BF: Battlefield V #HG


Que mas dara que cobren las mierda skins, si luego el tio cae igual. Mas mapas y balance de equipos, y queda el juego feten. Porque los servidores con administrador privados para banear ggente insta ya es mucho pedir


#5790 #5789 Si yo tengo una burrada de skins, simplemente me jode ver cómo no están "suministrando" skins nuevas que la comunidad ha ido pidiendo, se dedican a sacar su puta basura por boins y enga, que os divirtáis.
No es sólo mirarnos nuestros propios ombligos sino mirar la store y preguntarnos qué cojones se puede pillar un chaval que haya empezado hace 1 semana, tiene 4 mierdas de color blanco que se ven desde kilómetros y poco más, ya me diréis xD
Y espérate a las skins de tanque porque miedo me da, capaces son de contar hasta por las "raras".

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#5792 Sabes que la gran mayoria de skins "normales" se puede editar en diferentes colores no?

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#5793 Lo sé y aún con esas siguen teniendo un tinte blanco que hace que se vean a kilómetros xD
Y repito que la mayoría de épicas que han dado se mean a las que ofrecen en la store pero eso no significa que la gente deba resignarse a que el 60/70% de skins NUEVAS sean sólo de pago, está muy bien que en 1 año hayan dado 6/7 épicas pero no cambia el hecho de que continúen limitando el acceso de los jugadores a las actuales.
Esta discusión es la de siempre, a muchos se la sudará hasta que nos obliguen a ir con la misma mierda de trajecito durante horas xD

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pues ponte la negra con el capuchon negro, y a correr. Mira que el problema de contenido del juego seran las skins...


¿Alguien sabe cómo ha quedado eso de que los élites se van a poder mezclar en los distintos escenarios? ¿Al final vamos a ver japoneses en Rotterdam y Alemanes en Iwojima?

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#5794 Pero es que es normal que las skins nuevas sean de pago. No estan con el contenido inicial del juego.
Tienes skins que te entran como rewards de chapter // o como level up the chapter.
Tendras skins nuevas ahora para las dos facciones que entran al juego.
Tienes nosecuantas skins basicas que se han desbloqueado para todos, y semanalmente alguna que entra por CC en la tienda.
Todas las skins de vehiculos, han sido hasta la hora por CC.

Lo mejor es la cabezoneria de:
No estan suministrando skins nuevas que la comunidad ha ido pidiendo.
( que skins nuevas la comunidad ha pedido? cosas mas "realistas"? las skins bases del juego son realistas, no 100% pero son bastante parecidas a una skin realista, y sacar un refrito de dicha skin mas realsita por boins a: seria un robo b: la comprarian 2 )

Un chaval que haya empezado hace 4 semanas, podrá desbloquear todo lo que todos hemos desbloqueado hasta nivel 20, de clase, o 50 de level y seguir consiguiendo lo que sale a dia de hoy en capitulo 5, etc...

Ahora dirás que sería justo que yo que me pegado todos los chapters cada semana de grindeo, tenga lo mismo que uno que ha empezado hace 4 weeks.

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#5796 Inicialmente Dice dijo que las skins elites eran Faccion based ( axis/allies ), pero borraron el tweet.

Parace que no hay 100% claridad en base a ello.

Por un lado, los que han pasado por caja quieren poder usar el fantasma de la opera en wake island. ( lo entiendo )

Por otro lado, estan los que no les gustan las skins elites que ven riduculo ver a Mr Mascaras de Gas corriendo por Iwo Jima... ( lo entiendo y lo comparto ).

Dice ha dicho, que no sería justo que gente que ha comprado skins no las pueda usar siempre que quiera, pero la respuesta es simple, han comprado una skin para alemanes, saben que no la pueden usar para british... pues lo mismo con japos//americanos.

Espero que no las pongan la verdad, pero si al final entran tampoco me pondré en una esquina a llorar.


#5797 No es cuestión de justicia sino de equidad, no vale que unos sean los jugadores estrella (Quienes pagan por skins) y otros los estrellados (Quienes tienen que esperar meses para conseguir una skin potente que selecciona la compañía)
Y repito que está muy bien que metan su mierda de monetización "post-launch" pero cerrar la puerta a que toda la comunidad pueda conseguirlas es una cagada garrafal (En eso supongo que estarás de acuerdo conmigo al menos xD), algunos no lo verán así pero esto simplemente puede ser la primera piedra de lo que tienen pensado hacer en próximos juegos.

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#5799 Pero es que volvemos a lo de siempre:

Una skin es necesaria? Una skin da una ventaja? Y no me vengas con el camo, porque las skins de pago se ven 23432432423 mas que las skins basicas.

Monetizacion descarada son las loot boxes que no sabes lo que te viene dentro, cual tragaperras, monetizacion basta es que armas/unlocks necesarios que dan una ventaja te vengan en dichas lootboxes o pasando por caja.

Que una puta skin te la cobren o no es simplemente monetizar en la tonteria de los niños que quieren ser diferentes con su skin unica o rara.

El dia en que me digas que el hitbox es mas pequeño, o por llevar una skin y o x recibes menos daño, lo denunciare el primero, porque eso será un pay 2 win, pero que simplemente me quieran cobrar x por 4 pixels, pues que se los queden ellos.

Ahora mismo estoy en el curro pero vamos.. me gustaria sacar un listado de todas las skins para ver hasta que punto es así.

PD: todas las skins tienen el toque ese blanquecillo que dices, porque eso es parte de como arreglaron la visibilidad, subiendole el brillo a los modelos. Asi que todos los soldados parecen "brillantes".

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#5800 El problema de "ventajas" ya se ha superado hace bastante con este juego, no es tanto evitar el p2w (Que de evita desde lo que ocurrió con Battlefront 2) sino hacer que la gente se sienta premiada por paulatinamente (Y ahí es donde las skins juegan un papel fundamental, mira Fortnite).
Si tú monopolizas las skins en un juego que de por sí cuesta dinero estás haciendo un daño terrible a la economía del mismo, obviamente como dices habrá "críos" que se pillaran las nuevas skins sin pensárselo pero también se debe de pensar en las decenas de miles de personas que llevan mendigando por skins durante meses (Y cuyas solicitudes no se han aceptado)
Está muy bien el tema de la monetización y puedo entender que hasta cierto punto sea necesaria pero cuando se monopolizan de esta manera las skins es cuando se genera un problema de cara a la comunidad (Mayor o menor, pero ahí está)
En Fortnite este problema es inexistente porque aseguras a la gente TODAS las skins por 10 euros cada cuánto ¿3 meses?, hay que tener en cuenta que hablamos de un F2P pero que podría ser perfectamente aplicable a Battlefield, un pase en el que por 10 euros puedas ir "encadenando" skins cada 3 meses (Y en el que vayas dando boins para poder comprar el siguiente pase) me parecería un sistema muchísimo más salubre para el juego que "pagar por skins", tienen decenas de miles de formas de hacer pagar a la gente sin dejar de lado a parte de la comunidad (Incluso yo pagaría por ese sistema si el nuevo chapter da el pelotazo)

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Mañana parche

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#5801 Paulativamente tienes un reward semanal + por subir de level de chapter, ya sean skins/armas/vehiculos ( el stug, el archer, el junker, y el mosquito fueron por ejemplo rewards de chapter ) y que te cuestan 0, no solo 0 boins, si no 0 CC.

Aparte farmeas CC para otras skins que puedes comprar.

Podemos discutir 23423432 cosas, como que las skins son feas, pero vamos yo creo que la monetizacion del juego es la correcta, pagar 0 por armas, mapas, no dlc etc.. y si quieres pagas para ponerle pixels brillantes a tu char.

Otra cosa es discutir si la cantidad de mapas etc es la adecuada o no... a im me va pero vamos no estoy cerca de lo que es un jugador hardcore ni de lejos ya...


#5802 Creo que han dicho que saldran las patch notes hoy por la tarde. A ver que tal son.


Maps and Modes

Arras - Squad Conquest - Ammo crate near capture point A is no longer rotated backwards.

Arras - Breakthrough - Fixed some spawn points that were placed out of the combat area.

Al-Sundan - The teams no longer have swapped reinforcement vehicles.

Al-Sundan - Windows on certain buildings are now vaultable.

Al-Sundan -Fixed many issues that would allow players to look through the geometry of certain rocks or even clip into them.

Al-Sundan - Breakthrough - Fixed an issue that would cause issues with spawning reinforcement vehicles in sectors 3 and 4.

Al-Sundan - Added collision to the crates located at Capture point C.

Devastation - Players can no longer get stuck near the bookcase at Flag C by falling behind it from above.

Devastation - More fixes for an issue that in some cases enables players to see through the geometry when certain walls have been destroyed near the altar area.

Devastation - Fixed the Health resupply station near Flag E which was missing it’s interaction prompt.

Fjell 652 - Squad Conquest - Fixed an exploit that would allow players to get on top of a mountain.

Hamada - Removed an AA that was placed under the ground which would cause a phenomenon on the deploy screen which made it look like a turret icon floating across the map. The same issue was also fixed on Rotterdam.

Hamada - Improved the terrain on the side of the cliffs close to Flag F that could look a bit corrupt while flying in an airplane.

Marita - Fixed an exploit that would allow players to get on top of the mountain at the edge of the map.

Marita - Fixed an issue with the mountain wall near the bridge which players could get into.

Marita - Conquest - Improved the spawn points which in some cases would cause players to spawn too far away from the flags.

Marita - Certain tree branches no longer stop bullets.

Narvik - Breakthrough - Fixes for Vehicle Reinforcement Spawns that were out of the combat area.

Narvik - Fixed an issue with a backdrop artillery effect which would look like a streak of fire moving quickly across the entire map.

Narvik - Breakthrough - Fixed the floating resupply station in the last sector.

Panzerstorm - Fixed some issues with tank spawns being blocked which would result in “The deploy point you selected is no longer available”.

Provence - The window on the church is now vaultable.

Provence - Players can no longer get stuck between the two window shutters near Capture point B.

Rotterdam - Fixed an issue that made it not possible to call in the Squad reinforcement tank.

Rotterdam - Players can no longer get stuck between the supply stations near “Boompjes”.

Rotterdam - Added out of combat area on top of buildings that were being exploited.

Operation Underground - Performance optimizations to improve the overall frame rate.

Operation Underground - Fixed flickering texture issue in a corner of a room near B flag on Conquest.

Operation Underground - Players will no longer be able to fire smoke grenades right through solid walls of some buildings.

Operation Underground - Fixed a bug that would cause players to get under certain metal shelves and then not being able to get out.

Operation Underground - Fixed a small bump in the terrain near a specific tunnel, which could cause players to not properly peak out from it’s corner.

Operation Underground - Fixed a bug related to destroying lights in the ceiling, but the destroyed lamp would still emit light.

Operation Underground - Fixed an issue that would cause the V1 / JB-2 sound to get stuck and not stop playing.

Operation Underground - Players will no longer drown in shallow water when the Subway gets flooded.

Operation Underground - Player destroying the wooden train wagon with explosives will no longer result in floating planks.

Operation Underground - Improved the pile of rubble that overlooks the C point, players will no longer be able to clip through it and hide in it.

Operation Underground - Fixed the odd black texture on the ground near the “Trinkhalle” at Capture point C.

Operation Underground - Fixed some floating objects that would linger after a wall was destroyed.

Operation Underground - Removed a fire effect that was incorrectly placed on the ceiling in the subway.

Operation Underground - Removed some invisible fires close to the C flag that would suddenly light players on fire when proning.

Operation Underground - Tweaked ambient fires in the rubble to cause damage to players in a more predictable way based upon the fires radius.

Operation Underground - Improved smoke from atmospheric fires to not clip through the wall and emerge on the floor above.

Operation Underground - The Sandbag fortification near C can now be built from both sides.

Operation Underground - Brightened up dark areas of ticket hall and changed exposure settings so that players can look outside, while inside the ticket hall. 

Operation Underground - Fixed issues that would enable players to get outside of the intended playable area.

Operation Underground - Fixed the terrain close to the entry of the Subway stations that allowed players to look into the void outside of the map.

Operation Underground - Fixed an issue with the background airplanes that in some cases could fly too close to the deploy camera.

Operation Underground - Players can no longer get stuck in the rubble close to a building near the edge of the map by Capture point A..

Breakthrough Mode - Announcer voice over now announces when an objective has been captured.

Combined Arms - Bridgehead Mission - The enemies are no longer inside the extraction zone while the players are getting ready.

Combined Arms - Improved the AI aiming while they are using a vehicles weapon or stationary turrets.

Grand Operations - The announcer voice no longer overlaps two voice overs when the end of round transition occurs.

Fixed an issue that would in some rare cases cause blocky looking trees in the main playable area.

Spectator Mode

Improved behavior of airplanes to not make it so that they don’t stutter while being spectated in third person mode.

Spectating a player that is out of bounds no longer causes the OOB overlay to stick for the spectator.

Added an "Enable character lighting" toggle to the post process tab that allows Spectators to disable the character visibility filters to help give player models a more cinematic look.

Changed the depth of field focus, near and far distance sliders in the camera tab to allow for smaller adjustments. Larger adjustments can be made by holding the button down for more than a second (these smaller depth of field adjustments are not currently available in 3rd person director mode).

Fixed an instance of crashing that would occur in some cases when using Spectator Mode on Operation Underground.

General Audio Improvements

Tweaked the stereo output configuration to deliver a more balanced and readable downmix from the native surround mix, with increased low frequency response and improved clarity for sounds behind and outside of the player’s visual perspective.

Tweaks to how vehicle, explosion and weapon audio attenuates over distance with the aim of delivering higher consistency and a tighter, clearer mix.

Increased directionality in close to mid-range weapon audio.

Normalized distance delay on loud sounds like weapons and explosions, with more physically believable behavior. In most cases this equates to a shorter delay.

Tweaked the content of close, super-sonic bullet-pass bys for assault rifles to be clearer and consistent when compared with other weapon types.

Tweaked the processing of first person weapon audio to deliver a more ‘snappy’ (stronger initial transient) and ‘punchy’ (pre compression of the weapon audio prior to the master output) sound.

Fixed cases where the final mix was corrupted or distorted, due to performance fluctuations.

Smoothed the transitions from gameplay to deploy screen, and vice versa.

Third Person Movement (Footsteps) improvements, including;

    Rebuilt and streamlined the logic and mixing behaviors from the ground up for improved stability, consistency and readability.

    Third person footsteps are, on average, louder.

    Reduced the volume difference between slow, regular and sprinting speeds.

    Reduced the volume difference between material types.

    Reduced the effect that obstruction had on footstep volume.

    Increased the mix difference between friendly and enemy footsteps in terms of volume, sense of weight and distance drop-off.

    Enemies footsteps now have a higher priority in the mix and are now able to reduce other lower or distant sounds, in order to cut through the general combat soundscape more often.

    Fixed instances of missing triggers for various movement based sounds. ‘Stutter stepping’ will more consistently cause triggers.

    All non-footstep movement sounds such as vaulting, climbing, wall impacts, jumping, stance changes, crawling, equipment and weapon add movement are not down-prioritized for performance reasons anymore and play as a consistent package together with the footsteps now.

UI & Others

Updated "FX AMOUNT" Video option to "HIGH FIDELITY OBJECTS AMOUNT" as this was previously very misleading. The option's description has also been updated to better represent the impact of this setting.

Friendly revivers (medics or squad members) no longer disappear from the nearby revivers list if they are already reviving someone.

Fixed some inconsistencies with seeing spotted vehicles, stationeries and gadget.

Fixed a bug that caused spotted soldiers seen from airplanes to not show a spotted icon.

Assignments - Fixed an issue with the written requirement of the Madsen Mastery II assignment.

Assignments - Fixed the text for the Selbstlader 1906 Mastery Assignment I which was incorrect.

Players will no longer get kicked out of the customization screen when the pre-round ends and the round starts.

Company - The Sturmjäger headgear now renders properly in “My Company”

End of Round - Added the missing Panzerbüchse 39 icon.

Special Assignments are now ordered in the same way as previously.

Improved the fetching of end of round reports, decreasing the chance of getting the “Could not fetch your report” error.

Fixed an issue related to some LS/26 and P08 Pistol Carbine assignments where some players would experience that they were not possible to complete.

Fixed an issue in the backend where the Ace Squad stat was not tracking properly.

M1A1 Carbine is now written in capital letters in the English version of the game.

Fixed an issue where all the players on the scoreboard would show as Rank 0 during Pre-Round.

Fixed an issue that would cause the camera to point at the wrong location for the real time background in the main menu screens making it appear as if the graphics were corrupted for a few seconds.

The hint system will no longer prompt players to use self-heal while they are in a vehicle.

Greetings to Tomoya_Marble, Thank you for all your help!

Fixed an issue with text overlapping if players open the specialization menu and then went into the server information menu.

Players no longer disappear from the EOR best squad screen if the player disconnects when this screen gets initiated.

Fixed several visual issues on the end of round screen not showing the assignment rewards properly for the Breda M1935 PG.

Melee weapons are now correctly sorted by rarity on the Replace Melee screen.

Server Browser - Fixed a bug that would not display any servers if players has selected a map and then pressed toggle all twice.

On the deploy screen the vehicle icons now focus on vehicles that have not been used, instead of equally focusing on not used vehicles, and previously used vehicles which could cause vehicle icons to overlap Combined Arms - The best squad end of round screen has been added back in this mode if the mission is a success.

The Combat Roles can once again be changed in the menu while already playing on a server.

When changing the FOV in video options, the horizontal FOV will now update in real time when moving the FOV slider.

Repair icons no longer show over a long distance after the player has initiated a repair, and then stopped and moved away from the object that needs a repair.

The airplanes weapons inventory is now shown after deploying into an airplane, without the player having to use or switch between weapons.

Improved the killcam which previously would sometimes not show the killer.

Fixed a bug that would make the bayonet icon show if a player got revived, without having the bayonet equipped on their weapon.

Order of Trasimene medal is now tracking progression with the correct criteria.

Fixed a rare bug that would cause players to be unable to rejoin a server, if they had gotten idle kicked from it.

Player count and flag icons have been removed during TDM while in pre-round.

If a Squad member gets promoted to Squad Leader all of the players in the Squad now get a notification of the promotion.

The Madsen MG no longer has a bullet sticking out of its stock in the armory.

Fixed a bug that showed health or resupply world icons when the player is in a man down, dead or in the parrot camera state.

Did you know that there is a Swedish dish called “Flying Jacob” that was invented in 1976 which consists of Chicken, Cream, Chili Sauce, Bananas, Roasted Peanuts and Bacon. It’s good, try it.

The Karabin 1938M Mastery IV assignment has been fixed.

Added the missing Madsen MG dogtags.

The Fire Axe is now centered in the “Your Company” screen when viewed.

Fortification improvements:

Building speed significantly increased.

We fixed a bug that made it impossible to rebuild fortifications destroyed by collapsing buildings.

Already built fortifications no longer block building of unbuilt fortifications. For example, lying prone on a dirt mound cover fortification and then fail to build the sandbag wall on top of it.

You are no longer able to build objects through walls and other static objects.

The fortification UI in the middle of the screen will no longer show at very long distances, it will now only show when you are actually in range to build.

Fixed an issue that now allows unbuilt fortifications to be visible again on the mini-map.

Improvements to the Fortification system which reduces the possibility of building fortifications that are out of sight or behind a wall.

PC Specific Improvements

Combined Arms - The in-game chat now works in this mode.

Fixed an issue that would make screenshots taken with the console command  screenshot.render 1 look over-saturated with HDR enabled.

Players can also enable the new in-game weapon inspect feature directly by pressing the "I" button (can also be changed in key bindings).

Decoupled sliding from the crouch key bindings, sliding is now its own action that can be assigned to any key (X by default on PC).

Xbox One-Specific Improvements

Improve state handling for gamepads that suddenly get disconnected.

Improved handling for connecting to EA Online when starting the game.

PlayStation 4-Specific Improvements

Re-added the swipe control functionality for the Dualshock 4 controller.

Underground - Fixed a LOD issue that was apparent on Subway building when looking at it from the C flag on Conquest.

Underground - Fixed an issue with certain sights reflecting a large amount of light in certain areas on the map.

What’s being worked on for the rest of Chapter 5?

New Map: Wake Island.

Community Games (previously known as Private Games).

Mañana parche a las 10am CET

notas del parche

17,14 GB en PC @fracarro ve abriendo Origin que vas a terminar de descargarlo cuando comience Chapter 6 xD

Players are now able to inspect their primary and secondary weapons directly while playing. Simply hold down the commorose button, and press the reload button to take a look.


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Vaya parche, qué ganas de probarlo.


Community games O RSP no viene de salida en chapter 5... muchos rabiaran.

Upgrade en como funciona operation underground frames... finally.

Mounted and Coaxial Machine Guns have had a significant redesign. These weapons how have a converging accuracy model, with an initial period of inaccuracy that improves with shooting until the weapon is fully accurate. The accuracy potential of all these machine guns is higher now than it was previously, but only after firing a few rounds. Overheat has also been adjusted to balance with this new technique, allowing for more forgiving instances of overheat, especially when firing in long, suppressive bursts. Additionally, the velocity of rounds fired from the machine guns have been increased, making hitting targets of opportunity and moving targets easier, however the damage of these weapons has been reduced at long range, to prevent overly effective instances of sniping with the MG. You should now find MGs easier to use and hit targets once they are zeroed in, but targets at long range will have more time to react before they are killed outright.


Y han vuelto a subir el recoil a la lewis... pero bajado a la suomi... dep.

Personalmente.... yo espero que los mapas nuevos vayan bien, no pido nada mas, RSP me la suda basto. Lo que deberian hacer es un anticheat y un puto team balancing.

Y por fin se puede bindear el slide a una tecla:

Players can also enable the new in-game weapon inspect feature directly by pressing the "I" button (can also be changed in key bindings).

Decoupled sliding from the crouch key bindings, sliding is now its own action that can be assigned to any key (X by default on PC).

Y mas información sobre RSP hoy en el post this week in battlefield...


Así como dato, tras un año de lanzamiento:

Battlefield 1 22 mapas.

Battlefield V 18 mapas.

Teniendo en cuenta el mapa de Firestorm que por tamaño cuenta como si fueran 4 y que la calidad de los mapas de Battlefield V es superior al de Battlefield 1 pues me doy por satisfecho.

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El puto Sherman Calliope, madre de dios DICE ahora mismo la tengo que parece hormigón armado joder, lo único que espero es que no estalle el juego tras la actualización xD

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#5806 pfff jajaja me baje el parche de metro y eche dos partidas y meh, lo tengo bastante abandonado ahora me tiene atrapado el tarkov
#5809 hhhmmm


Ahora que esta sobre 20€ lo voy a pillar, me mola mucho el tema de la 2daWW y me apetece más que un COD, encima viendo que juega tanta gente aún.
Tiene buena pinta el parche

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#5813 El día 31 supuestamente sale la versión "Año 2" con todo el contenido hasta la fecha, incluidas skins, armas. No se sabe el precio, pero te informo por si te quieres esperar.


#5813 si es ps4 avisa ;) que tengo uno por ahi barato.


#5811 Vaya como tiran de feels, yo lo que quiero ver es como va a quedarles la ambientación porque iwo jima puede ser una locura XD

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Así como dato, tras un año de lanzamiento:

Battlefield 1 22 mapas.

Battlefield V 18 mapas.

A mi no me parece como para sacar pecho, la verdad. Por un lado, de esos 18 mapas hay dos (Provence y Lofoten Islands) que son literalmente de Pin y Pon (siendo uno de ellos, además, un corta y pega de Firestorm) y centrados solo en Squad Conquest/TDM. Por otro lado, 4 mapas menos en un año me parece una diferencia considerable. Imagínate, por ejemplo, este juego con un +Omaha +Kursk +Montecasino +Stalingrado. Otro gallo cantaría.

Quizás si no hubiesen gastado tantos recursos para unirse a la moda de los Battle Royal...

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#5817 Coño ahora con Rambo y Miyamoto Musashi!!!! En la mano la tengo ✊🍼☄️☄️☄️


#5818 Yo no estoy sacando pecho, estoy informando.

Pagaste 30 euros por 12 mapas en Battlefield 1 el primer año. De hecho fueron 10 porque Noches de Nivelle y Toma de Tahure fueron gratis.

Has pagado 0 euros por 10 mapas en Battlefield V el primer año.

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