Dungeonborne #HG | Otro Extraction Dungeon Crawler


Género:Rol, extraction (?)
Compañía:Mithril Interactive
idioma:Inglés, Japonés, Chino



Acepta tu papel como luchador, sacerdote, pícaro, maestro de espadas, piromante, criomante, caballero de la muerte o druida. Con el realismo de una experiencia en primera persona, siente el poder de cada hechizo, el peso de tus armas y el impacto estratégico de cada decisión. Avanza hacia la batalla, desata habilidades devastadoras para destruir al enemigo, aplica potenciadores a tus aliados para salvarles la vida o utiliza lanzamientos tácticos para cambiar el rumbo de los acontecimientos. Dungeonborne combina a la perfección la inmediatez de la acción en primera persona con el emblemático sistema de personajes fantásticos para ofrecer una experiencia inigualable.

Con más de 10 combinaciones de armas únicas, cada duelo se convierte en una danza mortífera que aporta una fluida experiencia de combate de acción bidireccional. Esquiva, bloquea y contraataca en un combate de alto riesgo en el que la habilidad decide el vencedor.

Descubre equipamiento con más de 80 accesorios de objetos que combinan perfectamente con tu estilo de juego o lo modifican por completo. Comercia con objetos en una sencilla casa de subastas y encuentra docenas de objetos legendarios y singulares que te ayudarán a perfilar la construcción definitiva. En Dungeonborne, la emoción de encontrar excepcionales botines está al alcance de todos, no sólo de los jugadores más comprometidos.



Extracción: Juega en Sinner's End o Closeau Castle, cada unos con dos versiones. Casual y Clásico (a este último se accede con un gear score superior)
El mapa casual de Closeau Castle cuenta con 15 minutos de partida sin círculo, pero tendrás que escapar antes de que la niebla roja lo consuma todo. El modo clásico de cada mapa cuenta con zona que se va cerrando periódicamente. Cada mapa cuenta con modo para solos, dúos y trios

Arena 3vs3: Equipos de 3vs3 se enfrentan en la arena por la victoria

Mithril Order: El modo "scav" del juego, sin cooldown para su uso. Acepta el papel de una de las 3 clases: Luchador, Devoto o Pícaro. Cada uno con habilidades distintas a la de los personajes originales. Tendrás acceso a equipo y consumibles gratuitos antes de entrar a cada partida (Solo puedes elegir entre equipo gris y verde a medida que vas subiendo de nivel) ¿El objetivo? Entrar en los mapas casuales para derrotar jugadores y ganar renombre dentro de la orden. sin embargo todo el loot que extraigas se venderá o romperá automáticamente al salir de cada partida.

Página de Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2448970/Dungeonborne/

Modelo F2P: Todo el contenido del juego es gratis: Clases, habilidades, mapas, modos de juegos, inventario compartido, etc. Se pueden desbloquear con dinero del juego 4 pestañas del stash (3+1 que ya tienes), si queremos desbloquear más costará unos pocos dólares según han dicho en el comunicado. En el mercado estará bloqueado el acceso a la subasta/pujas a menos que compréis el Auction Membership Pass (también por dolares). A parte de eso también han decidido meter un DLC con cosméticos de una capa + antorcha por si la gente quiere apoyar el desarrollo del juego.


Buen #1. Pillo sitio para esperar hasta el 18.


A favs, aunque seguramente no lo jugare, pero welp, para estar al tanto a ver que tal avanza


Joer, pues a mi las versiones de prueba me han flipado. Ojalá salga bien


Gracias @Rayzaru. Otro por aqui que si no se columpian mucho con el precio lo pilla

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#5 De nada hombre!

Coincido contigo, mi preocupación ahora mismo es el precio. El último playtest si mal no recuerdo se anunció antes de que el DnD saliera con modo "free" y eso seguramente les has jodido un poco los planes, porque han dejado el anuncio del precio para la semana que viene según el Discord.


Creo que estamos todos igual, si no se columpian... ojalá sean 25-30 y no se vayan a 40


Si lo sacan a 19,99 triunfan; no muy caro para que la gente entre y no se lo piensen mucho


Me gustó mucho más que el DD


No se por que pensaba que oficialmente su release era en Septiembre y tenia pensando comprarme el DD hasta su salida pero visto lo visto me lo ahorro.


1 - Regional Pricing:

Dungeonborne will feature regional pricing to ensure fairness and accessibility for players worldwide. By not declaring a single price in advance, we avoid misunderstandings and prevent players from assuming the game will be unaffordable in their region. We believe in offering prices that align with the purchasing power of different economies, rather than enforcing a one-size-fits-all USD price tag.

2 - Preventing Scams:

Additionally, we are aware of the existence of fraudulent sites claiming to offer "pre-orders" for Dungeonborne keys. We want to emphasize that these sites do not have any keys and will not receive any from us. We have chosen not to do pre-orders because we don't want to take your money until after release, it's a promise we made back in June 2023, and we're sticking to our word. Announcing a definite price now could unintentionally encourage these scam activities, and we want to protect our community from being misled.

3 - Fair Pricing:

Dungeonborne will not have a "AAA price tag." We’ll also offer a launch discount (lasting 2 weeks) to thank our early supporters. . We're not here to milk our customers with 5 editions of the game and a spreadsheet to explain the differences, or make you feel like you're missing out if you don't buy the "deluxe ultimate collector's edition." We're giving you the full Dungeonborne experience right from the start, because we value your support and want to make sure you get the best possible value for your money.

4 - Standard Practices:

You’ll be able to purchase Dungeonborne directly through Steam using standard methods. We will not be exploiting loopholes by asking you to buy "shards" to purchase the game, making it non-refundable . We respect your right to refund the game if it doesn't meet your expectations.

We hope this clears up any concerns. Our main goal is to protect our audience and provide a fair, transparent, and the best possible experience. Thank you for your understanding and support! ❤️


lol esos ganchos de derecha al dark & darker.

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#11 Lo iba a poner pero se me fue por completo. Muchas gracias!

Todo muy bien, como no, pero a ver también al precio que sacan el juego. Porque obviamente si, variará según el precio de cada país y su capacidad económica, pero eso puede significar que aquí podrá costar 30€+


Esto no se debería mover de la horquilla 20-30€.


Pues en España no tendremos el juego hasta las 4:00 del Viernes. Así que toca esperar un día más

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#14 Solo en España?Se sabe a que se debe?

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#15 Imagino que en más sitios con el mismo huso horario también pasará. No han dicho ninguna razón, no sé si por que les conviene más a ellos o a los americanos xD


2-Day Countdown to Launch: It's time to reveal the first half of our Day-0 Patch Notes for Early Access. We're still finalizing some tweaks on class balance and weapon balance, which will be revealed in tomorrow's second half of the patch notes. Stay tuned!

Adjusted monster placement in Clouseau Castle and Sinner's End, reducing monster density in some areas
Optimized player spawn points to avoid issues where players are spawning too close to each other
Improved terrain collision in certain areas in Clouseau Castle and Sinner's End to prevent characters from getting stuck
Interacting with shrines now displays their effects and types
Added a countdown reminder for the end of the Vengeful Monarch boss fight
Optimized the tutorial dungeon's flow and guidance prompts

Item Balance
Slightly increased the stat values of equipment of Magic-rarity and above
Enhanced the effects of some item affixes, such as Life Recovered on First Opening of Chests and Added Elemental Damage to Attacks, to make them more fun and valuable

Camera & Control
Improved first-person and third-person camera, character controls, and effects, resulting in better hit detection for melee weapons

Improved monster attack patterns and AI behavior for Ghost, Werewolf, Mimic, skeleton-type monsters, and goblin-type monsters
Improved animations and audio effects for the Vengeful Monarch

New languages: Russian, Korean, German
Adjusted the Mithril Order's reputation rewards and removed the respawn ability
Added a "Allow others to inspect your inventory" option, turning this off means that other players can't view your character's inventory in the waiting room
Added a "Buy Now" price option for auction listings
Added a "Challenger Mode" option in Adventure maps, allowing solo players to be matched against trios
Updated the merchant to sell identified and unidentified equipment, heirloom materials, and more, and adjusted her restock time
Added a tutorial and prompts for the heirloom system
Adjusted the character appearance customization process and UI
Optimized in-game UI and some interactions

Imagino que mañana sabremos el precio o hasta el lanzamiento nada.

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#17 Por lo que han dicho, mañana la segunda mitad de las patchnotes con el balanceo. Y probablemente el precio se esperen ya al siguiente, porque han dicho que no quieren decirlo antes de la salida.


Se están haciendo demasiado los interesantes con el precio xD

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#19 Quieren cogernos desprevenidos con el atraco

Creo que lo he dicho ya, pero si lo ponen a 30€ me lo voy a pensar fuertemente xD

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#20 Yo es que creo que van a ser 30, me extrañaría otra cosa sinceramente

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#21 Yo también estoy seguro de que van a ser 30. Aunque igual nos sorprenden y dejan un EA accesible para todos


#19 Normalmente en está industria cuando no te quieren decir algo es por alguna razón no muy buena.
Me huelo que será de 30 a 40€.


Yo diria que va a estar en 25. Es un numero bonito y con un 10% de descuento por salida se queda en 22,5 que es bien redondo tambien.

30 pues no se.., yo creo que cuando se acerca a esas cifras ya la peña empieza a mirar las cosas con mas ojo y no me parece que sea algo que quieran mucho. Aunque viendo que la moda ahora es sacar absolutamente todos los EA a 29,99 pues a saber. Yo personalmente aunque me mola el juego si pasa de 30 me pararia a ver como avanza el lanzamiento y si lo gestionan bien


Que este juego sea de pago y su competidor directo free para probar le va a hacer mucho daño


1-Day Countdown to Launch: The second half of our Day-0 Patch Notes is here! Including Class Balance, Weapon Balance, QOL changes and more, read below for the full details!
Also, we're announcing some even bigger news in a few more hours, stay tuned.

Dev Notes

In this balance patch, our goals were to reduce the damage contribution of ranged skills, enhance build/class diversity, and address community concerns regarding 1v1 balance without compromising the core 3v3 experience we have successfully established.
In addition, we've also introduced an active skill selection system, this comes with new active skills for several classes to increase build diversity and provide players with more options to customize their playstyle, this will open up exciting possibilities for each class and encourage experimentation. Keep in mind this is the first iteration of this system, we will be closely monitoring the impact of these changes and will make quick adjustments as needed after launch.
Furthermore, we've made various quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes based on community feedback, including adjustments to gear disparity, item affixes, set bonuses, hitbox detection, and overall pacing of the game.

Balancing a game like Dungeonborne is a very complex task, and it's a constant process of trial and error, we hope you can continue to provide your honest feedback and thoughts. Your input is crucial as we work towards refining and improving Dungeonborne together.

Class Balance

Active Skill Selection System
Players can now choose and replace class active skills, starting with Fighter, Death Knight, Rogue, Cryomancer, and Priest. We plan to add new active skills for every class in the future
Replaceable active skills are categorized into "Q Skills" and "E Skills", so you cannot select two "Q Skills" or two "E Skills" at the same time


Added 2 new replaceable active skills
Fighters can now select Mithril Zealot's active skills
Reduced the duration for Mithril Zealot's E Skill, Inspire
To accommodate the new skill options, made adjustments to some passives

Death Knight

Added 1 new replaceable active skill - you guessed it, it's the OG Soul Shroud that can be toggled on and off at any time! As trade-off, the toggleable Soul Shroud will have slightly lower damage
Significantly increased the effective range of Grasp of the Grave. Try pulling those enemy casters right to your face!


Added 2 new replaceable active skills
Rogues can now select Mithril Shadow's active skills
Slightly increased damage for Mithril Shadow's Q Skill, Quick Blades
Added a new skill, allowing Rogues to instantly enter Stealth for a shorter duration and gain a movement speed boost
To accommodate the new skill options, made adjustments to some passives. For example, Toxic Cloak now allows you to enter Stealth not only after petrifying an enemy but also when hitting an enemy with Quick Blades
Added a new passive "Stealthbreak Venom", dealing 150 poison damage over time on the first hit after breaking stealth, this passive aims to restore the Rogue's assassin identity (Stealth triggered by the "Evaporate" passive also works with this!)
Stealth will now be completely invisible when far enough away from enemies
Petrifying Poison can now be applied to crossbow bolts by default


Increased Psionic Blades' cooldown when only 1 or 2 swords are consumed. Psionic Blades also no longer restore life by default and will require the Healing Scabbard passive to restore life
Reduced the tracking range of Psionic Blades


Significantly increased Panther form's basic attack damage
When the Treant is summoned, it will immediately attack once
Increased Treant's health and damage
Increased the damage of Shadow Assault


Added a casting interval to Stage 1 Pyroblast to prevent rapid spamming
Added a damage fall-off for Stage 2 Pyroblast, significantly reducing its damage at long range
Reduced the projectile speed of Stage 2 Pyroblast, allowing the skill to be dodged at long range
Adjusted a few underused passive skills


Added 2 new replaceable active skills
Some keyword hints for the new skills: solo combat capability, kiting, caster tank, information gathering
Ice Storm now refunds some cooldown and Soul Energy when interrupted
Slightly increased Ice Storm's damage and reduced its base cooldown


Added 2 new replaceable active skills
Priests can now select Mithril Devout's active skills
Increased the healing and damage of Divine Guidance, and added a short cooldown
Reworked the calculation formulas for healing and shielding. Now they can fully benefit from Weapon Damage bonuses and the % Damage affix, just like Pyromancer's Pyroblast. This will significantly increase Priest's healing output and scaling
Reduced Priest's base health

Weapon Balance

Sword and Shield
Slightly increased the charge-up time for charged attacks
Increased the damage of the 1st hit of Sword and Shield's basic attack, while reducing the damage of the 2nd and 3rd hits

Two-Handed Sword, Dual Swords, Mace and Shield

Increased damage by 20%-30%
Currently, melee characters (except Sword and Shield and Daggers) have to spend a lot of effort to close the gap and reach ranged classes. We want to ensure that once they manage to get past the front line and engage in close combat, they can pose a more significant and immediate threat to their targets


Increased damage by 20%

Equipment Balance

Slightly increased the stat values of Magic equipment and further increased the stat values of Epic+ equipment
Lowered the activation threshold for most Set Affixes and enhanced the effects of Tier 3 Set Affixes
Enhanced the effects of some item affixes, such as Life Recovered on First Opening of Chests and Added Elemental Damage to Attacks, to make them more fun and valuable
Legendary-quality Orbs now have 100% Blocked Damage Reduction


New server regions: South America and US East!
Increased base movement speed by 20 for all classes
Increased the loot speed of chests from 5s to 3s
Reduced duration and health of stone walls created by Stoneshaping Flask, slightly enhanced slow effect of Thunderclap Flask
Fixed a camera issue, significantly improving hit detection accuracy for melee weapons
Reduced respawn speed of one-handed swords in Competitive mode

Pues parece que hay más cambios de los que esperaba.


Pues parece que al final me callan la boca y sale F2P:

Dungeonborne Will Launch on Steam with TRUE FREE TO PLAY!


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#27 Reconozco que cuando han mencionado que aún tenían que dar noticias me esperaba esto. Creo que es una decisión buena para atraer a los jugadores, aunque aún así habrá gente que se queje de que hay que pagar para usar el mercado. Respecto al tema de los hackers, los veo bastante confiados con el sistema que tienen para detectarlos, pero bueno, hoy en día de pago o no ningún juego se libra de tenerlos.

Editado #1 al final del post tenéis la info resumida del modelo F2P


Seran perras por eso estaban tan callados. Ahora la cuestion, bonito es que sea f2p si. Pero de donde coño sacan el dinero si no hay practicamente nada bloqueado? Que hacen cuando llegue la factura con los costes estratosfericos del servidor?

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#29 Supongo que creen que van a cubrir los costes con los pagos del mercado, stash y dlc

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