BF: Battlefield V #HG


Oleee mañana

2 respuestas

#271 y todo dios llorando...

2 respuestas

#271 se sabe sobre qué hora se podrá descargar?

1 respuesta

Notas del parche:

Voy a ponerlas por el otro hilo

#273 Miercoles a las 10 de la mañana

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#274 Pues va a ser que han tocado cosa relevantes... DICE siendo justa con sus actualizaciones... not bad.
Pd; Han bajado el daño de los panzerfaust de 50 a 25 (Como ejemplo en los tanques medios, no sé cómo será la relación en el resto de tanques)


#272 ¿Sabes si arreglan lo de las cinematicas?

No tengo ganas de leer el parche xD

2 respuestas

#276 Qué es "lo de las cinemáticas"?


#276 Ni flapa, no he visto nada de este patch. :( Lo que testee el otro dia, es un modo que no está anunciado, un mapa no anunciado, y gadgets no anunciados.

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#278 Gadgets de qué tipo? Eso me interesa xD

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Me acaba de actualizar 18GB.

Le doy a jugar.

Actualizando 10 GB mas.

Good morning

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#280 Relaja guaje que a mi con 600mb de fibra me esta descargando a 650 kb/s, va por el 85% y me pone que queda 1 hora. Grande Origin, contigo empezo todo.

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AA tanks were too vulnerable when engaging infantry, making them an unattractive vehicle when aircraft were not active. Reduced the damage AA tanks take to their turret to be better in line with side hits in order to make them more survivable. Their damage against infantry has also been slightly increased.

Por fin:

Added more spawn points on Conquest, Domination, and Breakthrough on all maps.

Added kill log icon for kills where the projectile first traversed a material before killing the player. ( se acabaron los COMO??? )

Iron sights zoom level now properly shows as 1.5x instead of 1x. ( ou yea )

Made TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) improvements: fixed broken motion vectors, which reduces blurriness on vegetation.

Players occupying top gunner positions in land vehicles are now able to duck down and become somewhat protected from incoming shots. While ducking, top gunners are still able “blindfire” the machine gun.

The automatic spawn when round starts will be disabled in all game modes (except Final Stand). This change has been made to not force spawn players that temporary went "afk" during round transition and are not back in their seats at start.

The icon above the bomb carriers in Airborne and Frontlines will no longer be visible.
We've decided this based on community feedback. Note that the icon will still be visible for a brief moment on pickup as it is mentioned by audio.

Panzerfausts are now designed to be simple ranged damage against tanks, and have been adjusted to have less spikey damage. The previous damage model relied heavily on the angle of attack, which played against infantry since infantry rarely can pick their angle of attack against tanks. Poor hits could gravely punish the shooter with as low as just 5 damage for a hit. The new model has reduced the maximum damage output of the projectile, especially against the rear of tanks, however it now guarantees far better damage for poor hits, around 2-3x more damage. For example, the previous poor hit that would give just 5 damage will now give 15 damage. In addition, Panzerfausts are now extremely potent against the parts of the tank, meaning that they will more easily disable turrets, tracks, and engines and give the attacking infantry a boost in fighting the vehicle. Note that a part disable is not guaranteed with a hit. Overall, the maximum damage of the Panzerfaust isgoing to drop. In all normal cases the Panzerfaust will take more hits to kill all tanks, making tanks more survivable. We've dropped the damage from nearly 50 to the side of a medium tank to around 25. From the rear you used to be able to 2 shot the tank, now it's at least 3 hits.

Ragdolls no longer have strange movement after being dead for a certain amount of time.

Fixed an issue where players would get pushed by teammates when going prone.
Fixed an issue where soldiers could fall through the ground if they got revived.
Fixed a legacy and common issue where soldier jumps could get interrupted when trying to jump over obstacles (sometimes very small)
Players can now disable enemy placed AT Mines and Dynamite by interacting with them when playing as a class that supports it.

Reduced stand-to-prone firing and aiming restriction by 100ms to match the soldier animations when transitioning from stand to prone.
Throwing knife maximum damage rangereduced to 6.5m (from 13m).
Throwing knife maximum capacity reduced to two from six. (DEP)

NAzi nerf:
Reducedthe number of light bombs carried by the Ju- 88 A to 16 and also reduced the rate at which they drop from the plane. • Reduced the number of 1,000kg bombs carried by the Ju088A from 2 to 1.
Greatly reduced damage of aircraft light bombs vs. tanks.
Fixed an issue with airplanes sometimes not exploding properly when crashing.

Plus attrition y reload times y mas damqage... ( pobre bomber : ( )


#281 Se le pueden achacar cosas pero velocidad.. a origin como que no.

#279 NDA : ( no puedo decir ese tipo de información XD

2 respuestas

#283 Dont worry, era mera curiosidad xD
Lo importante es este párrafo;
Panzerfausts are now designed to be simple ranged damage against tanks, and have been adjusted to have less spikey damage. The previous damage model relied heavily on the angle of attack, which played against infantry since infantry rarely can pick their angle of attack against tanks. Poor hits could gravely punish the shooter with as low as just 5 damage for a hit. The new model has reduced the maximum damage output of the projectile, especially against the rear of tanks, however it now guarantees far better damage for poor hits, around 2-3x more damage. For example, the previous poor hit that would give just 5 damage will now give 15 damage. In addition, Panzerfausts are now extremely potent against the parts of the tank, meaning that they will more easily disable turrets, tracks, and engines and give the attacking infantry a boost in fighting the vehicle. Note that a part disable is not guaranteed with a hit. Overall, the maximum damage of the Panzerfaust isgoing to drop. In all normal cases the Panzerfaust will take more hits to kill all tanks, making tanks more survivable. We've dropped the damage from nearly 50 to the side of a medium tank to around 25. From the rear you used to be able to 2 shot the tank, now it's at least 3 hits.
Por primera vez me siento medianamente orgulloso de que hayan balanceado el tema de los tanques de una manera aceptable, si siguen así incluso podría quedarles un juego aceptable ^^


Al menos 3 panzerfaust para petar un tanque pfff.
Aun pareciéndome razonable, me jode porque me la gozaba con el panzerfaust.

¿Seguirán petando aviones de 1 hit?

Me jodería bastante cambiar al PIAT, la caida que tiene me quita las ganas de usarlo xD (y lo hace inviable contra aviones)

1 respuesta

#283 No que va... el juego me bajo a 70mb/s, y tardo menos que el parche... ahora pega picos que llegan hasta los 5 mb/s pero vuelve a bajar a 650/800 kb/s. Y solo tengo origin abierto..... pero nada oye....

p.d. que suerte tiene tu novio

1 2 respuestas

#286 A mi me ha pasado lo mismo, pero entiende que ahora estará bajando mucha gente.
Cuando bajé el juego completo me tardó unos 15 mins y ahora una hora pa esta mierda xD.

1 respuesta

#287 Que te calles la boca, que no es culpa de origin, ahora largo, infiel!

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#288 Origin es un puto cáncer.


#285 El piat es un mortero antinfantería, oneshooteas a la infanteria en los pies pero quitas algo menos a los tanques.
El tema del panzerfaust me parece muy adecuado y razonable, siempre se ha necesitado trabajo en equipo para acabar con un tanque, si de un disparo le revientas todo... no hay demasiado que hacer.

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#290 Claro que si, de toda la vida.

PIAT: acrónimo de Projector Infantry Anti Tank (Lanzador Antitanque de Infantería en inglés).

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¿Qué tal los cambios los que podéis probarlo?

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#291 Me refiero a que funciona como un mortero debido a su caída y a su daño contra infantería, para atacar fortificaciones funciona exactamente igual xD


#292 Voy pa dentro y lo pruebo.


La gente llorando que tiene fibra de 600 y yo Cón 5 mb de África


#286 me refiero a question en cuanto a velocidad normalmente es una pasada. Es raro que vaya tan lento.

Origin es una mierda por otras cosas pero por velocidad no ;)

1 respuesta

#296 Origin es una mierda, también por la velocidad a veces.
Por ejemplo, hoy.


Pero hay mapa nuevo? me estan diciendo que no :/


Los cambios suenan bien, al menos sobre el papel.

#272 Igual la gente se quejaba con razón si hasta ellos mismos están pidiendo disculpas por el retraso: Our sincerest apologies for the delay...

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la gente se queja por todo, hagan lo que hagan siempre hay alguien descontento.

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