pic: el dl fondo yo, y en primer plano Jose!
dejo el cs y punto!
ey! iŽm feeling tired my time is came to the end...
AnaяkìA : Doctrina segùn la kuaL los asunt0s dl h0mbre p0drìan ser manejad0s x los individu0s o as0ciaci0nes voluntarias, y d0nde el estad0 sòlo fuera un van0 pensamient0. Sòlo su abolici0n n0s darìa la libertaD. -- > Kizàs el ùnik0 medi0 p0sible, + grande.. d elevar a la raza humanA a k0ndici0nes + felices. (kopiado d perfil de KiRa, espero k no moleste)
I pUsH mY f1ng3rS 1nt0 mY 3y3s, 1tŽs Th3 0nlY Th1nG sl0wlY St0pS th3 4ch3, bUt 1tŽs m4d3 0f 4ll th3 th1nGs 1 h4v3 t0 t4k3, j3sUs 1tŽs n3v3r 3nDs,1t w0rkS 1tŽs w4y 1ns1d3, 1f th3 p4iN g0eS oN... 1 h4ve scr34m3D uNt1l mY v31nS k0ll4ps3D, 1v3 w4it3d 4s mY t1m3 3l4ps3d, n0w 4ll 1 d0 1s l1v3 w1th s0 mUch f4t3, 1Žv3 w1sh3d f0r th1S, 1
v3 b1tch3d 4t th4t, 1v3 l3ft b3h1nD th1s l1ttl3 f4ct, y0u k4nn0t k1ll wh4t y0u d1d n0t kr34t3, 1
v3 g0tt4 s4y wh4t 1v3 g0tt4 s4y, 4nd th3n 1 sw34r 1
ll g0 4w4y, bUt 1 k4nt pr0m1s3 y0u
ll 3nj0y th3 n01s3, 1 gu3st 1ll s4v3 th3 b3st f0r l4st, mY fUtUr3 s33ms l1k3 0n3 b1g p4st, y0u
r3 l3ft wh1t my c4use y0u l3ft mY n0 ch0ic3, I pUsH mY f1ng3rS 1nt0 mY 3y3s, 1tŽs Th3 0nlY Th1nG sl0wlY St0pS th3 4ch3, bUt 1tŽs m4d3 0f 4ll th3 th1nGs 1 h4v3 t0 t4k3, j3sUs 1tŽs n3v3r 3nDs,1t w0rkS 1tŽs w4y 1ns1d3, 1f th3 p4iN g0eS oN, 1 n0t g0nn4 m4ke 1t! pUt m3 b4ck t0g3th3r 0r s3p4r4t3 th3 sk1n fr0m b0n3, l34v3 m3 4ll th3 p13c3s, th3n y0u k4n l34v3 m3 4l0n3, t3ll mY th3 r34lity 1s b3tt3r th4n 4 dr34m, bUt 1 f0unD th3 h4rd w4y, n0th1ng 1s wh4t 1t s33ms,I pUsH mY f1ng3rS 1nt0 mY 3y3s, 1tŽs Th3 0nlY Th1nG sl0wlY St0pS th3 4ch3, bUt 1tŽs m4d3 0f 4ll th3 th1nGs 1 h4v3 t0 t4k3, j3sUs 1tŽs n3v3r 3nDs,1t w0rkS 1tŽs w4y 1ns1d3, 1f th3 p4iN g0eS oN, 1 n0t g0nn4 m4k3 1t!