E3 2012: Guía de supervivencia


Cada conferencia tendrá su hilo con live en Mediavida:


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Videos y Trailers

Puedes ver los trailers más interesantes en el canal de Youtube de Mediavida

Hilos generales


#268 Creo que tienes razón, visto el historial del E3 parece que lo mas razonable es que va a dar asco y listo xd

#269 Si le quieres meter mierda buscale algun razonamiento tonto de los suyos y criticaselo, pero una errata es una errata, es que a veces pareceis tontos.

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#271 si era broma, ademas esta vez tenia razon en casi todo

aunque yo creo que Microsoft aprendera de que esta perdiendo el publico clasico y alguna exclusiva nueva sacara, joder que antes tenia y ahora tiene solo de Kinect

BTW, anunciado harry Potter Kinect, y no, no es coña



Inspira confianza.


Seems legit.

El juego de Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (que era un juegazo, por cierto) tenia mejores graficos que esto.


El mejor juego que ha salido jamás de Harry Potter era el de rol de la GBC, que no era ni la licencia de las películas.


Aquí viene otro juego de Star Wars

New York, NY – May 25, 2012 – Calling all Jedi, Sith lords and Bounty Hunters! Spike TV and Lucasfilm today announced that the network will be airing all six of the “Star Wars” movies throughout Memorial Day weekend beginning tonight, Friday May 25 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. The movie marathon airs just days before Spike TV’s plans to exclusively unveil the newest game franchise in the “Star Wars” universe, which will debut at the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo. A first look at this top secret project will be revealed on Thursday, May 31, as a part of the pre-E3 episode of Spike’s hit video game show “GTTV,” followed by the live world gameplay premiere of this new “Star Wars” franchise during the network’s “E3 All Access Live” primetime special on June 4 at 10:00 pm ET/7:00 pm PT.

“I am blown away by both the caliber of the team on this project and their bold vision for this new ‘Star Wars’ title,” said Geoff Keighley, Host and Executive Producer, Spike TV’s “E3 All Access Live” special. “I can’t wait to introduce our viewers to this game and show off the footage that left my jaw on the floor when I first saw it.”

During the GTTV pre-E3 episode, Geoff Keighley travels to San Francisco for exclusive behind-the-scenes access into the LucasArts studio. GTTV also meets with the LucasArts’ development team to reveal the name and concept behind this game and introduces viewers to the talented artists who are bringing the E3 demo to life.

Also Need for Speed Most Wanted y Dead Space 3 inminentes también

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Republic Commando 2 con cryengine 3


For Mand'alor!

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Star Wars Kinect Adventure.


#277 Que la fuerza te oiga


Primera expansion para SWTOR


#276 leido por ahi.....

LucasArts registró en la oficina de patentes un juego bajo el nick "Star Wars 1313" como nombre de proyecto.

13 x 2 = 26

2ª letra del alfabeto = B

6ª letra del alfabeto = F

suena un poco loco pero no seria la ostia?

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#281 Why not, se supone que lo que van a enseñar es el Battlefront 3 de Spark Unlimited


#281 O podría ser M M o AC AC o el videojuego numero 1313 de la saga xD


Elegid vuestro favorito, el mio son todos

Este tiene spoilers de Fringe http://i.minus.com/itHBbjGyIVPhK.gif


Pues yo creo que van a sacar un juego exclusivo para Wii U, y creo
que va a ser un Rogue Squadron... ya lo sacaron para gamecube exclusivo en su día,
todo un juegázo.

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#285 Y sacaron otro que fue horrible, no plz

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#286 bueno tío, yo siempre me e quedado con el recuerdo del primero,
dejales que hagan uno, igual les sale bien.


Joder, el Rogue Leader tampoco era tan malo, no era un Rogue Squadron pero se dejaba jugar.

También el método de Wii U si les da por hacer algo así puede quedar chulo por los controles.

Pero claro, quien confíe en que van a sacar un buen juego basado en Star Wars va listo ¿Eh Netzach?

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#288 Yo confio. YO CONFIO.

Pero si me van a hacer comprar la Wii U para disfrutarlo me cagaré en todo, les daré mi dinero, pero me cagaré en todo.



Metal Gear Rising, Dishonored y otras irrelevancias en el preE3 de Gametrailers




No puedo esperar más.


Voy a ir encargando la ración de refrescos/shandy/patatas fritas para el e3


Que pocas cosas me interesan de ese top, esperemos que haya alguna buena sorpresa.


Ayer leí que seguramente Larian anunciará Divinity III, FUCK YEAH!!!

Me importa mucho más eso que las otras mierdas de siempre ;D

Best E3 ever!

Y encima me enteré de que la 2º expansión de Spellforce 2 sale el 19 de junio, GOTY

El BF 3 también me alegraria :D


la semana del E3 este hilo sera pondrá en modo LIVE no?

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#296 ¿No has estado por aquí en otras ediciones? Tendremos hilos para cada conferencia con live durante las mismas y si es posible stream para seguirlo en el mismo thread :D

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#297 Pues llevo en Mediavida tiempo, pero nunca un E3, será mi primera vez XDDDD

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#298 Pues entonces no sabes la que te espera, aunque hemos vivido años muy grandes que será complicado reeditar, pero bueno hay que confiar en las paridas de Microsoft, Sony, Ubilol y cía )


De /v/ sobre Mirror of Fate, suena totalmente repugnante

Main character is Alucard but you use the Mirror to alternate between past and present. In the fucked up future you play as Alucard, and in the slightly less fucked up past you play as Simon. There are some obstacles you can't get past in one timeline so you have to go back and forth.

Narrative is that these two are "connected by a thread of fate" or whatever but it's pretty obvious Simon is Alucard. First they show Simon looking into the Mirror with Alucard on the other side of it, but then they flash "Dracula" and then use the same Mirror to show "Alucard" before introducing his character portrait.

Apparently it bridges LOS and the new console game.
More along the lines of the 2.5D Rondo of Blood remake than Symphony of the Night, if you can stomach that. I'm not usually a fan of that art style, but surprisingly it works.
Definite Classicvania but with some small LOS-like touches. Not as bad as it sounds, though.
It's virtually identical to LOS's art style but has a sort of painterly filter over everything to give it a parchment-y look, if that makes sense? So more cartoony, but definitely not anime.
Honestly felt more to me like ReBirth than any other recent Castlevania game.
Well, it's kind of non-linear in that there are multiple paths through levels and secrets, which apparently you'll be able to go back and get whenever you want. Taking different combinations of paths through levels apparently results in several different outcomes.
It looks like LOS on a 2D plane with a weird combination Street Fighter 4-meets-Valkyria Chronicles filter over it, so I think you'll probably be disappointed. Definitely not sprite-based, unfortunately.
Closest thing to GOW was a QTE on a mini-boss, but only after taking it down in a traditional Castlevania way (whipping the hell out of it and throwing axes).

The other gameplay touch it has similar to LOS is some occasional Uncharted-like climbing on vertical structures, but the 3D effect looks really neat when you climb around a curve on a cliff for example to reveal a new vista. But whenever you get to the top it re-orients itself and goes back to 2D. In the demo they only ever used that to establish new areas and connect levels, and when it happens there's even a map overlay in the style of the early games, showing where you're move on to.
It wasn't that bad. Only happened once when the boss had low health, and it was the same circle-timing thing from LOS. You ripped off the monster's horns then mask so you could carry on whipping it until it's dead. Felt more like a stage in a Zelda boss fight than GOW.
Simon and Alucard both use whips, but Simon's is traditional and Alucard's is fiery and shoots fireballs when "charged."
Yep, all the classics and they behave the exact same way as well.
(in response to question about classic subweapons (axe, knife, cross boomerang, hourglass etc))
No, unfortunately each sub-weapon has its own inventory and health is only regained at shrines. I miss hearts and those so-called "pork chops."

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