Desde Oct '02 Último post Oct '02 Visto Nov '02 Sevilla

The path of the righteous man
is beset on all sides
by the inequities of the selfish
and the tyranny of evil men.

Blessed is he
who, in the name of charity
and good will,
shepherds the weak
through the valley of darkness,

for he is truly his brothers' keeper
and the finder of lost children.

And I will strike down upon thee
with great vengeance and furious anger
those, who attempt to poison
and destroy my brothers.

And you will know
my name is the Lord
when I lay my vengeance upon you.

Ezequiel 25:17

:: PC: PIII 450 Mghz con 256mb RAM
:: T. Gráfica: NVIDIA GeForce 2mx 200
:: T. Sonido: Sound Blaster 16
:: Ratón: Genius Netscroll
:: Alfombrilla: Zenas micro
:: Conexión: ADSL 256kbps (Wanadoo)
:: OS: Windows 98 SE

i can be a ThundeR in ur heaD

  • Desde Oct '02
  • Último post Oct '02
  • Visto Nov '02
  • Sevilla

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