Desde Ago '05 Último post Dic '05 Visto Sep '08 Málaga


So there was a time I cared about
The way you were trying to get my mind

Now that I am thinking
I just push it for the music in my mind

Yeah, I want to push it to create a new situation in you lives
Now that I am thinking
I just push it for the music in my mind

I just push it for the music in my mind
I just push it for the music in my mind
I feel fine

The rhythm's right here
Fortunately is coming back

Music is not going with your problems
And my problems and you father and my mother
Stay behind

So push it my mind
Push it your mind
Push it for the music in your mind
I push it for the music in my mind

Push it for the music in your mind
I just push it for the music in my mind
I just push it for the music in your mind
(Push it for the music in my mind)
(Push it for the music in my mind)

Push it for the music in my mind



[[tngo un fotolo tela d xulo http://www.fotolog.com/pitisuit/ muhahaahaha]]

¡Válgame la Virgen!
Yo no más de acordarme, padezco
mucho escalofrío
y me hogo del pecho,
y se mi hacen las manos y pieses,
como los badajos de los timbres eléctricos.
¡Qué poco a poquito, se me jué muriendo!
Tosía y tosía
y lloraba la probe en silencio.
-No llores, Micaila,
por toitos los santos del cielo...

Tus ojos te delatan...

(mi plasta, e deci, er zuK ese x"D, kere ke le dedike algo aki... uhmmhmhm FEO LOVIU ^^)

"CuaNDo uN DeDo aPuNTa aL CieLo, eL ToNTo MiRa eL DeDo"


UnLiMiTeD Ene '08
xDDD soy tranka pero ahora piensa tu porque....XDDD
UnLiMiTeD Ene '08
UnLiMiTeD Ene '08
ZuK Jun '07
fea ere >_< prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Desde Ago '05
  • Último post Dic '05
  • Visto Sep '08
  • Málaga

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