Mists of Pandaria


#1108 Tienen pensado tener mas movimiento outdoor, con bosses que ya se echaba de menos, no se si alguna zona a conquistar como en nagrand con halaa, porque la verdad, para lo grande que es azeroth y lo poco que se aprovecha el mundo...No trae mucha innovacion no pero bueno, asi otros cuantos mmos.


Yo ya me desenganché de esto, es normal que me este entrando el hype con los spoilers :qq:?
Parece que blizz se lo toma enserio esta vez.. veremos como sigue esto

#1113 D:! me siento manipulado

1 respuesta

#1112 Porque es la estrategia de Blizzard que te compres la expansión y pagues un mes. Con eso ya hacen un negociaco xD

1 respuesta

Que lejos veo a Titan por que veo que se estan currando la expansion


Pero qué le veis para decir 'se lo están currando'? Porque salvo las peleas pokemon esas yo no veo nada más que se pueda llamar novedoso.


Yo lo único que quiero es que le pongan el sistema de progresión de la Burning
Volver a las prequest, y el hecho de que, para ir a una raid, tengas que hacer las misiones pertinentes de las raids anteriores, y etc.

1 respuesta

#1116 no lo van a poner, sino hubieran dicho algo


Está en inglés, es un tochaco así que si tengo tiempo luego lo traduzco.

This is a complete list of skills and talents available in the playable version of Mists of Pandaria at the press tour.

Special thanks to Elysia for sitting down for sitting down for hours to write down everything to bring it to you as soon as possible!

Skills - Brewmaster

Brewmaster (Tanking Spec) Abilities

  • Stance of the Drunken Ox (LVL 10): Reduces damage taken by 20%, and increases your chance to Stagger damage by 25%.
    Stagger: You shrug of attacks, causing 50% of the damage to happen instantly and the remaining 50% to happen 3 seconds later. Brewmaster mastery reduces the after-effect Stagger damage taken.

  • Breath of Fire (LVL 18): 2 Chi, 40 Yard Range, Instant. Requires Ox Stance. Breathes fire onto the target, causing 3,573 damage. Damage is multipled by the number of Drunken Haze stacks on the target.

  • Drunken Haze (LVL 22). 40 Energy, 40 Yard Range, Instant. Requires Ox Stance. You hurl a keg of your finest brew, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 8 yards by 15%. Affected targets have a 3% chance to have their attacks misfire and strike themselves instead for 12,299 damage. Stacks up to 3 times.

  • Leer of the Ox (LVL 24). Instant, 20 sec cooldown. Requires Ox Stance. Your Ox Statue stirs hatred in the target, reducing their movement speed by 50% and causing them to attack the statue for 8 seconds. The statue must be within 40 yards of the target. Requires Statue of the Ox to be active.

  • Guard (LVL 26). 3 Chi, Instant. Requires Ox Stance. You guard against future attacks, absorbing 38,478 damage for 8 seconds. Any heals you apply to yourself while guarding are increased by 30%.

  • Elusive Ale (LVL 34). 1 Chi, Instant, 45 sec cooldown. Requires Ox Stance. Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 50% for 45 seconds.

  • Avert Harm (LVL 48)
    15 yard range, Instant, 1 min cooldown
    Requires Ox Stance. You reduce the damage taken by all nearby friendly targets within 10 yards by 20%, and cause half of all remaining damage they take to be re-directed to you. Lasts for 15 seconds.
    Avert Harm is cancelled if you reach 10% or lower health.

  • Recoil (LVL 56). Whenever you dodge, you gain 5 Chi.

  • Summon Black Ox Statue (LVL 70). 40 yard range, 5.5 sec cast, 3 min cooldown. Requires Ox Stance
    Summons a Black Ox Statue at the target location. Lasts for 10 minutes. Only one Black Ox Statue can be summoned at any one time. The Black Ox Statue interacts with your Provoke and Leer of the Ox abilities.
    Guard (on-click effect): Allies can right-click the Statue to gain the Guard effect, absorbing 12,826 damage. Any healing done by the Monk is increased by 30% while Guard is active. Guard has 10 charges.

  • Brewmaster Training (LVL 72). You become adept in the ways of the Brewmaster, amplifying two of your spells.
    Tiger Palm. Increases the effect of your next Guard by 5%. Lasts 30 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
    Blackout Kick. When you parry, your next Blackout Kick will cost no Chi and can be used on targets regardless of their health percentage.

  • Mastery: Drunken Brawler (LVL 80). Reduces the damage taken by Stagger by 14.5%, and increases the effect of your Guard by 14.5%. Each point of Mastery reduces the Stagger damage taken by an additional 1.1% and increases the amount you Guard by an additional 1.1%.

  • Shuffle (LVL 82). 2 Chi, Channeled. Requires Ox Stance. You shuffle around, causing all melee attacks to be staggered. While shuffling, you cannot move, attack, or cast spells.
    Stagger. Instant. You shrug off attacks, causing 50% of the damage to happen instantly and the remaining 50% to happen 3 seconds later.

Skills - Mistweaver

Mistweaver (Healing Spec) Abilities

  • Chi Wave (LVL 7). 2 Chi, 40 yard range, Instant, 20 sec cooldown. Requires Serpent Stance. You cause a wave of Chi energy to flow through friend and foe, dealing 3,843 damage or 3,843 healing. Bounces up to 5 times to targets within 10 yards.

  • Stance of the Wise Serpent (LVL 10). Increases healing done by 20%, and replaces your Energy resource to Mana. Any ability which costs Energy will now cost Mana instead.

  • Soothing Mists (LVL 18). 200 Mana plus 200 per second, 40 yard range, Channeled. Heals the target for 5,144 over 7.33 seconds. If your healing done by Soothing Mists is completely effective, you have a 25% chance to generate 1 Chi.

  • Internal Medicine (LVL 20). Your detox spell now also clears all Magical effects when used.

  • Jasmine Force Tea (LVL 24). 0 Mana plus 1200 per second, Channeled. Requires Serpent Stance. You regenerate 1 Chi every 2 seconds for 3 seconds.

  • Surging Mist (LVL 34). 1000 Mana, 40 yard range, Instant Cast. Requires Serpent Stance. Heals the lowest health friendly target within 40 yards for 12,865. If cast while channeling Soothing Mists, Surging Mist will be instant cast and heal that target over all others.

  • Renewing Mist (LVL 42). 400 Mana, 40 yard range, Instant Cast. Requires Serpent Stance. You surround the target with healing mists, restoring 1,406 health every 0.92 for 10.08 seconds to up to 3 friendly targets within 8 yards. Renewing Mist travels from friendly target to target when it heals, up to $n times.

  • Cherry Mana Tea (LVL 56). Channeled. Requires Serpent Stance. For each 3 Chi you consume, you gain a charge of Mana Tea. Use Mana Tea to consume the charges. Each charge restores 5% of you maximum mana. Mana Tea must be channeled, lasting 1 second per stack. Mana Tea can stack up to 50 times. Cancelling the channel will not waste stacks.

  • Uplift (LVL 62). 2 Chi, Instant. Requires Serpent Stance. Instantly refreshes the duration of all of your Renewing Mist periodic effects on allies, and heals them for 3,304.

  • Thunder Focus Tea (LVL 66). 1 Chi, Instant. Requires Serpent Stance. You receive a jolt of energy, doubling the healing done by your next Surging Mist or Uplift within 10 seconds.

  • Summon Jade Serpent Statue (LVL 70). 1200 Mana, 40 yard range, 4.58 sec cast. Requires Serpent Stance. Summons a Jade Serpent Statue at the target location. Lasts for 15 minutes. Limit 2 Statues. Only two Statues can be active or summoned within a combat session.
    Eminence (passive). When the Monk deals damage, the summoned Jade Serpent Statues will heal the lowest health nearby target within 20 yards equal to 50% of the damage done.
    Serpent's Salve (on-click effect). Allies can right-click on the Statue to instantly be healed for 3,786. 10 charges.

  • Teachings of the Monastery (LVL 72). You become adept in the ways of the Mistweaver, amplifying three of your abilities.
    Surging Mist. When you Jab or Expel Harm, the cast time of your next Surging Mist is reduced by 50%. Stacks up to 2 times. Lasts 12 seconds.
    Expel Harm. Expel Harm no longer has a cooldown.
    Spinning Crane Kick. When you deal damage with Spinning Crane Kick while in Stance of the Wise Serpent, you heal nearby allies equal to 100% of the damage done.

  • Revival (LVL 78). 1400 Mana, 40 yard range, Instant Cast, 3 min cooldown. You revive the target's spirit, temporarily resurrecting them for until cancelled with 50% health and mana. Revival does not count towards the combat resurrection limit.

  • Mastery: Gift of the Serpent (LVL 80). You have a 25.5% chance when you heal to summon a Solace Sphere nearby an injured ally. Each point of Mastery increases the chance to summon a Solace Sphere by an additional 3%.

Skills - Windwalker

Windwalker (DPS spec) Abilities

  • Fists of Fury (LVL 10). 3 Chi, Melee Range, Channeled, 45 sec cooldown. Requires Tiger Stance
    Pummel all targets in front of you with rapid hand strikes, stunning them and dealing 1 damage every 1 second for 4 seconds.

  • Flying Serpent Kick (LVL 18). Instant, 25 sec cooldown. Soar through the air forwards at an increased speed. While traveling, use Flying Serpent Kick again to land yourself, dealing 300 damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and slowing them by 70% for 4 seconds.

  • Afterlife (LVL 26). When you kill an enemy while gaining experience or honor, you have a 50% chance to summon a healing sphere.
    Healing Sphere. You form a Healing Sphere out of a healing mists at the target location for 30 seconds. If allies walk through it, they consume the sphere, healing themselves for 4,928. Maximum of 3 Healing Spheres can be active by the Monk at any given time.

  • Energizing Wine (LVL 34). Instant, 1 min cooldown. Requires Tiger Stance. Regenerates 60 Energy over 6 seconds, can only be used while in combat.

  • Sparring (LVL 42). Requires Ox Stance, Tiger Stance. When you are attacked by a melee enemy in front of you begin to spar their attacks, increasing your chance to parry by 5% for 10 seconds. This effect has a 30 second cooldown. When you attack them back, Sparring is amplified by an additional 5%. Stacks up to 3 times.

  • Exploding Jade Blossom (LVL 48). 1 Chi, 30 yard range, Instant. Requires Ox Stance, Tiger Stance
    Deals 13,505 Physical damage to the first enemy target in front of you within 30 yards, rooting them for 2 seconds. If Exploding Jade Blossom travels further than 10 yards, the damage is increased by 50%.

  • Rising Sun Kick (LVL 56). 2 Chi, Melee Range, Instant, 8 sec cooldown. You kick upwards, attacking the enemy twice for 1,066 weapon damage with a 30% chance to perform a third attack.

  • Tigereye Brandy (LVL 64). 1 Chi, Instant. Requires Tiger Stance. Causes your Tiger Palm and Blackout Kick to also hit 3 additional nearby enemies within 5 yards when they deal damage for 20 seconds.

  • Legacy of the White Tiger (LVL 66). 40 yard range, Instant. You honor the White Tiger's legacy, increasing Mastery by 5. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.

  • Summon White Tiger Statue (LVL 70). 40 yard range, 4.58 sec cast. Requires Tiger Stance
    Summons a White Tiger Statue at the target location. Lasts for 6 minutes. Limit 1 Statue.

  • Conjured Effigy (passive). When you consume 3 Chi, your Statue will conjure a White Tiger Effigy which travels towards the last enemy you attacked, dealing 846 damage. If the effigy travels for 5 seconds, it becomes lusted, moving at a greater speed and dealing 100% increased damage.
    Tiger's Lust (on-click effect). Increases the damage done by the ally and the Monk by 15% for 6 seconds. Limit 2 charges per statue.

  • Muscle Memory (LVL 72). Your fighting technique improves over time during combat. Anytime you Jab a target from behind, your chance to critically hit with Jab increases by 1% for 30 seconds. This effect can stack up to 100 times. Leaving combat or an encounter will clear your Muscle Memory.

  • Mastery: Combo Breaker (LVL 80). Grants an 11% chance for Jab to cause your next Tiger Palm to cost no Chi, or your next Blackout Kick to cost no Chi and be usable on targets regardless of their health percentage. Each point of Mastery increases the chance by an additional 1.4%.

Skills - Baseline

Baseline Abilities

  • Blackout Kick. 2 Chi, Melee Range, Instant, 3 sec cooldown. Kick with a blast of sha energy, causing 471 Physical damage to an enemy target. Only useable on targets at or below 35% health. If the target is killed by Blackout Kick, you are refunded 1 Chi.

  • Clobber. 40 Energy, Melee Range, Instant. You Clobber the target with your staff, dealing 1,548 damage and generating 1 Chi.

  • Club. 40 Energy, Melee Range, Instant. You Club the target with your two Maces, dealing 1,509 damage and generating 1 Chi.

  • Crackling Jade Lightning. 600 Mana, 40 yard range, Channeled. Channels Jade Lightning at the target, causing 4,116 Nature damage over 5.50 seconds. If the enemy attacks you within melee range while victim to Crackling Jade Lightning, they are knocked back a short distance. This effect has an 8 second cooldown.

  • Detox. 520 Mana, 40 yard range, Instant Cast, 8 sec cooldown. Eliminates ailments from the friendly target, removing all harmful Poison and Bleed effects.

  • Disable. 15 Energy, Melee Range, Instant. You attempte to disable the target's movement, reducing their movement speed by 25%. Stacks up to 2 times. If you use Disable a third time on a target while they have 2 stacks, all stacks will be consumed and they will be rooted for 8 seconds.

  • Expel Harm. 400 Mana, Melee Range, Instant Cast, 15 sec cooldown. Instantly heals the target for 14,896, and causes 120% of the amount healed to instantly be dealt to a nearby enemy as damage within 5 yards of the target.

  • Fortifying Ale. Instant, 3 min cooldown. Increases your health by 100%, but you cannot be healed. Lasts 20 seconds.

  • Grapple Weapon. 40 yard range, Instant, 1 min cooldown. You fire off a rope spear, grappling the target's weapon and shield, returning them to you. Depending on the quality of the weapon, your damage done, healing done, and damage reduction may be increased.

  • Healing Sphere. 300 Mana, 40 yard range, 1.37 sec cast. You form a Healing Sphere out of a healing mists at the target location for 30 seconds. If allies walk through it, they consume the sphere, healing themselves for 4,928. Maximum of 3 Healing Spheres can be active by the Monk at any given time.

  • Jab. 40 Energy, Melee Range, Instant. You Jab the target, dealing 139 damage and generating 1 Chi.

  • Legacy of the Emperor. 40 yard range, Instant. You extol the words of the last emperor, increasing Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 5%. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.

  • Meditation. Channeled, 3 min cooldown. Reduces all damage taken by 99% and redirects to you all harmful spells cast against your allies within 30 yards. Lasts 10 seconds. Being the victim of a melee attack will break your Meditation, cancelling the effect.

  • Paralysis. Melee Range, Instant 15 sec cooldown. You cause the target's muscles to contract, incapacitating them for 30 seconds. If done from behind the target, the duration is doubled. Only one target can be victim to Paralysis at any given time. Any damage taken will cancel the effect.

  • Pike. 40 Energy, Melee Range, Instant. You Pike the target with your Polearm, dealing 1,549 damage and generating 1 Chi.

  • Provoke. 40 yard range, Instant, 8 sec cooldown. You mock the target, causing them to rush toward to attack you at an increased 50% movement speed. If targeting your Statue of the Black Ox, you provoke all enemies within an 8 yard radius of your statue.

  • Quaking Palm. Melee Range, Instant, 2 min cooldown. Strikes the target with lightning speed, incapacitating them for 4 seconds, and turns off your attack.

  • Resuscitate. 40 yard range, 9.16 sec cast. Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 35% maximum health and mana. Cannot be cast in combat. Cast time reduced by 50% if target is within melee range.

  • Roll. 50 Energy, Instant. Roll a short distance.

  • Sever. 40 Energy, Melee Range, Instant. You Sever the target with both of your axes in one attack, dealing 1,526 damage and generating 1 Chi.

  • Spear Hand. 30 Energy, Melee Range, Instant, 30 sec cooldown. Requires Ox Stance, Tiger Stance
    You jab the target in their throat, interrupting their spell cast and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 5 seconds. If the enemy is facing you, when they cast, they are also silenced out of all schools for 5 seconds.

  • Spinning Crane Kick. 1 Chi, Instant. Requires Serpent Stance, Ox Stance, Tiger Stance
    You spin while kicking in the air, dealing 218 Phsyical damage every 1 second to all nearby enemies within 8 yards. Movement speed is reduced by 30%. Lasts 6 seconds.

  • Tiger Palm. 1 Chi, Melee Range, Instant. Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing 279 Physical damage. Deals 140 additional damage if the target is above 50% health.

  • Touch of Death. 4 Chi, Melee Range, Instant, 1.5 min cooldown. Requires Ox Stance, Tiger Stance
    You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing them. Only usable on non-player targets who have equal or less health than you.


Tier 1 Talents (LVL 15)

  • Intuition. Your roll ability cost no Chi. This effect becomes inactive for 15 seconds after use.

  • Celerity. Your roll ability will move you at a slightly longer distance, and at a slightly quicker speed.

  • Momentum. Every time you roll, you gain a stacking 10% movement speed buff. Stacks up to 3 times.

Tier 2 Talents (LVL 30)

  • Mystery Talent Coming soon?

  • Ascendance. Increases the amount of maximum Chi by 1.

  • Jiny'u Cider. Instant, 1.5 min cooldown. Instantly restores all your Chi.

Tier 3 Talents (LVL 45)

  • Deadly Reach. Your Paralysis ability is now usable from 40 yards away.

  • Charging Ox Wave. 1 Chi, 40 yard range, Instant. A mighty Ox effigy rushes towards the target, stunning all enemies within its path for 3 seconds. When the Ox reaches the enemy, they and all nearby enemies within 0 yards are knocked back a short distance.

  • Leg Sweep. 1 Chi, Instant, 25 sec cooldown. You knock down all enemies within 5 yards, effectively stunning them for 6 seconds.

Tier 4 Talents (LVL 60)

  • Beguile. When attacked, your movement speed is increased by 3% and you cause all nearby enemies to move at 3% reduced speed within 8 yards. This effect can stack up to 6 times.

  • Dematerialize. Channeled, 45 sec cooldown. You escape your Physical form, dematerializing into the ether avoiding all damage for 3 seconds.

  • Tiger's Lust. Melee Range, Instant, 1 min cooldown. Instantly clears the target of all immobilizing and movement impairing effects, and increases their movement speed by 70% for 6 seconds.

Tier 5 Talents (LVL 75)

  • Chi Bind. Instant, 1 min cooldown. Binds yourself to your targeted statue with a tether of chi energy, causing any friend or foe caught in its path to take x damage or y healing.

  • Chi Serpent. 1 Chi, 60 yard range, Instant, 2 min cooldown. You summon a ball of chi energy, dealing damage and healing all targets within its path within 60 yards. While it's traveling, you can discharge the sphere, dealing x damage/healing to all targets at it's current location and reducing/increasing all targets movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds, but cancelling the sphere.

  • Chi Torpedo. 50 Energy, Instant. Torpedo a distance in front of you, dealing 1 damage to all enemies and 981 healing all allies in your path.

Tier 6 Talents (LVL 90)

  • Ring of Peace. Instant, 2 min cooldown. Forms a sanctuary around you, causing all enemies to be unable to attack or cast harmful spells while within it. Lasts 10 seconds.

  • Rushing Jade Wind. 40 yard range, Instant, 2 min cooldown. You encase the friendly or enemy target in a whirling jade tornado, becoming immune to all damage and healing and traveling at a quick speed in a distance in front of you.

  • Chi Cocoon. Channeled, 2 min cooldown. You encase the friendly or enemy target in a cocoon, shielding them from all outside damage and healing and causing them unable to attack. Deals x damage to enemies and y healing to allies every 1 second for 8 seconds.

Fuente: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1099129-Mists-of-Pandaria-Press-Tour-Monk-Skills-and-Talents?p=15992550#post15992550


Alguno de los glifos nuevos:

Glyph of Stars: Moonkin Form ability is replaced with Astral Form, conferring all the same benefits, but now appearing as an astrally enchanted version of your normal humanoid form.
Glyph of the Chameleon: Each time you shapeshift into Cat Form or Bear Form, your shapeshifted form will have a random hair color.
Glyph of the Orca: Your Aquatic Form now appears as an Orca.
Glyph of the Stag: Your Travel Form now appears as a Stag and can be used as a mount by party members.
Glyph of the Treant: Allows you to shapeshift into Treant Form. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement slowing effects.
The Moonbeast: You can now cast Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, and Tranquility without canceling Moonkin Form.
Glyph of Righteous Retreat: During Divine Shield, you can invoke your Hearthstone 50% faster (LoL)
Glyph of the Falling Avenger: You slow fall during Avenging Wrath.
Glyph of Bladed Judgement: Your Judgement spell depicts an axe or sword instead of a hammer, if you have an axe or sword equipped.
Glyph of Winged Vengence: You grow larger during Avenging Wrath.
Glyph of Mounted Kings: Mounting a paladin mount automatically casts Blessing of Kings on you.
Glyph of the Luminous Charger: Your paladin class mounts glow with Holy Light.
Glyph of Fire From the Heavens: Your Judgment and Hammer of Wrath critical strikes call down fire from the sky.
Glyph of Ice Lance: Your Ice Lance now hits 1 additional target for 50% damage.
Glyph of Counterspell: Your Counterspell can now be cast while casting or channeling other spells, but its cooldown is increased by 4 sec.

Sacado de: http://www.wowheadnews.com/blog=201616/mists-of-pandaria-2012-press-event-full-monk-talents-revealed-and-more


Cuando se supone que saldrá? T-T

1 respuesta

... Mientras tanto, muchos servidores seguirán despoblados.


Valor Points are completely reworked. They are no longer a currency for actual items, but something you use to (repeatedly) augment the ilvl of your gear. Details are still being worked out as to how many times players can bump up the ilvl, or what happens when players hold onto an ancient item for the stat combinations.
Monks will not share tier on Vanquisher tokens. In fact, the tier system may be completely revamped still.

Algo interesante.


#1120 Soon

1 respuesta

Si tuviera la oportunidad de hablar con algun diseñador o algo por el estilo le diría que quitara el pvtoutdoor sino ponen migraciones gratis a los reinos que tienen un desbalanceo asqueroso ally/horda. No le vale la pena para 3 o 4 servidores que valen para esa clase de modo. Creo que en toda esta expansión eh ido 3 o 4 veces a tol barad quitando el bug que había en un principio de la exp.


Parece que no soy el único que no le parece gran cosa la expansión:

Maat de envy:

feels like they say "trust us it is going to be huge fun, and fluffy"

Calebbb: yeah, I'm not really into the fluffy things

Calebbb: and I'm not convinced that this is the right direction the game is taking


El malo de la expansión sera Garosh Hellscream. Confirmado.

1 1 respuesta

No sé si será bueno o malo, hasta la release no opinaré sobre su calidad, pero basándome en esta información leída no me compensa dejar Rift o The Old Republic por esto.

Cosas que me han llamado la atención:

-> ¿Dónde quedó ese incentivo PvP? Lo único que me han mostrado son dos bg's: una sospechosamente similar al Black Garden del Rift y otra también muy familiar a uno de los modos de Team Fortress 2 (no recuerdo el nombre ahora mismo).

->Las medallas de las instances: ahora sí que no habrá piedad con una persona novata, el fenómeno gogogo elevado al máximo.

->El Lore: Hype 0 en este sentido. Los pandaren me parecen una temática cuanto menos desprovista de interés y lo de Garrosh poco original: confirmando que el joven líder no era de fiar como todo el mundo preveía.

-> El AoE looting: visto como la octava maravilla, es algo que otros juegos tienen desde la release.

-> El Pet System: Si lo llamaba Pokémon medio de coña, ahora lo llamo Pokémon en serio.

Además de todo esto no puedo evitar preguntarme cuánto Hp tendrán los personajes, en Cataclysm parecían casi mini-bosses con unos 120 ks de vida cuando yo lo dejé, ¿y ahora? Surrealista cuanto menos, acostumbrada a los 5-20 ks en los mmo que juego.

Ya veremos cómo va evolucioando esto, pero a falta de más información mi cuenta de WoW permanecerá inactiva.

2 respuestas

#1127 El AoE looting: visto como la octava maravilla, es algo que otros juegos tienen desde la release.

Ok, como en otros juegos esta desde la release que en este no lo pongan, aunque sea una mejora, no?
Anda a pastar wowhater. A ver si ahora aqui no es aplicable el "más vale tarde que nunca".

1 respuesta

#1126 Pero que cojones... bueno, ya sabia que seria otro fail de expansión, ninguna gran novedad, nada interesante para re-enganchar a la gente al juego.. /clap blizzard


#1128 el hombre no ha dicho cosas desde el odio eh, ha dado su punto de vista que es muy respetable, y encima te ha expuesto argumentos por todos lados, lo único que ha dicho del aoe looting es que la gente lo ve como la novedad definitiva, y era algo que debería haber tenido ya, y que hay que exigirles más o te la cuelan.

1 respuesta

what? el hijo de Grom Hellscream el boss final?

Alguien me hace un resumen de como se ha llegado hasta eso? xD

1 respuesta

Que pinta badass que tiene garrosh en esa foto.


#1130 Si me parece perfecto, pero que si al WoW le ponen todas las mejoras posibles, por mucho que las saquen del FailToR o de cualquier otro wowkiller, estaré encantado de que lo hagan, ya me divierto el poco rato libre que tengo, porsupuesto no me va a parecer mal divertirme más aún, sea cual sea la razón/fuente de la mejora.

1 respuesta

Los que decís que no trae ninguna novedad la nueva expansión que esperabais? Por curiosidad.



-> ¿Dónde quedó ese incentivo PvP? Lo único que me han mostrado son dos bg's: una sospechosamente similar al Black Garden del Rift y otra también muy familiar a uno de los modos de Team Fortress 2 (no recuerdo el nombre ahora mismo).

Son modos pvperos "clasicos" que le faltaban al WoW: Domination y Payday

->Las medallas de las instances: ahora sí que no habrá piedad con una persona novata, el fenómeno gogogo elevado al máximo.

El dungeon challenge es algo separado de las instances normales, es mas el equipo se iguala a todo el mundo

Yo he soltado mucha mierda del WoW y a mi la primera parte de esta expansión (porque en temas de lore parece que esta separada en 2 grandes arcos "Pandas y sus paranoias" y "A Garrosh se le va la pinza" ) no me llama nada pero la segunda parte puede ser mas espectacular si centran las instances (y no solo la ultima) en zonas que ya conocemos en guerra

Pero como no, resultara que Garrosh esta controlado por un Old God y acabaremos luchando contra tentaculos y los bichos esos "General Vezaxx" style...como siempre

1 respuesta

#1135 Jajaja que grande, "Pero como no, resultara que Garrosh esta controlado por un Old God y acabaremos luchando contra tentaculos y los bichos esos "General Vezaxx" style...como siempre" me ha encantado :D


Una cosa es "reciclar" villanos en plan Deathwing, pero joder, lo de Garrosh es de medalla al absurdo xD

2 respuestas

#1133 Y tú eres el que me llama wowhater? Que yo sepa en ningún momento he dicho que el wow sea malo, solamente, como bien te ha dicho Awk_Sora he expuesto algunos puntos que me han llamado la atención.

Me parece perfecto que le pongan mejoras al juego con el objetivo de que disfrutéis más, pero que no sean tomadas como la última genialidad de Blizzard, porque no es algo novedoso para nada.


#1137 Si van a dedicar la expansion a la guerra entre la Horda y la Alianza digo yo que tirar a uno de los 2 lideres tiene sentido, y no pasa nada porque para variar sea uno de la Horda el que maten xD


http://eu.battle.net/wow/es/blog/3889809 información curiosa

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