#60 ¿donde lo dice? :S Lo único que se puede sacar es esto:
"Many have been asking how the movie was created. I'm sure others have guessed that the models were exported and imported into a 3D application. The WoW model viewer has an option to export models and 3D Studio Max is the 3D app I used to create BLIND. I won't get into the details but with minimal searching you can find out how to do it yourselves. Machinima sites also have information and even tutorials. Video editing was done with a mix of Adobe AfterEffects and Sony Vegas. Minor texture work was done in Photoshop. All of the software I used have downloadable demos and I encourage people to give it a try. I'm not going to lie to you. There's no magic button that makes things look good. It takes practice and dedication. Also I'm going to respectfully decline anyone asking for aid with their movies. I put off playing WoW and other games for many months to create BLIND. It's time I started playing games again and then there's the upcoming layoff I have to worry about."
There have been some comments on the animation and I totally admit that I'm not the greatest animator. When you work on something in your spare time for fun after a long while it ceases to be fun and becomes more like work. So you have to know when to call it good enough and stop and move on rather then spend countless more days,weeks, or even months on it. Try putting together a 7minute long animation by yourself while working long hours at a full time job. It's not as easy as it sounds, hehe."
Vamos, que se ha pegado un curro tremendo con cantidad de programas y cuidando hasta el más mínimo detalle, y se ha tirado tanto tiempo pq tiene un trabajo a jornada completa que no le ha permitido dedicarle tanto tiempo a crear el video.