World of Warcraft: Cataclysm


#6690 deja de spamear tu mierda de video en todos los hilos que posteas.


#6690 Joder si, graciosisimo el video.


No he entendido nada del video


alguien a probado ya los nuevos naipes?
yo ya tengo el de heal y es una chetada hermosa ;d no tiene cd y se stackea isi el buffo


#6690 que way eh!


#6694 Dicen que el de caster es caca, tiene un proc miuy bajo :(
#6690 Eso es un trol no?


Lo pongo en este hilo por no abrir otro

Nunca me habia salido este error, ¿hay alguna forma de solucionarlo?

Es problema de Blizzard parece, podeis jugar ahora?


A mi también me pasa, es la primera vez


A mí también me sale, ahora iba a comentarlo. No veo nada por los foros sobre eso ;:S


A mi también, pero ahora me funciona ya.


Error solucionado. Lo raro son este tipo de errores por la madrugada :\



Ahora me deja..despues de formatear me siguió saliendo, dejé que pasasen todas las actualizaciones etc etc, y en cuanto pude en plan rapido, puse la resolución de 800x600 a 1024x768, y por lo visto ya no me lo hace..

Pero yo os voy a consultar una duda, ya que..por temas sentimentales, pues me apetece jugar al wow, en plan airearme de mi vida actual para llamarlo de alguna manera y no me quiero comprar 1pc porque no hay pasta.

He pensado en que con una gráfica me tire bien el wow con este pc y tengo 10 fps con todo al mínimo,

Mi pc es:

RAM: 1,5GB

Que me deciis/recomendais asi baratito y que almenos pues..aunque sea al minimo o medio pueda jugar bien?


dios me creo lo de los 10 fps porque en el otro pc yo tengo la gforce 5100 y es IMPOSIBLE jugar al wow x'd
yo no me atrevo a darte consejo sobre un pc pero en pccomponentes venden pcs montados a buen precio preparados para trabajo/juegos


Ya..pero estoy hablando que no me voy a comprar un pc, que solo busco una gráfica que con mi placa y mi procesador, pueda jugar..


ya no fabrican graficas AGP , tendrias q pillar alguna de segunda mano pero no creo q lo notes muxo la verdad , aun asi pregunta por el for de hardware de mv x'd


Te cunde mas comprarte una placa compatible con pci e que una agp XDDDD


#6706 Eso he pensado..pero no esta el tema como para comprarme una, y vete tu a saber si el procesador seria compatible con la placa..he visto algunas 8800gs, y cosas asi..por 30-40€ agp, pero que pensais, la cojo, no la cojo..o tampoco es que vaya a servir de mucho una asi?


yo q tu no me gastaba nada de dinero en ese pc , guarda lo poco q tengas y dentro de 2 meses te aces un pc basto x 350 o 400€


Hay que hacer algo más a parte de ir a la entrada de la maz para que te salga en el LFG? Porque acabo de ir tanto con la quest (y entré a la maz a entregarla) como a pata hasta BR y sigue sin salirme en el LFG...


Si BR te refieres a Black Rock Caverns, creo que tendrás que esperar a ser 85. Si lo eres, ni idea.



Pero si dentro los mobs son 80, y la quest también la dan al 80.. >_>


Blizzard fuma malísimo... nerfeo al dmg del dru y bufan aún más el del warrior... OJO QUE LOS MAGOS GASTAN MENOS MANA METIENDO ARCANE BRILLIANCE! Parece que cada mes quiera que la gente haga rerol a otra clase, no conocen el término medio.

Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Blood Strike damage is increased by 12.5% for each of your diseases on the target, up from 10%.
* Heart Strike now deals 120% weapon damage, up from 100%.
* Blood Boil base damage increased by 20%, from 297 to 357.
* Blood Presence now increases armor contribution by 30%, down from 60%.
* Death Strike now heals for 15% of the damage sustained, down from 25%.
* Crimson Scourge now has a 5/10% chance to proc from melee attacks on a target infected with your Blood Plague. (Old - 50/100% chance to proc from Plague Strike)
* Will of the Necropolis no longer regenerates a Blood Rune but makes your next Rune Tap free instead.


* Runic Empowerment wording changed to add "successfully" use Death Coil, Frost Strike, or Rune Strike.
* Rune Strike now deals 180% weapon damage, up from 150%.
* Might of the Frozen Wastes now also has a 4/8/12% chance to proc from your melee attacks. 15/30/45% chance to proc from auto attacks remain the same.
* Killing Machine no longer affects Icy Touch.


* Scourge Strike now deals an additional 18% Physical damage done as Shadow Damage for each disease on your target. Up from 12%.
* Unholy Might now increases your Strength by 5%, down from 10%.
* Desecration now also affects Necrotic Strikes.

Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Typhoon now deals nature damage to target in front of the caster within 30 yards.
* Shooting Stars now lasts 12 sec, up from 8 sec.
* Balance of Power now increases spell hit rating by an additional amount equal to 50/100% of any spirit gained from item or effects. (Old - Just 50/100% of your Spirit)


* (Mangle) Mangle now deals 300% normal damage, down from 360%. Additional damage reduced by 17%, from 1044 to 870.
* Thrash base damage has been reduced by 17%, from 243 to 202. Bleed effect base damage also reduced by 17%, from [ 7.8% of AP + 455 ] to [ 7.8% of AP + 379 ]
* Lacerate damage has been reduced by 17%, from [ 11.5% of AP + 295.99 ] damage + [ 0.038% of AP + 118.4 ] bleed over 15 sec to [ 9.58% of AP + 246.66 ] damage + [ 0.032% of AP + 98.65 ] bleed over 15 sec.
* Frenzied Regeneration now regenerates 0.15% of max health for each point of rage, down from 0.3%.
* Swipe base damage has been reduced by 17%, from 171 to 143.
* Maul now scales from 30% of Attack Power, down from 36%.
* Berserk no longer clears the effect of Fear or makes you immune to Fear for the duration.
* Pulverize now deals 100% weapon damage, down from 120%. Base additional damage reduced by 17%, from 541 to 450.
* Leader of the Pack now causes you to gain 8% of your maximum mana, up from 4%.
* Thick Hide now increases armor while in Bear Form by an additional 26/52/78%, up from 11/22/33%.


* Omen of Clarity now procs from damage spells and attacks instead of proc from damage and healing spells.
* Rejuvenation now costs 16% of base mana, down from 26% of base mana.
* Nature's Bounty proc effect removed and replaced with a new effect - Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 20/40/60%. In addition, when you have Rejuvenation active on three or more targets, the cast time of your Nourish spell is reduced by 10/20/30%.
* Empowered Touch now increases direct healing done by Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Nourish. (Old - Increased healing by Healing Touch and Nourish only)

Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Beast Mastery

* Kill Command now scales from 51.6% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 43%.


* Kill Shot additional damage increased by 50%, from 362 to 543.
* Aimed Shot! now deals 102.5% ranged weapon damage, up from 95%.
* Chimera Shot base damage has been increased by 11%, from 973 to 1081.


* Into the Wilderness now increases Agility by 10%, down from 15%.

Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Arcane Brilliance now costs 26% of base mana, down from 31% of base mana.
* Counterspell no longer generates a high amount of threat.


* Ice Shards (Rank 2) effect now lasts 2 sec, up from 1.5 sec.

Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Divine Plea now gives you 12% of your total mana over 9 sec, up from 10% of your total mana over 15 sec.
* Light of Dawn base healing has been reduced by 40%, from 1008 - 1124 to 605 - 675.
* Tower of Radiance no longer affects Holy Light.


* Blessing of Kings now costs 19% of base mana, up from 6% of base mana.
* Shield of the Templar (Rank 1) now reduces the cooldown of Guardian of Ancient Kings by 40 sec, down from 45 sec. Other ranks unchanged.


* Mastery: Hand of Light has been revamped - Your Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm deal 20% additional damage as Holy damage. Each point of Mastery increases the damage by an additional 2.5%.
* Blessing of Might now costs 19% of base mana, up from 5% of base mana.
* Divine Purpose now has a 7/15% chance to cause your next Holy Power ability to consume no Holy Power and to cast as if 3 Holy Power were consumed. (Old - 20/40% chance to generate Holy Power)

Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Levitate now lasts 10 min, up from 2 min.
* Power Word: Fortitude now costs 22% of base mana, down from 69%.
* Power Word: Shield now scales from 87% of spell power, up from 41.8%. Base absorb increased by 110%, from 3906 to 8136. Now costs 25% of base mana, up from 19% of base mana.
* Focused Will now reduces all damage taken by 5/10%, up from 4/6%.
* Grace can now be active on multiple targets at a time.
* Strength of Soul now also rpocs from Greater Heal and Flash Heal.
* Pain Suppression no longer increases resistance to Dispel mechanics.
* Rapture now energizes you with 2/4/6% of your total mana, up from 1.5/2/2.5%.
* Atonement now affects a friendly party or raid target within 15 yards, up from 8 yards.
* Improved Power Word: Shield now also increase the damage absorbed by an additional 15/30% when Power Word: Shield is cast on yourself.


* Holy Word: Chastise now has a 30 sec cooldown, up from 25 sec.
* Chakra's state now last 1 min, up from 30 sec.
* Blessed Resilience now increases all healing received by 15/30%, up from 5/10%.
* Holy Concentration now increases mana regeneration by 15/30%, up from 10/20%.
* Surge of Light now also procs from Flash Heal and Greater Heal.


* Shadow Protection now costs 22% of base mana, down from 62% of base mana.

Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Combat Readiness now lasts 20 sec, down from 30 sec. Now expires after 10 sec, up from 6 sec.
* Combat Potency now also affects Main Gauche attacks.
* Revealing Strike now increases effectiveness of your next offensive finishing move on the target by 35%, up from 20%.


* Smoke Bomb now lasts 5 sec, down from 10 sec.

Shaman (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
Just a few additions of Glyph in spell tooltips to properly reflect their effects when you use them. Nothing new.

Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Drain Mana has been removed.
* Drain Life (Soulburn) base damage has been decreased by 13%, from 125 to 109.
* Curse of Exhaustion now reduces movement speed by 30%, down from 50%.


* Inferno no longer increases the radius of Hellfire.


* Shadow and Flame effect can now also proc from Incinerate.

Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Lambs to the Slaughter now stacks up to 3 times, lasts 15 seconds and affects Slam - Your Mortal Strike causes the Slaughter effect, which increases the damage of Execute, Overpower, Slam and Mortal Strike by 10%. Lasts 15 sec. Stacks up to 1/2/3 times.
* Juggernaut no longer increases the cooldown of Charge by 5 seconds and now makes Charge and Intercept share a cooldown instead. Now increases the duration of your Charge stun by 2 sec.


* Raging Blow now deals 80% weapon damage, down from 110%.

Dios 10% menos de mana que va a costar el rejuvenation º_º mola ;D


k bufan al warrior? el lambs to the slaugther antes era directamente un 30% y lo de que la charge y el intercept compartan cd suertecilla.

  • Omen of Clarity now procs from damage spells and attacks instead of proc from damage and healing spells.

Sin sentido de nerf..

  • Rejuvenation now costs 16% of base mana, down from 26% of base mana.
  • Empowered Touch now increases direct healing done by Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Nourish. (Old - Increased healing by Healing Touch and Nourish only)

Los únicos cambios al resto que veo bien xD


Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Lambs to the Slaughter now stacks up to 3 times, lasts 15 seconds and affects Slam - Your Mortal Strike causes the Slaughter effect, which increases the damage of Execute, Overpower, Slam and Mortal Strike by 10%. Lasts 15 sec. Stacks up to 1/2/3 times.
  • Juggernaut no longer increases the cooldown of Charge by 5 seconds and now makes Charge and Intercept share a cooldown instead. Now increases the duration of your Charge stun by 2 sec.

Antes de hablar sin saber, informaos, como siempre.

Es un nerf importante. Ahora, el buffo de corderos al matadero de aumento de 30 por ciento de Mortal y Overpower, no llega en 1 golpe, sino en 3 (10-20-30). Esto no es lo mas serio, lo peor es lo de la carga. Carga y Interceptar, compatiran cooldown, asi que se terminaron los lloros de que si el warrior tiene 20000 cargas. Y no lloreis por los dos segundos extra, tan solo es una manera de igualarlo a Interceptar, si no fuera asi, no habria ninguna razon para usar Carga en vez de Interceptar, salvo querer evitar stance dance. Por lo menos Carga vuelve a su cool original.

En fin, demasiado alarmante no es, pero un nerf es un nerf. Manowar, no se donde ves el aumento del daño surgido de las fumadas de Blizzard.

PD: FUCK ferals.


pues eso, ahora os seguis kejando de k los feral pegamos muxo, bajan el daño de destrozar aparte de los dots, yupiiiiiiii

y al mago no lo tocan, me cago en todo


Pues yo lo veo como bufo que afecte al Slam... cuando lo que tienen que tocar es el Colossus y el Sudden Death.


Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp and Ancient Hysteria can no longer be cast while in Arenas.


y con esto viene la extincion total del shami resto en arenas , ahora q el shami resto se ponia de moda con el dispell + bl q podia jugar con cualquier a esto le sumas q posiblemente nerfeen el purge.

The human racial trait Every Man for Himself has been reverted back to a 2-minute cooldown, down from 3 minutes.
