Desde Dic '03 Último post Ago '06 Visto Dic '07

To/die/for, <I> Frail without you</I>

Grief never dies.
It slowly turns into
another form of despair,
another form of pain.

I gave you my life.
You gave me yours.
We thought it would last forever,
we thought it would never end.

For each other we took our lives,
where can I find my love.
I'm frail without you...
For a moment we shared one heart.
In death we'd never be alone,
but somehow we did part.

In loving memory, that's what it said.
Nicely carved in stone,
somehow alive,
somehow still alone.

Somehow alive even in death.
Somehow still alone.


Kails May '08
Ya no pisas estos lares ?
Ifz44 Mar '08
Ummm badajoz eh? el refu eh!?

Kien ers del refu xD q edad tienes, ya q suelo ir por alli a menudo xD

Soy chamorro por si te suena a ti..

Enga saludos!!
SaPiRiKa Feb '07
muy mal, eh? :\ pero te perdono xq eres mi z0rrit4 pr3f3 ^^ muchos besitos humedos xDDDD
SaPiRiKa Feb '07
tienes esto muerto e? fatal..... xDDD :P
  • Desde Dic '03
  • Último post Ago '06
  • Visto Dic '07

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