Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1200 I wanna know your genre genre genre genre, i wanna know your genre genre genre genre

PD: Sorry for the bad joke D:

1 respuesta

#1201 I'm a men men men men men men men, I'm a men men men men a F*****G MEN

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#1202 You broke my dreams... :_(

There are sometimes that i hate type in English... This happens when i'm not feeling... Yes, the same matter that Guardiola...

PS: Does it mean that i'm a rich guy? (An a philosopher obviously)

2 respuestas

#1203 "This happens when i'm not feeling... Yes, the same matter that Guardiola..."

Peeing cologne? You're a weird guy.

P.D: Didn't knew that was said 'cologne' in english, sounds pretty bad D:

1 respuesta

#1204 it sounds a weird word... i hate french!

pS: and i hate summer too! why am i soak again? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (i don't know if typed well soak... can be soaked? D:)

Extra edit: I didn't Knew... FTW!


Men is plural for man. Stop mixing those up. The same goes with women and woman.

@Keyborito. You can't use a verb by itself as you did with type. Look at that phrase in #1203:

There are times when I hate to type in English.
There are times when I hate typing in English.

I'm not sure which one is the best choice for this case, I always have doubts, but still you can't use type as you did.

I'm not going through all your posts, but there are many obvious mistakes. Still it's very admirable your courage to keep trying. Keep on writing here and you'll improve sooner or later, as long as you use our advice.

1 3 respuestas

#1206 Thanks :P I love you, Tesla :P (ItŽs one of my favourite scientific of history... He was better than Edison :)).

In fact, as i told before: When you don't have feeling to type in english, so you dont' have it (Poli Rincon dixit).

PS: I have to go now: my planet needs me D:

PS2: Suck day D:

1 respuesta

#1207 I'll try to go through everything:

Thanks I love you, Tesla (He's one of my favourite scientists in all history... He was better than Edison ).

In fact, as I said before: When you don't feel like typing in English, you just don't(Poli Rincon dixit). <<<------ Didn't know how to translate this as I don't really understand what you want to say.

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#1208 Damm, i wrote bad todl... but i know how to use it :( I hate this day.... So it's time to bed

See you tomorrow D:

1 respuesta

#1206 Sometimes I have some doubts and I commit mistakes about how to use the infinitive and the gerund. How could I improve this?I know there are some rules that can be memorized, but it doesn't work to me :/

1 respuesta

#1209 Damn, I mistook told and said... but i know how to use it I hate this day.... So it's time for bed

''Mistook told and said'' is what I think you meant.

#1210 There's some intuitive rule that most people use, but I always wonder and never check.


#1192 #1193

Through the time I've been in South Korea I have attended all my classes in English and I have been watching TV shows and movies in English for aproximately 2 years.

The problem is, since I have never taken any of those exams like TOELF, First, etc. I don't know in what should I focus in order to pass the exam, so I was looking for some advice related to books to buy, or material to get and study to success.

1 respuesta

#1212 I have here a file from the VHS (similar to our Escuela de Idiomas in Spain) concerning this kind of exams.

Are you living there right now? If the answer is yes, I think the best you can do is to find out what organism is in charge of this exams in that country in order to get the information you asking about.


How does this board?

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#1214 I dunno, just write something. The first thing crosses your mind, for example.


i dont know what to type =/

2 respuestas

#1216 For example: You should to type stuffs which make you happy every day. ^^ Or may typing why you are disgusted D:

Who knows... Just typing! You can do it! Don't take care what we can tell you ^^

PS: If u go to type like #1179, we'll go to break your heart into a pieces D:

PS2: Don't worry about this... Only we'll tell you bad jokes about story haha

PS3: Have fun

PS4: PS or PS? This is the question

1 respuesta

#1216 What to type is not important, so is how to type.

Just a few common errors:

  • Don't write "I" in small letter. "I" must be written in capital, ALWAYS.
  • It's ok to use contractions like "Don't" instead of "Do not" in coloquiall English (do not use it in formal English, ever. i.e. an email to your boss / a job application), but please write the contractions correctly: don't, I'm, I've, I'd, etc.

To fix bad habits is so important, believe me. I've had several problems in my day by day because of that!!

It's all about practise :D


I've been going to the gim and working out for four days in a row. I am so fucking exhausted... omg... no wonder I'm not an elite sportsman...


Fuck, all my friends all with "resaca" and IŽm writting stupid things in MV, my life sucks

1 respuesta

#1220 "resaca"=hangover

And don't be like that, your life would suck much more without MV hahaha

Just kidding, im sure there are many things you can do for entertainment.


#1217 " For example: You should to type" I think the correct form is "You should type", isn't it?

1 respuesta

#1206 With verbs like "hate", "like" or "love" you can use both the gerund or the infinitive, although there is a slight change of meaning depending on which do you use.

If you use the gerund it means that you always have such a feeling towards such activity, but if you use the infinitive it means that you can bear to do that even if you hate it, or you are referring to a particular moment.

For example,
"I hate eating turnips." - You will never eat turnips unless you are forced to.
"I hate to eat turnips." - You'd say this just after you are served a dish with turnips.

To be honest, I consider quite a pain in the ass knowing when to use the gerund and the infinitive sometimes, as a kind of rule when I have doubts I try to use the gerund when I'm referring to an activity that you do on a regular basis; but this doesn't always work.

PS: Lack of sleep makes writing in English more difficult for me T_T


#1222 I think what is correct like my way... I will try to explain you... There are two ways to write this action verbs (type for example or write too!): to + infinitive ver or gerund.

  • To + infinitive: It means what you want to do. Examples: I could to type letter; I should to type better. You use this way to explain FACTS.

  • Gerund: It means what are you doing now. Example: So then i'm typing this for you ^. You use this way to explains things, what are doing it now...

PS: Maybe i'm wrong, but my mind thoughts this before i was writting this post D:

1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

#1224 You are wrong, you use gerund or infinitive after a verb depending on which verb is it. There are lists out there.

After modal verbs you usually employ the bare infinitive, you'd never say "I could to type better" since could is a modal verb, you ought to say "I could type better".

#1225 "My dick smells like cinnamon, and your reply smells like a punish."

1 respuesta

#1226 Ok, it seems as verbal times... I thought that was other special meaning D:

PS: Thank you very much. See you later :P

#1225 Punish

#1227 I hate this kind of post... Did you make it happy? It's Reporting time! :)

1 comentario moderado

What's the point on using this thread if none corrects whatever is wrong ? Just wondering...

Ive seen some mistakes (like "comming" @ #727) that are even answered but not corrected/pointed...

EDIT: Okey, I checked the thread and some people use to help... my fault !

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