HoN: Noticias HoN Test Server


brutalizer si, parasite pa q? xdD


Para pegar más rapido, quemas más maná y te salen más stuns con el brutalizer.


parasite en magebane, madre mia lo que faltaba ya xDD


q le meta la portal key y el invis asi esta todo imba


eh yo lo veo.

con tarrasque y butterfly antes, claroestá


#544 pues no es mala idea esa que has dicho eh...

te tiras invi, y corres una barbaridad, cuando se te acabe, blinkeas y luego tiras portal, y casi tienes lista ya la capa de nuevo, es imposible que nadie te gane, haces la pole, vuelta rapida y ganas de largo :D


Ayer una MQ con Parastie + Frostburn... GJ!


Pues que quereis que hos diga, yo tmb soy del que le mete Parasite al Magebane, y las botas de travel a Scout (para levantar lineas, y asi las torres caen rapido xD)


Lo bueno es la portal, para entrar a la pelea y el blink para salir, asi pareces un puto saltamontes :D (broma= ^!=)


Tu estas tan tranquilo en una linea, te blinkea con el parasite puesto y date por jodido porque te hace easy.
E incluso me atreveria a ponerle una shurken head y vamos, no hace falta saltar cuando han focuseado a alguien los enemigos


es que shurnken es obligatoria si tienen disables, pero parasite es suicidarte y/o tirar el dinero - al menos para mi - , la abysal me parece el mejor item de lifesteal para el magebane, la farmeas rapido y ya puedes meterte solo en el bosque a farmear e incluso a los ancients, que no te baja la vida, sin contar la armadura, regeneracion y el aura de daño


Ya desde luego con el ultimo parche la parasite es menos usesfull que antes.

PD: Servers caidos?


han anunciado que meteran el nuevo heroe y reestructuraran a fayde, lo pone al logearse :D


omaigato! 3.5.0 is here!


Nullfire Blade's purge no longer passes through Magic Immunity

Tablet of Command

  • No longer be castable on Magic Immune units
  • Cooldown lowered from 25s to 16s

y estos cambios totalmente sin sentido? ahora el unico que puede parar a alguien con bkb hechada es el panda ?


Y succubus, pero si vaya pestecilla, con lo que me gustaba la nullfire : (

Ophelia dentro de nada va a ser la mugre personificada, si ya es un heroe que se usa poco y algo complicado de manejar como sigan asi la va a usar perry. Y el buf a los esqueletos de la FA puede ser decente :3, eso de poder guardartelos como cargas lo peta yo creo para gankear, habra que probarlo.


la nullfire muy poca gente la usaba, por lo mierda que era - se convirtio en un item situacional sobre todo vs jera - y porque salia mas rentable la frostburn - cuantas valks habre visto sin la nullfire, cuando en el dota era casi default con la mirana - , ahora todavia menos


el ulti del vindi tambien para al tempest.


#560 ok thanks (:


#559 Mantenimiento


Pues yo sigo prefieriendo nullfire a frostburn en la mayoría de los casos, sobretodo desde el nerf de quitarle los puntos de inteligencia a la frostburn.

1 comentario moderado

joder, yo la nullfire se la compraba a valk y a algunos heroes (sand), los 20 extra de daño quemando mana y sobre todo quitar el bkb o cualquier estado era la monda.

El elec con el ult tambien puede


Joder, esta mierda sigue en mantenimiento? no puedo loguear :S


El mantenimiento fue ayer tio, a partir de las 6 de la tarde o asi ya funcionaba.


Konorz, no sera que te banearon por guarro? :P



No, era que estaba metiendo mal el pass xDDDD si acaso me banearían por PKT xD


parche 0.2.59 pre-beta

[spoiler]Version 0.2.59


  • When using Runes of Blight on a tree, heroes will now approach from the correct side. (Will now no longer go all the way around a tree to eat it)

  • Heroes are much less likely to keep blocking each other as they try to run past each other (HUGS!)

  • The game will no longer display an incorrect disconnect message indicating that the hero was removed and assets distributed to their team if the disconnected player was a referee or spectator

  • Fixed disconnect messages appearing twice when a player disconnects in game

  • Misc cleanup & optimizations related to the above disconnect messages

  • Calling a vote to remake, pause or kick (through the console) before the pre-match game phase will no longer work. (ie. only after the players are loaded into the map can they call these.)

  • If displaying chat timestamps were enabled in game, various game messages sent to both teams were not being timestamped (disconnects, kongor kills, rax destructions, etc). These messages now display the timestamp properly if the client has this option enabled.

  • Updated death for the legion main building (not done yet)

  • Finally took down our christmas lights...

  • New Hellbourne sounds and effects for buildings

  • Random small chest sound/model fixes

  • The game option "Show exp numbers" is now on by default for new installations.

  • Added an option "Center Camera on Respawn" that allows users to toggle whether or not the camera will automatically focus on their hero after respawning

  • Unpause now plays a noise so players are aware

  • Fixed some neutral NPC sounds playing globally

  • Updated map to remove texture seams

  • Hero icons no-longer react to mouseovers/clicks when there's no hero

  • The loading race values now start at 1 and end at 10, the old race values should no longer appear when loading the next game

  • Pressing ALT in the game lobby will now toggle the chat mode between "Team" and "All" chat modes.

  • Moved the Ping/Players/Version labels in the game lobby a bit to the right as we weren't making use of the space and server names with long names like those we use for South Africa overlapped into these labels

  • Voice chat indicator/mute button shows up in the hero picker/etc. now (on the inner side of the hero name)

  • Pressing the "All/Team" button in the game lobby will now set focus to the chat input line

  • Removed the ticks, grinds, and blips and whatnot that were playing when the game started up

  • Added game option "Minimap Rightclick" (default on). When disabled, the player cannot rightclick on the minimap.

  • Added an option "Disable Background Effects" that allows users to toggle whether or not all the background lobby effects and animations are played. (Credit to Pancakeslp for the original mod)

  • Fixed ability tooltips sometimes getting stuck on screen

  • Fixed some buddy request/add notifications playing sounds a bunch of times when logging in if a player had those notifications saved in their history

  • The Notification Duration slider under options->interface now sets the duration (1-15 seconds) a notification is displayed for

  • Fixed a number of incorrectly labeled tooltips on the options menu. Disabled the "Health/Mana Bar Scale" in the options

  • Removed the "Options" menu from the F10 in game menu

  • Fixed "Add PlayerName" buttons on options menu to align properly and correctly add the player clicked on

  • Increased max size of joinable channels to 30

  • Using the slash command /join <channelname> "password" will now attempt to join the channel with the password specified. (Anything in between the quotes at the end becomes the password)

  • Fixed some issues in the client/interface causing the change password dialogue to not work

  • Fixed the lock/unlocked tooltip for hosts to display the correct tip (was previously showing the opposite tooltip it should have been showing)

  • Players can now select Logon/Logoff and Join/Leave Game notification settings for clan members separately from the notifications they select for their friends

  • Fixed an issue where notifications were not being saved to the history properly

  • Fixed the cvar default notification time to be 10 seconds instead of 10000

  • Updated sub-account description

  • Removed "Show Menu Transitions" from the options menu as the option is not currently being used

  • Fixed iris closing sound being heard on disconnect



  • Can no longer be transferred to your stash, manually dropped on the ground, or given to teammates.


  • Snare is now 5% a charge and stacks 3 times

Frostwolf Skull

  • Recipe cost increased by 500

Nome's Wisdom

  • Rebalanced
  • Strength lowered from 6 to 4
  • Agility lowere from 6 to 4
  • Intelligence lowere from 16 to 14
  • +Damage removed
  • % Mana Regen removed
  • Aura armor lowered from 4 to 3
  • Healing from the Aura tweaked so that if the healing exceeds your max health, a shield of equal value is applied for 5 seconds.

Nullfire Blade

  • Fixed so it can now properly dispel Jeraziah's Protective Charm

Plated Greaves

  • Cooldown increased to 30s, duration lowered to 15s
  • AOE effect now only affects allied non-player controlled creeps
  • AOE effect no longer grants armor
  • AOE effect now grants +20% damage


New strength hero Balphagore, alpha version

  • A lot of effects and sound are not done. Balance is in a rough state for now.


  • Clearcutting now causes trees to die with a cooler animation.


  • Barrel Roll will once again grant invulnerability during the duration of the roll


  • Lava Surge once again provides invulnerability during travel time


  • Ult to 85s at all levels from 90/75/60


  • A ton of effect changes
  • Illusions from Burning Shadows now attacks much faster
  • Illusions from Burning Shadows can no longer be selected or show healthbars
  • Cooldown on switching between Scythe and Shadow Stance removed
  • Fayde now starts in Shadow Stance
  • Charges on Shadow/Scythe Stance increased to 2,3,4,5
  • Reflection
  • Manacost increased to 150,175,200 from 150
  • Duration changed to 30,35,40 from 40 at all levels
  • Reflection stealth state will no longer have charges that do nothing
  • Shadow Cripple now reduces all healing on the target by 50% while it's active
  • Shadow Cripple is no longer dispellable


  • Units under the effects of Morph can no longer evade or deflect attacks

Witch Slayer

  • Units under the effects of miniaturization can no longer evade or deflect attacks [/spoiler]

estas que merece la pena una nomes ahora :/


Han subido la frostwolf porque ahora todos se lanzan a ella tras el nerfeo brutal a la frostburn... y la gnomes si ya no merecia la pena casi nunca.. ahora ya no merece la pena nada..

Un saludo.

PD: Buen buff a los miniaturization.