The Burning Crusade, malas y buenas


Empezamos con las 'malas', raids high end limitadas a 25 personas, si, como lo oyes, empieza a desmoronar tu guild a la salida de TBC pq lo d 40 tios se acabó.


Blizzard Poster

  1. Re: 10 and 25 Man Raids ONLY in the Expansion | 8/11/2006 6:05:33 PM PDT

It's true, the plan is for five-player capped grouped dungeons. Ten-player capped raid dungeons. As well as Twenty-five-player capped epic raid dungeons. We wanted to focus on smaller raid environments, primarily to allow for greater individual player contribution. Also, in these smaller environments, hybrid classes have more opportunity to shine. "

Vamos con las buenas, remodelado total del sistema d PvP, no mas "farm intensivo" de honor, podras hacer tus pausas semanales y usar el honor q ganes para pillar rewards, incluso hacer pvp entre los d tu misma faccion en la nueva arena:

"Perhaps the biggest change that Blizzard revealed today was the wholesale reworking of the PvP system. Here's the quick and dirty of it: The honor system as we know it is being scrapped. Players will no longer advance through a competitive ladder -- ranks are being done away with entirely. Post BC, honor points will instead function like currency; you kill people, capture Battleground objectives, and get points. With these points, you can buy loot. Some pieces of equipment will also have a certain number of Battleground-specific tokens worked into their costs. Chilton mentioned that all current Battleground reputation reward loot will be rolled into the new honor system, so say goodbye to "rep farming." Finally, players who have achieved specific ranks will be able to display these publicly post-BC, though what form this would take wasn't revealed.

One thing that may disappoint current PvP diehards: Loot attained via the honor system won't be as powerful as gear got from raiding. There's a plus side, though: There's a whole new PvP system in place that will provide gear that's on par with the best PvE-garnered stuff.

Enter the Gladiatorial Arena System. This appears to be Blizzard's way of catering to hardcore players who have no interest in engaging in the PvE endgame. Players will form teams to compete in three different brackets: 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5. These teams will function much like how guilds do today -- team leaders will receive team charters and invite whichever players they wish to join. Players can join one team per bracket, and each team can have a headcount twice as large as the bracket it plays in; 2v2 teams, for example, can be comprised of up to four players in total.

Depending on how it performs in battle, a team will be assigned a rating, which changes after the results of all its battles are tallied each week. This team rating will determine its place on the overall ladder, and it affects what opponent it's matched with when it queues up for battle. Depending on how a team performs during a given week, its members will receive points which, similar to the honor system, they can use to buy loot. As mentioned, the Arena gear will be up there with the best of the best, so rest assured, this is where the serious PvPers will be spending their time. Chilton said that the whole system will revolve around three-month seasons, which implies that there will be some sort of periodic championship. Unfortunately, he didn't elaborate further. Oh, one more thing: When it comes to the Gladiatorial Arena, your faction is irrelevant. Alliance can fight Alliance, and Horde can fight Horde. Let the intra-faction resentment stew.

Last but by no stretch least, world PvP is being worked into Burning Crusade in a very big way. Each of the seven new zones will have a persistent PvP objective designed into it. Think of it as an extension of what's being introduced in patch 1.12, only on a much larger scale. One example is a new zone called Nagrand. Smack in the center of it is a neutral town that can be captured by either faction. Whoever holds it will have access to a whole mess of amenities, including active quest givers, NPCs who accept turn-ins acquired from the zone's monsters, vendors, trainers and the like. The opposing faction, naturally, is locked out of all this, which is precisely why they will be laying siege to it around the clock. If you get enough of your people near the flag at the town center, you'll slowly start to win control. Problem is, opposing players and NPCs will be constantly wailing on you.

Cue gryphon bombs. There are several bridges leading into the town, and at the base of each is found a doodad that attackers can interact with to spawn a gryphon tower of sorts. Once they're up, players can hop on these gryphons (which follow a fixed path), and essentially carpet-bomb the town, inflicting massive AoE damage to its defenders. Defenders, of course, can interact with these doodads to disable the towers. If only Tarren Mill had something like this...

The PvP objective in Terokkar (the harsh, desolate zone that houses the Auchindoun instance) sounds a bit similar to what 1.12 will bring to the Eastern Plaguelands. There will be various points of interest scattered around the zone, and the faction that captures all of them will benefit from a zone-wide buff that lasts for about two days. It won't be possible to wrest control from the faction once the points are captured; instead, you'll have to wait until it resets before giving it another go. What's the nature of the buff? Chilton wouldn't say exactly, but he said that it would be something beneficial to players who are leveling in the area -- think bonuses to experience and rep."


Ah, se me olvidaba, la mas mala mala es q por supuesto teniendo a Blizz trabajando en estos cambios y estando TBC en fase alpha aun no espereis la expansion para el dia 15 de septiembre, ni 1 mes mas tarde, ni 2, ni 3... x'DDDD


quien ha dicho bwl entre 25?

A mi me parecen todo buenas noticias. Raids mas pequeñas significa mas concentracion, menos descontrol, mas posibilidades de que te toque loot y trabajos mas individualizados.


La madre de blizzard va hacer bwl con 25 personas


daran penas las istancias ver 25 tios -.- y zg que se ara entre 10 ?y upper entre 2 ? jjejejeje


aki os dejo la noticia en español :P esk tanto ingles me cuesta




bajarán dificultad....

pd: en high end no entran ubrs and company ....

respecto a lo de "reforzar al paladin entre tanke y sanador" eso kiere decir q gl pvp xDDD


#8 FAKE! a I los paladines podran tankear XDDDDDDDDDD

pd: el la Hellfire esa nueva instance que sera de 25 personas o de 40¿?


#3 pero menos diversidad d clases y builds, por ejemplo, 4 wars, 3 rogues, 2 hunters, 3 magos, 5 priests, 2 paladines, 2 shaman, 2 druidas, 2 warlocks.

Ahora dime, donde metes a los shadow priests, wars fury, hunters survival, rogues d dagas, etc... sin tener q sacrificar otras clases. No habra apenas dinamismo ahora con raids d 25, se cargaran por completo a esa gente q quiere disfrutar d su clase d una manera diferente, al estar todo mas comprimido sera todo mas extremo.

Por ejemplo, ahora con 40 man y Naxx sabes q necesitas ganar DPS como sea y obligas a un par d hunters a ir a aura d AP para beneficiar al grupo d melees y puedes tener a 3 hunters survival sin problemas, eso en TBC no podras hacerlo.

Por cierto, las raids nuevas seran d 25, ya dijo Blizz q las d 40 no las tocaran (ni items ni limite de players, seguira todo igual como hasta ahora, simplemente sera un paso interesante d lvl 60 a 70 ya q los items d lvl 60 no valdran absolutamente para nada a lvl 70, en raids d 10 man pillaras cosas mejores q el tier3), amos, MC, BWL, AQ40 y Naxx seguiran siendo d 40. Solo las raids nuevas seran d 25.


#10 mc de 40 lo veo muy excesivo pero weno xd


#11 Espera, ahora busco el post donde dicen q el tier3 no servira para nada a lvl 70, como mucho para subir lvl xd vamos a blizz le da absolutamente igual q zergeen naxx con 40 tios lvl 70 para equiparse ya q el tier3 es una jodida broma comparado con lo q podras pillar a pequeña escala a lvl 70 en instances d 5, 10 y 25.

Edit: aqui lo tienes

If you're wearing tier 3 at level 70, you better have a really good sense of humor and the ability to accept being called names void of allowing yourself to be emotionally damaged.

The advantage for players in current tier-3 will be having a bit of an easier time leveling through the initial content. After that, the current tiers won't really qualify or be comparable as end-game loot.

Leveling-up gear will begin to replace current end-game raiding gear.

Fijate con q compara el ir a lvl 70 a BWL o MC xD

We don't plan to touch existing raid dungeons such as Molten Core, or Blackwing Lair. If level 70 players wish to organize smaller groups to see what can be accomplished, we're all for it. It's no different than a level 60 player going back to Scarlet Monastery to test his skills or farm for items. Basically, these raid dungeons will no longer be "end-game" content, and will serve as leveling/passing through dungeons. It's exciting to level your character and revisit an area of the game which once posed a deadly challenge."


#10 Precisamente una de las ideas que tiene Blizzard es reforzar el uso de talent specs no convencionales. No todo en una raid es usar specs "cookiecutter", y no me extrañaria nada que muchos de los boss fights de TBC necesiten a gente con specs distintos.

Si estan haciendo esto, tienen un razon para ello. Deja de pensar como en un raid de 40 personas. No solo cambian la cantidad de gente que puede entrar, todos los encuentros estaran orientados a poder hacerse con 25 personas.

Y bravo a Blizzard por dar por fin a los paladines lo que siempre pediamos. Una habilidad "snap aggro" que nos permita tankear como siempre se ha dicho que podiamos.


#13 a poderse hacer d una forma high end (no, no seran faciles las instances d 25, seran extremas, las equivalentes a ZG seran las d 10). Para ello necesitas un avance lineal, ya q si meten 10 bosses en 1 instance d 25 veo poco logico q tengas q obligar a las clases d tu raid a cambiar d build para cada evento. Tienen q hacerlo d una forma lineal para q curta efecto y ese patron implica dar un trabajo explicito a cualquier clase, no segundas opciones como las q t ofrecen las raids d 40.


manowar me has alegrado el dia ;D ahora mi hunter no sera 1 chatarra !!


Aun contando con eso, no siempre vas a tener la misma cantidad de gente de una misma clase.

Lo mejor de todo esto, y que nadie puede negar, es que se acabaron los vagos que se pasan la instance en /follow hasta llegar a un boss.


#16 eso es relativo, en Naxx 1 ninja afk, 1 ligero despiste y jodes a la raid entera. Creo q blizz metio las supression room por eso, ya q una vez el evento es trivial puedes hacer ninja afks x'DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Aunque seamos sensatos, tb quema tener q estar tanto tiempo raideando sin parar sin 1 pausa ni para poder ir a mear o buscar una birra fira :P


con esto los lamers se van acabar.
tengo ganas tambien de probar eso de la arena hay cosas q tienen buena pinta.


Pues las guilds de 50-60 tios del high end a ver como lo hacen con el nuevo cap de las dungeons .

Los cambios del pvp bien . Tarde pero bien .


1 duda que tengo si en el clan hay 50 conectaos i 25 quieren raidear i los otros 25 tambien que hacen? cada 1 se va a 1 dungeon o esta el save?


Si tienes a 50 tios conectados tendras a 25 sentados fuera sin poder raidear, ya q las raids seran d 25 pero no seran faciles, estaran ambientadas a una dificultad equivalente a la actual en las d 40 (mucha gente se cree q vera algo equivalente a ZG o AQ20 easy farm en TBC con las raids d 25 y noo.... seran d dificultad extrema, al limite y pidiendo los 5 sentidos d cada jugador para salir victorioso, 1 par d 'mancos' en la raid y no haras nada, prueba a hacer pickup para BWL con 40 randoms, veras q risa... pos lo mismo pasara con las d 25, el numero es menor, pero la dificultad es equivalente a las raids d 40 d hoy dia y no a las bromas d AQ20 o ZG q puedes hacer con 15 tios sin despeinarte). No se si has tenido ya a 40 online y has intentado hacer AQ20 dividiendo a los online en 2 raids, pero si lo has hecho... t has dado cuenta d una cosa q pasa el 99% d las veces? oh si, en la segunda raid no tienes a los warriors, magos, priests, warlocks, o lo q sea q t falte, ya q tener a 40 tios online no significa tener a las clases q necesitas para raidear online.


lo jodido de esto de 25 personas... que como no seais el primero o segundo mas activo de tu clase olvidate de entrar a las raids


"Blizzard plans to use the scaled-down raid party size and the multiple difficulty settings only for Burning Crusade's dungeons, though the team is considering the possibility of adding these features to some of the dungeon areas in the original game at some point in the future."

"In a move to ensure that "level up" instances don't get permanently shelved by max level players, Blizzard is working a difficulty system into its dungeons. Basically, it works like this: As you're leveling up, you run through all the Outland instances at their default difficulty. You'll earn gear commensurate for your level, and the challenges will be tuned as such. Once you hit 70, however, your group leaders will have the option of running dungeons on "Elite" difficulty. This will tune the challenges to a level 70 group and increase the relative value of the rewards. At this point, there aren't any plans include such an option for the game's existing dungeons, though Chilton said that we shouldn't dismiss the possibility."

sacado de diferentes entrevistas a Chilton.


Pues a mi no me parece mal, en mi guild por lo menos hay noches en la que por falta de gente no se hace nada, y 25 personas no está mal, "cualquiera" puede hacer un clan high end,

EDIT: #23 Tienes razón, pero date cuenta que esos que son "titulares" se equiparán mucho más rápido, y dejarán el paso a los demás


Creo que dicen que las nuevas instances seran para 25 personas pero mc,bwl,aq,nax...seguiran siendo entre 40 personas.

Shappiron y Keltuzad no van a caer hasta la expansion de los dificiles que seran asi que me extraña que se hagan entre 25 aun siendo level 70.

Algunos se creen que a lvl 70 van a meter el doble o algo xD


a saphiron y kelthuzad les doy menos de 1 mes, hay muchas guilds rompiendose ya el culo por hacer el 1st kill de 4 horsemen (q quizas necesite un hotfix) y despues te digo yo q van a ir a por saphiron y kelthuzad como locos


CUANTO TARDAREMOS EN SUBIR AL 70? si del 59 al 60 van 200k... del 69 al 79 que iran 500k?


Pues a mi me parece muy bien k limiten las instancias a 25, le peude dar mucho juego a las guilds pequeñas, luego habra k ver lo viable k es eso.


una cosa, nosotros los que no tengamos la expansion veremos a jugadores con las nuevas razas ,no?¿
o es que quedaran apartaos o algo asi.
Es que aun estoi probando la trial y no se muxo del juego.
veo que hablais de cosas en el foro q ni por asomo entiendo con mi elf lvl 8 ni na por el estilo xD

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