completar sus quest.


Que alguien me lo explique, he entendido mal, ¿o ahora los dks se curan incluso más vida? ¿o me estoy confundiendo y lo que digo no tiene nada que ver?


Han hecho algun cambio que se vaya a notar bastante sobre todo en el tema arenas?

Las 3v3 me asquean, en BC eran combates con estrategia, ahora mismo es tirar los cds un segundo antes de que se habra la puerta y pegar al primero que enganches >< eso no mola.


#15 que wisdom ya no stackea con el totem de mana del chaman y que exorcismo no se puede usar en pets


#20, el wisdom no stackea en la 3.1 tampoco, si tienen puesto el totem no deja buffearlo. Lo que han hecho es subirle el maná que da, para que prevalezca.


stackear yo entiendo que es que no se suma,pasaba lo mismo con el grito de warrior de ap y el might no?

apenas juego desde ulduar y el otro dia en una raid de pick ups uno llamando manco a un chaman que ponia el totem de mana llevando wisdom,asi que lo supuse xD


para wintergrasp q creen una bg instanceada y la zona aparte. el portal va a la instance y ya está, ya no hay lag


Olvidais que WG a diferencia del resto de BGs no empieza desde 0, sino q la hora y el estado defensa/ataque viene determinado por la batalla anterior.. por eso no s puede instanciar (ya q habria resultados diferentes y no uno en concreto q sea la base para el siguiente WG).

La unica solucion q veo es q metieran restricciones en cuanto al numero de players, q aun siendo una medida poco justa/deseable al menos es mas logico q los winterlags q tenemos hoy en dia.


#24 si como lo de..........hola soy ali y en el minuto 29:00 tengo 16 siege engines


eso es de los tontos q salen al balcon para que les maten los alis a aoe con 20 de tenacidad. Si esque somos la ostia


Lo de winter me parece absurdo como no saben arreglar el problema lo hacen semanal las dailis pa que vaya menos gente y asi lo unico que van a hacer es que hagamos menos dailis i menos g0ld XDDDDDD porque la gente va a seguir yenddo a por honor...


#24 Nada que no pueda meterse en variables de sesión, personalmente no creo que sea tan dificil de resolver lo que pasa es que faltan ideas para llevarlo a cabo.


el problema ahora va a ser

<chat> monto raid a winter /w me


Quote from Blizzard staff

Lake Wintergrasp

* Wintergrasp Victory now rewards 3000 Honor. (Down from 5000 Honor)
* Wintergrasp Defeat now rewards 1250 Honor. (Down from 3000 Honor)
* Tower Damaged now grants up to 750 Honor. (Down from 1250 Honor)
* Tower Destroyed now grants up to 750 Honor. (Down from 1250 Honor)
* Damaged Building Reward now grants up to 750 Honor. (Down from 1250 Honor)
* Intact Building Defender now grants up to 1500 Honor. (Down from 2500 Honor) 

(Note: Currently shown as 150 Honor but most likely a typo)

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