[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


No tiene sentido, no solo le sirve a un rogue para cortar el unico casteo de un combate que le permite hacer a a un mago, sino que si sale de combate se podra meter en las sombras sin gastar un banish.
Yo de verdad que lo veo un sinsentido, ya era demasiada la ventaja que tenian los humanos con la la racial de ver invisibles en arenas, yo juego con un rogue y siempre, siempre me lo sacan los humanos del stealt, y eso contra segun que ekipos es decisivo.


#931 mago frost rogue .. q te saquen al rogue de stealth puede ser la muerte xD

y el feign death como dices por ahi arriba si te refieres al del hunter... te resetea el aggro a 0 ...


El FD de los humanos en PvP será como el del hunter, en PvE es donde varia, que en lugar de resetear el aggro a 0, lo hará mientras dure el efecto (por ejemplo, se te gira el mob, tiras FD, el mob gira al MT, pero si no ha pillado suficiente aggro el MT, en cuanto te levantes del FD volverá a pegarte).

Como se comenta, va a ser una racial bastante decisiva en arenas para evadir focus (que te esté casteando frostbolt/aimed/shadowbolt el enemigo y puedas tirar FD a 0.5 secs de q lo finalice, te da 4 o 5 segundos extra para que tu healer se recupere de un silencio, ya que el enemigo tendrá que castear la misma hab de nuevo entera).


Jugando druida + warrior veo tremendamente over el perception cuando juegas vs rogue mago por ejemplo, que te saquen al druida de stealth y le hagan el focus de la muerte no tiene precio xD

Menos mal que le cae un nerfeillo al perception xD


lo q mas me mola de este thread son los copy paste hyper bastos de man0war0rz


para algo sirve dir la pagina y ya ta :D


#935 ahora va a resultar que te gusta más pinchar 3 links pq no te gustan los c&p.

No hace falta tener un master para ver que es c&p de la info oficial. Yo hago c&p de la info de WoR (no tenían source, sólo decían "Kalgan posted" blablabla), que a su vez han hecho c&p de la info de mmo-champ, que a su vez han hecho c&p de la info de un post contestado por Kalgan en los foros oficiales de WoW (suficiente he tenido con ir pinchando y buscando la source oficial para ir contrastando y verificando de que no se tratase de un bulo o en su defecto un leak no oficial, ya que, como repito, WoR no ponía source oficial y ya me extrañaba no haberlo visto en este post ya que por lo menos yo, me enteré 1 día tarde). Mira que te gusta viajar para no leer la misma info que te vas a encontrar en los foros oficiales ¿eh? curiosamente muchos, si no lo hubiesen visto en este post no se hubiesen dado cuenta, ya que no son asiduos a esas webs y como mucho visitan este post muy de vez en cuando.

A mi lo que más me "mola" es la gente que se gana chocopuntos sólo por intentar tocar los cataplines :)


Sin duda lo de la racial del human es MUY cheto, sobretodo para los rogues, "FD" y reestealh, GL eh? Nerf xd

CS + KS, te hago FD, reestealh Garrote, j3j3j3 NERF



Yo creo que no leeis nada... donde coño pone que el FD de los humanos es el mismo que el de los hunters? lo 1º: NO resetea aggro por lo tanto es presumible que ni siquiera te sacara de combate...

Al menos leer los post antes de decir chorradas.


#938 No son chorradas, no pone que sea igual que el de hunter, pero tampoco pone que sea diferente en el aspecto de que te saque de combate.


Cada 5 minutos, K OVER NERF !!


Por lógica no ha de sacar de combate si sólo resetea el aggro a 0 durante lo que dura.


Y porque cojones un humano puede fingir muerte y un orco no?por poner un ejemplo



No pone textualmente que no te saque de combate pero es de presumir que si no te deja el aggro a 0 es practicamente imposible que te saque de combate -.-

No se, es logica pura y dura


#942 por q cojones un UNDEAD no es inmune al fear? ya está muerto es imposible q pueda sentir miedo ... O.O


Y un UNDEAD no puede hacerse el muerto? vamos no se,es bastante absurda esa racial pa los humanos xD


tal vez digan....los humanos son de los mas inteligentes pues podran fingir la muerte, simplemente eso.

si el finguir muerte racial, resetea un casteo y hacer perder el target, para mi ya es lo bastante cheto para arenas, me sigo asombrando como hay gente que no lo ve asi, y si te saca de combate ya sera demasiado over, que si que es cada 5 minutos ¿y? no lo iva a ser cada 2 minutos, yo creo que saben de lo cheto que puede ser para arenas que por eso le ponen 5 minutos.


eso para restear es la polla en arenas te haces el muerto y a restear como 1 cabron

PD: si te saca de combate claro... como el de los hunters



We're going to make Corruption base instant cast. The Improved Corruption talent will now increase Corruption's damage by 4/8/12/16/20%.

Si de verdad lo ponen, ya era hora omg



Yo espero ansioso, al menos, que digan el dia de la salida de la exp


no puede ser que te saque del combat, si no los rogues tendrian otro vanish :S


Y pq el tauren no puede usar los totems de arma? :P (Es verdad pq no ponen de una vez el totem de arma????)


Nuevas notas para la nueva build 8926, menudo nerfeo a todas las skills de lock... es ke vamos muchos de los buffs en la exp se van abajo. El unico buff cojonudo que veo es que AL FIN el Shadowfury es un instant cast... pero es ke nerfean al destrolock!!!! por si no estaba ya suficientemente mal antes de la exp... pfffff, otra vez condenados a las pegatas.

Quote from Blizzard staff
Death Knight (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Pestilence damage reduced across all ranks.
* Blood Boil range increased to 30 yards.


* Bloody Vengeance removed from the talent tree.


* Icy Touch now reduces ranged attack speed as well.
* Path of Frost changed to - The Death Knight's freezing aura creates ice beneath him or her feet, allowing him or her and him or her party or raid to walk on water for 10 min. Works while mounted. Any damage will cancel the effect.


* Acclimation (Tier 9) now affects the party and raid.
* Frost Strike (Tier 9) now deals 30% weapon damage and it's bonus damage reduced.
* Blood of the North (Tier 8 ) now has a 33/66% chance to proc on Blood Strike. (Previously 30/60%)
* Howling Blast (Tier 7) damage reduced. (Check Talent list for details)
* Merciless Combat (Tier 6) now increases damage done by Icy Touch, Howling Blast, Obliterate and Frost Strike by 6/12% when the target is under 35%. (Previously 10/20%)
* Rime (Tier 6) is now 3 ranks and changed to - Increases the critical strike chance of your Icy Touch by 5/10/15% and casting Icy Touch has a 5/10/15% chance to cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes.
* Frigid Dreadplate (Tier 5) now has a 33/66% chance to proc when you get hit by a melee strike. (Previously 30/60%)
* Killing Machine (Tier 4) - After landing a critical strike from an auto attack, there is a 10/20/30/40/50% chance your next Icy Touch, Howling Blast or Frost Strike will be a critical strike.
* Annihilation (Tier 3) now gives your Obliterate ability a 33/66% chance to not consume a disease. (Previously 30/60%)
* Improved Icy Touch (Tier 1) now affects ranged attacks as well.


* Unholy Blight (Tier 11) damage reduced, the effect lasts 14 sec, and it now has a 1 minute cooldown. (Previously no cooldown, and effect lasted 20 sec)
* Desecration (Tier 7) now increases damage you cause, while standing on the desecrated ground, by 5%. The effect lasts 20 sec. (Previously 10%)
* Blood-Caked Blade (Tier 4) changed to - Your auto attacks have a 5/10/15% chance to cause a Blood-Caked Strike, which hits for 20% weapon damage plus 10% for each of your diseases on the target.
* Necrosis (Tier 3) makes your auto-attacks deal an additional 2/4/6/8/10% Shadow damage. (Previously 5/10/15/20/25%)

Druid (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Eclipse (Tier 9) reduced to a 30 sec cooldown.
* Gale Winds (Tier 9) now increases damage done by your Hurricane and Typhoon spells by 15/30%, and increases the range of your Cyclone spell by 2/4 yards.
* Improved Insect Swarm is now implemented.
* Nature's Splendor (Tier 3) increases the duration of your Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom and Flourish spells by 2/3 sec.


* Beserk (Tier 11) changed to a 3 min cooldown an now states - You cannot use Tiger's Fury while Berserk is active. Clears the effect of Fear and makes you immune to Fear for the duration.
* Mother Bear renamed Protector of the Pack.
* Infected Wounds (Tier 8 ) now reduces attack speed by 3/7/10%. Stacks of to 2 times.
* Natural Reaction is now implemented.


* Abolish poison now lasts 8 sec on the target. (Previously lasted 1 min)


* Gift of the Earthmother (Tier 10) changed to - Reduces the base global cooldown of your Rejuvenation and Lifebloom spells by 2/4/6/8/10%, and causes your Healing Touch and Nourish spells to refund 1/2/3/4/5% of their base cost for each healing over time effect on the target.
* Replenish (Tier 9) changed to - Your Rejuvenation spell has a 5/10/15% chance to restore 8 Energy, 4 Rage, 1% Mana or 16 Runic Power per tick.
* Subtlety (Tier 2) now reduces the chance any of your spells will be dispelled. (Previously only affected HoTs)

Hunter (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))
Beast Mastery

* Aspect of the Beast has been removed.
* Aspect of the Viper now regenerate a percentage of maximum mana equal to base ranged weapon speed on each ranged attack and reduces your damage done by 50%


* Kill Shot now deals 200% weapon damage plus [30% of RAP + 400] damage. (Old - Weapon damage plus [15% of RAP + 2500] damage)

Beast Mastery

* Cobra Strikes now affects your pet's next 2 special attacks. (Down from 3)
* Invigoration now has a 50/100% to instantly regenerate 1% mana when your pet scores a critical hit with a special ability. (Old - 100% chance to regenerate 1/2% mana)
* Aspect Mastery now reduces the damage down to you while Aspect of the Monkey is active by 5% (down from 10%) and increases the attack power bonus of Aspect of the Hawk by 30% (down from 50%)


* Improved Steady show now has a chance to reduce the mana cost of your next Aimed / Arcane / Chimera shot by 20%. (Down from 40%)


* Hunting Party now lasts 15 seconds
* Noxious Stings is now implemented
* Lock and Load now affects your next Arcane Shot (down from 3 next Arcane Shot).
* T.N.T now increases the critical strike chance of your Explosive Shot and Explosive Trap by 3/6/9%. (Down from 5/10/15%)

Mage (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))
No changes.

Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Seal of Corruption's damage reduced. (Check spell list for details)
* Seal of the Martyr's damage reduced. (Check spell list for details)
* Seal of Blood's damage reduced. (Check spell list for details)
* Seal of Vengeance's damage reduced. (Check spell list for details)


* Divine Storm (Tier 11) mana cost reduced.
* The Art of War moved from Tier 9 to Tier 7 and changed to 2 ranks. It now increases the critical strike damage of your Judgement, Crusader Strike and Divine Storm abilities by 10/20% and when these abilities critically hit the cast time of your next Flash of Light is reduced by 0.75/1 sec.
* Sanctified Seals moved from Tier 7 to Tier 4.
* Divine Purpose moved from Tier 7 to Tier 5 and changed to 2 ranks. It now reduces your chance to be hit by spells and ranged attacks by 2/4% and gives your Hand of Freedom spell a 50/100% chance to remove any Stun effects on the target.
* Vengeance (Tier 6) changed to 3 ranks and now stacks up to 3 times.
* Judgements of the Wise moved from Tier 6 to Tier 7 and now your Judgement spells have a 33/66/100% chance to grant the Replenishment effect to up to 10 party or raid members mana regeneration equal to 0.5% of their maximum mana per second, and to immediately grant you 20% of your maximum mana.
* Sheath of Light moved from Tier 5 to Tier 9.
* Improved Retribution Aura moved from Tier 4 to Tier 6.
* Crusade (Tier 4) now increases all damage done by 1/2/3% in addition to its previous effect.
* Seal of Command (Tier 3) damage reduced. (Check talent list for details)
* Pursuit of Justice (Tier 3) no longer reduces chance for spells to hit you. Instead, it reduces the duration of disarm effects by 25/50%.
* Deflection moved from Tier 2 to Tier 1.
* Improved Blessing of Might moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2. It now is 2 ranks and increases the effect of Blessing of Might by 12/25%.
* Benediction (Tier 1) changed to reduce the mana cost of all instant cast spells by 2/4/6/8/10%.


* Divine Plea changed so that you gain 25% of your total mana over 10 sec, but the amount healed by your spells is reduced by 50%
* Seal of Light - Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage to an enemy. (Damage reduced)
* Seal of Wisdom - Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage to an enemy. (Damage reduced)
* Seal of Righteouness - Fills the Paladin with holy spirit for 2 min, granting each melee attack [ 2.8% of MWS * AP + 5.5% of MWS * Spell Power ] additional Holy damage. (Damage reduced)


* Holy Guidance (Tier 8 ) now increases spell power by 4/8/12/16/20% of your intellect. (Previously was 7/14/21/28/35%)


* Shield of Righteousness now deals holy damage equal to 240% of your block value. (Up from 200%)
* Seal of Justice - Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage to an enemy. (Damage reduced)
* Righteous Defense is now a 10 sec cooldown.


* Hammer of the Righteous (Tier 11) now causes 120% weapon damage as holy damage, but no longer "causes a high amount of threat".
* Shield of the Templar (Tier 10) changed to increase the damage of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 10/20/30%.
* Avenger's Shield (Tier 9) now deals more damage and is instant cast. (All ranks)
* Guarded by the Light (Tier 9) now reduces spell damage taken by 3/6% and reduces the mana cost of your Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield and Shield of Righteousness spells by 15/30%.
* Combat Expertise (Tier 8 ) changed to 3 ranks, increases your expertise by 2/4/6, and total Stamina and chance to critically hit by 2/4/6%
* Improved Holy Shield removed from the talent tree.
* Holy Shield (Tier 7) now has 8 charges, but no longer causes additional threat.
* One-Handed Weapon Specialization (Tier 6) now increases damage you deal with one handed weapons by 2/4/6/8/10%.
* Spell Warding removed from the talent tree.
* Reckoning can now proc off a blocked attack.
* Blessing of Kings moved to Tier 1. It now increases all stats by 2%. (Previously 10%)
* Improved Blessing of Kings is a new Tier 1 talent that increases the effectiveness of Blessing of Kings by an additional 2/4/6/8%.
* Shield Specialization removed from the talent tree.
* Redoubt moved from Tier 3 to Tier 8. It now increases your block value by 10/20/30% and damaging melee and ranged attacks against you have a 10/20/30% chance to increase your chance to block by 10%. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.
* Anticipation moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2.

Priest (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Divine Hymn now affect the closest 10 enemies, it also heals the closest friendly targets for 4506 over 6 seconds.


* Fade is now a single-rank ability


* Borrowed Time now reduces the base global cooldown of your Power Word: Shield spell by 3/6/9/12/15% (Old - Reduces global cooldown by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 sec)
* Renewed Hope now Increases the critical effect chance of your Flash Heal, Greater Heal and Penance spells by 2/4% (Down from 3/6%) on targets afflicted by the Weakened Soul effect.
* Rapture now causes you to gain up to 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5% of your maximum mana each time you heal with Greater Heal, Flash Heal or Penance, or damage is absorbed by your Power Word: Shield or Divine Aegis.  Increasing the amount healed or absorbed increases the mana gained.
* Enlightenment doesn't increase your intellect anymore.
* Improved Inner Fire now Increases the effect of your Inner Fire spell by 15/30/45%, and increases the total number of charges by 4/8/12.
* Martyrdom now decreases the duration of Interrupt effects by 10/20% instead of giving a chance to resist them.
* Twin Disciplines now only affects instant spells.


* Improved Holy Concentration now increases the chance you'll enter Holy Concentration by 1/2/3% (down from 4/7/10%) and also increases your spell haste by 10/20/30% (down from 20/40/60%) on your next (down from "three next") Greater Heal, Flash Heal or Binding Heal spells after you gain Holy Concentration. Lasts 20 sec.
* Test of Faith now increases healing by 2/4/6% (down from 5/10/15%) and spell critical effect chance by 2/4/6 (down from 4/7/10%) on friendly targets at or below 50% health.
* Empowered healing changed to - Your Greater Heal spell gains an additional 8/16/24/32% (up from 2/4/6/8%) and your Flash Heal and Binding Heal gain an additional 4/8/12/16% (up from 1/2/3/4%) of your bonus healing effects.
* Serendipity now refunds 8/17/25% (Down from 20/40/60%) of mana cost on overheal. It doesn't require you to overheal the target for more than 50% anymore. 


* Dispersion now reduces all damage taken by 60% (down from 90%) and doesn't regenerate health anymore.
* Twisted Faith now increases your spell power on all spells (Old - only shadow spells) by 2/4/6/8/10% (down from 6/12/18/24/30%)
* Improved Shadowform doesn't give a chance to remove all movement impairing effects when Fade is used anymore.
* Misery doesn't increase the damage of your Mind Blast / Mind Flay / Mind Sear spells anymore.
* Shadow Resilience now Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by all spells by 2/4%. (Old - Reduces physical damage taken by 2/4%.)
* Improved Fade renamed to Veiled SHadows. Now Decreases the cooldown of your Fade ability by 6 sec, and reduces the cooldown of your Shadowfiend ability by 2 minutes.
* Improved Spirit Tap now let your mana regenerate at a 10/20% (down from 25/50%) rate while casting.

Rogue (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Hunger For Blood now refunds 15 energy. (Down from 100% of the Energy Cost) 

Shaman (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Thunderstorm (Tier 11) damage reduced and knockback increased to 6 yards.
* Storm, Earth and Fire (Tier 10) changed to - Your Lightning Bolt gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your spell power, your Earth Shock's range is increased by 1 yards and the periodic damage done by your Flame Shock is increased by 10/20/30/40/50%.
* Lava Flows (Tier 9) now increases the amount of bonus spell damage on your Flametongue Weapon by an additional 15/30/45%. (Previously 20/40/60%)


* Maelstrom weapon (Tier 10) now reduces the cast time of Lesser Healing Wave, Healing Wave, and Chain Heal as well.
* Shamanistic Focus (Tier 3) changed - Reduces the mana cost of your Shock spells by 45%.


* Tidal Waves (Tier 10) changed to - You have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance after you cast Chain Heal to lower the cast time of your next Lesser Healing Wave or Healing Wave spell by 30%. In addition, your Healing Wave gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus healing effects and your Lesser Healing Wave gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus healing effects.
* Ancestral Awakening (Tier 9) changed so that the spirit heals for 7/13/20% of the amount you healed. (Previously was 20/40/60%)
* Nature's Guardian (Tier 7) now has a 5 sec cooldown. (Previously was 8 sec)

Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Death's Embrace (Tier 9) now increases the critical strike chance of all shadow spells by 3/6/9% when the target is below 20% health.
* Unstable Affliction (Tier 9) now silences the dispeller for 5 secs. (Previously 3 sec)
* Eradication (Tier 7) now notes "This effect cannot occur more often than once every 30 sec"
* Dark Pact (Tier 7) now returns 100% of the mana you drain from your pet. (Previously was 200%)
* Improved Felhunter (Tier 6) now increases the effect of Fel Intelligence by 5/10%.
* Shadow Embrace (Tier 5) changed - Your Shadow Bolt and Haunt spells apply the Shadow Embrace effect, increasing all periodic damage dealt to the target by you by 1/2%, and reduces all periodic healing done to the target by 3/6%. Lasts for 12 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.
* Curse of Exhaustion (Tier 5) reduces target's movement speed by 30%. (Previously was 50%).


* Fel Armor mana regeneration effect changed so you regain 2% of your maximum health every 5 sec.


* Metamorphosis (Tier 11) changed to a 5 minute cooldown.
* Demonic Empathy (Tier 9) damage bonus reduced to 1/2/3%. (Previously 2/4/6%)
* Demonic Empowerment (Tier 7) - Durations added to the effects. Voidwalker effect last 20 sec. Imp effect lasts 30 sec. Felguard effect lasts 15 sec.
* Demonic Sacrifice (Tier 5) - Sacrificing your Felguard now increases your Shadow and Fire damage by 7% and restores 2% of total mana every 4 sec.


* Chaos Bolt (Tier 11) damage reduced.
* Fire and Brimstone (Tier 10) increases the damage of your Immolate spell by an amount equal to 3/6/9/12/15% of your spell power. (Previously 5/10/15/20/25%)
* Shadowfury (Tier 9) is now instant cast.
* Empowered Imp (Tier 9) increases your spell crit by 20% when it procs. (Previously increased your spell crit by 100%)
* Improved Soul Leech (Tier 8 ) now restores mana to you and your summoned demon equal to 1/2% of maximum mana.
* Emberstorm (Tier 6) now reduces Incinerate spell cast time by .05/.1/.15/.2/.25 secs.
* Cataclysm (Tier 2) reduces the mana cost of destruction spells by 1/2/3%. (Previously 2/4/6%)

Warrior (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8926))

* Wrecking Crew (Tier 10) changed - Your melee critical hits Enrage you, increasing all damage caused by 2/4/6/8/10% for 12 sec.


* Commanding Shout now affects Raid Members.


* Titan's Grip (Tier 11) now reduces your chance to hit with melee abilities that require weapons by 15%.
* Rampage (Tier 9) now affects ranged attacks as well.
* Enrage (Tier 4) now gives you a 30% chance to receive a 2/4/6/8/10% damage bonus for 12 sec after being the victim of a damaging attack.


* Devastate (Tier 9) now deals 80% weapon damage + additional damage depeding on rank.
* *New Talent* Improved Spell Reflection (Tier 4) - Reduces the chance you'll be hit by spells by 2/4%, reduces the cooldown of your Spell Reflection ability by 2/5 sec and when the ability is used it will reflect the first spell cast against the 2/4 closest party members.


Y el nerfeote que se lleva el warrior tb? xD

Muy bonito lo pintaron al principio peeeeeeeeeeeeero ya empezaron los nerfeos

1º: Quitandole el chance al MS de fury y poniendolo por procs por minuto

2º: Han chapuceado el enrage de una manera bastisima cambiandolo 50 veces, ha pasado de dar un 25% mas de daño a dar un 10% mas de daño, en fin xD.

3º: En titans grip pintaba muy bien pero ahora con el -15% a hit a habilidades melee se "obliga" a llevar a los warriors un huevo y medio de equipo de hit rating.

Bueno, veremos que pasa, parece ser que la epoca de buffeos a todas las clases a ha terminado y ahora llega la hora de balancear las cosas, NERFSSSSS a tutiplen incoming para todo hijo de vecino :D


#938, aprende tu a leer, y no reirte de ideas bien argumentadas.

He leido por ahi que el FD del Human será como el del Hunter en PvP, ahora dime qué tonterías digo en #937 y te daré la razón.

PD: A ver quién habla sin saber.


Habeis visto lo de los item "Bind To Account" ??, parece una idea cojonuda:

Account Wide - Level scaled items !!!
A new type of items has been added to the game.

* These items are Bind To Account items, you can transfer them between characters !
* These items scale with level, a level 1 character can perfectly use it and stats will scale accordingly !
* In the current beta build, you can buy them with tokens from raid dungeons
* They are not unique.[/i]

Basicamente, son items que compras usando chapas (badges) de nivel 80 y entiendo que una vez comprado se lo puedes enviar por correo a cualquier pj en tu misma cuenta, da igual el nivel que sea lo podra usar, a mas nivel de tu pj mejores stats tiene el item, vamos que para subirte un alt, twinks etc parece de putisima madre.


http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/news/2008/september/upgradeitem_7.jpg (nerf el bonus ese lol)


Buah, muy muy muy cojonudo, tendrás el mismo equipo de 1 a 80 xD

#957 lo iba a poner ahora, increible tambien...


Holaaaaaaaaaaa? Habeis visto al Shadow Priest? Si se queda igual que antes de la exp. Sin pedazo de nerfeo...todo lo nuevo...se lo quitan...

Ni spellpower, ni regen vida, ni fuera CCs, ni naaaaaaaaa!


siempre que veo un priest shadow recuerdo lo que eran antes de la TBC, eran el personaje que mas miedo producia, claro esta que no habia arenas y que shadow no lo querian para pve ni arto vino, pero en 1on1 era el puto amo y hoy en dia todavia puede seguir siendolo, pero no hay arenas de 1 aun xD aunque molarian un huevo xD.


suertota para el paladin holy xd


Muy buenos los nerfeos. Yo los veo justo, especialmente el del Warrior, anda q no nos habian puesto overs ni nada. Estoy contento por estos nerfs. Ahora el puntito que se lo iba a dar al titan'grip se lo dare a otro jeje.

Lo de los items sera solo para algunas no? porque seria asqueroso llevar toda la santa vida la misma cosa ya que sabrias que en nivel 80 sera brutal esa arma. No se, no me termina de gustar eso le da MUY poca estetica y poco realismo ya que un nivel 1 que coño hace usando un arma de nivel 80? (de skin).