BF: Battlefield V #HG




Hablando de asalto, tio enserio Reeper, cualquiera que nos lea y haya jugado a BF 1 va a pensar muy mal de ti. Que cojones de niebla? con un asalto si ibas con armas que apenas reventaban a pocos metros, a menos que estuvieras a 15-20m ya era dificilisimo matar a un tio que estuviera con 100 hp. Que cojones de niebla si en BF 1 el asalto no daba ni de coña lejos, otra cosa es que jugaras bien, te movieras en el terreno que te tenias que mover, casas, coberturas, sitios cerrados, etc... y te hicieras buenas stats. Es que vamos cualquiera que te lea flipa, son dos clases totalmente diferentes 100% de un BF a otro coño, tu has visto el video que han puesto con la mirilla que es mas grande que el rifle? Ponme uno de BF 1 asi, con un asalto haciendose kills de bandera a bandera o disparando de lejos y reventando. Si todo el mundo iba con automatico de trinchera o Hellriegel, alguno cogiamos la riberoylles porque nos gustaba pero vamos nada que hacer frente a las otras. Es que enserio tio, como llevas las cosas a donde te interesa y no son asi.

1 respuesta

#4891 calla y entra en el servidor de discord

2 respuestas

#4892 Yo sin mi mirilla x3 no voy a ningun sitio eh!


Final notes.

Map fixes:

Maps and Modes

Al Sundan - Now available on Conquest and Breakthrough.

Al Sundan - Set the default FOV to match the other MP maps.

Aerodrome - Added out of combat area on top of the airplane hangar.

Arras - Fixed the floating sandbags that would remain if the players destroyed the bridge near B on Conquest.

Arras - Fixed some spawns that were out of bounds when playing on Breakthrough.

Arras - Fixed the collision of the curtains around window frames which could block bullets.

Devastation - Fixed an issue that would hinder the Squad Reinforcement vehicles spawning on Breakthrough.

Devastation - Fixed an issue that would cause a flickering graphical issue inside of the church.

Devastation - Fixed an issue that would cause for players to get stuck in piles of wood debris.

Fjell 652 - Improved visibility slightly for planes during extreme weather.

Marita - Fixed an issue that would cause some players to spawn in the middle of the air, causing them some damage when landing on Frontlines.

Marita - We moved the B objective from the second sector on Breakthrough since we saw a huge unbalance during this phase. Telemetry showed that attackers only had a change of getting through this sector in 30% of sessions. We hope that this change brings Marita in line with the other Breakthrough setups.

Marita - Adjusted some spawns in CQ and Breakthrough to ensure that players do not spawn outside of the Combat Area, or too close to flags which aren’t controlled by the players Faction.

Mercury - Players will no longer get stuck in the gap between the barbed wire and the sandbags.

Mercury - The door interact prompt is no longer displayed when a specific door has been destroyed.

Operation Underground - Base files added ahead of the maps release in October.

Rotterdam - Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause players to vault when jumping through a door opening.

Rotterdam - Players will no longer be able to vault on small street curbs.

Global - Fixed a faulty collision on the Trucks flatbed cover

Combined Arms - Fixed an issue where AI Soldiers would not detonate AP Mines

Firestorm - Players can no longer fall under the map near the Minerva Docks

Firestorm - Fixed an issue that would make textures pop in if a dead player would switch between different players while spectating.

Firestorm - Improved revive interaction, ensuring that it now triggers when the interaction pops up.

Firestorm - Revives are now more reliable. We’ve ensured that interactions will no longer be interrupted when aiming straight at the soldier.

Firestorm - Door barge is now working smoothly, and you should find that you’re less likely to get blocked when sprinting at a door.

Firestorm - Interactions with Doors will now take priority over interactions with nearby dropped weapons.

Firestorm - Airplane exit velocity has been fixed. You will now exit the airplane whilst maintaining velocity, instead of dropping down.

Firestorm - Made the non-interactable doors in the dome indestructible, as this would lead players below the intended playable area when going through them.

Practice range - The M1907 now has the correct ammo count.

Spectator mode - Added “SHOW PLAYER OUTLINES” that now allows spectators to display the outlines for all players, or for a specific team, instead of only for a selected squad per team.

Weapon fixes:

With this months update, we’re delivering further changes that focus on adjusting the behaviour of players who are firing when Prone, as well as a balance pass on Sidearms. We have increased the damage to make them more attractive gameplay options, instead of only being used as close range finishers. With the exception of the Mark VI Revolver, Pistols are now generally better options for distances beyond 12 m.


Increased 4 hit kill range from 7 to 12 m

Increased 5 hit kill range from 12 to 22 m

Above 22m, the Ruby will require no more than 8 bullets to kill a player at Range

P08 Pistol, P38 Pistol, Repetierpistole M1912:

Increased 4 hit kill range from 12 to 22 m

Above 22m, these Pistols will require no more than 7 bullets to kill a player at Range


Increased 3 hit kill range from 7 to 12 m

Increased 4 hit kill range from 12 to 22 m

Above 22m, the M1911 will require no more than 7 bullets to kill a player at Range

Mk VI Revolver:

Decreased 3 hit kill range from 30 to 22 m

Decreased 4 hit kill range from 50 to 30 m

Now turns into a 6 hit kill starting at 50 m

General Weapon Changes

Reduced the horizontal free aiming angle when prone by 40°, this means the slowdown when turning too much will now kick-in earlier.

Fairbairn Sykes - Added blood effects on the weapon following a takedown.

Gewehr 1-5 - Increased vertical recoil from 1.22 to 1.42 and reduced muzzle velocity from 620 to 580 m/s. This is to make it a bit harder to use this gun at longer distances, in order to better balance out its strength at close and medium range.

Karabin 1938M - Reduced vertical recoil from 1.44 to 1.25. This weapon is intended to be an easier version of the Gewehr 43 at the cost of slower reloads, but so far the advantage in recoil was not quite good enough, and so we’re making this tweak to balance that out.

Kar98K - Fixed an issue with the reload animation while being in ADS, and having the bi-pod specialization active.

MP28 - The Jäger skin now properly shows on the extended mag.


Smoke VFX used to identify friendly or enemy artillery barrage now uses custom color settings to help with colorblindness.

Active friendly flares now have their spotting radius visible on the minimap

Enemy Spawn Beacons now display enemy nametags when looking directly at them inside of 8m.

Improved the deployment of Ammo and Health crates, which could sometimes be deployed below the ground under certain circumstances.

Added a sound to opening and closing the lid on the ammo and the health crate

Increased maximum throw distance of health and ammo crates when attempting to throw it further by aiming higher.

Players will no longer be overly slowed down prior to using throwable gadgets and weapons, such as Grenades, Throwing Knives, Ammo/Bandages, and Crates. Similarly, self healing actions will no longer interrupt sprinting.

Fixed an issue where the spotting scope would prevent sprinting when the player presses the fire button without zooming.

Fixed a pair of issues related to stances, which were preventing soldiers from being reliably spotted when using the Spotting Scope.

Fixed a minor flickering issue around the sides of the Aperture sights when ADS.

Fixed an issue where friendly and enemy spawn beacon world icons would show through any wall, and ensured that the icon will no longer disappear when within 5m of the gadget.

Fixed an issue where the self-heal pouch indicator would remain grayed out when receiving a new pouch.

Fixed an issue that would not let players pick up sticky dynamite from some surfaces when attached.

Fixed inconsistent damage between Axis Impact Grenade and Allied Impact Grenade, now both deal 65 damage within 2m.

Fixed an issue that caused various sounds to not play when deploying and using the ammo or health crate.

Fixed an issue that would cause flares to do damage to players even after they had finished burning in some cases.

Fixed an exploit caused by flare guns and all variants of smoke grenades which caused repeating Spotting/Unspotting behaviours. This unintentionally resulted in players receiving spotting score for targets inside of smoke effects every second.


The Tank weapons and abilities HUD is now properly shown without the player needing to use them or changing seats.

Players firing their weapons from the passenger seat should now always play its animation properly.

The Blenheim MK 1 no longer automatically replenishes it’s ammunition.

Fixed an audio issue which caused for vehicle repair sounds to be lower than expected, especially in First Person (the sound was obstructed even for the person in the vehicle).

Fixed an issue that would cause vehicle decals to disappear at certain close distances.

Fixed an issue that would cause damage to free spawned unused vehicles on the map after 2 minutes.

Fixed a rare issue that would make some vehicles to suddenly disappear.

Improved revive interaction consistency when there is an elevation difference between players.

Improved revive interaction consistency between different player stances.

The revive interaction prompt now only shows if the revive interaction is actually possible.

Increased the aim angle necessary to revive a friendly player to 30° from 20°.

Decreased the aim angle necessary to pick-up a weapon on the ground to 20° from 30°.

General consistency improvements to sliding when turning and losing speed.

Increased sliding activation consistency, the time allowed between two button presses to trigger a slide is now longer.

The soldiers swimming state is now properly triggered if the players falls down into the water from a large height.

Fixed an issue where quick-throwing an ammo or health pouch when spotting a friendly player had a different throw angle than when pressing the gadget slot key to throw which resulted in fail throws.

Fixed the position of the repair tools flame VFX.

Fixed graphical issues with the Stormchaser and Bergsteiger cosmetics.

Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in man down state if revived when the timer is about to run out.

Fixed an issue where the player could remain stuck floating in the air, if revived on a surface that gets removed during the revive (a vehicle, a destroyed bridge etc…).

Fixed an issue which could cause the camera to be misplaced as players climbed ladders with certain gadgets equipped.

Fixed an issue that could cause players to end up in an infinite dead state without being able to redeploy.

Fixed an issue where the player could switch to the Syringe after reviving a player while selecting the AP Mine.

Fixed an issue where the player could switch to the bomb after reviving a player near a Rush or Airborne objective.

Fixed an issue where the player could end up in man down state while being alive following a successful revive.

Fixed an issue where the Medic’s Swift Effort trait was not providing the advertised increase to sprint speed when spotting a downed friendly.

Fixed an issue where minimap icons would appear when enemy players were tossing a Bandage to other soldiers.

Fixed an issue that caused a graphical artifact when a player using The Nachtigall headgear entered into a ragdoll state.

Fixed an issue where the lean and peak over animation could not be seen after 50m.

Fixed a rare issue where hit detection could fail on soldiers changing stance (specifically when going prone)

Fixed an issue where barging through a door while sprinting would get delayed when hitting the door

Fixed an issue where interacting with a door would be impossible if an AP Mine, a sticky dynamite or an AT Mine is placed next to it.

Fixed an issue where barging through double doors would not be possible when aiming exactly between both doors

Fixed an issue where certain animations were not correctly replicated when a player was entering the screen’s view (such as grenade throws).

Fixed a rare issue that would cause the players weapon to not reappear after defusing an M-COM.

Fixed a rare issue that would occur if a player squad spawned on a soldier that was parachuting and was already close to the ground, which would result in a fall to death. The spawning soldier will now properly get their parachute activated and land safely

Interface and Experience Improvements

For this update, we’ve invested energy into improving the readable information displayed to you on the screen during gameplay, and looked to ensure that you’re better aware of places and players nearby that can be of support to you, or are in need of your assistance.

As a non-medic, when low on health or when requesting health (through comrose or “spotting” a friendly medic player):

Nearby friendly medic players show on the minimap with a blinking health icon.

Nearby friendly health crates and health stations blink on the minimap.

Relevant nearby health sources world icons become sticky to screen edge and show distance to the ammo source (medics, health crates, health stations).

Friendly medic players are easier to identify in the world, their kit icon becomes visible from further away, and the distance to them is also visible.

As a medic:

Players that are low on health passively show a “Request health” icon in the world and minimap up to 18m away, this distance also matches the Bandage throw distance.

Players that request health by spotting a friendly medic or using the comrose command increase the distance visibility of that icon allowing medics to see the request up to 40m away.

As a non-support, when low on ammo or when requesting ammo (through comrose or “spotting” a friendly support player):

Nearby friendly support players show on the minimap with a blinking ammo icon.

Nearby friendly Ammo Crates and ammo stations blink on the minimap.

Relevant nearby ammo source world icons become sticky to screen edge and show distance to the ammo source (support players, ammo crates, ammo stations).

Friendly support players are easier to identify in the world, their kit icon becomes visible from further away, and the distance to them is also visible.

As a support:

Players that are low on ammo passively show a “Request ammo” icon in the world and minimap up to 18m away, this distance also matches the ammo pouch throw distance.

Players that request ammo by spotting a friendly support or using the comrose command increase the distance visibility of that icon allowing the Support class to see these requests up to 40m away.

When low on Vehicle health or when requesting repairs (through comrose or “spotting” a friendly support player):

Nearby friendly support players show on the minimap with a blinking wrench (repair) icon.

Relevant repair source world icons become sticky to screen edge and show distance to the repair source (support players).

Friendly support players are easier to identify in the world, their kit icon becomes visible from further away and is temporarily replaced with a wrench (repair) icon, the distance to them is also visible.

As a support (owning the repair tool):

Vehicles that are low on health passively show a “Request repairs” icon in the world and minimap up to 35m away.

Vehicles that request repairs by spotting a friendly support or using the comrose command increase the distance visibility of that icon allowing the Support class to see these requests up to 65m away.

Additional Improvements:

With this update, we have fixed the issues introduced in 4.4 that was causing the latency numbers to display incorrect values on the scoreboard. Thanks for your patience whilst we restored this back to its normal working order.

Health and Ammo Crates now show a world icon that is visible up to ~30m.

Health and Ammo Crates are now marked on the minimap with an icon.

Enemy Health and Ammo Crate icons are only visible if the player has line of sight on the crate.

The player that can receive an Ammo Pouch or a Bandage will now show a contextual throw indicator.

Aiming directly at friendly players will now be taken into account to calculate the priority pouch receiver in a case where there are multiple potential receivers (on top of looking at current player health/ammo, distance to player and requesting players).

Added an agnostic Request Icon visible on minimap.

Adjusted the size and readability of the Request icon visible in the world to use more space in the circle.

Request Icon is now more responsive, updates more often and will appear, disappear faster.

Fixed an issue where the Request Icon would sometimes not properly stick to the edge of the screen.

Repair request icons now show with a wrench icon instead of a tanker icon.

Players using the “Request Ride” command now show with a vehicle icon instead of a tanker icon.

Friendly squad leaders now also show the direction in which they are looking on the minimap, represented as an arrow.

Fixed an issue where downed players would not be marked with an “x” icon on the minimap.

The “Request Ammo” world icon is no longer visible when the player is barely missing any ammo (unless a support is within 18m distance of that players AND directly looking at that player).

The “Request Health” world icon is no longer visible when the player is barely missing any ammo (unless a support is within 18m distance of that players AND directly looking at that player).

The “Request Health” world icon is now properly removed as soon as the player receives healing from a healing source.

Increased the visibility of friendly vehicle health bars to 50m (from 10m).

Looking at a friendly soldiers directly over any distance will now always show the kit icon over any distance

Default friendly soldier icon and name tag opacity while zooming is now 60% (this change will only apply to new option profiles and resets)

Spawning for free transport vehicles have been slightly overhauled. Free vehicles will now more aggressively de-spawn, and they will automatically re-spawn regardless of player proximity. This should mean that players can now more reliably and consistently get access to free transport vehicles from their designated spawn position (often the main HQs).

We have changed the deploy screen UI to enable better readability for free transport vehicles. There is now a 1:1 vehicle representation of free vehicles and Stationary Weapons, which allows players to make informed decisions on where they can deploy and find a free vehicle.

Added new gameplay options for danger ping marker that allows transparency to be scaled in hip-fire, and while aiming down sight. These options are called "DANGER PING OPACITY" in the "DEFAULT ICON OPACITY" and "ADS ICON OPACITY" section under basic gameplay options.

Danger ping marker icon also now becomes invisible when looking directly at it to prevent the marker from blocking sight on an enemy target hidden behind the marker. The danger ping marker transparency starts scaling down when the angle between the marker and the player's aim is lower than 15°.

Dogtags that are unlocked during gameplay are now properly shown as an awards pop up.

Corrected the S2-200 Proficiency VI assignment to match the description.

Corrected the MAB 38 Proficiency V assignment.

Added the Panzerbüchse 39 icon on the statistics screen.

Friendly downed players are marked with the x icon again.

Teamkills are no longer possible if a player destroys a vehicle that a teammate has just exited.

Did you know that Peanutbutter and pickled cucumber sandwiches is an actual thing?!

Fixed an issue where soldiers could sometimes not be spotted while clearly visible in certain stances.

Fixed an issue that was making it difficult to sometimes pick up items from dead players.

Fixed an issue where danger ping marker would sometimes become very hard to see when aiming down sight due to being affected by objective icon opacity and friendly opacity.

Fixed an issue where the “Request repairs” world icon would show up for any player when requesting repairs through the comrose including players that cannot repair.

Fixed an issue where Request Icons would show for all players that are missing any ammo or any health when looking at a player that is missing any ammo or any health.

Fixed an issue where the “Request repairs” world icon would never show up when the vehicle is low on health.

Fixed an issue where the vehicle health bars would never be visible if the vehicle crew contains a squad member.

Fixed an issue where the spawn beacon’s health would display the health of the Spawn Beacon owner.

Fixed an issue where Friendly vehicle icons would become almost invisible over distances.

Fixed an issue where friendly stationary machine guns world icons would not be occluded through walls.

Fixed an issue where enemy stationary machine guns world icons would not be occluded through walls.

Fixed an issue where world icons for vehicles, stationary weapons and Spawn Beacons would transition to LookAt behavior from a too wide angle.

Fixed an inconsistency on spotted enemy icons when spotted with different spotting gadgets (Flare Gun, Spotting Scope etc).

Fixed an issue where the comrose or reinforcement menu would instantly close if assigned to any mouse buttons.

PC Specific Improvements

My Company - Weapons that have a long name are now clickable on hover.

Fixed a crash that was caused by playing a game mode, and then switching to Firestorm while having DXR and DLSS enabled.

Fixed an issue with the mouse not working properly in the menus if a gamepad was connected.
1 respuesta

#4894 Cortinilla de :star2:

#4892 Cual es el servidor, lo tengo desinstalado, pero si hay peña igual me apunto por ragear con mas fundamento aun.

1 respuesta


ahora mismo estamos solo reeper y yo

1 respuesta

#4896 Estoy in, si veo que hay movimiento igual me eche unas partidas, me lo instalo que llevo 2 meses o mas sin tocarlo. Solo aburre a morir, asi que ire mirando, siempre suelo estar en el de FST.


Las notes para lo que quieran:


Los servers privados son los padres

1 1 respuesta

ha entrado prodyh al servidor de discord gente, esto no puede ir a peor


Cómo daría un soplo de aire fresco los servidores privados, pues no, para ellos no.


Alguien se acuerda de la operación Mercurio+Marita? XDDDDDDD

1 1 respuesta

#4902 jajajajajshjajsvakaja pero que iseh si eso no staba en el roahmap, donde stá que io lo vea (Ah no, espera, que han cancelado todo lo que había en el roadmap xD)
Gracias por tanto DICE.


#4899 Donde estas metio? me voy a bajar BF, he estado con Epy jugando un pextoso esta noche, na, un par de partidas, jugaba el Atleti y por eso no he estado antes. Metete mamona!!!


@kerai te gusta este nerf?

Gewehr 1-5 - Increased vertical recoil from 1.22 to 1.42 and reduced muzzle velocity from 620 to 580 m/s. This is to make it a bit harder to use this gun at longer distances, in order to better balance out its strength at close and medium range.

1 respuesta

#4905 El unico nerf que me gustaria seria el de poner miras como mucho x1.5 y ya es, pero habra que esperar al BF que viene. Aunque es un avance :D


Que sale en el parche ? Al soooondan enserio?

1 respuesta

Me vuelven a nerfear mi arma favorita :(


La que les está cayendo en reddit/twitter, jodidos inútiles.

1 respuesta

#4907 Sep.

#4909 bueno es fifty fifty, los haters de la vida como siempre vomitando bilis, y otros, contentos con que caiga algo almenos.

Realmente muy mal de retrasar el RSP, undeground es verdad que inicialmente dijeron que era entre chapter 4 y 5 pero luego dijeron septiembre en el roadmap..

Sobre firestorm me la suda basto porque no juego a dicha basura.

1 respuesta

#4910 A ver, no. No nos engañemos.

Contentos de que caiga algo no, nos conformamos con que al menos caiga algo no me jodas xd.

No es necesario que puntualices en qué si no en el cómo lo están haciendo. A mi que arreglen unas ventanas de Arrás porque hay unas cortinas invisibles que paran balas después de 6 meses me parece un puto cachondeo cuando hay cosas desde el primer día que deberían haber implementado.

No hay nadie al volante Reeper.

1 respuesta

12,12 GB ocupa el parche

2 respuestas

#4912 joder macho se les va de las manos xdd no piensan en la gente q tiene 100kb o que pasa al final pesará más que el gta 5

1 respuesta

#4913 Algún día jugarás, mucho ánimo.


#4912 Ocupa o se tiene que descargar y luego mover?

#4911 nadie te niega que todo eso deberia estar hecho hace tiempo pero claro...

Luego te enteras de que Dice LA esta metido en el develop del nuevo MoH junto con Respawn... y llegas a la conclusion de que posiblemente todo el heavy lifting de BFV esté en manos de Dice SE ahora mismo... Y viendo la mierda que criterion ha hecho con firestorm y que tiene que ser arreglada por Dice SE pues entran dudas de que coño esta pasando.

2 respuestas

#4915 Me jode y me entristece a partes iguales.

1 respuesta

#4915 es el tamaño de la descarga, el resto lo desconozco


#4916 Veo normal que no tengan los resources , pero en parte entiendo que visto la mala recepcion que tubo hayan movido resources a otras cosas.

Yo personalmente cuando juego el juego se siente genial si no lo ves con gafas de nostalgia y con "this is not historically acurate". Pero toda esa propaganda le ha hecho mucho daño.

PD: vendo copia de ps4 por 10 € xD

1 respuesta

#4918 Hombre yo no veo normal que no tengan los resources un título cómo Battlefield. Independientemente de la mala recepción si quieres y tienes ganas se puede arreglar y dejar aquello cómo una mera anécdota cómo ha pasado con tantos estudios y títulos. Pero no, parece que lo fácil ha sido desistir, dejarlo apartado al rincón de pensar y ya nos centraremos de nuevo en otra cosa. No sé.

Que si, que yo juego y me lo paso de coña con 4 cuatro colegas o cuando nos juntamos 8 y hacemos dos patrullas es la rehostia pero una cosa no quita la otra.

1 respuesta

#4919 Hombre si yo soy un estudio con un plan de sacar un juego, con una next gen a la puerta de la esquina, y saco un juego con un concepto y una oportunidad de negocio que acaba girandose en mi contra, tu que harias?

Yo minimizar daños, arreglar cosas y sacar cosas que mas o menso estan planeadas, pero darlo por perdido, y tirar para un concepto que genere beneficios.

Muchas veces no se si es que soys muy inocentes, pero las empresas buscan ganar dinero, punto pelota. Y EA es lo que quiere rentabilidad. Los developers quieren hacer algo que les divierta, y estar incluso recibiendo amenazas no es algo divertido. Yo entiendo que la gente cambie de proyectos y cuidado que me jode, y venir vendran cosas pero entiendo que no tengan ni las ganas ni el interés que hubieran tenido si la comunidad no hubiera sido tan extremadamente toxica de primeras con estupideces.

Personalmente la comunidad tiene todo el derecho del mundo a criticar falta de contenido, bugs, features que faltan pero todos sabemos que el gran problema de este juego de inicios fue el #notmybattlefield movement. Después de eso, cualquier cosa era negativa y simplemente ha sido una espiral en descenso.

2 respuestas