Blizzard podría estar preparando un remaster de StarCraft: Brood War en HD


Ya que mencionais a boxer xD

3 meses después

Pues se va a quedar en solo eso, un rumor. En la entrevista concedida a TeamLiquid durante la blizzcon han negado que estén haciendo un remaster del Starcraft 1:

Final question on the announcements then. Something that wasn’t brought up yesterday, but which has been rumoured for a while now is Brood War HD. Do you have any comments on that?

Tim Morten: No Brood War HD to announce! We obviously are fans of Starcraft I and Starcraft II; we love that people are excited about Brood War still, but as a team we are focussed on advancing Starcraft II, the War Chest, co-op, all the multiplayer changes that Davey’s talking about. We really appreciate the excitement, but we don’t have anything to announce there.