[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


Nuevos cambios en raciales, a destacar el FD del humano xD


  • Hardiness now reduces the duration of stun effects by 15%


  • Racial Passive "The Voodoo Shuffle": Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%. Trolls be flippin' out mon!

  • Berserking: no longer has an activation cost of energy/rage/etc


  • Gift of the Naaru: now scales based on the higher of either the caster's Attack Power or Spell Power

  • Shadow Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Shadow spells by 2%


  • Frost Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Frost spells by 2%

  • Racial Passive "Mace Specialization": Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5.


  • Shadow Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Shadow spells by 1% (yes, this is lower than the other resistance racials)

  • Will of the Forsaken: removes any fear, sleep, or charm effect (no longer has a lasting immunity).

Night Elf

  • Quickness: reduces the chance to be hit by melee or ranged attacks by 2%

  • Nature Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Nature spells by 3%


  • Endurance: now scales based on base health, to be tuned to approximately a 5% heath increase if the player were wearing green quality gear

  • Nature Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Nature spells by 2%


  • Escape Artist: the freeing effect can no longer be resisted

  • Arcane Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Arcane spells by 2%

Blood Elf

  • Mana Tap: ability removed (partially integrated into Arcane Torrent)

  • Arcane Torrent: restores 15 energy, 15 runic power, or 6% of mana to the Blood Elf (along with the current 2s silence effect)

  • Magic Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by spells by 2%


  • Perception: changed to a passive, now grants one character level of passive stealth detection

  • Racial "The Fall of Humanity": Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect. 5min cooldown

  • Racial Passive "Human Supremacy": The dominance of Humanity is evidenced by having one more racial bonus than normal. Actually, make that two counting this one. (just a tooltip, no actual functionality)

  • The Human Spirit: spirit bonus lowered to 5%


Nerfs y buffs en la nueva build a ciertas clases:

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Blood Strike now deals 50% weapon damage and bonus damage lowered for all ranks.
* Heart Strike now deals 50% weapon damage and bonus damage lowered for all ranks.
* Strangulate damage lowered.
* Blood Boil range reduced to 10 yards.
* Blood Tap mana cost reduced.


* Might of Morgraine (Tier 9) now affects Obliterate. Critical Strike Damage bonus has been reduced to 15/30/45%. (Previously 20/40/60%)
* Death Rune Mastery (Tier 3) now requires you to hit the target.


* Obliterate bonus damage lowered.
* Icy Touch damage lowered.
* Frost Strike now deals 50% weapon damage and bonus damage lowered for all ranks.


* Blood of the North (Tier 8 ) has been changed to 3 ranks.
* Merciless Combat (Tier 6) now increases damage done with Howling Blast, Frost Strike, Icy Touch, and Obliterate to targets under 35% by 10/20%.(Previously increased damage by 30/60%)


* Corpse Explosion damage lowered.
* Death Coil damage lowered.
* Death Strike bonus damage lowered.
* Death and Decay damage lowered.
* Plague Strike now deals 30% weapon damage and bonus damage increased for all ranks.
* Scourge Strike now deals 65% weapon damage and bonus damage lowered for all ranks.
* Death Gate now has a 1 minute cooldown.


* Summon Gargoyle (Tier 5) runic power cost lowered to 30. (Previously was 50)
* Outbreak (Tier 3) no longer affects Scourge Strike. It now increases the damage of Plague Strike in addition to Blood Boil and Pestilence by 10%.
* Unholy Command (Tier 2) no longer affects the cooldown of Dark Command.

Druid (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Infected Wounds (Tier 8 ) changed to: Your Shred, Maul, and Mangle attacks cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed of the target by 8/17/25% and the attack speed by 4/7/10%. Stacks up to 2 times. Lasts 12 sec.


* Healing Touch base healing reduces for all ranks. Mana cost also reduced.
* Abolish poison now lasts 1 minute on the target. (Previously lasted 8 sec)


* Furor (Tier 1) changed to: Gives you 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form, and you keep up to 20/40/60/80/100 of your Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form, and increases your total Intellect while in Moonkin form by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Hunter (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Rapid Recuperation (Tier 8 ) now gives you 1/2/3% of your mana back every 2 secs for 6 sec when you gain Rapid Killing.

Mage (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* *New Skill* Mirror Image (80) -  Creates 3 copies of the caster nearby, which cast spells and attack the mage's enemies. Lasts 30 sec. 10% of base mana, Instant cast, 3 min cooldown.
* Conjure Food (rank 9 and 10) and Conjure water (rank 10 and 11) have been combined. 2 ranks of Conjure refreshment that conjures 20 food. (Check skills list for more info)


* Molten Fury (Tier 7) now increases the damage of all spells against targets with 35% hp or less by 6/12%

Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Hammer of Wrath is now instant cast.


* Sacred Shield now also increases critical hit with Flash of Light by 50%.


* Beacon of Light (Tier 11) now states "Only one target can be the Beacon of Light at a time."

Priest (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Misery (Tier 8 ) changed to: our Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay and Vampiric Touch spells also increase the chance for harmful spells to hit by 1/2/3%, and increases the damage of your Mind Blast, Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by an amount equal to 5/10/15% of your spell power.

Rogue (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Dismantle required level changed from 75 to 20. Max range changed to 5 Yards. 


* Hunger For Blood damage bonus reduced from 5% to 3%. Now works with any harmful physical effect affecting you.
* Cut to the Chase now affects all Eviscerate and Envenom attacks. (Old - Only affected critical strikes)
* Blood Spatter has been moved from Tier 9 to Tier 2. Now Increases the damage caused by your Garrote and Rupture abilities by 15/30%. (Old - 10/20%)
* Focused Attacks has been moved from Tier 9 to Tier 8.
* Turn the Tables has been moved from Tier 8 to Tier 9.
* Find Weakness changed from 5 points to 3 points. Now increases the damage of all offensive abilities by 3/6/9% (Old - Your finishing moves increase the damage of all your offensive abilities by 2/4/6/8/10% for 10 sec.)
* Vigor has been moved from Tier 7 to Tier 3.
* Deadened Nerves changed from 5 points to 3 points. Now reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%. (Old - 1/2/3/4/5%)
* Master Poisoner moved from Tier 6 to Tier 9 and changed from 2 to 3 ranks. Now Increases the critical hit chance of all attacks made against any target you have poisoned by 1/2/3% and reduces the duration of all Poison effects applied to you by 17/34/50%. (Old - Reduces the chance your poisons will be resisted by 5/10% and reduces the duration of all Poison effects applied to you by 25/50%.)
* Relentless Strikes has been removed. (And moved to Subtlety)
* Improved Expose Armor now Reduces the energy cost of your Expose Armor ability by 5/10. (Old - Increases the duration of your Expose Armor ability by 25/50%.)
* Lethality now increases the critical strike damage of all combo moves by 6/12/18/24/30%. (Old - Didn't affect all skills)
* *New Talent* - Overkill (Tier 7) - Abilities used while stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking stealth cost 10 less energy.


* Sprint cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.
* Evasion cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.


* Murder Spree has been renamed to Killing Spree. Range has been changed to 10 yards.
* Prey on the Weak now increases the damage of all your critical strike damage by 4/8/12/16/20%. (Old - Only affected normal melee critical strike, increased by 5/10/15/20/25%)
* Unfair Advantage changed to Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back for 50/100% of your main hand weapon's damage. (Old -     Whenever you critically hit an enemy or dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, increasing your chance to critically hit and dodge by 1/2% for 8 sec.)
* Suprirse Attacks now also affects Hemorrhage.
* Stay of Execution has been removed.
* *New Talent* - Blood Poisoning (Tier 9) -  All physical damage caused to enemies you have poisoned is increased by 1/2%.
* Throwing Specialization now affects Fan of Knives as well.
* Nerves of Steel changed to Reduces damage taken while affected by Stun and Fear effects by 15/30%. (Old - Reduces the duration of all Stun and Fear effects by 15/30%.)
* Mace Specialization changed to - Your attacks with maces ignore up to 3/6/9/12/15% of your opponent's armor. (Old - Increases the damage dealt by your critical strikes with maces by 2/4/6/8/10%.)
* Fist Weapon Specialization has been removed.
* Dagger Specialization has been moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3 and now affects Fist Weapons as well.
* Dual Wield Specialization has been moved from Tier 4 to Tier 1.
* Endurance now reduces the cooldown of your Sprint and Evasion abilities by 30 sec/1 min. (Old - 45 sec/1.5 min)
* Riposte now awards 1 Combo Point.
* Improved Sprint changed from Tier 3 to Tier 4.
* Improved Slice and Dice changed from 3 points to 2 points. Now Increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 25/50%. (Old - 15/30/45%)
* Deflection changed from 5 points to 3 points. Now Increases your Parry chance by 2/4/6%. (Old - 1/2/3/4/5%)
* Precision now also increases the hit chance of your poison attacks.
* Lightning Reflexes moved from Tier 1 to Tier 4.


* Tricks of the Trade range changed to 20 yards. (Reminder -     The current party or raid member becomes the target of your Tricks of the Trade. The threat caused by your next attack and all actions taken for 6 sec afterwards will be transferred to the target. In addition, all damage caused by the target is increased by 15% during this time.)
* Cloak of Shadow cooldown increased from 1 to 1.5 minute.
* Vanish cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes.
* Disarm Trap increased from 5 to 20 yards. Casting time reduced from 2 to 1 second.


* Shadow Dance changed - Enter the Shadow Dance, allowing the use of Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket and Disarm Trap regardless of being stealthed. Those abilities each gain a cooldown of 2 sec. Lasts 10 sec. Instant, 2 min cooldown. (Old - Instantly enter stealth and begin the Shadow Dance.  For 9 sec you will reenter stealth every 3 secs.)
* Slaughter from the Shadows now also reduces the energy cost of your Hemorrhage by 1/2/3/4/5.
* Wrongfully Accused has been removed.
* Premeditation cooldown reduced from 2 minutes to 20 seconds.
* Preparation doesn't affect Premeditation anymore.
* Elusiveness moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3. Now Reduces the cooldown of your Vanish and Blind abilities by 30/60 sec and your Cloak of Shadows ability by 15/30 sec.
* Serrated blades moved Tier 4 to Tier 3.
* Initiative moved from Tier 3 to Tier 4. Now Gives you a 33/66/100% (Old - 25/50/75%) chance to add an additional combo point to your target when using your Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot ability.
* Improved Ambush moved from Tier 3 to Tier 4. Changed from 3 points to 2 points. Now increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 25/50%. (Old - 15/30/45%)
* Camouflage changed from 5 points to 3 points. Now Increases your speed while stealthed by 5/10/15% (Old - 3/6/9/12/15%) and reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability by 2/4/6 sec. (Old - 1/2/3/4/5 Sec)
* Master of Deception Rank 4 and 5 have been removed. 
* Opportunity has been changed from 5 points to 2 points. Now increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Mutilate, Garrote and Ambush abilities by 10/20%. (Old - 4/8/12/16/20%)
* *New Talent* - Filthy Tricks (Tier 9) - Reduces the cooldown of your Tricks of the Trade and Distract abilities by 5/10 secs.
* *New Talent* - Relentless Strikes (Tier 1, Moved from Assassination Tree) - Your finishing moves have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

Shaman (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Thunderstorm (Tier 11) now knocks enemies back 5 yards (Previously 20 yards)
* Improved Fire Nova Totem (Tier 4) now has a 50/100% chance to stun targets hit by Fire Nova Totem for 2 secs.

Feral Spirit (Tier 11) is now implemented. Pet skills include :

* Bash - Your Spirit Wolves stun the target for 2 sec. (45 sec cooldown)
* Twin Howl - Your Spirit Wolves howl, forcing all enemies to attack them for 6 sec. (15 sec cooldown)
* Spirit Walk - Removes all movement impairing effects and increases the movement speed of you and your Spirit Wolves by 60% for 15 sec. (25 yd range, 32 sec cooldown)
* Spirit Hunt - Your Spirit Wolves' attacks heal them and you for 5 sec. (10 sec cooldown)


* Water Shield now restores less mana when you get hit.


* Spirit Link (Tier 11) now states "A member of the link moving beyond 100 yards will also break the link."

Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Everlasting Affliction (Tier 10) changed to: Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Unstable Affliction spells gain an additional 1/2/3/4/5% of your bonus spell damage effects each time they inflict damage, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a 20% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.
* Eradication moved from Tier 9 to Tier 7
* Shadow Embrace (Tier 5) changed to: Your Shadow Bolt and Haunt spells apply the Shadow Embrace effect, increasing all periodic damage dealt to the target by you by 2/4/6/8/10%, and reduces all periodic healing done to the target by 3/6/9/12/15%. Lasts for 12 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.
* *New Talent* Pandemic - Each time you deal damage with Corruption or Unstable Affliction, you have a chance equal to your spell critical strike chance to deal 33/66/100% additional damage.

Warrior (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8905))

* Weapon Throw renamed to Heroic Throw. Now deals 50% of AP + 1 damage (instead of 100% of AP). Cast time changed from 0.5 sec to instant. Cooldown changed from 20 seconds to 1 minute.
* Thunder Clap damage has been increased by 50%


* Bladestorm now let you perform a whirlwind every 1 second for 6 seconds. (Old - Every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds)
* Improved Mortal Strike doesn't affect Enraged Assault anymore.
* Mace Specialization changed to - Your attacks with maces ignore up to 3/6/9/12/15% of your opponent's armor.


* Enraged Assault changed to "You regenerate 30% of your total health over 10 sec.  This ability consumes all Enrage effects and prevents any from affecting you for the full duration." (Old - A furious assault that consumes an Enrage effect on the warrior and attacks with all weapons.  Can only be used while Enraged.)


* Furious Attacks changed to "Your normal melee attacks have a chance to reduce all healing done to the target by 25% for 10 sec. This can stack up to 2 times." (Old - 50/100% chance depending on rank, lasted 8 seconds.)
* Improved Whirlwind now increases the damage of your Whirlwind ability by 10/20%


* Shield Wall reduces all damage taken by 60% for 12 sec. (Old - 50%)
* Taunt cooldown changed from 10 to 8 seconds.


* Shockwave now deals [75% of AP] damage (up from 50%) but doesn't cause a high amount of threat anymore.
* Sword and Board changed to 3 ranks and now Increases the critical strike chance of your Devastate ability by 5/10/15% and when your Devastate ability deals damage it has a 10/20/30% (Old - 3/6/9/12/15%) chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by 100% for 5 sec. (Old - Didn't increase critical strike chance of Devastate)
* Vitality now Increases your total Strength and Stamina by 2/4/6% (Old - 1/2/3%) and your Expertise by 6. (Old - Didn't affect expertise)
* Shield Mastery moved from Tier 6 to Tier 3 and changed from 3 point to 2 points. Now Increases your block value by 15/30% and reduces the cooldown of your Shield Block ability by 10/20 sec. (Old - 10/20% block value and didn't reduce cooldown)
* Improved Shield Wall renamed to Improved Disciplines. Now Reduces the cooldown of your Shield Wall, Retaliation and Recklessness abilities by 30/60 secs.
* Concussion Blow now deals [75% of AP] damage (up from 25%) but doesn't cause a high amount of threat anymore.
* Improved Disarm doesn't affect Shield Break anymore.
* Last Stand cooldown reduced from 6 minutes to 5 minutes.
* Rank 3 of Puncture has been re-added.
* Improved Taunt has been removed.
* Improved Shield Block has been removed.
* First rank of Improved Toughness now properly reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 10%. (Old - 20%)
* *New Talent* - Damage Shield (Tier 10) - Whenever you take damage from or block a melee attack you cau# se damage equal to 10/20% of your block value.

New Talent - Warbringer - Your Charge ability is now usable while in combat and in any stance.


Supongo q ahora q el perception es pasivo, debe llevar un nerf importante incorporado y para compensar han puesto el FD ese q nose q sentido tiene pero weno xd


menos mal que nerfean al orco... gl. Y el wotf como veian que los rogues no lo tenian ya de por si demasiado fácil, ahora el death wish no quita fear para que asi los warriors undead lo tengan más fácil que los de la alianza. Siempre me quedará el shadowmeld con mi rogue para ser sapeado por hordas.

PD: He de deducir que han eliminado la stoneform a cambio de +5 a las mazas?


#904 no, simplemente las raciales que no aparecen nombradas no han sido modificadas.


No me lo puedo creer... el nerf del WotF es real? yo no he leido nada de esto en las patch notes ni en mmo, ke fuentes tienes mano? es ke es demasiado bueno para ser cierto.

Edit: Pues si, encontré el azul: :O



osea, que te tienes que comer el fear para poder quitartelo?



pero habeis visto el buff IMPRESIONANTE al rogue?


ui si un buff bastisimo

pd: no


Sin fingir muerte para los humanos....


puf a los humanos le han puesto una habilidad racial brutal. Y os habeis fijado que han vuelto a poner porcentaje? ya era hora macho.


omg Feign death como racial :O


Veo un reroll ali masivo


P.D.- No se yo...




dios lo q me faltaba xddd lo q menos me gusta de los hunters se lo ponen ahora a los humanos lolazo


Un fd para los humanos que como dejan de ver a la peña en steal a kilometos pues pobrecillos, menos mal que no han pensado mucho, capaces eran de ponerles un cubito/vanish/ciclone de racial by human supremacy y mil gilipolleces mas.


hmmmmm warrior fury humano con FD... hmmmmm rogue humano con vanish y FD... hmmm lol bliz


Pero si en la modificacion de hechizos de paladin lo unico que hacen es mejorarle sus spells!! con lo overs que estan en la beta.


Para los escandalizados del FD de los humanos, por la descripccion de la habilidad no es como el FD de los hunters:

Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect. 5min cooldown

Simplemente parece que el efecto es parecido al del cubito del mago, simplemente pierdes el aggro mientras dura el efecto, despues el aggro vuelve a ser el mismo que tenias (o eso es lo que parece xD)


bueno lo que me interesa saber del FD de los humanos es si sera como el hunter en el aspecto de si un mago te esta casteando una bolita tu usas el FD el casteo se le cortara no? y la pet tambien perdera su target no? si es asi, esto para arenas lo veo una chetada, mi humano warrior lo agradecera mucho xD.



Una habilidad con 5 minutos de CD no creo que sea tan decisiva como para ser cheta en arenas...

Si te das cuenta el cambio que se ha hecho en las raciales es mayormente para minimizar el impacto que tienen en arenas



Todos los rogues del mundo se iran a hacerse humanos xDDD


pa hacerte humano por un nivel de deteccion de sigilo te haces elfo.


Vamos ignorar un casteo cada 5 mins overisimo eh? ¬¬, teneis cada cosa...


¿Pero es que nadie se ha parado a leer que el feign death lo único que hace es tirarte al suelo para que el mob no te pegue? No reduce aggro.


pues para mi ese ignorar el casteo contra una setup de mago-rogue siendo warrior te puede salvar el culo del focus y por tanto ganar la arena, por mi parte yo lo veo muy muy util para warriors en arenas, guardandolo para el momento decisivo cuando haces el focus al druida y ya no puedes hacer pumel y te va a castear ciclone, puff nose tendre que verlo en accion pero para mi si que lo veo super util


Lo que dice #926 es muy cierto... eso sí, que un rogue/mago fallen un focus por ese detalle también tiene delito...


tal vez no es que lo fallen si no simplemente le de tiempo a tu healer a salir del silencio u oveja o pollas varias, los que no vean lo util que puede ser.....


Pero se le podra atacar mientras se hace el muerto?


no,primero tendras que destruir el ataud que lo cubre que tiene unos 20 k de vida.