Parche 3.1.1


Quote from Blizzard staff
Ulduar 10-Man
Ignis - Scorch now inflicts 3770 to 4230 damage. (Down from 4713 to 5287)

Ulduar 25-Man
Ignis - Scorch now inflicts 6032 to 6768 damage. (Down from 7540 to 8460)
Thorim - Lightning Charge now inflicts 17344 to 20156 damage. (Up from 13875 to 16125)
Thorim - Chain Lightning now inflicts 4625 to 5375 damage. (Up from 3700 to 4300)

Ulduar Hard Modes
Flame Leviathan - Tower of Frost now increases health by 50%. (Up from 25%)
Flame Leviathan - Tower of Storms now increases health by 50%. (Up from 25%)
Flame Leviathan - Tower of Flames now increases health by 50%. (Up from 25%)
Thorim - Sif's Frostbolt Volley now inflicts 11250 to 13750 damage. (Up from 9000 to 11000)
Thorim - Sif's Frost Nova now inflicts 14138 to 15862 damage. (Up from 9425 to 10575)
XT-002 Deconstructor - Heartbreak now increases damage by 35% (Up from 30%) and health by 45% (Up from 40%)

Death Knight (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Anti-Magic Shell now absorbs magical damage up to a maximum of 50% of the Death Knight's health. (Down from 100%)

Warlock (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Fel Synergy now give you a 50/100% chance to heal your pet for 15% (down from 50/30%) of the amount of spell damage done by you.

In the next upcoming minor content patch, we will be wiping all talents which should fix a majority of talent issues that players have been experiencing. This talent wipe will not affect glyphs, but when reapplying your talent points, please be careful to match them up to the glyphs that you currently have placed.

Recent In Game Fixes:
Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the server has been restarted.

* The Saronite Animus in the heroic General Vezax encounter has had its health increased.
* The Mimiron hard mode has received the following changes: increased damage from Flames, increased damage from Frost Bomb (in heroic), increased damage from Water Spray, and increased the health bonus he receives from Emergency Mode.
* The damage bonus of the Frozen Power talent should no longer affect boss creatures.
* The buff players receive from Tenacity in Wintergrasp is now stronger.
* Stoneclaw Totem should no longer put a shield on hostile targets.
* The damage from a Clockwork Sapper’s Energy Sap ability has been decreased.
* General Vezax’s abilities, Mark of the Faceless and Shadow Crash, may hit players in melee range depending on the situation and player setup.
* Players should no longer be able to quench the Unquenchable Flames debuff from a Molten Colossus by using spells like Cloak of Shadows or Divine Protection. The Molten damage from when Iron Constructs turn molten has been reduced, the ground damage from Scorch has been reduced, and the total health of Ignis himself has been reduced.
* For Ignis the Furnace master, Strength of the Creator will now only affect physical damage and he will have to wait for a short time to charge after casting Flame Jets.
* Katherine Lee should no longer be attackable in Dalaran, meanies.
* Shattering Throw will no longer consume an extra 25 rage.
* The heirloom item, Discerning Eye of the Beast, will now return mana at any level.
* The item Gauntlets of the Wretched can now be sold or disenchanted.
* All of the additional creatures spawned during the XT-002 Deconstructor encounter can now be snared in either difficulty.
* It will be slightly more difficult to skip Tympanic Tantrum on XT-002 Deconstructor.
* For the Hodir encounter, the damage from Champion of Hodir’s Freezing Breath has been reduced, the haste effect from Starlight has been decreased, and the timer for the hard mode has been decreased.
* For the Thorim encounter, the Runic Colossus should stop channeling Runic Smash once engaged in combat, the Dark Rune Champion should no longer whirlwind after being disarmed, and the Runic Colossus should no longer melee when it charges.

Death Strike Healing Nerf:
We have since made another hotfix to just change the way the healing works completely. It now heals 5% of the death knight's health per disease on the target, up to a max of 15%. This should allow Frost and Unholy to benefit from Death Strike healing while letting Blood benefit from extra Death Strike damage. The tooltip will not reflect this change until we can patch the client.

Arena Season 6 - Starting Tomorrow:
We have stated that players should expect season 6 to start as early as tomorrow. This is still the plan.

Arena Season 6 – Upcoming Changes:
Now that Arena Season 6 is on the horizon, we wanted to share some details regarding upcoming changes to the arena rating system in Arena Season 6. With Arena Season 6, arena teams will start at 0 rating instead of 1500, which will allow teams to have more continuous progression throughout the arena season. In addition, we reevaluated item purchases and felt many of them were too difficult to obtain so we will be altering the rating requirements needed to purchase the latest arena items. For example, items with a rating requirement will now be obtainable starting at 1250 rating.

As with the current system, the matchmaking system will attempt to match teams against opponents who are closest to their average matchmaking rating. Starting with Arena Season 6, a team’s average matchmaking rating will be shown in the scoreboard at the end of each match so that you can see where your team stands compared to the opposing team you just faced. All arena teams that are below a 1500 arena rating will always earn arena points as a 1500 rated team. This will allow teams to continue to build up arena points while working on gaining the ratings needed to purchase items.

Please note that a more specific start date for Arena Season 6 will be provided as soon as it is determined.

Here is a list of some PvP items that will be available in Arena Season 6 and their expected rating requirements:

Rating Required:
1250+: Deadly Relics/Idols/Librams/Totems

1300+: Deadly Gloves
1350+: Deadly Legs
1400+: Deadly Chest
1450+: Deadly Helm
1500+: Deadly Shoulders

1400+: Furious Bracer (honor)
1450+: Furious Belt (honor)
1500+: Furious Boots (honor)
1550+: Furious Neck (honor)
1600+: Furious Gloves
1650+: Furious Ring (honor)
1700+: Furious Legs
1750+: Furious Chest
1800+: Furious Trinket (honor)
1850+: Furious Weapon
1900+: Furious Helm
1950+: Furious Wands/Relics/etc

2000+: Furious Cloak (honor)
2050+: Furious Shoulders
2200+: 2nd Tier Furious Weapon
2300+: Furious Tabard

No Rating Required:
Hateful Gloves
Hateful Legs
Hateful Chest
Hateful Helm
Hateful Shoulders
Hateful Ring
Hateful Trinket
Deadly Bracer
Deadly Belt
Deadly Boots
Deadly Neck
Deadly Ring
Deadly Cape
Deadly Trinket

To answer some players’ questions:

* Only the current arena season’s weapons (furious) will be available. Deadly weapons will be removed when Arena Season 6 starts.
* The first tier furious weapons will be equivalent to heroic Ulduar weapons and the second tier furious weapons will match heroic hard mode Ulduar weapons. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that until you start to get close to your team's matchmaking rating, you will be gaining around 20 or more points in a win and zero or nearly zero in a loss. So players will make steady progress through games played until they near their team's matchmaking rating.


3 comentarios moderados

esto es oficial? si es asi vaya nerfs al DK es un no parar xD



estoi con #5 encuanto al nerf, se va a cagar el dk vamos xDD

"Arena Season 6 – Upcoming Changes:
Now that Arena Season 6 is on the horizon, we wanted to share some details regarding upcoming changes to the arena rating system in Arena Season 6. With Arena Season 6, arena teams will start at 0 rating instead of 1500, which will allow teams to have more continuous progression throughout the arena season. In addition, we reevaluated item purchases and felt many of them were too difficult to obtain so we will be altering the rating requirements needed to purchase the latest arena items. For example, items with a rating requirement will now be obtainable starting at 1250 rating."

"Arena Temporada 6 - Próximos cambios:
Ahora que la temporada 6 es Arena en el horizonte, hemos querido compartir algunos detalles sobre los próximos cambios en el sistema de calificación en el escenario Arena Temporada 6. Con Arena Temporada 6, los equipos de arena se iniciará a las 0 en lugar de calificación de 1500, lo que permitirá disponer de más equipos de progresión continua en toda la temporada de campo. Además, hemos reevaluado el tema compras y considera que muchos de ellos eran muy difíciles de obtener de modo que se altere la calificación de los requisitos necesarios para adquirir la última escena artículos. Por ejemplo, los artículos con un requisito de calificación será ahora obtenerse a partir de 1250 de calificación."

que eran dificil de conseguir? Ahora todo cristo va a ir cn todo xD

P.D: ami me da igual el dk por mi como si borran el personaje ese, xD yo tengo 1 pala, JA xd


#6 es que puede ser que se lo carguen del 2on2 directamente, sin mortal sin quitar curas por tiempo y estos nerfs.....pinta muy pero que muy algun DK ha conseguido matar a un druida healer en un 1on1 que me avise xD.


para cuando la fecha aproximada o que se prevee pondrán esto?


esta nxe a las 3 o a las 5 xD


#8 Supuestamente mañana


Han dopado Ulduar xD, pretenden que los Hard modes duren.


El nerfeo a lo de la pet de demonology era evidente, no me jodas, la pet estaba siempre a full de Vida si no se estaba pegando con 10 tios, solo por el daño que hacias tu... se sanaba unos 100 constantes, eso sin contar otros bufos.. ^!


#5 Si mucho nerf le ha caido al dk xddd

Desde que lo crearon no han parado de mejorarlo, otra cosa esq los dknoobs, (que hay muchos quiza porq la clase es nueva), se quejaran porq les nerfeasen su 21/0/50, lo que izo que se diesen cuenta de k 0/21/50 era mucho mejor, y en la 3.1.0 aun lo han bufado mas, asik nose donde ves tu el nerf.


Si sigue igual de over el DK, no se que tanto decis. Sigue siendo imposible bajarse uno...

Los que dicen que ya estan nerfeados y gilipolleces asi, sois de la nueva generacion de cryers y destructores de lo que fue WoW.

PD: tenia que decirlo.

PD2: Opinion validada por gente antigua que juega mas PvE que PvP.


#14 Lol, la Pantoja juega al wow!


El Dk directamente no debería ni existir.


¿Cuantos mbs ocupa este parchecito?

Lo digo porque todavia no hay pre-descarga en el launcher.




O que fuera solo para arenas.


Warlock (3.1 Skills List / 3.1 Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Fel Synergy now give you a 50/100% chance to heal your pet for 15% (down from 50/30%) of the amount of spell damage done by you.

Pero bueno esto ya... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD




Ah que lo dices enserio ?




Apuesto el cuello a que si le das a la mayoria de dks de ahora un warrior no tendrian la mitad de rating ni matarian la mitad
Lamentables dk


#19 sabia ke ibas a postear y kejarte XD


#22 ui si que pena que me dan los pobres warriors... que mal lo han tenido que pasar durante las 4 seasons anteriores eh...


#24 no me quejo de la situacion de los warriors hace tiempo
hablo de que un dk es un warrior con heal y daño ranged con mas supervivencia y mas daño, todo por la cara


Ponen la Season 6 esta noche ?????


Son unos tocapelotas de miedo:


Estaba muy bestia esa skill no me jodais xDDD


Ami lo que me jode esque tengan que escribir con ese tamaño de letra, ese puto color y fondo negro, que despues de leer la tocha explicacion, cambies de pestaña en el navegador y lo veas todo a rayas, me cago en la puta xDDD

Por lo demas lo veo bien.

#19 Sé, que no tienes mucha idea, pero vamos, te lo voy a explicar, un Lock ahora mismo con 7ks de DPS, puede llegar a curar a su pet 1750 HP/s, te parece bien? Espero que eso aclare el porque del nerf.


como se nota que el warrior esta over, no paro de ver warriors en bg's y antes no veia ni 1