#29 Si que lo he puesto arriba , solo proteina causa un pico de hormona del crecimiento que como bien sabes es lipolitica entre otros beneficios, lo de que provoca la respuesta insulinica no sera cierto ya que si no , no se liberaria la hgh , los bcaas si que provocan pico de insulina de ahi a meterlo junto con la dextrosa.
Mira con una entrevista de chad waterbury, sobre el post-entreno el va en la misma linea, nada mas acabar el entreno somos resistentes a la insulina asi que un pico no nos beneficia:
CW: Ori, throughout the majority of my career I’ve recommended fast-acting carbs with protein powder in the post-workout meal in order to get an insulin spike and shuttle amino acids into the muscles for growth and repair. But after consulting with you I’ve realized that I might have been wrong with this approach.
Can you explain the problems with ingesting simple carbs such as raisins or cherry juice immediately after training?
Ori Hofmekler: First off, after training your muscle becomes temporarily insulin resistant. That’s due to tissue micro-injuries which impair the mechanism that utilizes glucose in your muscle. Putting a high glycemic fuel in your muscle right after exercise will jeopardize energy utilization and disrupt your insulin sensitivity. High glycemic fuel includes all kinds of sugars, dried fruits and refined flour.
One of the biggest misconceptions is the idea that an insulin spike is necessary for boosting protein synthesis in the muscle. The truth is quite different. The real factor is not insulin spike but rather insulin sensitivity.
It has been proven that as long as insulin sensitivity is high, even low (fasting) insulin levels along with amino acids will be sufficient to trigger mTOR/AKT – the cellular pathway that deposits protein in the muscle towards repair and growth.
Overly spiking insulin with simple carbs immediately after exercise impairs insulin sensitivity and diminishes your capacity to sustain a healthy metabolism and a lean, strong physique.
Aqui dice que se produce la movilizacion de los acidos grasos y se regula la resistencia y que hay que dejar un rato, por eso aqui se mete solo proteina para aumentar esa movilizacion por la hormona del crecimiento.
CW: We all know that the few hours after training are important to maximize for muscle growth and fat loss. What’s the best approach to post-workout nutrition when a person is trying to add muscle without inhibiting fat loss?
Ori: The post-exercise period isn’t just your window of opportunity to build muscle, it’s also your ideal opportunity to burn fat.
What many people fail to understand is that exercise only initiates the first phase of fat breakdown; it does not grant the completion of the fat-burning process.
After exercise there’s a substantial increase in the level of circulating free fatting acids coming from adipose tissue, and unless these are mobilized to the liver and muscle for final utilization, most of them will be re-esterfied into triglycerides and re-deposited back in the fat tissues.
Yes, all your hard work to burn fat will be wasted!
In order to grant an effective completion of the fat-burning process you must manipulate your muscle to suck in the circulating free fatty acids that were released by exercise. And the way to do that is to wait for 30-60 minutes after exercise before having your recovery meal.
CW: So much for the notion that post-workout nutrition must begin as soon as the workout is finished.
Ori: Yes, by waiting 30-60 minutes it will give your body the time needed to remove circulating fatty acids for utilization and thus prevent re-deposit and build-up of fat in your adipose tissue.
Tambien hay diferencias de post-entreno dependiendo de si enfatizas la perdida de grasa o no, aqui habla a la hora de construir, (mas arriba en el link pone que en la segunda hay que meter ch)
CW: What if a guy isn’t interested in burning fat? Can he have carbs in the post-workout window?
Ori: Yes, but carbs should only come in the second post-workout feeding. And this is only applicable when you’ve trained hard for more than two hours, such as long, intense sparring session or other very high endurance activities. The first feeding should be immediately after exercise from 40-60 grams of quality whey. This is for people who aren’t worried about burning fat – they need to feed their muscle with fast assimilating proteins to stop the catabolic process and promote recovery.
The second feeding should come 30 minutes later and it should include another 40-60 grams of whey. At this time you could have a handful of organic raisins or a bowl of berries. Fruits are densely packed with antioxidants and yield an alkalizing balance effect on your body, which is typically over-acidic after intense, prolonged training.