HotS: Parche del RPP/PTR 30 de Agosto


En realidad fue el 29, pero creo que nos entendemos (tardaron bastante lo suyo). Notas del parche en inglés de este RPP.

Reduced Battleground Pool on the PTR

During this PTR phase, the Battleground pool for all matchmaking modes (Training, Versus A.I., Quick Match, Unranked, Ranked) has been reduced to three Battlegrounds in total:
Braxis Holdout
Dragon Shire
Infernal Shrines
All other Battlgrounds are still available for play in Custom Games, but will not appear in matchmaking queues.


Xel'Naga artifacts have begun to appear all across the Nexus, and SCVs are being deployed to collect them. Terminate these interlopers with extreme prejudice and collect artifact pieces to earn some sweet new rewards!

Daily Quest:
Collect 12 Artifact Pieces during a single game.
Reward: 1 Day Stimpack
Event Quest:
Collect 150 Artifact Pieces before the Machines of War liftoff from the Nexus on October 18, 2016.
Reward: Xel’naga Artifact Portrait
SCVs and Artifact Pieces will have a 50% chance to spawn at the start of a game if any players on the team have not yet completed their Artifact Hunt Daily Quest. This task will be difficult to accomplish alone! Teammates must work together to eliminate the SCVs and reclaim the Artifact Pieces before the game begins.
Please note that players may encounter SCVs and Artifact Pieces during games on the Public Test Realm, but the Daily and Event Quests will not activate until the patch is released to the live version of Heroes.



You deal 100% bonus Ability damage versus enemy Heroes.​
Basic Abilities

Discord Strike (Q)
After a 0.5 second delay, deals damage to enemies in front of you and silences them for 1.5 seconds.
Telekinesis (W)
Push yourself and any enemies hit from the targeted point toward the targeted direction. Enemies pushed by Telekinesis also take light damage.
Lightning Surge (E)
Deals damage to an enemy and all enemies between you and the target. You are also Healed for 75% of the damage dealt to Heroes.
Heroic Abilities

Counter Strike (R)
Become Protected and channel for 1 second. If you are attacked during this time, you will send a shockwave forward that damages enemies in its path.
Deadly Charge (R)
Channel and then charge in the targeted direction, dealing damage to all enemies in your path. Charge distance increases based on the amount of time spent channeling, up to 1.6 seconds.
While channeling, movement commands will cancel Deadly Charge at no cost. Taking damage will interrupt channeling.

The Dominion used the remote and hostile planet Braxis to conduct experiments on ways to turn the Zerg swarm into a weapon they could unleash on their enemies. Though the Dominion's main psi disrupter was destroyed, this space platform's beacons remain fully operational and ready to be used. Capture the beacons and watch what happens when a flood of weaponized Zerg ravages the battlefield.

Capture the Beacons

Two Beacons will periodically spawn near the center of the Battleground. Capture both to fill your team’s Holding Cell with Zerg over time.
Fill Holding Cells

The longer a team holds both Beacons, the stronger and more numerous their Zerg army will become. Once either team has completely filled their Holding Cell, both will open, unleashing Zerg forces into each lane.
Unleash the Swarm

Each team must decide whether to defend against the opposing Zerg rush, or push with their own to lay siege to all who stand in the way of the Swarm.


Several Battlegrounds have received additional optimization to help improve performance.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents

The following Heroes have received new Talent icon tints to help players more easily differentiate between talents that modify the same Ability and exist on the same Talent tier:
The Butcher has received updated visual effects to coincide with his Talent rework.
Medivh’s Portals have received additional visual polish to make their presence on the battlefield more apparent to allies.
The Imposing Presence Talent has received updated visual effects to coincide with its new functionality.


New Bundles
Machines of War Bundle – Available starting September 13 until October 18, 2016.
Gain early access to all of the StarCraft-themed items from the Machines of War event by purchasing the Machines of War Bundle.
Click here for complete Machines of War Bundle details!
Herald of N’zoth Alarak Bundle – Available until September 27, 2016.
New Hero

Alarak has been added to the in-game Shop.

Herald of N’zoth Alarak
Master Alarak


Even the music of Heroes of the Storm has been invaded by the Machines of War!
Enable music in the Sound Options menu (or press CTRL+M) to listen as the sounds of the Koprulu Sector clash with those of the Nexus.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents

All Heroes should now properly play voiceover lines when clicked repeatedly.
Medivh’s Portals have received some additional sound effect polish to make their presence on the battlefield more apparent to allies.
The Lost Vikings have received unique death notification sounds which should be a little less jarring for allies.
The Spell Shield and Imposing Presence talents have received updated sound effects to coincide with their new functionality.


The Breaking News icon will no longer display in the menus when there is no breaking news to read.
Colorblind Mode

The Health bar color for the player’s own hero has been changed from dark blue to yellow.
Neutral Mercenaries will now appear dark purple on portions of their models that use team colors. This should help players and observers better differentiate them from captured mercenaries.
Daily Quests

Any Hero selected during Ranked or Unranked drafts will now count toward progression of any role or universe-specific Daily Quest.
This has been done so that players can still complete their Daily Quests while picking the best Heroes for their team composition, rather than Heroes who satisfy a quest requirement.
MVP System and Commendations

Players can now show off their individual prowess on the field of battle via the MVP System and end of match commendations.
Five players will receive awards for their in-game performance and individual achievements at the end of every game played in any mode except Custom Games.
MVP and End of Match Awards
Each match will feature one MVP, or Most Valuable Player, and four other players will receive awards for specific in-game feats.
The MVP award is granted to the player who had the greatest overall impact on the match, which is determined by their performance across all in-game stats.
The remaining four match awards will be granted for a wide variety of achievements, such as top healing, longest killstreak, most Doubloons turned in on Blackheart’s Bay, and so on.
End of match awards, including MVP, can be granted to players on either team, regardless of victory or defeat.
Once the awards have been given out, all ten players can then commend the award recipients to show appreciation for their in-game accomplishments.
Players who receive many commendations at the end of a match will also be rewarded with a little extra fanfare.
Award-specific icons will also appear on the end of game stats screen next to the name of each player who received an end of match award.

Click here to read our recent blog post on the End of Match Awards System.

Hero Select

Hero Search
Searching for a Hero during Draft Mode or Hero Select will now sort the results first by the Hero whose name most closely matches the player’s search terms.
For example: Searching for “Diablo” will now show Diablo as the first result, followed by all other Heroes from the Diablo Universe.
Hero Sorting
New sorting buttons have been added to Hero Select and Draft Mode, and can be found next to the search field:
Toggle Favorites: Heroes who have been marked as favorites in the player profile will be sorted to the top of the Hero list.
A-Z: Sort Heroes alphabetically
XP: Sort Heroes by level
Ranked Play

Grand Master League
The maximum number of Hero League Grandmaster players has been reduced from 500 to 200. The Team League maximum remains at 100 players.
Promotion and Demotion Matches
Players will no longer receive a flat 250 ranked point adjustment after winning a promotion match or losing a demotion match. Instead, these matches will now award or remove the same amount of points as a normal ranked game.
Upon earning enough ranked points to reach a promotion match, any points earned beyond the 1,000 point division cap will now be stored and applied at the end of the promotion match.
Winning a promotion match will now award any excess points that were stored prior to that match in addition to the normal ranked points earned for the win.
Losing a promotion match will subtract the normal ranked points for a loss minus the number of excess ranked points that had been stored prior to the promotion match.
Demotion matches do not store lost ranked points, and losing a demotion match will only cause the player to lose the normal amount of ranked points.



Movement Speed reduced from 40 to 30%
Regeneration Globes

Time before Globes despawn reduced from 8 to 6 seconds


Timing Changes
Previously all Mercenary camps spawned at 120 seconds. The following adjustments have been made to spawn times:
90 seconds: Sappers, Doubloon Pirates
120 seconds: Siege Giants (unchanged), Impalers (unchanged)
150 seconds: Knights, Fallen Shaman
180 seconds: Grave Golem (unchanged)
300 seconds: Headless Horseman (unchanged)
Captured Mercenaries will no longer grant Experience when killed.
Developer Comments: We started playtesting with staggered Mercenary Camp spawn times, and quickly began to realize that it added more strategic depth to the game, and coincided with some of our Battleground events. We have been happy with the changes overall, and are listening to any feedback you may have!

Try Mode

The following features have been added to Try-Me Mode:
Boss Camp
Ability to change the enemy hero
Ability to change the game speed

>Imposing Presence (Active)

New functionality:
Heroes that attack you have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds
Activate to slow the Attack Speed of nearby Heroes and Summons by 50% and their Movement Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds
Developer Comments: We did not like the power of the Attack Speed slow for Imposing Presence given how little counter-play there is. We’ve decided to move some power out of the passive portion of the Talent and to give it a new activated effect in order to create some bigger moments for players who choose to take it.

>Spell Shield (Passive)

Added functionality:
Spell Shield can now be toggled on or off to allow for better control of which Abilities you want to mitigate.



Tailwind (Trait)
Movement Speed reduced from 20 to 15%

Level 1

New Talent: Wingman (Active)
Enemy Minions killed near you grant a stack of Bribe. Use 20 stacks to Bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them and permanently increasing the damage of Lightning Rod by 5%. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 80 stacks.
Bribe (Active)
Replaced by Wingman

Level 16

Aerie Gusts (Passive)
Movement speed bonus reduced from 30 to 25%

Developer Comments: In our ongoing pursuit to create meaningful and Hero-specific generic Talent choices, Bribe was a Talent that got caught in our crosshairs this patch. We have removed it from a few Heroes and have added new flavorful versions to a few others. We have always liked the design and gameplay behind the Talent, but also realize how much players had to give up in order to pick them. Wingman, Pixie Charm, and Covert Mission are being reintroduced to Falstad, Brightwing, and Nova, respectively, with design mechanics more suited to each Hero’s unique style of play.


Level 16

Relentless Predator (Trait)

Developer Comments: We’re removing the majority of our old Relentless-like Talents from the game, because we found that it wasn’t clear to the enemy team what was happening. Reducing the duration on very short disabling effects to begin with was hard to notice, and typically felt like a bug when it did happen. In some cases, we’re replacing these Talents with Hero specific ones that more clearly convey what’s happening, while fitting the gameplay of the Hero.


Level 1

Advanced Cloaking (Talent)
Movement Speed while Cloaked reduced from 30 to 25%

Level 4

New Talent: Covert Mission (Active)
Enemy Minions killed near you grant a stack of Bribe. Hero Takedowns grant 10 stacks of Bribe. Use 25 stacks to Bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 100 stacks. If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.

Developer Comments: See Falstad’s comment for Bribe changes.


Level 1

Raynor’s Recruitment (Active)

Level 13

Relentless Leader (Passive)
Moved to Level 4
No longer reduces the duration of Stuns, Slows or Roots
New Functionality:
If you are Stunned or Rooted, all nearby enemies are knocked back and the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush is reduced by 15 seconds. Can only occur every 8 seconds.

Developer Comments: See Greymane’s comment for Relentless changes, and Falstad’s comment for Bribe changes.


Basic Attack damage reduced from 169 to 140


>Fresh Meat (Trait)
New functionality:
Quest: Nearby Minions drop 1 Fresh Meat and Heroes drop 5 Fresh Meat when they die. You can pick up Fresh Meat to gain 1 Basic Attack damage per Meat. Can hold up to 125 Meat. You drop up to 10 Fresh Meat upon dying.
Reward: After acquiring 125 pieces of Fresh Meat, gain and additional 100 Basic Attack damage and 25% increased Attack Speed. You also no longer lose Fresh Meat on death.
-Hamstring (Q)
Mana cost reduced from 50 to 40
-Butcher’s Brand (W)
Base duration decreased from 5 to 4 seconds
Mana cost increased from 60 to 65
Added functionality:
Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes affected by Butcher’s Brand will increase the duration by .5 seconds
-Ruthless Onslaught (E)
Slightly reduced the time between The Butcher hitting his target and his first Basic Attack

Level 1

New functionality:
Every time a nearby Minion dies, regain 4% of maximum Health.
Moved to level 7

Level 4
Envenom (Active)

Level 7
Final Assault (Passive)

Abattoir (Trait)
Decreased the reduced amount of Meat lost on death from 10 to 5. Once you complete the Fresh Meat quest, Heroes will continue to drop Meat. This bonus Meat is not lost on death.
Moved to Level 1

Insatiable Blade (W)
Reduced the amount of bonus healing gained from 125 to 100%
New functionality:
While an enemy is affected by Butcher’s Brand, you move 20% faster towards them
New Talent: Meat Shield (E)
Hitting an enemy Hero with Ruthless Onslaught grants Spell Shield, reducing damage from enemy spells by 50% for 2.5 seconds

Level 13

Burning Rage (Passive)
Crave Flesh (Passive)
Spell Shield (Passive)
New Talent: Cleaver (Passive)
Basic Attacks deal 35% of your Basic Attack damage to nearby enemies.
Brutal Strikes (Q)
New Functionality:
After using Hamstring, your next 3 Basic Attacks within 5 seconds deal an additional 15% bonus damage.

Level 16

Blood Frenzy (Passive)
New Functionality:
Basic Attacks against enemy heroes increase your Basic Attack and Movement Speed by 5% for 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Enraged (Passive)
No longer reduces the duration of disabling effects by 75%
Added functionality:
Now provides Resistant, reducing all damage taken by 25% for the duration of Enraged.

Developer Comments: We’ve redefined The Butcher to have a more unique role as a powerful late-game hero who feeds on the flesh of his victims via his Fresh Meat Trait. His early game is weaker than before, but if he can complete his quest he will become an incredibly potent force that the enemy team must answer. We had a ton of fun testing him, and hope you all enjoy the new Butcher!


Level 7
Relentless Soldier (Passive)
New functionality:
Stuns and Roots grant Resistant, reducing damage taken by 25% for 3 seconds.


Basic Attack damage reduced from 94 to 60


-Hatred (Trait)
Damage increase per stack increased from 3 to 8%
After 4 seconds without landing a Basic Attack, lose all stacks of Hatred
-Hungering Arrow (Q)
Cooldown reduced from 14 to 10 seconds
Range increased by roughly 10%
No longer tracks to nearby units if Hungering Arrow does not directly impact a target
Initial damage reduced from 167 to 140
Bounce damage reduced from 84 to 80
Bounces now prefer Heroic targets
-Multishot (W)
Cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds
Mana cost increased from 60 to 75
Damage increased from 148 to 165
-Vault (E)
Mana cost reduced from 75 to 50
New Functionality:
Casting Vault causes your next Basic Attack to deal 50% additional damage
-Rain of Vengeance (R)
Cooldown reduced from 90 to 60 seconds
Damage reduced from 350 to 225
Mana cost reduced from 100 to 50
New functionality:
Now has two charges. Each charge will cast one wave of Rain of Vengeance
-Strafe (R)
Damage reduced from 68 to 60


Level 1

Cost Effective Materials (Q)
Renamed to Monster Hunter
Added functionality:
Now also causes Hungering Arrow to deal 100% bonus damage to Minions, Monsters, and Mercenaries
Siphoning Arrow (Q)
Moved to level 13
Heal amount increased from 50 to 75% of damage dealt to Heroes
Composite Arrows (W)
Rancor (Trait)
Moved to level 20
New functionality:
Gain 2% attack speed per Hatred stack. When at 10 or more Hatred stacks, gain an additional 30% attack speed
Punishment (Trait)
Moved to level 4
New functionality:
Multishot deals an additional 5% damage for every stack of Hatred you currently have.

Level 4

Vigorous Assault (Passive)
Manticore (Passive)
Moved to level 16
New functionality:
Every third Basic Attack against a Hero deals an additional 5% of that Heroes maximum Health in damage
Puncturing Arrow (Q)
New functionality:
Quest: Each time a Hero is directly hit with Hunger Arrow, increase the initial damage by 5
Reward: Upon hitting 100 damage, increase the initial damage by an additional 50 and the number of bounces by 1
Arsenal (W)
Moved to level 7
Grenade damage increased from 84 to 120
Grenade speed increased to more closely match Multishot
Added functionality:
Now also lowers the cooldown of Multishot by 3 seconds for every Hero hit by a grenade
New Talent: Creed of the Hunter (Trait)
Passively gain 10% attack speed
Quest: After attacking enemy Heroes 100 times, increase your Hatred Basic Attack damage bonus per stack by 2%

Level 7

Caltrops (E)
Moved to level 1
Caltrop slow duration decreased from 2 to 1 seconds
Caltrop slow amount decreased from 30 to 20%
Added functionality:
Quest: After spending 180 seconds of 10 or more Hatred, reduce to cooldown of Vault by 5 seconds
Hot Pursuit (Trait)
Added functionality:
Now also grants 4 Mana per second when you have 10 or more stacks of Hatred
Searing Attacks (Active)
New Talent: Death Dealer (E)
Increase the bonus damage granted by Vault from 50 to 100%. If this shot kills your target, refund the mana cost and cooldown of Vault
Level 13
Giant Killer (Passive)
Tempered by Discipline (Trait)
New functionality:
When at 10 or more stacks of Hatred, gain 25% life steal on Basic Attacks
Spell Shield (Passive)
Frost Shot (W)
Moved to level 16
Slow amount reduced from 30 to 25%
Added functionality:
Now also increases the range of Multishot by 20%
New Talent: Gloom (Active)
Passively grants 20% damage reduction from abilities
Activate to consume all Hatred stacks. For each stack lost, reduce all ability damage by an additional 3% for 5 seconds. This ability has a 5 second cooldown.

Level 16

Tumble (E)
Executioner (Passive)
Blood for Blood (Active)
Stoneskin (Active)
New Talent: Seething Hatred (Trait)
Basic Attacks now grant 2 stacks of Hatred. Increase the time after attacking before Hatred stacks will lost from 4 to 6 seconds.

Level 20
Vengeance (R)
Added functionality:
Heal for 25% of the damage dealt by Strafe
Storm of Vengeance (R)
New functionality:
Basic Attacks against Heroes reduce the cooldown of Rain of Vengeance by 5 seconds
Nexus Frenzy (Passive)
Bolt of the Storm (Active)
New Talent: Farflight Quiver (Passive)
Increase Basic Attack range by 40%

Developer Comments: We realize this rework may come as a bit of a surprise to our community, especially since Valla’s Talent diversity has always been pretty good. The roots of the redesign have been floating around the design bullpen for 6+ months, and after some initial testing we felt like we had to pull the trigger and get it out to you.

Similar to Zagara and our other large reworks, we didn’t want to change the ‘feel’ of the Hero —Valla users should still feel completely at home while playing her. Our main goal was to increase the potential for amazing Valla players to differentiate themselves from the mediocre ones and aimed the majority of these changes toward lifting her skill-ceiling. We believe that players will still be able to build Valla very similarly to the ways they have in the past, but with more interesting and potentially powerful payoffs. We are excited to bring the new Valla to our community and look forward to hearing what you all think!


Level 1

Bribe (Active)
Level 13

Relentless (Passive)


-Octo-Grab (R)
Murky is now Unstoppable while casting Octo-Grab
Killing Murky now immediately cancels the Octo-Grab effect


Level 1

Bribe (Active)


-Siege Mode (E)
Sgt. Hammer can no longer enter Medivh's Portals while in Siege Mode (without the Hover Siege talent)

Level 1

Resistant (E)
New functionality:
If you are Stunned or Rooted while in Siege Mode, gain 50% damage resistance for 3 seconds.


-Creep Tumor (Trait)
Movement Speed on Creep bonus reduced from 20 to 15%


Level 20

Endless Creep (Passive)
Movement Speed reduced from 40 to 30%.


Level 1

New Talent: Pixie Charm (Active)
Each time Soothing Mist heals an allied Hero, excluding yourself, gain a stack of Bribe. Use 20 stacks to Bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 80 stacks.
Bribe (Active)
Replaced by Pixie Charm


Level 13

Relentless (Passive)
New Talent: Sixth Sense (Passive)
Stuns and Roots against Kharazim grant 50% damage reduction from Basic Attacks for 4 seconds.


Level 16

Shake it Off (Passive)
New functionality:
Stuns and Roots against Li Li grant Resistant, reducing all damage taken by 25 for 3 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds.


-Displacement Grenade (E)
Displacement Grenade no longer explodes on contact and passes through everything. Players can now re-activate the Grenade causing it to explode on command, damaging and displacing enemies. Displacement Grenade automatically explodes if it reaches max range.


Level 4

Upgraded Ballistics (Passive)

Developer Comments: We have been looking for ways to add gameplay to our Supports, and believe that Lt. Morales’s Displacement Grenade is a place where we could give her more control. We’re hoping that this gives players an opportunity to make bigger plays by having more control of where they want the enemy hero to move with the Grenade’s knockback.


Level 16

Hindering Moonfire (Passive)
Now only slows Heroic units


-Ghost Wolf (Trait)
Movement Speed reduced from 30% to 20%

Level 1

Wolf Run (Talent)
Movement Speed reduced from 40 to 30% while in Ghost Wolf.

Developer Comments: Alongside the adjustments to Mount speed, we’re also reducing the Movement Speed bonus offered by Rehgar’s Ghost Wolf Trait.


-Burrow Charge (E)
Anub'arak is no longer Invulnerable when Burrow Charging, and is now only Unstoppable.

Developer Comments: When looking at Burrow Charge, we liked that this Ability provided an immense amount of mobility and allowed Anub’arak to dive the back line, but we didn’t like that he had an Invulnerability on a 16 second CD. Essentially, Anub’arak could hold this to completely nullify a Pyroblast or any huge damage source, which is not intended. By changing this to Unstoppable, we still allow Anub’arak to be very slippery and get out of bad situations quickly.


Level 13

Surge of Stamina (Q)
New functionality:
Using Surging Fist grants Resistant, reducing all damage taken by 25% for 3 seconds. Reduces the cooldown of Surging Fist by 4 seconds if it hits an enemy Hero.


Level 7

Devastating Charge (Q)
New functionality:
Shadow Charge grants Resistant, reducing all damage taken by 25% for 4 seconds.


Level 7

Just Keep Rockin’ (E)


-Condemn (W)
Added functionality:
Now deals 200% increased damage to Minions and Mercenaries

Level 1

-Knight Takes Pawn (W)

Developer Comments: As our heroes develop over time, we often find niches for their roles that are only available via Talents. While we love that our Talents augment our Heroes in interesting ways, we are wary when a Hero is picked specifically for a role that they are given via a Talent. We did a pass on our current roster and found a couple of these cases in Johanna and Muradin. We like how Johanna is seen as a warrior with good wave clear, and how Muradin is seen as an anti- auto-attacker. We’ve decided to make these features part of their base kits, and will be keeping an eye on others in the future.


Thunder Clap (W)
Added functionality:
Now also slows enemy Attack Speed by 25% for 2.5 seconds

Level 1

Reverberation (W)
Moved to Level 4
New functionality:
Increase Thunder Clap’s Attack Speed slow to 50% and increase the duration of Thunder Clap from 2.5 to 3 seconds

Level 4

Third Wind (Trait)
Moved to Level 1
Thunder Burn (W)
Now also applies the 25% Attack Speed slow with the second activation of Thunder Clap.


Level 7

Relentless (Passive)

Level 13

New Talent: Flea Bag (Passive)
Whenever Stitches is Stunned or Rooted, reduce basic ability cooldowns by 3 seconds.



Corrected a number of typos and tooltip errors across several aspects of the game.
Repeatedly changing Region and Language settings to and from Chinese will no longer limit region selection to China on the login screen.
Fixed an issue with that was preventing a small number of players from rejoining games.


Core: Fixed a bug in which Shield impact effects on the Core were not displaying when struck by some Abilities.
Keep: Flags will no longer appear detached from a Keep’s model when it is heavily damaged.
Artanis: Activating Twin Blades just as Hearthstone completes channeling will no longer cause Artanis to stand while Mounted.
Rehgar: The Totemic Projection Talent now uses the correct icon tint.


Tomb of the Spider Queen: Medivh will now properly fly over the Spider Queen’s Altars while in Raven form, rather than path around them.
Towers of Doom: Sappers can sometimes stop attacking their targets and start following enemy Heroes.
Try Mode: Brightwing can now properly Phase Shift to the Healing Dummy.
Try Mode: Helping Hand is no longer removed from Stitches’ Ability bar after clicking Reset Talents.
Try Mode: Repeatedly casting Stitches’ Gorge on the Target Dummy will no longer prevent it from leashing back to its spawn location.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents

Fixed several bugs in which splash damage from Basic Attacks could still deal damage while the attacking player was Blind or the target was Evading.
Heroes can no longer push captured Mercenaries by walking into them.
Abathur: Monstrosity can no longer push Minions or captured Mercenaries by walking into them.
Anub'arak: Beetle damage listed in the Scarab Host Trait tooltip will now update correctly when Anub’arak levels up.
Auriel: Sacred Sweep’s increased range, gained by learning the Majestic Span Talent, will now correctly benefit from the Righteous Assault Talent.
Chromie: Temporal Loop’s clock graphic will no longer disappear if the target becomes polymorphed.
Dehaka: Isolation’s parasite will no longer visually persist until death on a target that was simultaneously hit by Isolation and Chromie’s Time Trap.
Diablo: Overpower’s target will no longer be stunned for the Ability’s full duration if Diablo is interrupted by a knockback at the same time Overpower is cast.
Diablo: Apocalypse will now correctly target enemies trapped by Anub’arak’s Cocoon.
E.T.C.: Rockstar’s Attack Speed bonus will now be properly applied when E.T.C. casts Stage Dive.
Gall: An icon has been added to the buff bar for the Dark Descent Talent, and the icon’s tooltip will track Runic Blast damage bonuses earned via Hero Takedowns.
Gul'dan: Learning the Health Funnel Talent and using Drain Life to kill a Hero with a post-death effect, such as Uther, will now properly reduce Drain Life’s cooldown.
Johanna: Condemn will now be correctly interrupted when Johanna becomes Polymorphed.
Kerrigan: Using the Overdrive Talent will no longer remove the Energizing Grasp Talent’s Mana cost reduction for Primal Grasp.
MULE: Will now properly acquire a new repair target if the Structure it is actively repairing is destroyed.
Murky: The camera will no longer automatically snap to Murky’s Egg location if he is killed with camera follow enabled.
Nazeebo: Zombie Wall will no longer attack Murky’s Pufferfish.
Li Li: The Shake it Off Talent will no longer reduce the duration of the Garden Terror's Queen's Curse Ability.
Lunara: Fixed a rare issue in which casting Leaping Strike toward terrain could cause Lunara to run back to her original location after landing.
Lunara: Will no longer receive the “Stuck” notification when a Wisp is stuck by Tracer’s Pulse Bomb.
Rexxar: Misha’s Basic Attack target can now correctly be switched by right-clicking as long as she did not already have an order to Focus on a particular target.
Uther: The tooltip for the Gathering Radiance Talent will now properly indicate the amount of bonus Healing and Damage earned after multiple nearby Allies are hit by Holy Radiance.
Stitches: Vile Gas applied by a Retchling after learning the Restorative Fumes and Indigestion Talents will now properly Heal Stitches, rather than the Retchling.
Tychus: attack command are switching target focus after using Run and Gun.
Xul: Skeletal Warriors will no longer attack Murky's Pufferfish if it is in their path.
Zeratul: Void Prison will no longer cancel Rehgar’s Feral Lunge or Olaf's Charge as long as the target of either Ability is still in range when Void Prison ends.

User Interface

Color Blind Mode: Fixed an issue which caused damage and Heal over time effects in Hero Health bars to display in red and green while Color Blind Mode was enabled.
Death Recap: Zagara’s Healing received from the Hydralisk Transfusion Talent will now be correctly displayed in her Death Recap.
Draft Mode: Fixed an issue that could cause the draft interface to become unresponsive if the player’s game client was minimized while entering draft mode.
Replays: Pausing a replay prior to opening the Talent Panel (TAB) will no longer prevent Quest Talent progress from displaying.


Siento hacerlo tan al montón, pero tampoco sé que códigos html usar en el foro xD (y se hacía aún más engorroso). A ver cuando sacan las notas en español que aún no las veo. Algunos cambios y quitar tanto ralentización no es que me gusten mucho.

Más cosas:
Creo que han cambiado la fuente del texto... creo. Se ve un pelín pequeña, pero me gusta mucho más. Puedes cambiar el sparring de Arthas en cualquier momento en el modo Probar (aliado todavía no). El nuevo mapa es una chetada de snowball. ¿Se quejaban de Tumbas de la reina araña? Pues zasca, uno peor con temática de StarCraft xDDD

(Como sabréis mi inglés es muy malo y si lo pone en las notas del parche no lo sé xDD).


notas del PTR en español:

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haber copiado la info en castellano hombre jaja

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Gracias por meter las notas, que son muy densas y hay que digerirlas bien.

Sobre los artefactos, habrá que intentar conseguirlos ahora los que metan en el ptr.

Buena noticia, que reduzcan los mapas a 3 opciones... Pero justamente el Condado del Dragón es uno de los más asquerosos xD.

Esta mañana me eché un partida con IA personalizada en el nuevo mapa, y tiene buena pinta. Algo parecido a Condado de Dragón en el que tienes que tomar los 2 puntos para recargar a tu Zerg. Una vez uno de los 2 equipos llegué al 100%, se activa.

Probé a hacer el boss, y da unas leches de cuidado, estando en nivel 16...


todo lo que se haga en el ptr queda guardado? o se reseteara?


#4 cuando empecé a hacer el tema (a las 8.40 y las publiqué a las 9.26, para que veáis el coñazo que ha sido) creo que no estaban las notas en español... igualmente #3 ya las ha puesto.

A mi el mapa nuevo no me hace gracia. Muy chulo a primeras, con la temática de Starcraft por fin. Pero tiene un snowball aco*onante, y si encima ya me es un suplicio el condado del dragón que este se le parezca (con algo parecido a las tumbas, que tambien tiene lo suyo) no me gusta mucho xD Me he hecho entre tres-cuatro partidas personalizadas en este mapa y parecía más bien una tortura.

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#7 ya vi :P

Maldito snowball, como lo odio D:


Me lo estoy viendo por encima y apuntandome las sensaciones xD

*El rework al carnicero tengo que verlo mejor, lo han hecho mas lategame y eso me gusta, a ver como funciona.
*El rework a valla creo que tambien me va a molar. No la uso mucho asi que si no me gusta pues nada xD.
*Los nuevos sobornar me han molado, el de nova está en paralelo con la mejora del holograma, no?
*Hay que tener cuidado con los stuns a raynor, puedes stunearlo para acabar con su vida y en vez de eso salvarlo. (No lo uso así que no se si los talentos paralelos son muy tochos, pero ese me ha parecido bueno)
Me parece que es un talento bueno para ella y que hace que tenga mas impacto en la partida.
*Menudo nerf al octoagarre de murky, con lo que molaba.
*Buff tocho a la granada de propulsión de morales que me parece que le quita toda la dificultad que tenía lanzarla correctamente para condenar a un héroe enemigo y no salvarlo. No se si me gusta.
*El buff a Johanna me mola también. Ahora no tienes que perder un talento de nivel uno para poder ser efectivo solo en una línea.


De lo poco probado de Valla que en un principio me daba cosica me ha molado bastante... claro, en late game, probandola entera a nivel 20 xDD (ahora podemos hasta cambiar de sparring!!!).


Pues sí, lo del octoagarre de Murky me parece un nerf flipante. Da igual que te hagan unstoppable, si de un par de hostias te matan y se cancela la ulti. No sé, es un personaje bastante fuera del meta y que encaja en pocas setups, como para que encima le hagan estas cosas, pero bueno.

¿Soy el único que piensa que con este rework, los carniceros van a estar AFK en línea farmeando hasta llegar al número máximo de stacks?

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#11 justo antes estaba en una partida en la que automáticamente me salió hacer eso al jugar... y yo nunca lo he hecho... miedo me da.

Y ya copio lo que puse en las notas del parche en español.... que tela.
Como a Lunara le bajen más la velocidad de movimiento que ya tiene se va a quedar siempre atrás... si se nota mucho cuando se queda rezagada o la ralentizan, la pobre estaría en la estacada.

Por lo demás, no entiendo porque se están quitando los talentos de reducción de CC, cuando son de los más útiles y los CC siguen dando muchísimo por saco. No lo entiendo. Y el sobornar que se lo quitan a Raynor (justamente el nuevo que se lo pusieron hace poco) y de repente veo que le ponen uno similar a Nova... una "gankeadora" que poco va a estar en las líneas limpiando y tomando campamentos... no le veo ningún sentido.

Y nerfean a Murky (porque es un nerfeo) que tiene ahora counters por todos lados y ya apenas puede destacar... no sé, hay cosas que me gustan, otras me parecen unas malas ideas de cuidado.


Menuda jodienda me parece los nerfs a la velocidad de movimiento.

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¿Hay un nuevo parche en el RPP? Me ha empezado a descargar algo...


#13 Alreves para mi , totalmente necesario.

Mi pregunta es si van a dejar a Guldan asi de pestosillo, le nerfearon la build actual y mejoraron otras que aun ni se usan, espero k no, entiendo que medivh o chromie pueden tener bajos winrates, al fin y alcabo son super especializados, pero guldan es un mago del palo y deberia ser decentillo.

Pd, greymane, rip, enserio, rip

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Lo de Cringris es gracioso, le nerfearon no recuerdo que cosa y se pensó que iba a quedar en el olvido (aunque en realidad el burst que metia seguía siendo considerable), y ahora lo vuelven a nerfear pero en esta ocasión me parece que se nota demasiado... xD

Blizzard, aclárate, por favor. Me encanta usar a Cringris forma huargen (que encima es cuerpo a cuerpo y no tiene sustain, blissard plis), pero así no hay manera, ahora no hace una mierda.


Hombre, chromie es otro mago del palo, daño daño y mas daño con 0 supervivencia (la trap es poca historia) y de papel, pero si, por mi que mejoren a Guldan, que quiero petar con un lock

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#17 Chromie tiene la cosilla que haciendo premade, matas instant con el crono, nose, un personaje que puede hacer eso, prefiero k sea malete en Hl.

Guldan nanai, mago con sus mas y sus menos, pero tiene equilibrio, ni la capacidad de hacer plays de medivh en Tl , ni la de sacar kills de la manga de chromie.

podriamos hablar de su fear, pero no se esta descontrolando tanto como la gente decia , eso es gracias a que el cc es a medias, corren como cabrones XD

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11 días después

#18 ¿Cuándo es el momento justo para lanzar con Chromie la Q y W tras usar el bucle temporal?
Yo lo estoy haciendo justo cuando está en la mitad del tiempo.
Y el orden, ¿Q-W o W-Q?.

El problema de la Chromie es el poco escape que tiene, pero tiene un rango para golpear impresionante. Una Chromie bien protegida hace mucho daño.

Guldan también hace mucho daño. Pero muchas veces es por el error, de huir en recto justo cuando nos tira la E. En lugar de evitar que nos golpeen los 3 puntos, más la vuelta. El 'Fear' depende, hay veces que es muy útil, y en otras que justo se escapan hacia el otro lado sin que puedas sacarle un rendimiento en forma de muerte.
En un mapa que le he visto hacer estragos, es en Torre de Fatalidad. Justo por meterse el equipo contrario a proteger para que entrase un campamento... y verlos correr como locos a la muerte.

Como con la mayoría de magos, hay que evitar están muy cerca unos de otro, para minimizar el daño recibido.

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#19 w-q , no es mi main, no se exactamente pero creo k a la mitad del chrono keda guay.

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#19 es practicar , por que la Q va en función de la distancia que tiene que recorrer. Metete en el modo prueba y ve calculando

PD : orden W + Q

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el parche lo meten esta noche o mañana?

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#22 mañana; en el resto del globo pal miércoles.


#20 #21 Gracias, más o menos, era lo que estaba haciendo.

¿Ya hay notas definitivas del nuevo parche?


En América ya está disponible.
Patch notes disponible:
Ahora mismo, estoy descargando información del patch aunque en Europa no estará disponible hasta mañana (creo). Te da la opción, por si quieres entrar en América a jugar...


Cuando podáis, crear un hilo con las notas del nuevo parche.

Menuda alegría al leer esto:

Nuevo campo de batalla más a menudo
A partir de hoy, la reserva de campos de batalla disponibles en todos los modos, excepto en
partidas personalizadas, estará limitada de forma temporal a:
Resistencia en Braxis
Torres de Fatalidad
Cuenca Maldita
Templo Celeste
Santuarios Infernales
Tumba de la Reina Araña
Hemos hecho esto para aumentar la frecuencia con la que los jugadores se encuentran con el nuevo campo de batalla, Resistencia en Braxis.
Durante este período, los jugadores todavía podrán seleccionar y jugar en cualquier campo de batalla que deseen a través del modo de partidas personalizadas.
Un segundo grupo de 6 campos de batalla sustituirá la lista anterior durante la semana del 26 de septiembre y la reserva limitada de campos de batalla estará en vigor hasta la conclusión del evento Máquinas de guerra durante la semana del 17 de octubre.
Nueva progresión de campos de batalla para los jugadores
Los nuevos jugadores de Heroes of the Storm que entren en los modos de asignación de partidas solo serán asignados al principio a partidas en determinados campos de batalla. A medida que vayan completando enfrentamientos, los jugadores nuevos desbloquearán más campos de batalla
de la siguiente manera:
0 partidas jugadas: Los jugadores solo serán asignados a partidas en Cuenca Maldita.
5 partidas jugadas: Ahora los jugadores pueden ser asignados a cualquiera de los campos de batalla en la reserva limitada mencionada arriba.

No, Jardín del Terror. No, Condado del Dragón. (entre otros). Pero sobre todo éstos, que eran muy pesados.
Así que estas 2 semanas, tendremos los mapas limitados, hasta que entre el otro mapa, y pase lo mismo.

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Odio que limiten mapas o que los quiten directamente, como pasó con las minas. La gracia que tiene este juego es la diversidad de mapas distintos.

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#27 Lo hacen cuando sacan un mapa nuevo, tenga mas probabilidad de tocar ese mapa. Pero el caso es que sale siempre poquísimo. Yo aún no he podido probarlo xD

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#28 Me parece bien que hagan eso las 2 o 3 primeras semanas, pero luego podrían dejarlo todo como estaba, y no como con las minas, que desapareció por completo xD

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#29 En realidad minas puedes jugarlo desde partida personalizada, pero debe ser que generaba muchos bugs con algunos personajes y mecánicas nuevas y hasta que no lo solucionaran iba a quedarse ahí.