BlizzCon 2019


#240 Y razonable es, te he puesto un ejemplo de una persona que en su anterior trabajo lo hizo bien y por lo tanto tendrá talento, porque en ese caso lo demostró. Aparte que he escrito "pues seguramente lo sea" sin afirmar nada, porque no lo se, no se si ahora mismo está en sus máximas capacidades.

Pero si no sabes leer, no es problema mio.


Yo creo que el problema no es la falta de talentos, si no la política de empresa. Tú puedes ser un artista de la hostia, que como desde arriba tengan otros objetivos, no podrás plantearlo todo lo bien que querrías.


A ver este año con que nos sorprenden.


Mi apuesta:
Expansión WoW
WC3 fecha
Nuevas expansiones para HS y Horas
Nuevo personaje overwatch y algún modo de juego nuevo (apuesto por un Battle royale)
El autochess de Blizzard
Y ya estaría


Teaser de D4 y comentarios de cómo va a ser, expansión de WoW, fecha del reforged (w3) y teaser de nuevo juego de overgüach.
Lo leísteis aquí primero.

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#245 Creo que todo eso se ha dicho en muchos mas sitios que aquí ahora mismo. xD


Yo me la voy a jugar y voy a decir que sacan una ip nueva, un mario kart pero de Blizzard


de esta conferencia solo espero que nos digan que puto camino va a seguir el wow.

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Si queréis saber que va a pasar por el wow y os queréis entretener, en mmo-c cada rato sale un hilo nuevo con info del cuñado del primo del hermano de la mujer muerta de alguno con una expansión nueva xDD


Hilo de MMO-Champions

For years past we see all of these expansion leaks around this time of the year, sometimes earlier. After reading the Wrath of THE Bolvar expansion leak I had to step in after spitting my coffee all over my monitor. I will not say how I know this information but I will give you some details on the next expansion. I am not into the lore of Warcraft like a lot of people nor do I work for Blizzard. I did find out some of the features coming in 9.0 from a source last month and some exciting things to look forward too. I do not take any credit for this but thought it should be shared.

  • Complete overhaul of the U.I (Alliance & Horde themed interface plus 3d target photos etc) They wanted to keep it completely different from Classic and needed a fresh new look to keep the game modern looking. Hearthstones will now have its own tab on the new action bar and will not take up a bag space slot. You will also get to choose which hearthstone to have on the bar out of the ones you have collected in the toy tab.

  • Mount Up's ( There will be several new mount up's such as horns, drums, flutes. whistles etc.) Instead of rubbing your hands together then magically appearing on a mount, you will play a flute, bang a drum or blow a horn to mount up.

  • Tons of new hairstyles and colors for existing races (Gnomes are getting blue hair)

  • COMPLETE Old world Revamp with the new Blizzard art styled zones.

  • Lordaeron is a new Alliance city

  • Dragon Isles IS coming and has a lot of exciting dailies and world bosses.

  • We get a small taste of the Shadowlands within the new revamped world....

  • Gadgetzan is now a very large neutral city where player can gamble away gold for new mounts, toys, mount up's, pets etc. Tanaris now holds secrets of past lore and of course hidden gold.

  • New Arena (The Gadgetzan Bronx)

  • Heritage Armor coming for the rest of the existing races.

  • Player Housing is NOW a thing. You can find objects to deck out your whole new home with carpets, chairs, tables, pictures, statues etc. You can buy a home in certain spots around the world such as major cities and neutral cities. The furnishings for your home will be found through achievements, raids, dungeons, hidden treasures etc.

  • Archaeology and fishing are both being totally reworked. Fishing will now be like a fishing game you see on your console or even past Zelda games. You control the cast and you have to physically reel it in without the catch swimming away.

  • Complete new Talent tree system

  • Some graphical overhaul changes to make the world feel larger. (Not sure completely sure what he meant by it but he said almost like a distance blur you see in modern games such as ESO)

  • LEVEL SQUISH. We will be sent back to level 50 making end game level 60 as the cap.

  • All brand new quests in the new world (Be sure to complete all of the old quests for the loremaster achievement because you wont be able to get it anymore as a new one will take its place)

  • New secondary profession, a design spec. Wood working, welding, tinkering, stitching etc. You can level up different aspects from this profession to create new furniture for your player housing.

  • The Deeprun Tram is getting some love.

  • Gallywix is now a friendly casino / arcade where you can mingle and play against the opposite faction in a set of different mini games.

  • New capture the flag battleground

  • The first patch of the new expansion will bring us back to Northrend.

  • There is no new class for the new expansion but Blizzard is exploring possibilities of adding a fourth spec for every existing class and we will find out more at Blizzcon.

2 respuestas

#250 Hay un par mas, todos sacan informacion de su primo xd


#250 Ironforge. Stormwind. Lordaeron. Vale bien, que le entreguen el puto continente entero a la alianza ya sí tal, que la mitad destruida de Silvermoon vayan cuatro enanos y la arreglen y así tengan también otra major city.

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- New Level Cap pre 9.0 is 60.

  • On 9.0 release, the level cap will be raised to 70.
  • All old-world zones will be revamped including the merger of several zones. (example, Gilneas and Silverpine Forest merger)
  • All classes are getting major revamps to their play style and class identity. Older spells, buffs etc. are being unpruned and redesigned.
  • Guild Halls will be released with 9.0. Included are new achievements, collectibles (pets, toys, mounts, etc.) and new social features including a complete guild UI/functionality revamp.
  • Horde and Alliance can be considered a neutral faction in 9.0. Plan for future patches and expansion is to introduce new factions that will open new lore possibilities. Nothing set in stone for 9.0 yet other then the two current factions being considered neutral.
  • Cross faction (now considered neutral faction) socializing, grouping, etc.
  • Allied Races are being revamped to be more of a customization option for normal races. (example, Humans can be customized to be Kul Tiran Humans, Gnomes as Mechagnomes, the new Vulpera and Nightborne will not have these options)
  • New areas to explorer in 9.0 and beyond include, Ka’resh, Dragon Isles, The Shadowlands and more.
  • The Artifact Power system was scrapped and won’t be returning as a grinding system. Other forms may be brought back but won’t require AP weekly
    grinds in the future.
  • Pandaren Death Knights will be available.
  • Bolvar was involved with Vol’jin. We will be seeing more of him in 9.0.
  • We will see Sylvanas again in The Shadowlands. Her death was her plan all along.
  • All old gods will be revived and will be expanded on lore-wise in 9.0. N’zoth will attempt to corrupt old world locations starting with Kalimdor with a goal of reviving C’Thun first. This is where the old-world zone revamp comes in play. Eventually moving on the Eastern Kingdoms causing multiple zones to become one.
  • New Class: Tinker (Ranged DPS and Healer) – Tinkers will wear mail armor. Will be available to Mechagnomes, Gnomes, Draenei, Vulper, Forsaken and Goblin races.
  • PvP is getting a full revamp. Vendors will be brought back.
  • Conquest Points will still be currency. It will allow you to purchase PvP talent/skill upgrades. (example, more damage, movement speed, as well as new effects/powers for spells that make the stronger in PvP)
  • Essence like system is sticking around. Not tied to a piece of loot, think of it more as another talent tree. It will have multiple major and minor slots. Some being passive and some being active abilities that you can freely switch out using talent respect tomes.
  • 9.0 will include multiple continents that play into the story. Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms being the first two. It will evolve with us going into a revamped Northrend in a later patch where we will learn that Icecrown, more importantly the Throne of the Lich King is a gateway to The Shadowlands. We will meet Death and learn about everything he is.
  • A patch in 9.0 will have us visit the Dragon Isles. We will learn of old and new Dragonflights who will assist us in stopping the Old Gods from corrupting Azeroth.
  • Leveling in 9.0 will be more rewarding. It will include a completely new talent system, new zones and quests for all levels not just 9.0, as well as multiple class quests for each class.
  • Class Prestige Skins will be tied in with the new Class Quests. This includes new skins for all classes that make them look different, including spells, animations and visuals. Does not change the way the class plays.
  • Forsaken will have new customization options.
  • Removed Titanforging. Keeping Warforging for now, a new system is planned but unknown if it will be used in 9.0.
  • Beta invites will be plenty. Plan on being able to play early Beta possible Q4-2019 but realistically Q1-2020. Expansion planned to release in Q4-2020 right before Blizzcon 2020, but possibly can be delayed as this is the biggest expansion Blizzard will have released so far.
  • Big players in 9.0. Bolvar, Sylvanas, Elune, Wrathion, Zul’jin, Azshara, Murozond, Tyrande. We will also meet Death himself.

Aquí otra, la gente tiene mucho tiempo libre xDD


#252 tampoco está muy alejado si ahora la Horda exceptuando lorthema y el enano esta con bine y Thrall que son comedores de rabo profesional de la Alianza, en especial baine, ya que estamos que la eliminen por completo, total, para lo que queda... Capaces son de meternos un Garrosh 3.0 tras esta expansión, total, si lo han hecho ya 2 veces, nada les impide una 3 vez

Real hordebros...


Va tiro yo de fantasmada también:

Cuando eres 120, te vas a BFA y habrá un evento, N`Zoth o algún bicho importante creará un portal que absorberá a nuestros protagonistas y les llevará a una linea del tiempo alternativa de azeroth, estilo WoD con el portal oscuro.

> Nuevo mapa azeroth de linea alternativa en el tiempo, corrompida por el vacío
> Del 120 pasas a lvl 1 (estilo prestigio) y tienes que subir al 60.
> Simplificación de las stats
> Vuelven los beneficios de tiers serán algo similar a las esencias del corazón y se desbloquearan consiguiendo cosas
> Facción común para luchar contra el vacío en la nueva linea alternativa


Se rumorea durante días que viene el final del juego. Aparece un agujero negro y se traga a los jugadores. Desaparece toda la información oficial del WoW. Al cabo de un tiempo puedes volver a descargarlo. Al entrar al juego resulta que ya no es un MMORPG, lo han convertido en un BR.


Venga, yo también tiro de imaginación:

  • Hemos introducido un nuevo tipo de alimaña: el pato.

#248 Qué camino va a seguir el WoW? Pues el de siempre criatura xD

1 respuesta

#258 cuando vais de nostrapollas me hace gracia xD

1 respuesta

tengo curiosidad por ver como reacciona blizzard ante el legens of runaterra, es una lanza directa al corazón.
Parece que le esta gustando bastante a la gente y es un juego que no va a tener los tres grandes problemas del hearthstone(monetización abusiva, entrada complicada de nuevos jugadores y un meta que solo se mueve dos veces al año).

1 respuesta

#260 Tampoco creo que les importe demasiado. El HS ya se estaba hundiendo solo y prácticamente quedo sentenciado cuando Riot saco el TFT.
Que ahora encima saquen un juego de cartas, no va a cambiar demasiado una situación que para Blizzard ya era mala.

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#261 si no me equivoco el HS es su principal fuente de ingresos, no creo que se rindan sin mas.


De momento solo veo refritos (expansiones de wow y de HS) y poco riesgo.

O sacan una IP nueva que no sea de cartas ni rollos de estos, o sacan un D4 que nos rompa el cerebro. Ni una expansión de OW los salvaría.

Quiero mantenerme fiel pero lo ponen dificil xD.


Yo es que no veo que tengan mucho margen con las IP,s que tienen.

OW es un hero shooter y de alli no lo vas a sacar. Lo mismo con el WoW. Lo mismo con sus RTs..

O sacan IP nueva o no hay donde rascar. El Fornite se puede permitir sacar un 2.0 pero es que sigue siendo el mismo juego de exito.
Riot basicamente anuncia juegos nuevos.

Blizzard ni va a remodelar entero un juego ni va a sacar nuevas IP, creo yo. Asi que estad preparados para la decepcion.


#259 A mí también me hace gracia cuando os hacéis preguntas absurdas.


La nueva IP será un auto chess... Irán a lo fácil. Me gustaría alguna forma de juego online nuevo que no se haya visto nunca pero no veo a esta Blizzard arriesgando en algo totalmente diferente a lo que existe... La Blizzard de antes te inventaba una nueva forma de juego y un nuevo Lore easy


Ah, pero que hay gente que espera D4 de verdad?

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#267 Quieres apostar a que se anuncia su desarrollo?

Aunque ahora mismo el desarrollo sea del 0% y el juego salga en 2028

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#268 hombre, si nos ponemos así pues claro.


#267 Pues claro, de hecho es lo único que espero.