Studio is about 100 people, was around 40 - 50 for Uncharted Vita.
Game is PS4 Exclusive, no PC mode "We are Sony Bend, we are PS4 Exclusive" lol. At Sony Bend, they make it very clear during interview, everyone wears a lot of hats. Many people are involved in different aspects.
One thing I picked up is you ride a special bike, called a Drifter, that can drive off road, they said lots of off roading since the roads are all broken up, "Broken Roads." The bike is needed to survive, it is like its own character. It has saddle bags that holds your inventory. The bike is grounded, you will need to "know where it is and manage it" Several devs are bikers, lots of research into the bike. Actually got it up on rollers to make sure they got the sound of the bike right.
Also, weather has a big effect on traveling and how the bike handles.
No Multiplayer at all, focusing on their strengths, single player story.
Demo was a bounty hunting mission, hunting down a biker "2 Dog" and tried to show the danger of leaving the safety of encampments.
Wanted the game to be a big sandbox of what you would do when "shit goes down."
Weapons crafting system, they call a "MacGuyver Mentality" where the you figure out clever ways to build tools to get out of situations.
Their demo they are showing off on show floor has "millions" of ways to play that demo, depending on what tools you bring with you. The environment also plays a huge role in how you deal with certain situations.
Takes place just a few years after the "apocalypse" event. Society is starting to try to rebuild, as supplies are starting to run out. Made it sound like part of the game is figuring out what to do with the resources you find.
Wildlife is in the game, they have a "huge" wildlife system they aren't going to talk much about right now. But the event didn't wipe out all wildlife.
Not willing to talk yet about different story paths, different endings, etc. They chuckled but they dont want to talk about it yet.
Zombie hoard was all real, no LOD tricks, there are that many people on the screen.
No release date or time window. They aren't wanting to do that right now.
It was huge for their studio to be right up there on stage, getting prime focus, along with all of Sony's other big studios. It showed them how much Sony believes in their product. It meant a lot to them.
Game has been in development for 3+ years, but still its in early development as they just only finished core mechanics/ideas of the game and not ready yet
E3 2016: Anuncio, tráiler y gameplay de Days Gone
Lo dejo por aquí a ver si cuela. ¿Será una precuela a Last of Us? Tened en cuenta que en Last of Us han pasado muchos años.
¿Quizás? ¿Quizás no?
Pues no me llamaba mucho la atención hasta que se ha visto que hay chorrazos de zombies y no 3 o 4 sueltos. Me cago en la hostia lo quiero.
primer juego de zombis que tiene una "horda de zombis" de las buenas, madre mia no paraban de aparecer xD
Pero si son retrasadisimos los zombies lol, estan a su melee como 5 veces seguidas durante el video y no hacen ni un atisbo de intentar agarrarlo. Tristisimo. Buen intento de Dead Rising
#9 Buen intento de Dead Rising
Buen intento de que? En serio comparas Dead Rising con este? Porque tienen zombies buscan lo mismo?
Las tonterías que hay que leer
Es un poco mas de lo mismo, no se, creo que me gustaba mucho mas la idea de Deads Don't Ride. Lastima.
Se me ha hecho muy aburrido este juego de zombies con James Franco de prota. La estatua a lo Fargo ha molado tho.
Sons of anarchy con zombis :qq:
Pues la verdad es que me he emocionado con la música y la voz, soy un sensible.
Tiene bastante buena pinta, quizás sea el juego sobre UE4 que mejor se ve en consolas (junto con GeoW4)
Espero algo así:
Pues dándole una segunda vista a mi me está molando mucho, si de verdad los zombies caen rápido y las hordas son tan ingentes puede ser un juego palomitero bastante divertido.
Joder...estuve en una reunion de desarrollo sobre este videojuego hara cosa de casi 2 años en la cual tuve que firmar un contrato de confidencialidad, me alegro que nos tomaran en cuenta y haya salido hacia delante, tiene muy buena pinta (con lo que nos enseñaron ya la tenia la verdad)
Está claro que Sony en este E3 se la ha sacado directamente. A mí me parece que tiene muy buena pinta.
#3 No te extrañe, el paralelismo es asombroso... demasiado asombroso xD.