World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Comunidad de míticas+ de MV

Por qué la gente se sorprende de que Blizzard copié ideas de otros juegos cuando lo lleva haciendo 30 putos años con todos sus juegos?

1 respuesta

#451 Lo mismo que practicamente todos los MMOs del mercado han copiado al wow en un grado mucho mayor que el wow al resto de mmos xd.

Viendo un poco más como van a funcionar los talentos, la verdad es que me encanta que puedas buildearte de diferentes formas, si eres un oso y tus heals son regulares podrás ayudar un poco gastando talentos en el apartado de heal, y si van sobrados puedes gastarlos en gato o bm. La verdad es que es muy interesante(a la vez que necesario xd).


Lo de los talentos va a ser:

Icyveins retry talents 10.0

Y sentirnos guays por retroceder 10 años.

2 respuestas

#453 Si los diseñan bien es imposible que haya una misma mejor opción para todos los escenarios. En la mayoría de specs no la hay ni siquiera con los talentos actuales. Otra cosa es que mucha gente pase y tire con lo que va más o menos decente para todo.


No se va a crear, o yo creo que no existira nunca un sistema, en el que no haya forma de encontrar la mejor build en general y que se use esa en todos lados.

Lo que han hecho es volver al sistema de talentos para como han dicho, no tener que desechar sistemas de poderes prestados en cada expansion, que para mi eso esta bien, porque sino no estabas jugando tu personaje al 100%, solo estabas jugando el personaje como querian que lo jugaras en esa expansion, con unos podere que no ibas a tener en 1 año.

2 respuestas

#455 Totalmente de acuerdo. Invertir un 30% o lo que sea del tiempo de desarrollo de una expansión, en inventarte un poder prestado que nunca acaba de estar fino fino hasta el último parche y que además desechas en la siguiente expansión, es un poco tirar el tiempo a la basura.

No quiero pensar que hubiera pasado si ese tiempo de desarrollo invertido en 3 expansiones ya desechado lo hubieran dedicado a sistemas o mecánicas permanentes base.


la mejor build en general y que se use esa en todos lados

Yo pienso lo contrario. Tendrían que ser muy inútiles para que eso sucediese. Que no es que no les crea capaces, es que ni siquiera con el sistema actual que son siete opciones de mierda es así.


#453 Eso es que no te preocupabas mucho por tu pj, porque solo los casuals llevaban siempre los mismos talentos.

1 comentario moderado

No entiendo por que no os gustan estos nuevos talentos , es obvio que la mejor opción siempre va a estar , es lo normal y muchos se copiaran 100% pero hoy día hay varios escenarios , míticas (que no todas son iguales aunque prima el aoe) raid y questeo en solitario y luego que siempre todo es muy personal y un talento en concreto me puede ir bien a mi y a ti otro.
Yo lo veo un avance (volviendo atras) a lo que hay ahora.


#459 que sad no, lo de los wipes digo xd.


Adaptar los talentos a single target, AoE y Myhtic/Raid ya ocurre ahora. Igual que mucha gente cambiando cosas por variar un poco (no toda la playerbase es esclava del meta).

Imagino que dara para ajustar algún porcentaje un poco más, o potenciar algo de la offspec que es irrelevante en la práctica.

No veo a Blizzard arriesgándose a que cambien mucho las cosas.

1 respuesta

#462 Mas bien ocurria, muy pocos talentos y de spec concretas se cambian entre AoE y ST ahora mismo. Eso se puede arreglar reworkeando y moviendo los talentos actuales? Si, pero para eso ya aprovecha y mete otro sistema que ademas puede arreglar otros problemas como el balanceo de la utility entre specs (Ferals sin innervate por ejemplo) o entre roles (Solo shaman heal con corte).


En una entrevista Hazzikostas ha dicho que no va a haber tanto borrowed power, dice que menos ya que por ejemplo los tier son borrowed power, y que no cierran la puerta a algún objeto específico en algún parche, pero nada de skills de covenants, conduits, legendarios estilo Legion-SL (aunque puede haber algún legendario como los de antes), y que el arbol de talentos nuevo está pensado para ir ampliándolo en futuras expansiones, aunque saben que no puede expandirse eternamente y solo dura unas cuantas, que es algo que resolverán cuando toque.

3 respuestas

#464 Algo como la capa de MoP no estaría mal, o el anillo de WoD que era un cd mas de raid

Lo de los talentos, al final por muy amplio que sea el abanico la gente va a querer tener la mejor build y si eso implica copiar lo harán, pero ahora tienes un abanico muuuuuucho mas amplio

The talent system is being built to last and expand into future expansions, though like in the past, it probably isn't sustainable for more than a few expansions - that's a future dev problem.

Esto creo que es obvio o va a llegar un momento donde vas a tener 750 puntos de talentos xdd


#464 eso para mi es lo ideal, cambiar el sistema cada 2-3 expansiones cuando ves que el sistema se vuelve pesado


La entrevista a Ion, es larga de cojones pero cuenta un monton de cosas

1 respuesta

#467 Pudes pasar el link de la entrevista ?

1 respuesta


When do talents become available?
The talent system becomes available at level 10 when you choose your Specialization for your class. For the Evoker, because they are starting at a higher level, the talent tree will be made available at some point during their starting experience.

How many talent points do you get, and how do you get them?
Talent points are obtained by gaining character levels. You gain one point every level, alternating between a talent point for your class tree, and your spec tree. In the pre-patch, at level 60, you will have a total of 51 talent points to spend, with 26 in your class, and 25 in your spec tree. When you reach the maximum level of 70 in Dragonflight, you will have 61 total talent points to spend, with 31 in your class tree and 30 in your spec tree.

Can I get all of the talents in the class and spec tree?
No, you will not be able to obtain every talent in these trees. Similar to the current system, max-level builds will have to make decisions about what to include and exclude.

Can I spend points in a spec tree that is different from my current spec?
No, you will not be able to spend points in a spec tree different from your own. If you put points into the Restoration Druid tree, and swap to Balance Druid, the effects from the Restoration tree will no longer apply to you. You will have new points to spend in the Balance tree!

How does spending points in the talent tree work?
You must obtain talents in the top row of a tree first. Then, after obtaining all ranks in any talent, you may spend points in subsequent talents in the tree (indicated by an arrow). If a talent has multiple arrows leading to it, you may obtain it after fully buying at least one of the prerequisites.
Your class tree may grant you 1 or 2 starting talents automatically before you have to start spending points, based on what specialization you are. These do not cost any talent points and are free.
Certain rows don’t allow to you progress beyond them until you have spent a certain number of points in talents you have access to.

What do the shapes of the talent points mean?
Squares are active abilities. Circles are passive effects. Octagons are choice nodes, where you get to pick one of multiple options in that talent node.

What are the diamond shaped abilities on the sides of the tree?
Those are a mechanic that, as of this writing, we are not planning to include. We will give further updates as needed, as we continue making changes to the set of features and mechanics in the system.

What are those talents with a small arrow on both sides of it?
Those are talent selection nodes where when you hover over that node, it will present multiple options for you to select one of. These choices can be either a new active ability or a passive benefit.

How do talents with multiple ranks work?
Talents that have multiple ranks will require additional points to be spent per rank of the talent. Currently we don’t have any active abilities with multiple ranks, only passive effects. The value of these passive effects may not linearly scale with points invested. You must purchase all available talent ranks of a multi-rank talent to progress further down the tree from this node.

Will some talents be in more than one specialization talent tree?
Where this makes sense, yes. For example, both Feral and Guardian might have the Berserk talent in their talent tree, while Restoration and Balance will not.
Note: We know that Berserk is not exactly the same for Feral and Guardian, but want to be clear that talents do not have to be exclusive to one spec tree or another because it is in the spec tree, and not the class tree.

Will the class talent tree change at all when changing specs?
With very few exceptions, nothing will change in the class tree when changing your specialization. One such exception might be Counter Shot, which will change to Muzzle if you choose Survival. They are both the interrupt button, but are themed differently and have different cooldowns. Keeping that distinction is important.

Is the class tree just utility and the spec tree is where all of the throughput is?
No, there can definitely be some throughput-increasing talents in the class tree, but the spec tree likely has the majority of them. One of the main purposes of the class tree is to give you a place to explore parts of your class that are not focused on your main role’s throughput (such as utility, or abilities that are more closely connected to other specializations), so we limit the pressure to make throughput optimizations in the class tree.

Are all talent points new abilities?
No, most of them are existing things from the current or past game, but there are also new active and passive abilities in the new class and spec trees.

What about the abilities you gain when you level up in the new player experience on Exile’s Reach?
Exile’s Reach is remaining unchanged for the most part, you will still obtain many fundamental class abilities from completing the quests and this content. Your interaction with the new talent system will begin after you reach level 10.

What about some abilities that are super important for gameplay, such as interrupt abilities, that you don’t gain from the starting experience?
We are currently trying to focus as many combat-altering abilities as possible into the new talent trees. This can include things such as movement abilities, interrupts, dispels, hybrid healing options, defensive abilities, etc. Our goal is to set up the trees and paths so that there opportunities to choose between different types of utility, but not to, for example, abandon all utility choices entirely in order to maximize your DPS. If you choose not to have an interrupt, it is likely because you traded it out for some other type of utility or CC that you believed would be more useful in the situation. The inverse is also true—specializations that do not have a certain capability in Shadowlands (such as an interrupt) may be able to obtain it by giving up something they currently do have.

Will there be some sort of talent loadouts or preset trees we can swap between?
Yes! This is an important tool for you to have when dealing with a more advanced talent tree system. You will be able to save and name many different talent loadouts and swap between them with ease.

Won’t people just go to a website and find a build and just use that instead of experimenting with the talent trees?
We’re sure that this will happen. We’re also sure that people will make fun and distinct builds that work for their own style of playing the game.
This talent tree looks very complicated and overwhelming to me compared to the current version of talents in Shadowlands.
This is a frequent topic of discussion for us. This new system is definitely more complicated, but also allows for significantly more freedom in you choosing what is important to the activities you are doing while playing the game. There is a cost to this new complexity and depth, but we feel that the benefits of the new talent system are strong enough that it is worth the cost here. We are trying to make sure that new players face a more limited number of choices in the early rows, so that you don’t have to wrap your head around the whole tree until you have spent some time leveling a class. In addition, the easy ability to respec in town means that you don’t have to analyze the entire tree in order to make immediate decisions, as you can simply reallocate the points later if you decide you’d rather be on a different path.

How much of my class is going to be in this talent tree compared to other add-on/extra systems like legendaries, covenants, conduits, soulbinds, etc?
We’re trying to put as much class related stuff as we can into this new talent system as a singular place to manage your character. There will still be some abilities that are granted to players from leveling up, but significantly fewer. We recognize that abilities such as Eyes of the Beast, or Astral Recall, or Teleport: Moonglade, aren’t combat altering choices you’re making, and you would be hard pressed to spend a talent point to obtain this ability again. Those abilities are not going away, they are not going to go in the talent tree, they will just be a bonus spell you get while leveling up. Other than that, we’re trying to put as many combat related abilities in the tree as we can, which does mean you are going to have to invest talent points into the system to get your current abilities back.

With the above statement that we have to spend talent points to get our current abilities back, does that mean there is nothing new?
Absolutely not! There will be new some new abilities to Dragonflight, as well as returning Artifact traits, set bonuses, legendary effects, etc. The new system also opens up some opportunities for you to get some abilities that were otherwise locked behind a spec choice, or to possibly have combinations that were impossible in Shadowlands, such as multiple talents from the same row at the same time.

Does this mean that I can get talents from any spec on my class with this new system?
No, there will still be plenty of things in the spec-specific talent trees. Guardian druids will still see plenty of tanking related things in their spec tree that a Restoration druid cannot obtain, and vise-versa. A Restoration druid can invest more points in the Bear related abilities on the class talent tree for more defensive options just as much as a Guardian druid can invest points into more healing options from the class tree. The new spec talent trees will be heavily focused on your combat role of healer, tank, or DPS.
If a Shadowlands covenant or legendary ability is in the talent tree, and I also have that covenant ability or legendary equipped, what happens?
The plan currently is that these nodes will still exist in the talent tree and you can obtain them, but your Shadowlands covenant or legendary ability will override it. You won’t have multiple versions of the same spell to cast, or double stacked legendary effects or anything of the sort. Not every Shadowlands covenant ability, legendary, soulbind, or conduit effect will be staying in the talent tree.

How does respeccing work?
Respeccing should work relatively similar to how it currently does in Shadowlands with you being able to swap talent builds around. As far as removing a few nodes and spending them elsewhere, we’re still working on that flow, but want to make it as simple and easy as we can.

What about PvP talents?
PvP talents will continue to work the way they do now, there will be PvP talent choice nodes on the new talent UI frame where you choose extra effects while in PvP situations.

What about the API for talents?
This is a great question that I’m sure our UI team will work out. You are not forgotten, addon authors or users!

Will (my class) be getting (ability) in the new talent trees??
Maybe. There’s a lot of work to be done still, and we need to be careful about how much stuff we’re adding to these trees. If we just put all 21 talents from Shadowlands into the tree, that’s a huge amount of extra stuff your character can get.


Esta entrevista es muy buena también

3 respuestas

puede ser muy peligroso en raid tener un ranged con esa distancia, veremos como se desarolla el tema.

que me lo voy a hacer como main ni cotiza xd


#459 Intentad no acusar sin pruebas, que ya sabeis que esos son los tipicos baiteos que "no te pueden" responder con normalidad y acaban generando un offtopic con algun insulto o acusación de vuelta y se ensucia el thread por favor.


#9 Han activado el edificio porque dan a entender que las islas deben ser magicas y si la torre esta desactivada los dragones no podian volver a las islas. Que antes los aspectos decidieron abandonar esas tierras por X razon. Y ahora al estar activada pueden volver.

1 respuesta

#470 Es justo la que hemos linkeado pero resumida en texto xD

He puesto también todo lo que han respondido al respecto de los talentos

#473 Sisi al final ya me volví a ver la cinemática y entendí que sin activar ese faro no podían encontrar las islas xd


#470 me gusta el cambio de sistema de renombres con actividades "abiertas" espero que eso ponga fin al CAP y a las malditas misiones diarias y semanales para subir reputación


No creo que ninguna cinematica y expansion del wow logre pegarme a la silla y ponerme la piel de gallina como lo hizo WOTLK

En mi humilde opinión mataron demasiado rápido al protagonista.


#464 Si están Wrathion y Khadgar presentes en la expansión lo mismo capa y anillo a la vez xD


#470 Hazel era una de los pocos youtubers/streamers que veía cuando jugaba al wow, me ha gustado que llegue al nivel de hacer entrevistas a Ion.


Me estoy acordando de las cinemáticas que salieron cuando warlods of draenor, que eran para hacerse diecisiete pajas


Me está gustando mucho todo lo que veo.

Una cosa sobre la que no han hablado es si va a haber overhauls masivos de specs o no. Realmente no han dicho nada de las clases, xD. Me parece importante también, a ver cuando sueltan algo.

1 respuesta