[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


Bueno pongo los de hunter, que no se ha hablado nada, aunque no se si es fake...

Beast Mastery

* Kill Command is now 1 rank. Cooldown reduced to 1 min.
* Aspect of the Beast increases attack power of your pet as well as yours now.


* Kill Shot now "causes a strong recoil, causing you to be knocked down after the attack." Cooldown increased from 6 sec to 35 sec.
* Trueshot Aura affects the whole raid now.
* Serpent Sting damage is now affected by 20% of your Ranged Attack Power instead of 10%.
* Steady Shot casting time increased from 1.5 sec to 2 sec.
* Distracting shot only has 1 rank now. Distracts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you. Lasts 6 sec. (Changed to a "Mocking Blow" type of effect)


* Wyvern Sting (All ranks) now does its full damage in 6 sec. (Previously did it in 12 sec)
* Bear Trap removed.
* Disengage now leaps the Hunter backwards up to 13 yards. 30 second cooldown. Disengage now also only has one rank (rank 1).

Beast Mastery

* Aspect Mastery moved from tier 10 to tier 3. Only 1 rank now. Increases the mana returned from your Aspect of the Viper by 10%, reduces the damage done to you while in Aspect of the Monkey by 10% and increases the attack power bonus gained with Aspect of the Hawk by 50%. (Has a Place holder note)
* Animal Handler (Tier 6) is noted as NYI and Increaes your pet's chance to hit by 2/4%, and reduces the cooldown of your Master's Call ability by 5/10 sec. (Removed the mounted speed increase)
* Spirit Bond (Tier 5) now increases healing the hunter receives by 10/20% in addition to its previous effect.
* Pathfinding (Tier 3) increases mounted speed by 5/10% in addition to its previous effect.
* Focused Fire (Tier 2) changed - All damage caused by you is increased by 1/2% while your pet is active and the critical strike chance of your pet's special abilities by 10/20% while Kill Command is active.
* Seperation Anxiety (Tier 10) now noted as NYI (Not yet Implemented)


* Chimera Shot (Tier 11) changed. You deal 125% weapon damage, refreshing the current Sting on your target and triggering an effect: Serpent Sting - Instantly deals 40% of the damage done by your Serpent Sting. Viper Sting - Instantly restores mana to you equal to 60% of the total amount drained by your Viper Sting. Scorpid Sting - Attempts to Disarm the target for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per 1 minute.
* Marked for Death (Tier 10) now increases your pets damage done to marked targets as well as yours by 2/4/6/8/10%. Also increases critical strike damage of Aimed, Steady, Kill, and Chimera Shot by 2/4/6/8/10%. (Previously didn't affect chimera shot and only increased damage by 1/2/3/4/5%)
* Improved Steady Shot (Tier 9) Now notes NYI. It does not affect Kill Shot anymore, instead, it affects Chimera Shot.
* Rapid Recuperation (Tier 8 ) changed. Reduces the mana and focus cost of all shots and abilities by you and your pet by 20/40/60% while under the effect of Rapid Fire, and you gain mana equal to 50/100/150% of the damage you do under the effect of Rapid Killing over 6 sec.
* Improved Stings (Tier 4) reduced to 3 ranks and is now 10/20/30%.


* Explosive Shot (Tier 11) revamped - Now fire an explosive charge into the target, dealing [ 20% of RAP + 345 ] Fire damage to the enemy target, and an additional [ 5% of RAP + 86.25 ] Fire damage to all enemies within 5 yards of the target every second for 2 sec.
* Hunting Party (Tier 10) now procs off of Arcane, Steady, and Explosive Shot critical strikes now. There is no cooldown on the effect now.
* Readiness (Tier 9) cooldown reduced to 3 min.
* Potent Venom renamed Noxious Stings (Tier 8 ) and is noted as NYI. If Wyvern Sting is dispelled, the dispeller is also afflicted by Wyvern Sting lasting 16/25/50% of the duration remaining, and increases all damage done by you on targets afflicted by your Serpent Sting by 1/2/3%.
* Survival Instincts moved from Tier 5 to Tier 2.
* Trap Mastery moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3 and reduces chance enemies will resist your trap by 5%.
* Surefooted (Tier 4) reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 16/25/50%. (Previously 10/20/30%)
* Improved Feign Death renamed to Survival tactics and moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3. It now reduces the cooldown of your disengage by 2/4 sec. Damage reduction while feign death removed.
* Clever Traps (Tier 3) removed.
* Survivalist (Tier 3) increases Stamina by 2/4/6/8/10%. (Previously increased total health)
* Deterrence (Tier 3) removed. (Becoming a base skill?)
* Deflection moved to Tier 3. 3 point talent now. Increases your chance to parry by 1/2/3, and reduces the duration of all Disarm effects used against you by 16/25/50%. This does not stack with other Disarm duration reducing effects.
* Improved Tracking (Tier 1) is now implemented.
* Lock and Load (Tier 4) increased to 10/20/30% chance to proc when you sting a target. (Previously was 5/10/15%)

WTF is this shit!!! Me siento indignada xD Ahora si que no van a querer a los SP en las raids :(

Buffs, Debuffs y Raid Stacking

Es que tengo el hunter y el shaman al 70 y no se cual pillarme como pj. El shaman elemental lo han puesto también bien, pero creo que seguire con el hunter. Ademas con el tiempo sera una clase minoritaria xD, tal como han puesto las otras clases. Los cambios estan bastante bien, sobretodo para BM.

Lo del steady no me termina de convencer :S


Bueno, la verdad es que el cast de 2s del steady a mi tmp me convence. Pero aun asi veo los cambios en el hunter bastante buenos. El mm no se queda corto tmp eh, que entre los stings y el chimera shot... y los talentos aumentandole el daño y tal puede ser basto. Lo bueno que tendra el bm es que ahora podra pillar el Careful aim.
Y el SV con el explosive shot va a ser una makina de rushear xD

Edit: por cierto Improved Hunter's Mark: No longer grants melee attack power.


Nuevo parche, trae consigo la 3.0.2 con cambios importantes en los rogues.

Destacar que:

Added a blue post about the ZA Bear Mount while you wait. It won't be available anymore after the deployment of content patch 3.0 on live servers.

Y cambios en Rogues:

Hello rogues,

We’ve got some updates coming soon for the rogue class and I wanted to duck in and give you a sneak preview of what we’ve been working on as well as our future goals. Below are lists (by no means exhaustive) of some of these changes and goals.


  • Quality of life improvements: Removal of various reagents (Thieves’ Tools, Flash Powder) as well as a Poisons skill change. We’re removing the Poisons skill and making the finished poisons available on vendors for purchase. This should free up a fair amount of bag space.
  • Envenom: Now also increases your chance to apply poisons by 25% for 2-6 seconds (based on combo points).
  • Wounding Poison: No longer stacks. The first application now reduces healing by 50%.
  • Anesthetic Poison: Now also removes one Enrage effect from the target.
  • Evasion, Sprint, Vanish: Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes. (Talents that reduce cooldown take this down to 2 minutes.)
  • Cloak of Shadows: Cooldown increased to 2 minutes. (Elusiveness now reduces this cooldown to 1 minute.)
  • A new level 75 ability has been designed. This is going to be one of the bigger teases as we’re not quite ready to talk about this one yet. I will say that will add some much needed group utility.
  • Fan of Knives: Weapon normalization to equalize effectiveness regardless of weapons carried.


  • Mutilate: No longer requires you be behind the target.
  • Relentless Strikes: Talent is too “required” and will be made more accessible. Vigor will replace its spot in the tree and a new talent will be created to fill Vigor’s spot.
  • Find Weakness: Made passive to cut down on the number of triggered effects that either don’t affect gameplay or affect it in a negative way.
  • Cut to the Chase: No longer requires a critical Eviscerate or Envenom. The finisher just has to land.
  • Hunger for Blood: Now removes any harmful physical effect instead of Bleed or Magic effects. Bleed effects will still be removed (as all are physical) as well as effects like Mortal Strike, Aimed Shot, Expose Armor etc…


  • Riposte: Now generates a combo point.
  • Mace Specialization: This will grant armor penetration when using a mace. (The warrior talent will as well.)
  • Deflection: Reduced to 3 ranks for 2/4/6% parry. This should soften the prereq for Riposte.
  • Fist Weapon Specialization: Merged with Dagger Specialization.
  • Dagger Specialization: Renamed Close Quarters Combat, moved to tier 3.
  • Dual Wield Specialization: Moved to tier 1. Lightning Reflexes swapped locations with it and still needs a little more “oomph”.
  • Unfair Advantage and Stay of Execution: Change to more offensive/utility (read mobility) talents. Too much defense on this tier.
  • Killing Spree: Weapon normalization to equalize effectiveness regardless of weapons carried.


  • More attractive Tier 1 to draw in all types of builds.
  • Fewer dagger specific talents to allow additional build options.
  • Wrongfully Accused: Reviewed. This talent doesn’t fit well in this location. May be moved lower and/or redesigned.
  • Shadow Dance: A bit awkward at the moment. Due for some polish and some design tweaks.

Plenty to do still as you can see. As I mentioned, this isn’t everything we’ve got our eye on but gives you something to discuss and look for in an upcoming beta patch. Please add to the list anything you think needs special attention.

Thanks for reading. I’m going back to work.


se podra subir en mutilate, genial :P


No me gusta nada lo de la CoS a 2min de cd... y ya era hora de bajar el cd de evasion y sprint, que 5m era una sobrada. Lo de que el wound poison baje directamente un 50% de healing era algo que se venia pidiendo desde hace un tiempo.


y encima sigue llorando el pavo sabes? despues de q les bufen.. gl


Duda tonta:

Teniendo un 70, desbloqueas el Death Knight en tu cuenta o en el reino dnd está el 70?




deberian de dar la opcion de desbloquearlo en la horda o en la alianza y si lo haces en la horda claramente desapareceria tu personaje de la alianza, grandisimo reroll que haria muchisima peña xD.


los puntos de arena se resetean a lvl 71, pero y los de honor? serviran para items lvl 80? (por ahorrar o no)


#881 No habría alianza al menos en Crueldad xD...



mejoran el eviscerate OMFG!!! no me lo creo xDDD

mutilate rogue's incoming


Alguien me puede dar información acerca de las nuevas bg's que van a meter? Es que no encuentro nada por internet así que me mole y que sea veraz.

EDIT: Por cierto, la montura "The Hog", la moto esta que anuncian por ahí, es cierto? xD.

EDIT2: Y por último, es cierto tambien que el taunt en PvP será útil y hara el efecto de targetearte automaticamente?


#885 Se llama Strand of the Ancients y es una siege weapons, osea, con vehículos.



#877 la CoS baja a 1 min de CD por talentos, y por un talento que es obligatorio actualmente.


Que tal esta la nueva BG? se ve al mas estilo enemy territory.


nose porque pero la bg me parece ke sera divertida la 1era semana y luego sera un puto coñazo


hay algunos puntos de los cambios para roge q no me molan pero x lo demas hay q dejarles retocar las cosas con calma xq es mejor eso a q no hagan na xDD, x cierto lo de los nuevos vehiculos para 2 personas y tal tienen muy buena pinta hay ganas de expan ya


Mi DK a lvl 59 mete scourge strikes de 5k no digo más xD


lvl 80 premades en la beta lol!


Esta saturada la web de copiar premades, pero bueno, yo usé las 4 copias y no sé si me dejarán copiar un premade xD


Los premades son independientes de los "normales" pero por la mañana no dejaba copiar :\ entré al juego un momento y había gente hablando de los premades, pero a mí no me dejaba, no me salía el servicio activo

¿Hay que hacer algo para que te dejen copiar o simplemente están tan petao que dice que no puedes o acaso aún no lo han implementado? Lo digo porque yo no sé dónde leí algo de "after 70" de lo cual deduzco que hay que subir a 70 para los premades, yo migré un 70 pero ya me temo que haya que subir un DK a 70 XD ¿Alguna idea? :)


Ahi va el set de Naxx


En fin,da asco


OMG pero que le han hecho a la armor del DK se le cayeron 20 botes de pintura encima o que?


un rato feos si que son los sets... la verdad esk desde la BC que las skins como que no se las curran demasiado...


Por partes

El de pala pinta bien si le tapan el pecho...

El de shamy parece que cogieron items de 5 sets diferentes.

El DK y el warrior van casi iguales.

Etc etc

Espero que tengan mucho trabajo por delante aun xD


pero vaya puta mierda los set de naxx, son piezas de diferentes sets cambiados de color......enfin que como los sets mc no hay ninguno :P (quien recuerda el bloodfang? eso si molaba)


Joder, pero leed bien las cosas, debajo de la imagen ponía "Please please keep in mind that some of these models are OBVIOUSLY temporary until the real models are added to the game", así que no son todos esos.

Y ya hace tiempo dijeron que un tier iba a ser el 3 recoloreado, ya que no aprovecharon naxxramas muy bien y para variarlo un poco recolorearían los sets, no sé de que os extraña ·_·