Nuevo sistema de mazmorras


#30 Pues si la gente no sabe ni escribir en español, no me lo imagino intentando hablar con guiris xD.


yo siempre he ido /walk a las instances, queda mas jarcor


y ahora el save de las raids como va? porque si te puedes meter con gente de otro server.. y si va a haber chat entre servers, terminara por haber guild entre servers?



Por que cojones pones /walk si ni siquiera es un comando del WoW?
Si existiera, lo entendería, en plan /kiss /love, pero así te crees mas guay?


Looking for raid NOT working cross-realms
If a dungeon group falls apart after 1-2 bosses, it's not nearly as big of a deal as if a raid group falls apart after 5 bosses of Ulduar. If the group wants to continue it and somebody from another realm (who can't really contact you easily) beat you to it and cleared it with their friends, that would probably leave you a bit upset. This is just one example that came to me off the top of my head.

Sure, there could be ways to resolve this with a variety of rules, but we will see how things go for now. A lot of raids are able to happen once people are found so we mainly just want to make it easier to find people for now.

Sacado de mmo-champion.

#33 Antes ya dije que solo era cross-realm el de instancias y no el de raids.



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